Honghuang: Starting from the Longhan catastrophe!

Chapter 276 Making a Wish to Heaven

Chapter 276 Making a Wish to Heaven
The ability to remain invulnerable to all calamities has been achieved, and coexisting with the Tao has reached the pinnacle.

Now all that is missing is to be free from cause and effect and to be immortal, and then you can achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

It’s time to move on to the next step!

There are only 400 million years left until the end of this era, and time is very tight.

The collision between the immortal path and the evil path becomes more intense, and it seems that the final battle will take place at any time.

There was not much time left for him to slowly search for clues that had nothing to do with cause and effect.

Progress must be accelerated.

If you don’t have any clues, make a wish!

A light bulb suddenly lit up in Fu Tu's mind, and he couldn't help but think of the magical power of wishes.

The right palm was filled with a hazy spiritual light the moment he raised his hand.

It instantly became so huge that it blocked out the sky and penetrated the heavens invisible and intangible, reaching into the inner chaos.

It passed silently in the temple of the world of the heavens.

The statue, which once showed signs of spiritualism, once again became plain and simple.

When his right hand was retracted again, a gelatinous, colorful cloud emerged.

This is the heavy belief that has lingered in the temple for a long time.

As soon as he appeared, countless prayers reached Fu Tu's ears.

There is an endless stream of people, it is very chaotic, and there is a strong smell of incense.

The power of the mind turned into the fire of the avenue, instantly lingering on the surface of faith.

In an instant, the faith was wrapped up, and countless chaotic recitations were immediately burned by the flames.

The scale of faith began to shrink, refining all the impurities within it.

When the last impurities were burned away, only a ball of holy white light remained in the palm of the hand.

It is noble and sacred, cannot be desecrated, and exudes the most refined and pure breath of vows.

This is a very magical power, which seems to have no attack power.

In fact, we can communicate with the way of heaven, use human heart to represent the will of heaven, and realize certain wishes.

Futu's eyes showed a thoughtful light. After a moment of thinking, he slowly made a wish:
"I hope to achieve a state of not being involved in cause and effect, but at the very least I must find a clue."

A column of pure white particle light rose from the holy power of will.

It did not penetrate the palace, but instead extended to the origin of the heavenly way in the dark.

In the darkness, countless voices were heard, all shouting in unison that cause and effect have nothing to do with anything.

The Heavenly Dao Wheel floating above the Origin was immediately affected by the miraculous power of wishes.

Gently stirring fate, some kind of magical feedback came to Fu Tu in advance.

Suddenly, Fu Tu had a strange premonition and could not help but murmured:
"North Sea?"

That’s right, the way of heaven does give feedback, and that is in the North Sea!

However, the specific location was not mentioned, which seemed to indicate that the willpower was not enough and only a second-rate deal could be reached.

"That's it!"

"There's no point in continuing to stay in seclusion. Let's go to the North Sea."

Fu Tu also figured it out, and the Heavenly Gate, which was at the level of an innate treasure, emerged from the purple palace between his eyebrows.

It began to fit into the surrounding space and continued to extend towards the North Sea.

When the space channel was completely fixed, Fu Tu stepped into the Heavenly Gate without hesitation.

Just one stick of incense passed and he appeared at the end of the passage.

The boundless, star-studded North Sea, wrapped in a cold sea breeze, comes into view.

Compared with the vibrant East China Sea, life in the North Sea is relatively scarce.

However, the many creatures living here have become more resilient because of the cold sea breeze.

The overall temperament is slightly wild, and he is quite fierce when fighting.

Fu Tu glanced down briefly and wandered around aimlessly.

It seems like I didn't do anything, as if I came to Beihai to relax.

In fact, the soul is using the Heavenly Gate to constantly interact with the surrounding space.

Whether it is a crack or a node, as long as there is a slight abnormality, it will be sensed by Tianmen.

It was transmitted to his soul, and then he quickly analyzed it to find the abnormalities.

Three thousand years passed in a flash, and he did not find any information.

But I was not disappointed. It would be strange if it was really that easy to find.

