Chapter 288 Lack of Strength
In order to achieve immortality, he already had two ways in mind.

Or imprint the mark of the soul into the origin of the prehistoric world.

Or imprint the mark of the soul into the origin of the Great Avenue of Chaos.

No matter which one is achieved, it can possess the characteristics of immortality.

There is such a road in front of you. As long as you push open the sky gate, you can enter the origin of the world.

His gaze was so fiery that it seemed as if he wanted to burn the door to ashes.

Fu Tu stood up from the high imperial throne and walked leisurely to the front of the gate.

With his hands supported upwards, the innate sacred body instantly radiated eternal golden light.

The multiverse within the body and the particle cells throughout the body.

The magnificent power of the world emanated and flowed into his arms through his limbs and bones.

At this moment, the divine power was enough to split the sky, which made him feel extremely proud and confident:


With a low roar, terrifying power continued to unleash on the surface of the portal.

The portal woven by three thousand avenues seemed to be stimulated.

An even more powerful force of laws emerged, like an eternal and unchanging natural chasm.

It was firmly suppressed here, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move it at all.

Naturally, he did not give up. He gritted his teeth and pushed forward desperately.

He even used his innate magical power, causing an endless sea of ​​boundaries to appear behind him.

The sun, the moon, the mountains, the rivers, the lakes, the seas, and the shadows of countless living beings are all in this world.

Regardless of race or level of cultivation, he drained the power from everyone and had it flowed into his body.

The terrifying power continued to unleash, even causing this city of thirty-three to shake frequently.

And it is still spreading downwards, causing countless creatures to feel panic.

"what happened!"

"Why is it shaking so violently?"


Some people looked sharp, while others were filled with surprise and their voices suddenly rose.

The peaceful heaven was in chaos, and it was eventually discovered that the disturbance came from the Infinite Heavenly Palace.

One after another, majestic heavenly soldiers arrived in front of the palace in the blink of an eye.

The four marshals arrived at the scene at the first opportunity and simultaneously looked inside the gate.

"Master, are you there?"

"Master, if the earthquake continues, the hall will collapse. Please stop using your magical powers."


Hearing the noise coming from outside, Fu Tu's eyes showed a hint of unwillingness.

Slowly taking back all the strength, everything became simple and calm again.

The aftermath of the catharsis gradually subsided, making the vast heavenly realm stable again.

"Nothing, everyone go back to your positions!"

A majestic voice came from inside the Wuliang Heavenly Palace, making everyone's faces solemn.

"As ordered!"

The heavenly soldiers and generals returned to their respective positions, and the four marshals also returned to their respective residences.

But Ao Guang and Kong Xuan stood at the door and did not leave, standing there quietly.

"come in!"

Fu Tu returned to the imperial throne, and Tianmen turned into a stream of light and flew back to Zifu.

The corner of his eye penetrated the palace magic circle, and his grand divine consciousness merged into the magic circle.

The magic circle at the door instantly turned into a rectangular three-dimensional portal.


Ao Guang and Kong Xuan walked in side by side and bowed at the same time.

Seeing that Fu Tu didn't look well, he instantly became uneasy and his voice gradually became softer.

"What's the matter?"

Fu Tu took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down as much as possible, and asked slowly.

"Teacher, I feel like I'm about to pass the tribulation!"

Ao Guang bowed respectfully and then stated the purpose of his visit.

The voice sounded very cheerful, and the eyes were full of expectation. Fu Tu raised his eyebrows, and a glimmer of surprise flashed in his eyes.

His left eye turned into the sun, his right eye turned into the moon, and he instantly understood the two people's realm of cultivation.

During this period of time, Ao Guang has cultivated to the peak of Taiyi.

Kong Xuan has also reached the peak of the Golden Immortal realm and seems to be able to break through at any time.

"Since you want to overcome the tribulation, I will explain it to you so that you don't get confused."

"The first thing you have to overcome is the heavenly tribulation. You have to transcend in the long river of fate."

"Defeat all isotopes and take away your parallel self."

"There are great risks during this period, and there is a possibility of backlash from other time and space."

"You are you, but not you. You will be occupied by someone else's consciousness."

"But you don't need to worry, I have your luck to suppress it."

"You are definitely the one with the highest cultivation level, there is no doubt about that."

"After overcoming the heavenly tribulation, you will condense the Dao fruit, and your soul will merge with it."

"By that time, you will be able to become a Daluo who transcends the long river of fate and is eternally free and at ease."

"You still have to be careful."

"The most dangerous thing at this time is human robbery."

"Being a Ronaldo qualifies you to play chess, and many Ronaldos don't want to see new faces."

"There is a high possibility that they will attack secretly. You don't need to worry about this. I will take care of everything."

Fu Tu recalled the past and told the story truthfully about some of his experiences during the period of tribulation.

Then, he told her to relax and that he would take care of everything.

Such a domineering statement naturally made Ao Guang feel relieved and relaxed:

"Thank you, Master. Ao Guangming is deeply moved and will definitely promote Master's majesty in the future."

"It's your turn, Kong Xuan."

"What's your problem here?"

Fu Tu's gaze shifted and gradually fell on Kong Xuan next to him.


"I have some problems with my cultivation!"

Kong Xuan reacted immediately, and then he told all the problems that had accumulated in the past one by one.

Fu Tu answered the questions patiently and provided insightful guidance.

This made Kong Xuan suddenly enlightened, and the questions and answers complemented each other, demonstrating the harmony between master and disciple.

After Kong Xuan's questions were completely answered, the two of them bowed at the same time and left.

When the protective magic circle enveloped the palace again, Fu Tu could no longer hold back:

"What the hell!"

"With my current terrifying power, it would be easy for me to create the world."

"I can't even open a door, not even a crack. It's so infuriating!"

That's right!

I just put in a lot of effort and even used my innate magical powers.

He had used all his strength but failed to open the door of origin, which almost made him angry to death.

If Ao Guang and Kong Xuan had not joined forces to come here, he would have been swearing and furious.

As the calamity worms surged in the sea of ​​​​the mind, all negative emotions were swallowed up.

The mechanical mind once again flooded his mind, making him neither happy nor sad, and look at everything calmly.

"Not enough strength to push it open."

"Unless you possess the power of a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you won't be able to open that door at all."

A glimmer of divine inspiration flashed in Fu Tu's eyes, and various solutions emerged before his eyes.

First, seek a qualitative leap, that is, the concept of an infinite and diverse universe.

Second, find the reincarnations of demon gods such as Hongjun, Luohou, and Yangmei.

They were all Hunyuan Daluo at the beginning, and the names of their realms during the chaotic period may be different.

The power will not change, and these people will definitely know what to do.

Third, it allows the Xuanhuang Dao Tree to upgrade and become a spiritual root of supreme treasure level.

As long as he could become the World Tree, his terrifying power would be enough to help him open the door.

(End of this chapter)

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