Honghuang: Starting from the Longhan catastrophe!

Chapter 313: The Ruthless Demon Ancestor

Chapter 313: The Ruthless Demon Ancestor
Endless dim light rose from the ground, and a roar that made people's souls scare away followed.

It carried a terrifying wave of destruction that swept across all directions.

The ancient sacred mountains that were billions of feet high were destroyed, and the ocean currents that were full of vitality were also wiped out.

The countless creatures that remained above were instantly taken away and turned into ashes.

The space collapsed in large pieces, spreading to the surrounding areas with an irreversible trend.

The laws were torn apart, and a hole was blown in time and space.

Even if you transcend the long river of fate and become the eternally free and at ease Daluo Jinxian.

At this moment, he was so scared that he ran for his life, not even daring to look back.

The terrifying fluctuations continued to spread, and eventually reached the center of the prehistoric world, Tianzhu Zhou Mountain!

In an instant, the Immortal Mark shone brightly, emitting an eternal and indelible aura.

Connecting together a series of terrifying divine formations, they tried to resist this large-scale impact.

At the moment the two came into contact, the indestructible mark should have been as solid as a rock.

A corner of it was torn off, and it continued to collapse in an irreversible trend.

The five great domains of the ancient world use gold, wood, water, fire, earth and the surrounding mountains to transform the chaotic airflow.

Now there is a large-scale explosion in the West, the gold element belonging to the West is missing, and the five elements cannot be connected.

The pillars of heaven were shaken, time and space could no longer be suppressed, and continued to spread around.

Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise were also frightened at this moment.

He tried his best to suppress the four poles, and echoed with the Pillar of Heaven from afar, trying to suppress the fluctuations.

Such a horrifying scene left the creatures from other regions stunned.

The Pillar of Heaven has symbolized eternity since ancient times, and it also suppresses countless time and space.

It is unbelievable that we are now shaken by such a horrific explosion.

But what followed was a feeling of horror, which made countless creatures' scalps numb and their bodies shiver.

If something goes wrong with the Pillar of Heaven, all living beings in the prehistoric world will be affected.

Except for the Golden Immortal, I am afraid no one can survive in chaos.

Thinking of this, everyone became anxious and started calling on Heaven at the same time.

It turned into countless devout beliefs, continuously flowing into the origin of the great world.

And the Heavenly Dao residing above finally began to respond to the call of the people.

From the deep origin space of the primitive world, it emerged to the surface at an astonishing speed.

The sky was full of colorful lights, sweet springs were gushing from the ground, and the sacred scene was everywhere.

The whole world was leaping with joy, as if something was about to emerge.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the purple-gold Dharma Wheel surrounding the Three Thousand Great Avenues rose like the sun!
It shines in the heavens, its sound shakes the universe, it exudes an aura of supreme nobility, and brings ecstasy to countless living beings.

The indifferent and merciless Eye of Heaven emerged from the purple-gold Dharma Wheel.

High above the nine heavens, his gaze fell precisely on the western land that was still exploding.

A hint of anger emerged, and then the boundless power of the Holy Heavenly Dao emanated.

The invincible and terrifying power in the universe immediately paused the time of the prehistoric world.

The expressions of the creatures froze instantly, the air froze, and everything became quiet.

The majestic power of Heaven spread out, sweeping across the western land.

The supreme and precious power instantly calmed the brilliant fireworks that were still exploding.

The solidified time was able to circulate, and many creatures regained the ability to think.

"The explosion disappeared?"

"No more vibrations!"

"Great, it finally stopped!"


Although the center of the explosion was in the west, it scared other creatures to death.

Now that there was no earth-shattering vibration, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help cheering loudly.

The Golden Immortals who were still escaping also turned back at this time.

And those Daluo who were already far away also cast their eyes over at the first moment.

Fu Tu emerged from the depths of space, high above the nine heavens, overlooking the western land.

The left eye turned into the sun, the right eye turned into the moon, and the majestic gaze pierced through space and scanned the vast west. The vast and endless western region had changed dramatically at this time.

There are densely packed pits and bottomless and hideous ravines.

The seemingly eternal divine gold veins and the many dragon veins that provide spiritual energy to the West.

Either it turns into powder or becomes broken pieces.

It lost all its spirituality and turned into a vast desert like waste, without any life.

The gold-based spiritual energy in the air disappeared, and was replaced by the thin spiritual energy that drifted from other regions and the starry sky.

As I continued to look ahead, scattered patches of green finally emerged.

Those were the spiritual roots and immortal flowers that had luckily survived the horrific explosion.

And in this rare place of vitality, there are also some creatures that have managed to survive.

As my eyes fell on Mount Sumeru, a different scene finally emerged.

Mount Sumeru, which runs through the sky and the earth, seems to be covered with a layer of golden light under the shining sun.

With sacred peaks guarding beside you, it feels like you are in a bright and pure land.

The huge scale, majestic momentum, and layered world highlight the identity of the ancestral node.

Although there was some damage on the outside, it did not affect the main body inside.

It can be seen that the Demon Ancestor Rāhu still has some soft-heartedness towards the temple where he has lived for a long time.

His gaze looked across the space, scanning the great figures of both the immortals and demons.

Compared to the more than 2,000 statues at the beginning, there are now just over 1,000.

They were all listless, with a strong bloody glow on their bodies, and it was obvious that they had suffered serious injuries.

His gaze continued to look out, sweeping back and forth in the depths of the layers of space.

As ripples appeared in the space, Patriarch Hongjun, covered in a blood mist, staggered out.

The Lingbao River surrounding them had now become dim.

What's worse, it shattered on the spot and turned into countless fragments that surrounded the four directions.

The innate treasure guarding inside was also emitting a sad buzzing sound.

Although it doesn't look like a big deal, judging from the sound, it must have been affected.

As a result, without complete protection, Patriarch Hongjun was covered with wounds.

"Ancestor Hongjun!"

"Hongjun Immortal Ancestor, are you okay?"


One after another, the great immortals flew towards the direction of ancestor Hongjun.

They all showed concern at the same time, as if they were trying to please the winner.

The purpose was very clear: to build good relations and deepen the impression so as to get a share of the pie after the war.

However, many Daluo who belonged to the demonic path felt a little embarrassed at this time.

What's worse, some people feel a sense of crisis and are planning to leave here.

It was at this time that Rāhu, wielding the brilliance of magic, emerged.

Although his face was pale, his breath was at its lowest point, and his whole body was covered with bruises.

Bleeding profusely, he was almost dying, and it seemed as if he only had one breath left, but he was not dead.

"Why isn't this demon dead yet?"

"Tian Dao, quickly kill this devil!"


Many Daluo who belonged to the immortal way cried out with gnashed teeth.

Their eyes were filled with hatred and their voices were vicious. If they were able to defeat him, they would probably have rushed forward in a rush.

The Demon Dao Daluo standing next to him didn't say it explicitly, but his expression was not looking good either.

He did not take the initiative to approach, and his eyes were filled with deep caution and vigilance.

Obviously, the explosion just now was earth-shattering and disregarded the lives of their own people.

This made the great demons wary and they no longer had the same good impression as before.

(End of this chapter)

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