Speaking of strange things, there is indeed a somewhat surprising thing ahead.

Due to the geographical environment of the North Sea, there are relatively few living creatures inside.

But somewhere in the sea ahead, countless creatures gathered, whether immortals or demons, or even aquatic creatures from the North Sea.

They gathered here without any prior arrangement and started a hearty fight.

The dazzling magic light burst out frequently and the deafening roar never stopped.

It stirred up a visible wave of air, sweeping across all directions.

Countless creatures were beaten to death, but they still rushed towards nearby enemies fearlessly.

At this moment, there is no division into camps.

He beats whoever is close to him and kills whoever he dislikes, just like he has lost his mind.

I don’t know what kind of hatred or grudge makes these creatures behave in such abnormal ways.

If it was just a fight between immortals and demons, it wouldn't be a big deal.

After all, the two sides are in different camps, so it is not surprising that the battle becomes crazy.

But why would the water creatures get involved, and they seem to be fearless.

You can tell there is something wrong at first glance!
The strong smell of blood, mixed with the innate spiritual energy, made Fu Tu frown slightly.

For some reason, I felt disgusted and didn't want to get involved, so I turned around and left.

It was at this time that the innate treasure Tianmen suddenly began to hum loudly.

Feeling the strange spatial fluctuations again, his eyes glowed with the light of the sun and the moon.

Peep through the space, understand the barriers, and follow the clues given by Tianmen to the abnormal place.

Wherever his eyes looked, wisps of black air spread in the space.

The brilliant and shining soul, stirring up the fireworks of wisdom, and with its extraordinary computing power, quickly analyzed the surrounding black airflow.

Gluttony, greed, laziness, jealousy, pride, lust, anger... the evil side of human nature.

Hidden in these air currents, and spreading deeper and deeper as the gaze progresses.

The evil thoughts turned into more and more black air, and when it hit the world barrier.

His eyes followed it, and when he noticed the source of the abnormality, his eyes widened instantly.

There was an obvious look of surprise on his face, and he was stunned for a moment.

This is a magnificent world suspended in the inner chaos and dependent on the main body of the primitive world.

Judging from visual observation, it is at least 1/20 the size of the main body of the prehistoric world, which is extremely huge.

The pitch-black world barrier revealed distorted faces.

His eyes were full of resentment and his voice was miserable, emitting an incomparable strong malice.

And at the connection with the prehistoric world, there was a hole visible to the naked eye.

Even though it was blocked by the power of heaven, evil thoughts still continued to flow out.

The whole world exudes an aura of catastrophe, giving people a sense of crumbling.

It seemed as if the world was about to fall apart. It was simply unbelievable.

You have to know that the scale of this world is far larger than the entire universe.

The many levels of worlds in the chaos are divided into small worlds, small thousand worlds, middle thousand worlds, big thousand worlds, and semi-eternal worlds.

As for the legendary eternal world, he has not encountered it yet.

Even the main body of the prehistoric world has not reached this level, at most it is the peak of semi-eternity.

And this magnificent world before our eyes has obviously reached a semi-eternal level.

We should have better risk resistance and should never go to the end of the Dharma.

The chaos in Beihai is also caused by the malicious intent emanating from these loopholes.

In order to find out what was going on, Fu Tu immediately came to the outskirts of this world.

The left eye turns into the sun, the right eye turns into the moon, and his majestic gaze sweeps across this dark world.

It penetrated silently along the gap blocked by the heavenly way.

When he encountered the power of heaven, Fu Tu was stunned again.

He knew exactly what kind of aura the power of heaven in the ancient world had.

However, the Heavenly Power remaining on the seal showed a different aura.

They are completely two different individuals.

There is no doubt that there is only one possibility, that is, this world also gave birth to the Way of Heaven.

This is a very amazing fact, which shows that the world has become an independent individual.

It seems to be affiliated with the Honghuang entity, but in fact it can't even control the Honghuang heavenly way.

Logically speaking, such a complete world should not suffer such a fate.

Why does this happen?

(End of this chapter)

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