Chapter 271 Heavenly Prison
Fu Tu took Ao Guang through the crack, and a connected space and time came into view.

Although it is connected to the surroundings and uses magical powers to disguise itself.

But in his eyes, nothing can escape his sight, and he can see through the barriers of the outside world.

One after another, the majestic pure-blooded Qilins were either feasting on the food or playing around.

As he walked, he exuded an auspicious aura, causing exotic flowers, rare herbs, spiritual roots and magical plants to bloom.

It shows vigorous vitality and fully reveals the power of the auspicious beast.

Logically speaking, we should be happy to have found the location of the Qilin clan.

But he didn't smile at all. Instead, he frowned and looked into the distance.

In his field of vision, pure-blooded Qilin were indeed found, and there were quite a few of them.

There are twenty pillars of light of laws that penetrate heaven and earth.

That is the number of Daluo remaining in the Qilin clan!

All levels of Qilin from top to bottom were within his sight.

Only no other animals were seen, and it completely became a residence exclusively for the Qilin clan.

For the Qilin clan, it is a good thing to have such a private place.

But for him, it was a bit bad.

Without beast vassals, how should the beast clan condense their Dao Fruit?

His gaze instantly became detached, and his thoughts rose to a higher dimension in the dark.

The years that had been flowing downstream began to flow upstream under his influence.

Everything is like pressing the reverse button, starting to trace back the past and explore the truth.

Finally, when the first Qilin was suppressed, the picture finally froze and stayed at this node.

It was at this time that the huge lineage of beasts began to split.

Many clan leaders who did not want to be implicated left the Qilin clan one after another.

Some of them brought their tribesmen to live and reproduce in various places in the wild, and once again fought for territory.

The other part, with their tribesmen, chose to rely on Baihu and regard him as their backer.

And as time passed, the beast lineage completely fell apart.

In the end, only the pure-blooded Qilin was left, led by Daluo who had survived by chance.

After many migrations, they came to this hidden place of time and space and settled down there.

As the truth of the past evolved to this point, he understood what was going on and wondered:
"The first Qilin was suppressed, and the White Tiger ignored the beast lineage and stayed in the westernmost part all year round."

"It's normal that he's living in such a miserable state now, and it's none of his business."

"How can we condense the Dao Fruit of the walking beast lineage?"

Thinking of this, he felt a headache and couldn't help frowning.

"There's nothing here that he wants."

"Then only the first Qilin is left."

That's right!

An idea suddenly flashed in Fu Tu's mind, and the image of the first Qilin emerged in his mind.

Since he is not here, we can only look for the ancestor of the Qilin clan.

According to the Heavenly Dao, the other party was stuffed into the bottom of the Heavenly Pillar, and with the cooperation of the Ancestral Dragon Vein inside, the chaotic spiritual energy was transformed into innate spiritual energy.

When sin disappears, we can be free again.

The power of Fu Tu swept Ao Guang and he disappeared silently from the crack of time and space.

When it appeared again, it had returned to the air above Zhou Mountain.

The left eye turns into the sun, the right eye turns into the moon, and the majestic gaze penetrates the pillar of heaven.

They are connected and interlocked with each other, as densely packed as a giant net. The immortal mark inverted on the surface of the Zhou Mountain suddenly appears before their eyes.

With just the slightest trigger, it would immediately turn into a terrifying killing array.

And inside the Immortal Mark, a vertical ancestral dragon vein is transforming spiritual energy at a high speed.

His eyes moved up and down, back and forth over and over again.

Finally, some abnormalities were successfully found at the tail of the Ancestral Dragon Vein.

Three thousand purple-gold divine chains of laws evolved into an unbreakable cage. And in this sealed cage, the Qilin that surrounded the Five Virtues Avenue.

He was listlessly cooperating with the Ancestral Dragon Vein to transform the chaotic spiritual energy into innate spiritual energy.

"found it!"

A golden light flashed in Fu Tu's eyes, and the invisible and intangible light of the soul lingered on his body.

It then spread to Ao Guang's body, instantly changing the characteristics of both of their bodies.

Without any hesitation, he took Ao Guang into the Ancestral Dragon Vein.

The almost solidified innate spiritual energy, mixed with fragments of laws, made Ao Guang exclaim repeatedly.

His eyes revealed a strong desire as he madly devoured the spiritual energy around him.

Fu Tu took a quick glance and simply absorbed the spiritual energy without touching the immortal mark.

That way, no big trouble would arise, and Ao Guang would continue to sink.

Finally, we arrived at the tail end of the Ancestral Dragon Vein, and in front of us was the cage set up by the Heavenly Dao.

The three thousand laws evolved into a transparent barrier, through which one can clearly see the inside.

It made him feel like he was watching an animal, and he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

And when he arrived, Shi Qilin instantly sensed something and couldn't help but stand up.

When he saw clearly who it was, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

He glanced at Ao Guang out of the corner of his eye and didn't take the little golden dragon seriously.

Instead, he focused his attention on Fu Tu, looking at those curious eyes, and suddenly felt angry:
"Are you here to humiliate me, my friend?"

"Not really!"

"I have something to ask for."

Fu Tu also reacted and suddenly felt that his previous behavior seemed a bit impolite.

He couldn't help showing a hint of apology, his voice sounded very sincere, and he slowly stated his purpose.

"That's it!"

"Whether you come here to laugh at me or not, it doesn't matter now."

"You can't get out anyway, so think whatever you want."

"As for the so-called request, you have found the wrong person."

"I can't leave now, so how can I help you solve the problem?"

Qilin felt a little angry at first, but when he thought of his current situation, he couldn't help but sigh deeply.

He leaned listlessly against the sealed barrier, with a look of dejection between his brows.

He has absolutely no desire to win and seems to have accepted his fate.

"The purpose of this trip of mine can be accomplished even if you can't come out."

"Tell me what it is."

Shi Qilin was somewhat curious, but still listless and responded weakly.

"I want the Dao fruit of the beast lineage!"

Fu Tu did not hide anything and stated the purpose of his trip openly in a concise and to the point voice.

The first Qilin was stunned for a moment, then he showed a helpless smile and said in a self-deprecating tone:

“As the Lord of the Beasts, even if I cannot break through the Heavenly Seal, I can sense that the Beasts have been torn apart and will never regain their former glory.”

"You are late, my friend. I don't have what you need."

"No, you do!"

"It's just that you won't release the eagle until you see the rabbit, and you won't let go until there is something good to gain."

Fu Tu's face was serious and his eyes were as sharp as a steel knife, as if he could see through Shi Qilin's heart.

As the lord of beasts, how could the other party not have the laws and principles of beasts?
As for the words I just said, they were simply out of reluctance.

Shi Qilin's expression did not change at all, and his body did not even move.

It went in one ear and out the other, as if he didn't hear what Fu Tu said.

Seeing this, Fu Tu narrowed his eyes and decided to say it in a different way:
"Fellow Daoist, you don't want to see the pure-blooded Qilin being bullied by others, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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