Chapter 315 The Four Sacred Beasts
The Demon Ancestor Rāhu, who had achieved Hunyuan Daluo, instantly extended his great luck downwards.

The great fortune belonging to the evil path also slid down and fell on the three disciples.

Jie Yin Zhunti Prison Heart has cultivated to the peak of Daluo during the long period of time.

At this time, after receiving the gift from the Demon Ancestor Rāhu, he began to soar again.

Break through the barriers in the dark and spread out brilliant rays of light.

The dream road of Jie Yin, the wisdom road of Zhunti, and the demon road of the heart that imprisons the mind.

It became more and more dazzling and bright, and faintly exuded a hint of the Tao that transcended all things.

There is no doubt that the three of them are moving towards the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

This amazing change instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

The Demonic Dao Daluo showed a look of envy, mixed with a hint of regret.

If you go up and build relationships earlier, you might be able to gain some benefits.

The Immortal Dao Daluo had a gloomy face and felt unwell.

I even began to doubt my life and felt gradually confused.

The mastermind achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Dao Fruit.

The three disciples also advanced to the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. After this battle, who will be punished?

Not long after, Jie Yin and Zhunti prison hearts gradually entered the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Become one of the few masters with great supernatural powers and successfully step on the heads of many great masters!
The three of them looked at each other, their eyes shining with excitement, and they couldn't stop laughing.

At this moment, the supreme and noble Heavenly Law finally made the final punishment.

Scarlet karma like a waterfall fell from the Eye of Heaven.

Precise diversion and precise targeting, directed at every practitioner who causes damage to the prehistoric world.

The invisible and intangible yet real cause and effect also floats around the souls of everyone unknowingly.

This caused the complexion of many Daluo to turn black, and even Jie Yin and Zhunti prisoner hearts could not smile anymore.

The Demon Ancestor Rāhu achieved Hunyuan Daluo, and was no longer affected by cause and effect, but these sins would not disappear.

Instead, it was passed down from master to disciple and spread to the people who imprisoned the hearts of the Bodhisattvas.

How happy they were just now, how sad they are now, and they all feel depressed.

Patriarch Hongjun was extremely angry, but he also knew that he had no choice but to bear it secretly.

After making the judgment on punishment, the Eye of Heaven once again revealed a thoughtful gleam.

Four Hunyuan Daluo Dao Fruits that contain the characteristics of being unaffected by cause and effect, indestructible through eternity, existing with the heavens, and coexisting with the Tao...

It emerged from the Eye of Heaven and flew to the four poles of the sky under the envious gaze of everyone.

Isn't it just for this that Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger and Black Tortoise have been holding on until now?

Without any hesitation, he swallowed the Hunyuan Daluo Dao Fruit into his stomach in one gulp.

The fusion of the primordial spirit with it enables oneself to rapidly transform and leap towards a higher realm.

Flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses emerged from the ground, and endless purple air filled the four poles of the sky.

It evolved into various sacred visions, nourishing countless lives near the four poles.

A huge force swept out, officially announcing to the prehistoric world:

"From today on, I am the sacred Azure Dragon."

"From today on, I am the sacred beast Suzaku."

"From today on, I am the sacred white tiger."

"From today on, I am the sacred beast Xuanwu."

Regardless of race or status, everyone bowed in greeting:
"Praise the four sacred beasts for their enlightenment!"

The deafening shouts continued for a long time, making the four sacred beasts full of vigor and vitality.

From then on, he left the sea of ​​suffering and achieved the supreme Hunyuan Daluo Dao fruit.

Even if you lose your freedom, you can only move around the four poles of the sky.

But if you can achieve enlightenment, you can achieve enlightenment, which is incomparable to ordinary creatures, and you can enjoy endless freedom and ease.

It also coincides with the four poles of the sky, becoming an important structure of the prehistoric world.

No worries from now on!
The preaching of the four sacred beasts also saves the tribes connected to them.

