Chapter 254 Frequent Accidents
Fu Tu immediately raised his right hand, and between his palms were three thousand great ways visible to the naked eye.

It emits a magnificent world wave, sweeping across the starry sky with the force of sweeping away all things.

When his right hand was retracted, the golden Sunlight Divine Water, the silver Moonlight Divine Water, and the purple Starlight Divine Water rippled in the palm of his hand.

Sunlight Divine Water: kills blood, essence, flesh and blood.

Moonlight Divine Water: corrodes the soul of the soul.

Starlight Holy Water: swallow it to dissolve the true spiritual consciousness.

Any one of them taken out individually can cause great damage to the immortal immortal.

But when the three kinds of magic water are combined into one, it becomes the first holy medicine for healing.

Even if it is called an incurable poison, it can be cured under the Three Lights Divine Water.

It can also heal all wounds and diseases, and even revive the dead.

He used his great magical powers to merge the three kinds of holy water together.

The gold, silver, and purple colors gradually disappeared, replaced by a gray chaotic light.

The Three Lights Divine Water was successfully fused. Compared to the small quantity just now, the quality was much higher.

Fu Tu raised his right hand, with great magical power entwined around his fingertips.

With a flick of the index finger and thumb, tens of thousands of drops of the Three Lights Divine Water flew out from the index finger.

The target was very precise, which was the gap where the experimental subjects were connected.

When the Three Lights Divine Water fell towards the gap, the experimental subject was about to wither.

You get huge amounts of nutrients instantly, becoming refreshed and full of vitality.

The withered decadence was instantly tampered with, stirring up the brilliant particle brilliance.

But the accident happened again.

Logically speaking, the Three Lights Divine Water is the number one holy medicine in the prehistoric world.

The fragments separated from the Xuanhuang Dao Tree should surge with astonishing momentum.

But now, it is still ten feet, the height has not moved at all, and even the buds have not sprouted.

Fu Tu's majestic gaze swept across the connection point, where the Xuanhuang Qi and the star Qi collided with each other.

Not only did it fail to merge successfully, but it also produced a layer of gray substance.

After careful analysis, it was found that this gray substance has the properties of chaos stone.

Although it is not as good as the real thing, it has a certain degree of hardness.

This creates a layer of stubborn stone isolation between the wounds.

It cannot heal well, the conducting tissue cannot connect, and it cannot grow.

This kind of situation is common, and seeing that he was about to fail again, he naturally had to intervene forcefully.

A bright green light appeared at Fu Tu's fingertips, emitting vitality and showing the meaning of the great way of creation.

The light of creation split into thousands, instantly removing the stubborn stone isolation layer at the interface.

Transformed into an invisible creation tool, it forced the two to connect together.

Wisps of star energy were gradually absorbed by the circulating energy and finally began to merge.

From top to bottom, from inside to outside, the branches of the Xuanhuang Dao Tree glow with starlight.

Under the effect of the Three Lights Divine Water, tender buds sprouted and even roots grew.

Fu Tu's eyes flickered slightly, he was still a little unsure, and observed for a while.

After a while, the roots turned black and the joints began to rot.

Black spots visible to the naked eye appeared and then spread to the entire body.

Fu Tu frowned and swept his eyes, which could see the truth, over all the experimental subjects.

Similar scenes appear in almost every plant, and the reason for this abnormality is.

It is when the two spiritual roots merge together that wisps of disease are produced!
The Avenue of Disease was affecting both, making the fusion impossible and causing it to quickly fester.

Even the Sanguan Divine Water, the number one holy medicine, could not save the trend of collapse.

Eventually, it turns into rotten plant tissue, emitting a faint odor.

Fu Tu's breath was caught, and the power to annihilate all things swept over, turning the experimental subjects into dust.

Failed again.

He moved his head and shoulders to relax his stiff body, and started the experiment again.

Repeating the same process and learning from the previous failure.

