Honghuang: Starting from the Longhan catastrophe!

Chapter 159: The Essence of Earth Veins

Chapter 159: The Essence of Earth Veins
3000 small thousand worlds form a middle thousand world.

3000 middle thousand worlds form a great thousand world.

The ancestral mountain of the West, Mount Sumeru, was derived from 3000 great worlds.

It is vast in scale and magnificent in grandeur. If there were no evil ways, it would truly be a paradise on earth.

Fu Tu appeared silently on the periphery without attracting anyone's attention.

This is the Demon Ancestor's lair. Every blade of grass and every tree is his eyes, so we must be careful.

He was not greedy. He only needed a little bit. Just a little bit of the essence of the earth veins was enough.

Fu Tu stretched out his right hand, and a yellowish earth-burrowing worm appeared between his palms.

The insect squirmed between the palms, emitting the pressure of the early Daluo stage.

As a burrowing worm, its biggest function is to move through the soil.

No matter how great the pressure is, you can always find a way out of the thick soil.

The most important thing is that the burrowing worm can also simulate the surrounding environment and release the breath of its own kind.

Thereby reducing one's own presence!

As long as your cultivation level is not as high as that of the burrowing worm, there is basically no possibility of being discovered.

As long as the Demon Ancestor doesn't appear, everything will be basically safe.

The palm of his right hand turned downward, and the burrowing worm fell instantly the moment it touched the soil.

The burrowing worm disappeared without a trace.

But in his perception, the burrowing worms were moving towards Mount Sumeru at an astonishing speed.

As my colleague had thought, no one noticed during this period.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, and we were getting closer and closer to the earth veins of Mount Sumeru.

The closer to the ground, the thicker the surrounding sacred gold veins become.

This slowed down the forward speed, but did not affect the speed of the burrowing worm too much.

A quarter of an hour later, the burrowing worm finally opened the narrow passage and successfully came near the ground.

A true dragon, with a vein of earth nearly billions of miles long and golden light flowing all over its body, lies here.

"This is it!"

"Just one bite is enough, I'm not greedy!"

A golden light flashed in Fu Tu's eyes, and he remotely controlled the burrowing worm and quickly walked in front of the earth vein dragon.

Without thinking, he took a bite and ran away carrying the essence of the earth veins.

Compared to the huge array of earth veins, this bite is just like a mosquito bite.

It wasn't a big deal, I didn't even feel it, so there wasn't any earthquake.

Little did they know that the Demon Ancestor Luohou quietly opened his eyes, and his eyes were like two dark whirlpools.

It swallowed up all the light, as if just one look at it could cause everything to sink.

Just now, the sharpness of the Four Zhu Xian Swords was tempered using the sharpness of the true dragon in the earth veins.

Suddenly, some feedback came, awakening the Demon Ancestor Luohu from his secluded state.

The majestic gaze swept across Xumi, and everything came into view.

As the key to awakening the Demon Ancestor, the true dragon of the earth vein also came into view.

The lost small piece of earth essence was instantly magnified billions of times in the eyes of the Demon Ancestor.

The gap was clearly visible, causing a hint of surprise in the eyes of Demon Ancestor Luo Hou:

This thought was the first reaction, but it followed the flow of the law of insects.

The Demon Ancestor Luohu couldn't help but think of someone, and then he looked up and looked around.

The glory of the devil is overwhelming, sweeping across all dimensions of time and space.

A sneaky figure, waiting for the bug to return, came into view.

The Demon Ancestor disappeared instantly and appeared in front of Fu Tu instead.

He held the burrowing worm in his palm and looked at Fu Tu with a smile.

Fu Tu's body stiffened, he bowed respectfully, and then forced a smile:

"Meet the Demon Ancestor!"

"If you want the essence of the earth veins, just say it directly. There is no need to be so sneaky." The Demon Ancestor Luohou shook his head slightly and expressed his true feelings straightforwardly without any concealment.

"Thank you Demon Ancestor!"

"The Demon Ancestor is so generous!"

Fu Tu immediately spoke nice words, hoping that the other party would return the insect to him.

Demon Ancestor Luohou still held the insect in his hand and said nonchalantly:
"When you were freed, I promised you something. What do you think?"

In an instant, he remembered that when he was trying to cross the great calamity, the Demon Ancestor Rāhu had once tried to recruit him.

After a long time, he had forgotten about this matter.

Now thinking about it, I suddenly feel embarrassed and think about it seriously:
"I have no intention of joining, and I am not interested in the magic path."


"Give it to you!"

The Demon Ancestor Luohu sighed softly, his voice filled with a hint of regret, and immediately threw the burrowing worm over.

"Thank you Demon Ancestor!"

Fu Tu broke up the earth-burrowing worms and took out the essence of the earth veins inside. He couldn't help but express his gratitude.


After he refused, Demon Ancestor Rāhu had his reasons for not giving it.

There was even reason to hold him accountable, but the other party did nothing and returned the money generously.

This surprised him a little!
"Just tell me if you need anything in the future. If I can't come in person, send me a message."

"I'll ask someone to send it to you. There's no need to do this kind of trick."

The body of Demon Ancestor Rāhu turned into black smoke and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the voice fell with it.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Fu Tu's expression became complicated and he gradually frowned.

Regardless of whether the other person is pretending or not, he or she still has personal charm.

Perhaps this is also the reason why many disciples of the demon sect follow the Demon Ancestor Rāhu.

Fu Tu breathed a sigh of relief, having finally gnawed away the tough bone of Mount Sumeru.

There won't be any major problems in other places, they can be completed with just the accumulation of time.

In order not to waste time, Fu Tu disappeared from here in an instant and headed for other mountains.

Millions of years passed by in a flash.

He finally achieved his goal this time, and a brilliant white light appeared in the palm of his right hand.

Just floating in the air, it exudes an uncomfortable sharp aura.

This is the characteristic of the ancient Western Regions, there is a lot of gold in the earth veins!
Fu Tu took it into his pocket and immediately disappeared from the Western Regions.


Above the cloudless Wuliang Mountains, a spatial crack emerged.

In the sky, the wind was rising and the clouds were rolling, and there were flashes of lightning visible to the naked eye.

As the crack continued to expand to both sides, Fu Tu immediately drilled out from the gap.

All the strange phenomena disappeared, making the countless living beings in the mountains feel quite strange.

But since there was no sense of enemy attack, he no longer paid attention to the celestial phenomena.

Fu Tu stood in mid-air, his majestic gaze sweeping across the mountains.

Everything was visible and came into his sight.

The mountains showed no signs of damage, evidently no enemy invasions during this period.

There are signs that the mineral veins are being mined, but that's no big deal.

The land disappeared in mid-air in an instant, and was replaced by a plain.

And beneath this plain lies the true dragon of the Wuliang Mountains!
Fu Tu lightly grabbed with his right hand and immediately broke through the obstruction of soil and ore.

As his right hand was retracted, a ball of black fluorescence with a slight weight floated above the palm of his hand.

It exudes a rich water-based essence, which is also a characteristic of the Northern Territory.

In order to save time, billions of incarnations spread out again and headed to various places in the Northern Territory.

(End of this chapter)

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