NBA: Starting with Jokic template

Chapter 177 Temporary Mission, No-Fly Zone

Chapter 177 Temporary Mission, No-Fly Zone II (4k)

May 5th, US time.

Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City.

There were more than 19566 people sitting in the venue with a capacity of .

Tens of thousands of Thunder fans were packed into the venue.

Last round.

The Thunder took just four games to defeat the Rockets.

They didn't have the chance to enjoy a few more games at home.

There has been a gap of ten days between this game and the last home game.

The fans all sat in the stadium with eager hearts.

Lin Chuan and his team also arrived at the venue early in the morning to start training and warming up.

For these NBA players, sufficient physical strength and endurance allow them to adapt to long-term activities.

Warming up for a long time will not make you exhausted like ordinary people.

On the contrary, it will enable them to perform better in official competitions.

You know, the difficulty of playing against the Rockets and the Clippers is completely different.

The two teams differed by more than ten wins.

Facing the opponents flying from Los Angeles, the Thunder did not take it lightly at all.

The commentator for this game is still our old friend, Jeff Van Gundy, who commented on the match between the two teams last time.

"Hello, audience friends, what we are going to see is the first game of the Western Conference semifinals between the Thunder and the Clippers."

"Hey, Van Gundy, it doesn't sound like a very exciting day."

Sitting next to him was Mike Breen, who was wearing a suit.

He looked at Van Gundy with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Mike, you know, it's really painful that I can't commentate on this kind of game on the spot and can only sit in the studio and watch the game with you through the screen."

Van Gundy touched his head and said helplessly.

"Haha, I hope the company can be more sensible and arrange for Jeff to be admitted to the stadium as soon as possible."

Mike Breen quipped with a smile.

On the field.

Listening to the cheers of the fans around him, Lin Chuan warmed up.

The opponent is the Clippers, which does not pose any restrictions on him.

This game was just a routine for him and he could pass it easily.

For him, this game would be best spent clocking out.

Anyway, there is Durant. If they control the game well and let Durant win the game, the Clippers will never be able to beat them.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan did not have any major emotional fluctuations.

But, that's it.

The familiar system prompt suddenly rang in Lin Chuan's mind again.


"Detected that the host's second-round opponent is the Clippers, triggering a temporary mission: No-Fly Zone II."

"Mission Requirement I: In this series, average 3 blocks per game."

“Mission Requirements II: In this game, block DeAndre Jordan, Blake Griffin, and Chris Paul at least once.”

"Mission Reward: Block +1, Stamina +3."

"Do you want to accept the mission?"


The moment he heard that the system task was triggered, Lin Chuan chose to take the task without hesitation.

But the next moment, he couldn't help but become speechless.

Does this system have a grudge against the Clippers?

Last time, because of Griffin's arrogant remarks before the game, the system task was triggered, causing him to severely block the 09 No. pick.

Beat this white monster just like his predecessor.

He was completely beaten by Lin Chuan.

Hat was at a loss.

As a result, when the playoffs came around again, the system popped up a task again.

Let him turn the restricted area into a no-fly zone again.

"Why are you so resentful towards the Clippers, System? Did Griffin or someone else say anything disrespectful to us before the game?"

Lin Chuan asked in his mind.

But the system remained silent, as if it had disappeared.

However, there is nothing wrong with Lin Chuan's guess.

In this pre-game interview, Chris Paul told reporters:
"Lin Chuan's 60+ triple-double and 10 blocks last time were just a fluke. We underestimated them. This time, we won't underestimate them in the playoffs. Those numbers won't happen again. We will break our curse this time and make it to the Western Conference Finals."

These words obviously made the system dissatisfied, so it specially gave Lin Chuan another task.

Lin Chuan scratched his head. He didn't know why the system issued a task as soon as he played against the Clippers.

But you can’t refuse the attribute points that are given for free.

Lin Chuan glanced at his attribute panel.

The current block score has reached 99 points.

It was just one step away from reaching the unprecedented perfect score of 100, just like the interior defense.

The system was suddenly so generous, he had to accept it with a smile.

In addition to awarding one point for blocking, the mission also awards three points of stamina.

Lin Chuan understood that his physical strength had always been a weakness.

By not taking on too much and just doing some light work from time to time, I have been able to avoid physical problems in competitions.

