Chapter 214 Seven Killing Powers
The Seven Killing Star God has prominent brow bones, a dignified look, and a square face.

Looking at the many heavenly realms, there are those cultivators who have taken over other realms.

Murderous intent rose in his heart, and his pupils gradually began to show twisted and hideous bloodshot.

The terrifying murderous intent emanated from his body and instantly enveloped several layers of the heavens.

The sky and earth were dark, the sun and the moon lost their luster, and many celestial realms were in turmoil.

And there are the native immortals living inside, as well as the many practitioners who have ascended here.

I felt a chill in my heart, goose bumps appeared on my skin, and I had a bad feeling.

"Qisha, calm down!"

"Don't mess around!"

"You know, that person hasn't fallen yet?"


Out of caution, many ancient star gods immediately spoke up to stop them, their voices filled with strong warnings.


"A bunch of cowards!"

"You all saw the war back then. He hasn't been back for such a long time, so he must have been seriously injured."

"We should seize the opportunity now to completely hide the Heaven Realm."

"Seal it into the endless depths of time and space, so that he can never find it again. Then there is no need to worry about it anymore."

"As for these creatures that have taken over the magpie's nest, they are of no use to me."

"Although these creatures are weak, they can survive for just one day."

"It is the greatest blasphemy against us. Whenever I think of the heaven being occupied by others."

“I find it hard to talk about it!”

Qi Sha clenched his fists tightly, and a majestic divine consciousness spread out, venting the dissatisfaction in his heart.

The way he gnashed his teeth looked as if he wanted to tear Fu Tu into pieces.

“This idea seems to work.”

"What is feasible?"

"Since they were able to find it once, maybe they can find it a second time. How will it end then?"

"Don't make trouble."

"It is not clear whether that person has fallen. We strongly disagree with you doing this."

"If you mess around, don't blame us for calling out the Star Mother."


Some thought it was a good idea, others sneered and refuted it, excitedly refuting each other.

But judging from the overall trend, there are still many people who oppose it.

In the end, everyone reached a consensus that they didn't want to see Qi Sha causing trouble there.

"You actually used Star Mother to pressure me?"

There was a fierce light in Qi Sha's eyes, and a force as deep as the sea surged out.

The robe woven with stars rustled, and ripples appeared in the air.

Then the sky suddenly changed color, and terrifying lightning snakes appeared everywhere.

It was so majestic and overwhelming that it made many creatures in heaven breathless.

I even felt like I was suffocating, as if I was being suffocated to death.

"That's enough. Stop messing around, and I won't allow you to start a massacre!"

"If you dare to break the rules, don't blame me for not remembering our past friendship."

Tianshu Star God, the boss of Beidou, immediately burst out with a terrifying aura of peak Daluo.

It is so powerful that it swallows up mountains and rivers, covers the stars, and spreads out with a mighty force.

He instantly crushed Qi Sha's aura and warned him loudly without any hesitation.

It seemed that as long as Qi Sha broke the rules, Tian Shu would immediately take action to suppress him.

Tianshu knew exactly what kind of personality Qi Sha had.

He is rough and bold, informal, has a very strong personality, and is stubborn and tough.

He has a fiery temperament, gets angry easily, and his emotions are clearly visible on his face.

He doesn't like being restricted or interfered with by others, and he is adventurous.

To put it bluntly, he is brainless, bullies the weak and fears the strong, and likes to find parents when he gets into trouble.

It would be fine if I got into trouble in the past, everyone would help and support me, and there would be no danger to my life.

Now the situation has changed.

Although Fu Tu did not come back, as long as there was no news of his death.

That's an uncertain thing!

The Star Mother is in seclusion, and Tianshu is the boss of many ancient star gods. Everything should be stable!

Qi Sha snorted coldly with a gloomy face, but his aura was slowly receding.

This clearly showed his submissive attitude, and finally made the Tianshu Star God withdraw his divine thoughts.

"Since I can't do it openly, I'll do it secretly."

"This is the heaven of our star gods, a place of great beauty and spiritual energy. It is not a place for you to come."

The Seven Killing Star Gods were determined, and strands of white starlight swept out.

Yes, he did listen to the advice and did not personally start the massacre.

But he also has ways to achieve his goals. As a Daluo Star God, he has plenty of ways to cause trouble.

Brilliant white star power spread out and mixed with many complex star powers.

As many practitioners devoured the Qi, it silently entered the practitioners' souls.

Murder, robbery, intentional killing, fighting, manslaughter, killing in play, and manslaughter by negligence.

The seven powers of killing silently confuse the minds of many practitioners.

The inner dissatisfaction was provoked, and many creatures gradually developed murderous intentions.

Especially the creatures in the infinite mountains and the creatures in the heavens and myriad worlds.

During this period of time, we have been treated differently.

He became increasingly dissatisfied with his direct lineage, and his murderous intent grew stronger.

Some people were planning to outsmart the enemy, while others were heading towards the dojo where their direct lineage was located openly.

"If you are dissatisfied, you should vent it out. Only in this way can you have a clear mind!"

Looking at the practitioners who were setting off one by one, he was ready to go over and cause trouble.

There was a gleam of satisfaction in Qi Sha's eyes, as if he had seen the murderous scene.

"Busy working?"

A calm voice sounded behind him, causing Qi Sha to turn around immediately.

My pupils shrank into a point in an instant, my heart instantly rose up, and my breathing stopped on the spot.

"You...when did you come back?"

After reacting, Qi Sha immediately let out a cry of surprise, echoing throughout the heavens.

Although it is shocking, the purpose of doing this is to inform others.

"Millions of years!"

Fu Tu's eyes were indifferent, without any emotion, as if he was looking at a dead person.

When the other party released his power, he had already woken up from his deep sleep.

Watch this play from beginning to end!
Without interrupting, he watched the show silently, waiting for the other party to finally make a move.

He appeared silently behind the scenes, ready to put an end to this farce.

While the two were talking, many ancient star gods sent out their divine thoughts.

After sweeping through many celestial realms, the strange atmosphere of the living beings made these star gods realize that something was wrong.

Tianshu, in particular, was originally prepared to scold and stop this farce.

But when he saw Fu Tu, his pupils suddenly dilated, revealing deep shock.

The others were not in a much better situation either. They realized what was going to happen and started to arrive one after another.

Tianshu even went to the place where Zi Guang was in seclusion, hoping to save Qi Sha's life.

"Ancestor, calm down!"

"I hope you can spare Qi Sha's life for the sake of Star Mother."


Many star gods who rushed here began to plead for mercy one after another, while stalling for time.

"Looking at the strange state of those creatures, you can tell that this matter is very clear."

"Instead of begging here and doing useless things, why didn't you stop it in the first place?"

Fu Tu pointed his left hand towards the heaven below. Some impatient people had already started fighting.

Some people are plotting and scheming, hoping to quietly kill off the direct line of descent.

These words left people speechless, and many star gods looked at each other in amazement.

Looking at the frightened Qi Sha, he didn't even dare to say a word.

Many star gods were extremely angry and felt endless resentment.

"I told you to be honest, but you didn't listen."

"That's great! We've been caught red-handed!"

"Why hasn't Star Mother come yet?"

Everyone didn't know what to do, but Fu Tu was not idle. He slowly stretched out his left hand.

(End of this chapter)

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