When tiny black dots appeared in the experimental subjects.

Fu Tu acted decisively, and the Great Way of Disaster swept out.

Ten thousand strands of gray calamity light penetrated into the tens of thousands of experimental subjects with great precision.

Start plundering from the root, and eradicate all the disease and decay.

Finally, they merged together, showing a thriving trend from the inside out. That's right!

The path of illness is naturally a type of path of disaster, and falls within the scope of this path.

Fortunately, he has a complete grasp of it, otherwise there would be no better solution.

The progress is smooth, the development is good, and it is growing rapidly under the effect of the Sanguan Divine Water.

Everything is changing for the better and is about to become acquired spiritual roots.

When he thought he was going to succeed, a series of familiar rules began to emerge.

One by one, white-haired old men emerged among the experimental subjects.

There was no sign of kindness on his face, and there was an indescribable coldness in his eyes.

As these little old guys flew around, the acquired spiritual roots that were originally growing vigorously.

It gradually showed an air of aging, with many more growth rings appearing out of nowhere, but without any growth at all.

Instead, it shows signs of premature aging, and the newly grown tender shoots quickly turn withered and yellow.

They even started to fall out quickly, like old teeth.

"Where did it come from?"

Fu Tu's eyelids twitched, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The eyes that penetrated everything swept through the interior of these experimental objects.

Even go back in time, back to the time when these little old guys were just born.

Now I understood what was going on.

The experimental products that were originally growing smoothly were destined to suffer this disaster and be infested with diseases and insect pests.

The little old man is an aging insect that was derived from the law of aging of insects according to the law of fate.

It can be said that it was a disaster sent by heaven, causing these experimental subjects to suffer yet another disaster.

If it is something else, it may still be a little troublesome, but if there are bugs, it is really a professional match.

Fu Tu grinned with confidence, and his every move came naturally to him.

The sacred power of the worm then erupted, extracting the concept of aging.

This caused these old men to collapse instantly and they could no longer exert any strength.

Unable to make any move to resist, they can only be drained by the power of the insect.

With his proactive intervention, the experimental subjects successfully survived the tribulation once again.

And he also gained the concept of aging, which is a branch of the Avenue of Death.

The small gain made him feel good and successfully relieved the anger that had accumulated just now.

But before he could be happy for too long, he heard an imperceptible sound of shattering.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw many experimental specimens that were still growing successfully.

Unexpectedly, cracks visible to the naked eye appeared and spread in a spider-web shape.

And it was still shaking constantly, with pieces falling off one by one during the shaking.

Revealing the milky white internal tissue, exuding rich innate essence.

The power of the Three Lights Divine Water is blooming, and the milky white internal tissue is quickly evolving into an outer shell.

Then it started to fall off again, and it seemed that it could only delay the disease but not completely cure it.

Wet and sticky tentacles slowly stretched out from the surface of the experiment.

Unconsciously whipping, making popping sounds, on the surface of these tentacles.

It is covered with horizontal lines, stretching up and down along the horizontal lines.

A pair of densely packed teeth and a scarlet eye with a tongue in the middle emerged.

His eyelids closed and opened again, emitting unclear mumblings that drove him crazy.

Countless radiations spread outward, as if dragging everything in the world into the abyss.

Fu Tu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his great divine sense swept through the palace, causing all the fragments to rise into the air.

The majestic spiritual consciousness swept across, penetrated the external tissues, and pointed directly to the core origin.

The Way of the Stars and the Way of Xuanhuang, the two are constantly entangled, intertwined, and eroded.

Although they merged together successfully, there were signs of mutation.

Fu Tu looked at the many experimental subjects, a glimmer of disdain in the depths of his eyes.

It is a genetic collapse and a distortion of the essence that has resulted in it becoming a distorted creation.

Faced with this situation, he didn't have any better solution and could only continue experimenting.

By repeating the same process and conducting large-scale experiments, there will always be a lucky person.

(End of this chapter)

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