The Olympic rules also limited the time to 40 minutes, so the athletes did not expose their physical disadvantages.

But Lin Chuan knew that during the playoffs, the team currently only had two core players: himself and Durant.

In future games, he will probably play for more than 40 minutes per game.

If they really fight to the end, their physical weakness may make them unable to perform at the critical moment, causing the team to lose.

Looking at his endurance, Lin Chuan found out on the attribute panel that he only had 83 points in this item.

It's not excellent, but it's good enough for regular play.

But if you add these 3 points.

Lin Chuan's endurance can also break through 85 points to 86 points.

This seemingly small increase has allowed his endurance to grow to an All-Star level.

In this way, even if the game goes into overtime, Lin Chuan will have enough energy to cope with the high-intensity game.

In any case, the system's temporary task rewards are rich enough.

In order to achieve the mission goal, he also decided that in these games, he must be ruthless to the Clippers.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan unconsciously looked at Griffin and others who were warming up at the other end of the court.

Durant had just made a three-pointer and was about to ask Lin Chuan to chat for a while, but when he turned around, he saw him staring straight in the direction of the Clippers.

"Shit, Lin Chuan, your eyes are so scary."

Lin Chuan retracted his gaze and looked at Durant beside him, his eyes full of confusion.
"what happened?"

Durant scratched his head and said hesitantly,
"It's like... the look in his eyes is like he saw some money dropped on the ground and no one picked it up."

"Hahaha, that's true."

Lin Chuan laughed and patted Durant on the shoulder.

"I won't let them do whatever they want in the penalty area in this game."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Chuan ran to the basket and continued warming up.

Durant nodded, seeing that Lin Chuan seemed much more active than before.

I don't quite understand why Lin Chuan suddenly got so excited.

But soon, he gave up thinking.

No matter what, the more active Lin Chuan is, the easier it is to win the game. Isn't this a good thing?

"Hey, DeAndre, did you see that just now?"

Griffin patted Jordan on the layup.

"What did you say?"

He was obviously confused.

"That guy just kept looking at us, and his eyes were a little..."

Griffin pointed to the other half of the court where the Thunder were warming up, his tone somewhat horrified.

DeAndre Jordan looked in the direction of Griffin's finger and saw Lin Chuan who was making a layup.

At this moment, he seemed to sense something and suddenly turned his head to look over.

Seeing Jordan Jr. and Griffin looking at him, Lin Chuan felt like he saw two leeks that were about to be harvested by him.

For this good friend who could bring him rewards, Lin Chuan couldn't help but reveal what he thought was a kind smile.

But this smile looked as scary as a devil in the eyes of the two people who were beaten to death by Lin Chuan. The exposed white teeth made Lin Chuan look more like a beast ready to devour people.

"Fuck, don't look at it."

The two of them shuddered immediately, and Griffin couldn't help but mutter something, turning his head away to continue warming up.

But after this little episode, Griffin even hit the rim on three consecutive layups.

"Are you okay?"

Seeing Griffin miss an empty basket, Paul couldn't help but ask a question.

After all, Griffin is the team's main inside scorer.

If he is not in good shape today, it will be difficult for the whole team to play.

After all, they can't always count on Jamal Crawford, the sixth man on the bench, to come out and save the game.

This is the playoffs, not the regular season.
"It's okay, I just accidentally slipped."

Griffin laughed it off.

After all, he couldn't tell Paul that he just glanced at Lin Chuan and was scared by him.

If I tell others, I will be laughed at for the rest of my life.

Moreover, saying that they were afraid of their opponents before the game was a serious blow to morale.

"Okay, just don't make any mistakes during the game. If we win the first game away from home, the subsequent situation will be very favorable for us."

Seeing Griffin's expression, Paul didn't ask any more questions.

The game was only a few minutes away, and he didn't have time to give Griffin a hand massage so that he could make accurate layups.

Just adjust it yourself.

The game starts soon.

The players on both sides stood in the center of the field.

The player jumping the ball across from Lin Chuan was DeAndre Jordan, whose arms were longer than his knees and who looked like Liu Bei.

Little Jordan looked at Lin Chuan in front of him and couldn't help but think of the somewhat scary smile during the warm-up.

He was stunned for a moment during the jump ball.

