Chapter 242 Conspiracy
After continuous attempts, it is feared that the Yin-Yang Patriarch will not be able to break through on his own.

Now there is only one way left, and that is the origin of the ancestor Qiankun.

To be precise, it is the origin of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth!

When he met Qiankun in the past, the Yin-Yang Patriarch had a feeling that they seemed to be able to complement each other.


The definition of yin and yang can be expanded outward.

For example, heaven and earth, up and down, light and dark, cold and hot, movement and stillness... opposing phenomena.

The origin of Patriarch Qiankun is just right, and he follows the way of heaven and earth.

It just happened to fit one of the definitions, and I had some thoughts about it back then.

But the two sides get along pretty well, and there is also the ancestor Hongjun by their side.

I can’t find a particularly good opportunity to attack, and my cultivation level can continue to improve.

He gradually gave up his desire for the original power of Ancestor Qiankun.

In the end, they didn't take action, but instead became Taoist companions with a good relationship.

They discussed metaphysics and philosophy, traveled around the world, supported each other and overcame difficulties, just like real brothers.

But now the situation has changed. The main road is no longer accessible, so we have to take a detour to overtake.

The feeling of being unable to break through was almost driving the Yin-Yang Patriarch crazy.

There was ferocity and ruthlessness in his eyes, as if nothing could stop him. He couldn't help but sneer:

"Fellow Daoist Qiankun, your death was tragic, but also wonderful."

"I can avenge you openly under the guise of justice."

"The most wonderful thing is that the origins are combined into one place to become the complete Great Dao of Heaven and Earth."

"As long as I can capture that junior, I will definitely be able to break through to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

If someone could hear the Yin-Yang Patriarch's mumbling to himself.

It will definitely cause a huge uproar, and I wonder how many people will have their impressions refreshed.

Unfortunately, no one knew about it. As the last sentence was spoken, the Yin-Yang Patriarch disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived behind the Palace of Thirty-three Heavens.

This is the residence of the star gods. Any intruder will be discovered instantly.

But the Yin-Yang Patriarch was like a man in an empty place, relying on the Ziwei star power that descended from the sky.

I came here quietly, looking at the densely packed and layered magic arrays in front of me.

The Yin-Yang Patriarch knew that Zi Guang must be in seclusion at this time.

A streak of flickering black and white light instantly popped out from between the index finger and thumb.

It has no attack capability, but contains the information of the Yin-Yang Ancestor.

The moment you enter the palace, fly quickly towards the purple light in the center of the palace.

When the two sides were only three feet apart, Zi Guang suddenly opened his eyes as bright as stars.

A mysterious purple halo appeared in his eyes, instantly freezing the flow of information.

A vast divine sense swept through the interior, and he subconsciously raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

He slowly withdrew his magical powers, raised his snow-white right hand, and gently shook his wrist.

The magic power containing the power of stars instantly rushed towards the magic circle.

The moment the two sides came into contact, ripples began to spread outward.

Then, the magic circle began to deform, and a circular star gate slowly appeared.

The Yin-Yang Patriarch did not hesitate and passed through the star gate cleanly and swiftly.

"Fellow Taoist, please sit down!"

Zi Guang did not put down his right hand, and his slender jade-like fingers pointed at the cushion formed by the essence of the stars out of thin air.

"No need!"

"I will leave after saying a few words."

The Yin-Yang Patriarch shook his head slightly, without even looking at him, and responded crisply.

"All right!"

"What do you want to say, fellow Daoist?"

Zi Guang felt a little helpless, but also a little curious, and couldn't help asking.

"I am ready to take action!"

The eyes of the Yin-Yang Patriarch were fixed on the purple light in front of him, and his voice followed. A thick murderous atmosphere emerged, filling the palace with a hint of coolness.

Zi Guang narrowed his eyes slightly, and had some guesses in his mind, but he was still unsure, so he tried:


"The one in front!"

The Yin-Yang Patriarch did not mention any names, as that would make others wary.

But it also gave a clear hint, the purple light was touched, and he already knew who it was.

I felt extremely excited instantly, and even a smile gradually appeared on the corners of my mouth.

There was a strong expectation in his eyes, and he asked with a slightly faster speed:


"That depends on you, fellow Taoist!"

Seeing this reaction, the Yin-Yang Patriarch felt relieved and said mysteriously.

"Please explain it more clearly, fellow Taoist."

Zi Guang didn't want to keep the question in suspense any longer, nor did he want to answer with riddles, so he asked directly.

"The one in front is too cowardly. Since I entered the heaven, the other party's real body has never left."

"If I come to you directly, and we fight, I will incur endless karma."

"I'll have to trouble you, fellow Taoist, to find a way to trick the other party out and leave the heaven."

"Leave it to me when the time comes. I have plenty of ways to deal with them."

"It can also relieve fellow Taoists of their worries. They no longer have to worry and feel stressed every day."

The Yin-Yang Patriarch looked down upon everyone with a strong sense of contempt in his words.

There was unparalleled confidence in his voice, as if he was fully prepared and could succeed with just one move.

To be honest, Zi Guang was really moved, and even his heart was beating faster.

If the Yin-Yang Patriarch could take action, that would naturally be the best thing.

But the problem is that the relationship between the two sides is not good, and they feel disgusted when they meet.

In fact, if there hadn't been that contract, the fight might have broken out long ago.

Zi Guang gradually frowned, with a look of embarrassment between his brows:
"This... this may not be easy to handle."

"Fellow Daoist, you only have one chance, you must seize it, or you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"The sooner the better. If there is good news, inform me immediately."

The Yin-Yang Patriarch was like a demon, and his words were full of bewitching intent.

But what he said was not false, he really wanted to persuade Ziguang to put in some effort.

After saying these two sentences, the Yin-Yang Patriarch turned around and left.

Zi Guang was left alone to think quietly, his expression constantly changing.

"Is it true or false?"

If it's true, that would be great and it would save me a lot of trouble.

If it is fake, it doesn't seem to be a big deal due to the constraints of the Heavenly Dao Contract.

Anyway, you won’t die. At most, it will just waste some time. What’s so scary about that?

Besides, if it is fake, what good will it do to Yin Yang?
You have nothing to do after eating, so you come here to make fun of me. Aren't you sick?
After going over both possibilities carefully, I felt that there was no danger to life.

Most importantly, there is no reason to refuse, but rather to facilitate it.

The purple eyes, as brilliant as stars, finally revealed a determined glow.

But what reason can I find?

When he thought of this question, Zi Guang suddenly felt a headache and couldn't help frowning.

Given the current relationship between the two parties, let alone tricking people out, I'm afraid we won't even be able to meet each other.

It’s so difficult, harder than climbing to the sky.

But in order to complete this plan, in order to eradicate this scourge of Fu Tu as soon as possible.

Zi Guang slowly stood up and walked out of the hall with a determined look.

The moment he stepped out of the door, his innate sacred body turned into the dazzling light of stars.

Disappeared like a dream and when it reappeared.

A magnificent and majestic palace, like the center of the world, comes into view.

(End of this chapter)

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