Chapter 222 The Demonic Army
The Heavenly Gate, paved with precious jade, crystal clear and emitting a mellow aura, flew out from the Purple Mansion.

Boundless magical power surged in, causing this heavenly gate to burst out with the terrifying power of an innate treasure.

The invisible force of space turned into substance, generating rectangular patterns visible to the naked eye.

The layers upon layers, constantly rotating, are dazzling to the eyes.

Each rectangle is connected to a spatial node deep in space.

It continued to spread and extend in an incredible way, extending to the Sumeru Mountains.

Not long after, a heavenly gate emitting holy light appeared above Mount Xumi.


"Demon Ancestor, gather your disciples and go for a trip."

Yongjie immediately stood up and looked at the Demon Ancestor Rāhu in front of him with anticipation.

"It seems like you are in a hurry, so let's do as you wish, everyone gather together!"

The Demon Ancestor Rāhu immediately stood up, and his magnetic voice resounded throughout the Sumeru Mountains.

No matter whether it is Daluo or Taiyi, as long as they practice the magic way, they will come out in droves.

The eternal calamity turned into an invisible calamity energy and came to the vicinity of Tianmen in an incredible way.

Nearly a thousand pillars of light from the laws shot up into the sky, reaching from heaven to earth, with strange visions continuing.

If you didn't know it was the demon's base, you might have thought it was a sacred home.

And below these innate sacred things, the boundless disciples of the devil are ready to go.

"No more nonsense."

"The destination of this trip is the heaven. Once you enter, follow the instructions and use whatever you want. Let's go!"

Surrounding the Devil's Avenue, Rāhu stood quietly in the air.

It spread out wisps of demonic light, as if it was going to bring down everything in the world.

It also gives people a sense of great transcendence, great freedom and supreme state of Taoism, and its cultivation is unfathomable.

The Demon Ancestor Luohu didn't waste any words. After briefly stating his purpose, he immediately waved his hand.

"Just follow me and continue flying along this door. The end is heaven!"

Yongjie's eyes were indifferent, and he immediately entered the Heavenly Gate and disappeared.


"Go get some benefits!"


Many Daluo were the first to react and displayed their magical powers to enter the Heavenly Gate.

Next came the turn of the Taiyi Golden Immortals, whose number was almost endless.

The Demon Ancestor Luohu stayed in the rear to prevent any problems with the space channel.

Even if Xiandao sets out first, he still cannot match Tianmen's teleportation ability.

Eternal Tribulation returned first, and immediately turned into a round and flawless Dao Fruit of Tribulation.

Fall back into the primordial spirit and return to the body safely.

Although they represent Futu's identity, both parties can be seen as independent individuals.

He felt a little relieved that he had not been punished.

He successfully circumvented the contract and also signed a new alliance with Luohu.

It can be said that the mission is complete, and the next step is to wait silently.

After a moment, the Golden Immortal Daluo appeared, shining with the light of the laws and emitting a heavy pressure.

They stepped out of the Heavenly Gate one after another and instantly saw countless immortals.

Being baptized in the sea of ​​thunder, the scale is so vast and spectacular that it is hard not to see it.

"That is... an innate spiritual treasure!"

The Demon Lord of Heavenly Eyes had sharp eyes and instantly saw the innate thunder pool in the sea of ​​thunder.

"Haha... What a good sign! No one can steal my property."

The Happy Demon Lord smiled so happily that he couldn't close his mouth.

The Demon Lord Tian Er looked around and soon heard some unusual noises.

A supreme figure, simple and calm, yet exuding an arrogant demeanor, is silently controlling everything.

It was none other than Futu himself!
Thinking back to what Demon Lord Huanxi said, Demon Lord Tianer couldn't help laughing in his heart.

"It's a treasure, yes, but look over there, it seems to have an owner."

Tian Er raised his left hand, pointed the direction with a gloating look, and said meaningfully. "Who?"

The face of the Happy Demon Lord froze, and following the guidance of the Heavenly Ear, Fu Tu came into view.

Those eyes were as cold as the cold winter, and his face was icy without any emotion.

It was like looking at a dead person, which made the Happy Demon Lord tremble with fear, and then he bowed gently:
"Ancestor Fu Tu, I just made a mistake, please don't blame me!"

"The Thirty-Three Heavens are unoccupied, so you can explore them at will."

"The six heavens below are all dojos created by the forces under my command."

"There are still 26 heavens left. What you can gain depends entirely on chance!"

Fu Tu didn't want to pay attention to these people and waited silently for everyone's transformation.

Those who can persevere now either have great perseverance or are quite capable.

Almost all of them are seedlings, and he must control them carefully.

Otherwise, if you are accidentally wiped out by thunder, it would be a waste of time.

Fu Tu looked like he didn't want to pay any attention, and everyone didn't dare to get angry, so they turned around and left.

You know, when they came in, they immediately felt the spiritual energy mixed with fragments of laws.

This is a treatment only Zhou Shan can enjoy.

There is no doubt that the vast Thirty-Three Heavens is a top-level blessed land.

There must be a lot of treasures in there. Now it depends on who has a sharper eye and who can act faster.

The first place they visited was the palace, and they soon saw the ancient star gods.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird, and Fu Tu was suppressing the situation in front of the palace.

Otherwise, the fight would have started long ago.

Although they didn't understand what was going on, everyone didn't foolishly start a war.

They didn't even exchange words, just looked at each other coldly and mercilessly, then turned and left.

Even though their hearts are filled with doubts, it cannot affect their desire to find treasures.

But some people became alert and suddenly realized that this trip might not be so smooth.

Not long after, a group of Taiyi Golden Immortals finally arrived at the thirty-third heaven.

He understood very well that he was shouting and yelling and looked like he had never seen the world.

But he didn't bother to explain. He just used his powerful divine thoughts to give instructions to his subordinates.

Some of the evil disciples were more obedient and at least knew how to assess the situation.

Follow the ladder in an orderly manner and fly to the layers of heaven below.

Some disciples are more arrogant, acting like they are the boss and he is second only to them.

Seeing this situation, he instantly lost his simple and calm look.

It exudes wields wielding supreme divine radiance and exudes an air of superior pride.

It is like the supreme and noble Emperor of Heaven, ruling over the vast mountains and rivers and countless people.

Even if you do nothing, you can still calm these arrogant people down.

He no longer dared to speak any big words, and he obeyed the rules obediently and flew to the lower heaven.

As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer creatures that need to transform.

When the last creature completed its transformation, Fu Tu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The thunder pool that covered the sky and the sun was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye and slowly retracted into the body.

At the same time, the Yin-Yang Patriarch, who was traveling back and forth frantically, finally glimpsed the barrier of heaven.

The thirty-three layers of the vast heavens, from the edge of the sky to the corner of the sea, from the end of the earth to the west of the desert.

It covers almost every corner of the world and its area is extremely vast.

The Yin-Yang Patriarch's eyes were dazed, and then his gaze became firm, even hateful!
There must be many treasures inside such a vast world.

so what?

Is there anything more painful than losing a friendship?
Whenever they thought of Ancestor Qiankun, Ancestor Yinyang felt extremely heartbroken.

The left hand becomes Yin, the right hand becomes Yang, and the black and white fish rotate between the palms.

It exudes the profound yin and yang, and terrifying power bursts out.

Instantly tearing the barrier of heaven, tearing a hole artificially, shouting with anger:
"Death in the Land!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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