It was not until Lin Chuan jumped up that he realized the referee had thrown the ball.

The action was much later than usual, which allowed Lin Chuan to jump to the ball easily.

The Thunder began to attack.

"Huh? What happened to Jordan just now? He didn't move during the jump ball."

Seeing this scene, Jeff Van Gundy couldn't help but ask his own question.

"Well, maybe Jordan was having too much fun before the game yesterday, and thought he was in a happy place, so he didn't realize that the jump ball was about to start."

Mike Breen pretended to think and gave his answer.

"Hahaha, Mike you are so mean."

Van Gundy quickly interrupted Mike Breen, saying that this was a live broadcast by the entire team and it was inappropriate for him to tell such a dirty joke.

"Let's get back to the game. The Thunder's first attack was from Lin Chuan, who started the back-to-the-basket attack!"

Van Gundy quickly brought the topic back to the game.

At this time, Lin Chuan was in a deep position, and Reggie lived up to expectations by passing the basketball accurately to his hands.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Paul, who was defending him, was not tall and could not interfere too much with Reggie Jackson's pass.

After receiving the basketball, Lin Chuan felt the position of DeAndre Jordan behind him. Just when the back-to-the-basket time was about to end, Lin Chuan suddenly made a burst of the ball, turned over and chose a fadeaway jump shot.

"Fade away jumper?! That's something none of us expected."

Mike Breen was a little surprised.

"Facing Jordan's defense, with Lin Chuan's previous playing style, it would have been a better choice to score a layup, but he unexpectedly chose to directly fade away and jump shot!"

Van Gundy also said,
"Not only did we not expect it, but DeAndre Jordan, who was defending Lin Chuan, obviously did not guess Lin Chuan's offensive choice this time. You see, he did not even jump to block the shot and was completely fixed in place by Lin Chuan."


This difficult fadeaway jump shot was also easily made by Lin Chuan.

The Thunder scored first.

Jordan was a little helpless when Lin Chuan scored a goal in this way.

He is most unable to deal with this kind of skilled big man.

Clippers offense.

Jordan Jr. ran slowly to the front court.

Just as he stepped into the three-point line, he suddenly found that Lin Chuan's attention did not seem to be on him.

Instead, more attention was paid to Griffin who was competing against Ibaka.

"Shit, since I'm a blue-collar worker, you don't even bother to defend yourself, right?"

Little Jordan couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Even a player without a basket can easily score under the basket when no one is guarding him.

This is also the reason why his hit rate was over 60% during the regular season.

Just when Jordan was left open in the penalty area, without waiting for him to tell Paul, the tacit understanding that had developed between them over a long period of time allowed Chris Paul to discover his situation at the first time.


Paul passed the basketball past Reggie's eyes at a ghostly angle.

Came to the restricted area.

At this time, Jordan Jr. had already rushed to the basket.

At the same time, the basketball flew into his hands as expected.

Empty basket!

Jordan Jr. clasped the basketball with both hands, took a step forward, and jumped up like a rocket taking off.

"Hey, Lin Chuan doesn't seem to realize that his opponent, DeAndre Jordan, has received the ball and can dunk."

Van Gundy suddenly said,

"This can be considered a response to Lin Chuan's fadeaway jump shot just now."

At this moment, Lin Chuan, who had been tilting his head, suddenly connected to Jordan's Bluetooth and jumped up synchronously.


With a loud and crisp sound, the basketball was pressed into the air by Lin Chuan and stopped in Jordan's hands.

One step further is the basket, but this step is like an insurmountable chasm.

"Shit! I got hated again!!"

This thought flashed through Jordan's mind for the last time while he was in the air, and the next moment, he and the basketball were pushed back to the ground.

After a brief struggle in the air, Lin Chuan, whose blocking ability reached 99, won in the end!
The basketball was even caught in Lin Chuan's hands.

This is a cap shot!
"Shit! He even managed to block this?!"

Mike Breen couldn't help but exclaim.

"OMG...Didn't Lin Chuan just turn sideways to look at Griffin? How did he do that?!"

You know, when Jordan received the ball, Lin Chuan hadn't reacted yet, but the next moment, his abnormal reaction nerves allowed him to jump synchronously with Jordan and even block his shot! It's incredible!

(End of this chapter)

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