The four major tribes, the Dragon Tribe, the Phoenix Tribe, the Tiger Tribe, and the Turtle Tribe, all benefited and their fortunes soared.

Only the Qilin clan was still half-dead, causing countless pure-blooded Qilins to sigh and lament.

As the grand vision disappeared, countless living beings cheered instantly.

“It’s peaceful!”

“Finally survived!”


The creatures who had managed to hold on until now could no longer hide their depression. They screamed to the sky like madmen, venting their inner confusion and anxiety.


Looking at the Eye of Heaven which had not yet left, Fu Tu could not help but sneer.

The Demon Ancestor has been locked up, and the four sacred beasts have also been promoted to suppress the four poles of the sky.

The ancient world will not fall into destruction easily, so there is no need for the Heavenly Dao to worry about it.

The reason why it has not disappeared is that there are still four million years before the end of this era.

Zhulong and Yangmei are still fighting, and a series of things are happening.

How could it end so easily?
The fact was just as he thought, the great Luo in the heavens was silent.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became awkward, even a little weird.

Especially those great demons, the Demon Ancestor Rāhu did not get a good deal.

This made these Daluo lose confidence and they all turned around and left.

The immortals came one after another to try to stop them, and the battle once again evolved into a devastating one.

That's right.

Although the Demon Ancestor Rāhu has achieved Hunyuan Daluo, he cannot gain freedom in a short period of time.

The immortals won the war, but the people did not get the desired results.

Not only that, but each battle also brought about countless causal karmas.

In order to make up for the shortfall, the Immortal Dao Daluo set his sights on the Demon Dao Daluo.

Their origins, their laws and principles, and their spiritual treasures are all invaluable wealth.

The dazzling light flashed again, filling the vast wilderness with a heart-pounding light.

A deafening roar followed, instantly scaring the cheering creatures silly.

Some creatures reacted quickly and returned to their hiding place as quickly as possible.

For those who are slow to react, it depends on their chance and luck. Whether they can survive depends entirely on fate.

Patriarch Hongjun looked around, and then set his sights on Jie Yin Zhunti Qiu Xin.

The three of them were startled instantly, and they all showed alertness at the same time.

There was a cold light in the eyes of Patriarch Hongjun, and he wanted to kill the three of them to vent his anger.

Just as he was about to take action, his expression suddenly became serious, and a loud voice resounded throughout the venue:
"Come out!"

Nuwa surrounding the Avenue of Life.

Hou Tu surrounds the Avenue of Reincarnation.

Laozi surrounding Tai Chi Avenue.

The origin of the great road of development surrounding nature.

The sky-high passages surrounding Jieyun Avenue.

They emerged one after another from the depths of space, instantly spreading endless light of the avenue.

Penetrating heaven and earth, visions are continuous, evolving endless laws and visions.

They surrounded Patriarch Hongjun and showed an attitude of ill intent.

"What do you want?"

Patriarch Hongjun glanced deeply at these Hunyuan Golden Immortals and asked softly.

"Tai Chi diagram!"

Taiqing Laozi was the first to step forward and stated his intention without changing his expression.

"Pangu Banner!"

Yuqing Yuanshi followed closely behind, stretching out his right hand to ask for the treasure.

"The Jade Disk of Good Fortune!"

Shangqing Tongtian did not lag behind and followed his two brothers, ready to ask for something useful.

"The heavens celebrate the clouds!"

Nuwa's gentle voice sounded, but it revealed a firm will that could not be changed.

They started dividing the spoils before the battle even started, which was really unbearable for Hou Tu:

"Ancestor Hongjun is the reincarnation of the devil. Can you please leave the prehistoric world and give it to us?"

As the voices of these five people fell, Patriarch Hongjun's breathing became more rapid.

The demands of these five Hunyuan Golden Immortals are more shameless than the other.

This caused Hongjun Patriarch's eyes to glow with rage, and he was so angry at these people that he laughed:
"Okay, okay, you actually dared to rob our ancestor. You are so audacious that you don't know how to live or die."

(End of this chapter)

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