Chapter 204 Qiankun Attacks
"The innate sanctity cannot be insulted!"

"Futu, you will be punished!"

Lei Ze ignited everything, even his own innate immortal spiritual light.

The human-headed dragon body swelled up instantly, emitting an incomparable aura of horror.

The aura penetrates the stars and covers all directions. The terrifying power can even crush the space.

At this moment, Lei Ze was extremely dazzling and instantly turned into the most handsome man in the prehistoric world.

There was no hesitation, no fear, only the heroic spirit of facing death calmly.


"It's just the wail of a loser!"


“Who would believe that?”

Fu Tu didn't even blink as he blasted Lei Ze without hesitation.


A roar that resounded through the sky came from the distant sky.

The rumbling sound was like thunder in the sky, shocking the hearts of all living beings.

Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw an almighty figure surrounding the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Standing between heaven and earth, it radiates brilliant light of the universe.

It seems to be evolving the great way of heaven and earth, enveloping everything within it.

"Ancestor Qiankun!"

At this moment, Lei Ze is about to cry, why don’t you come earlier.

Is it too late to cancel the self-destruction now?
Lei Ze was hesitating, but Fu Tu had no hesitation in his heart and became more determined.

"Leize is dead!"

"It won't work for anyone!"

There was a cold light in Fu Tu's eyes, and in an instant he burst out with a devastating force.

The dazzling light spread across the vast wilderness, followed by a thunderous roar that could stop the clouds from moving.

The space was shattered, the laws were broken, and even time and space were broken by a palm!
All vitality was wiped out, and everything was destroyed by this palm.

The aftermath of terror spread out, venting wantonly on the ground below.

The sky collapsed, the earth shook, and the mountains shook.

Mountains and rivers are shattered, and dragon veins are weeping blood.

The radiation is almost billions of miles away, and everything is within the coverage range of this palm.

No living creature could survive and was instantly turned into dust and disappeared.

And Lei Ze, who was attacked at close range, was destroyed by the supreme power.

The innate sacred body of the human-headed dragon god has been completely smashed to pieces.

It turned into countless crystal clear particles, and the sacred blood as gorgeous as gems spread across the wilderness!

It landed in the dust rising into the sky, and the moment it hit the ground, fairy flowers blossomed!

When he retracted his right hand again, the innate immortal spiritual light broke into five pieces.

Lying quietly in the palm of your hand!
He took away the innate immortal spiritual light and then turned around.

He faced the world with his head held high and his face looked calm.

He didn't take killing Lei Ze seriously at all, it was as common as eating and drinking water.

"Didn't you hear me telling you to stop?"

The ancestor of Qiankun finally came and looked at Futu with a sullen face, murderous intent in his eyes.

Although the voice was a little low, it contained endless anger!


"Instead of questioning me, it's better to come earlier when something happens. It's better than anything else!"

Fu Tu couldn't help but sneer, not hiding his sarcasm at all.

He even felt that the person in front of him was just here to show off!
After all, we made a vow in the first place, so we have to pretend to do it no matter what to maintain people's hearts.

To prevent the Xiandao Alliance, this huge and loose organization, from disbanding.

Ancestor Qiankun clenched his fists, his eyes unconsciously turned red, and were filled with strong murderous intent!
Futu seemed not to see it, and shadows of the sun and the moon appeared in his eyes.

Penetrate the barriers and see through the illusions.

Layers of space came into view, but the two familiar figures were not seen.

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

If only the Qiankun Patriarch was alone, he couldn't do anything to him. Instead, there was a chance to fight him!
"You're making rapid progress."

"It's so fast that it's a little frightening."

Feeling the strong aura emanating from Fu Tu, the murderous intent in the heart of Ancestor Qian Kun became stronger.

Already feeling a strong threat, it seems that he is ready to get rid of Fu Tu.

"Ancestor Qiankun seems to have made no progress in such a long time!"

Fu Tu teased, but his heart was filled with fighting spirit, and his eyes were filled with a determined light.

"I have also sensed the aura of your most precious divine axe. Is the phantom gone?"

"Without that trump card, with your mid-term peak cultivation, you still want to fight with the ancestor?"

There was murderous intent in the eyes of the old ancestor Qiankun, and a sinister smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He was mocking her without any disguise, almost saying that Fu Tu was overestimating his own abilities.

"Whether you can win or not, and whether you will win or not, cannot be analyzed just from your cultivation!"

Fu Tu responded unwillingly, without any sign of surrender in his words.

They stared at each other without saying a word, but the terrifying murderous intent emanated from their bodies.

It permeated between heaven and earth, filling the air with a thick atmosphere of murderous aura.

The world suddenly became quiet, as if it was the last calm before the storm!

While the two of them were silently preparing, numerous Golden Immortals and people with great supernatural powers were watching from a distance across the endless void.

"These two have a big grudge against each other."

"I'm afraid it's going to be a life-and-death fight."

"Who do you think will win?"

"It's hard to say. There are too many factors that affect the victory of the battle. It depends on the trump card."

Many Daluo who were watching from afar were communicating with each other using their divine thoughts in the depths of space.

Everyone is very curious, who will win this battle and who will fall?
Kunlun Mountains.

The Hongjun ancestor surrounding the immortal path, and the Yin-Yang ancestor surrounding the Yin-Yang Avenue.

Sitting upright in the cave, he watched the battle situation silently without saying a word.

Mount Sumeru.

The Luohou Patriarch who was surrounding the Demonic Path couldn't help but frown at this moment, muttering to himself:

"Didn't you say to wait a little longer?"

"Why is the fight starting now?"

That's right!

Judging from the difference in their cultivation levels, the safest way would be for Fu Tu to just turn around and leave.

If the Hunyuan Golden Immortal is determined to escape, it is actually not easy to kill him with the help of practitioners of the same level.

The fact that they chose to fight made Demon Ancestor Luohou feel a little confused.

And in the vast and ethereal heaven, many ancient stars could not help but laugh wildly.

"This guy Fu Tu is dead!"

"That's right. Why go to Ancestor Qiankun when there are so many people to look for? This will definitely not end well for you."

"If we had known that Fu Tu was so overestimating his own abilities, why would we have worried before?"

Some people had sarcastic eyes, some kept gloating, and some laughed heartily.

It seems like I see the scene of Fu Tu falling!
There was expectation in Zi Guang's eyes, and he also hoped that Fu Tu would fall.

In this way, no one would compete with Him for the vast thirty-three heavens.

The gap in cultivation between the two sides is very obvious, and Patriarch Qiankun has a great chance of winning.

Even so, Fu Tu still did not choose to retreat, but showed his willingness to fight.

The Xiantian Divine is not a fool. How can he fight if he is not sure of victory?

With this in mind, Zi Guang's words became a little more serious:
"It's not the last moment yet, so don't say anything too early. We'll just watch the battle."

Many ancient star gods did not take it seriously, but did not refute and just watched the battle quietly.

As for other powerful people, they were also curious about this battle.

I want to see who is more capable!

No matter what the onlookers thought, Fu Tu and Patriarch Qian Kun acted as if they had discussed it beforehand.

The magical power, as deep as the ocean, gushed out at the same time and reached its peak in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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