Chapter 324 Hidden Means
Hongjun felt a chill on his spine, and instantly felt a burst of pain, and a sense of crisis arose.

His face changed drastically and he let Hou Tu go without a second thought.

The web of laws covers the entire body, forming an unbreakable layer of defense.

Endless light spread across the vast wilderness, and an earth-shaking roar followed.

The starry sky collapsed, the sky fell apart and the earth sank, evolving into a scene of destruction of the world.

At the center of the explosion, Patriarch Hongjun was instantly chopped away by an axe.

It flipped around uncontrollably, smashing all the debris into pieces.

As the tremendous force swept over him, he slowly stabilized his body.

Fu Tu came to Hou Tu's side, his expression somewhat complicated, and whispered softly:
"Can you fight?"

Yes, he did not mention the matter of a Taoist partner, but asked the other party if he wanted to fight together?
If the other party can take action, then you can save a little energy.

Shorten the time of infinite multidimensional transformation, so as to be promoted to Hunyuan Daluo faster.

Hou Tu took a deep breath and looked at the body of the Ancestral Witch, which was covered with scars and bruises.

Time goes back, blood drips and you are reborn. Immediately press the rewind button to recover from the injury you just suffered.

He instantly regained his full appearance, but his aura was slightly reduced, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife:


With just one simple word, Hou Tu disappeared from the spot in an instant.

The majestic force tore through space, crossed the vast distance, and rushed towards Hongjun with murderous intent.

Fu Tu pursed his lips, never expecting that the other party would be so eager to fight.

He couldn't help but shake his head slightly, and his innate sacred body turned into dazzling particles and disappeared without a trace.

When he appeared again, he had arrived in front of Hongjun before Houtu.

The sky gate, paved with colored glaze and decorated with precious jade, flew out from the purple palace between the eyebrows.

A bright white light flowed instantly, emitting vast and boundless spatial fluctuations.

In a blink of an eye, Hongjun was enveloped and the area with a radius of nearly 100 million miles was frozen.

Fu Tu did not waste the opportunity and swung the Hengyuan battle axe without hesitation.

The dazzling axe light swept out, sweeping across the universe, and slashing through the past, present and future.

With a force that crushes everything in its path, it blocked off all the space-time dimensions of the heavens and struck forward with great force.

Feeling the solidification of the surrounding space, Patriarch Hongjun frowned slightly and waved infinite immortal light.

This caused the Jade Disc of Creation to shine brightly, emitting the profound energy of the Three Thousand Great Daos.

Purple-gold divine chains of laws were derived, making clanging sounds as they extended.

It seems to be explaining all the truths in the world and interpreting all the mysteries.

They are connected and interlocked to form an unbreakable shield.

Time and space are shattered, laws collapse, and a terrifying wave of laws is set off.

A terrifying vision that shook the world evolved, and Patriarch Hongjun was struck and flew away again.

Suppressing the sky gate at the top, the magnificent avenue of space erupted at the same time.

An area of ​​nearly 100 million miles in radius began to twist and deform instantly, and a strangling force erupted.

Be it space or laws, nothing can escape the power of Tianmen.

Everything turned into gorgeous fragments, and Patriarch Hongjun was unable to control his figure.

It tossed around in countless turbulences, and showed distortions visible to the naked eye.

It was not until the Jade Disc of Creation shone with the Three Thousand Great Ways that it was able to withstand all the impacts.


"You wanted to kill the ancestor, but you almost did it!"

Hongjun's long hair, which was originally tied up, has become wild and unruly.

He started shouting before he even had a firm foothold, but he didn't even have time to finish his words.

Hou Tu, who was hidden in the law of earth, finally came with infinite power of the earth.

"Hongjun, die!"

Looking at the Jade Disc of Creation in front of Hongjun, Hou Tu's eyes were filled with ferocity.

He wielded the Law Punch mercilessly, attacking the opponent's back.

The space collapsed, the laws collapsed, and nothing could stop Hou Tu's progress.

It easily tore through layers of defenses, and even the shrinking Lingbao River could not stop it.

All of them were knocked away by a punch, hitting Hongjun Patriarch's back. Dazzling light spread across the universe, and a deafening roar arrived as expected.

A wave of world-destruction was set off, sweeping across all directions with great force.

It flooded the heavens, subverted dimensions, and the living creatures inside were unable to escape.

In an instant, Hou Tu's hateful punch reduced him to ashes!

As for the ancestor Hongjun who was attacked, he was blown away on the spot.

The chest had been blown into pieces, spilling countless amounts of pale purple blood of gods and demons.

Only the head and legs were left, spinning continuously in the wave of terror.

Time goes back, and he is reborn with blood. It is as if he has pressed the rewind key, and Patriarch Hongjun restores his body of a god or demon at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hou Tu took advantage of the situation to pursue him, and he would retaliate double the way Hongjun had punished him just now.

As the distance got closer, Hou Tu did not give Hongjun any time to recover.

Prepare to blow it to pieces again to avenge the pain of being cut into pieces just now.

Patriarch Hongjun's body had just recovered halfway, but his face did not show any sign of panic.

An identical corpse of the original self flew out from the soul of Patriarch Hongjun.

A six-sided heavy warhammer that exudes the aura of order and perfection.

Falling in front of the corpse of my self, with endless mana pouring in.

The power of the innate treasure exploded instantly, spreading endless light of order.

All the chaos stopped, the broken space was restored, and the laws were continued.

Everything is moving towards order!
This war hammer belongs to the ancestor Hongjun, who had it as his companion when he was still the Chaos Demon God.

Hammer of Judgment!

Although it was chopped into pieces by Pangu's axe, it has been fully restored after years of recuperation.

A hint of mockery flashed through the corpse's eyes, and then he declared in a serious tone:

"Hou Tu, you are guilty!"

The Avenue of Order swept across heaven and earth, and soon enveloped Hou Tu.

All the sins committed by Hou Tu in the past years came to light.

The karmic fire visible to the naked eye, carrying with it a strong sense of cause and effect, emerged on the surface of the war hammer.

All of them are added to the Hammer of Judgment, making its power even more powerful.

The surrounding space was shaking violently, as if unable to withstand its terrifying power.

That's right!

This is what Warhammer is capable of.

Not only is it indestructible, but it can also add up the sins committed by the enemy.

The more serious the enemy's sins, the greater the power of the Hammer of Judgment.

In an instant.

The judgment hammer of the ego corpse disappeared instantly from its original place.

When it appeared again, it had already arrived above Hou Tu's head, blocking out the sky and the sun.

It exudes boundless and terrifying power, shocking people from the heart.

As the hammer of judgment continued to fall, the sound of torture rang out in Hou Tu's mind.

It seemed that Hou Tu wanted to give up resistance and accept the trial honestly.

"The heaven and earth were created by Pangu."

"And I am the descendant of Pangu. No one in the prehistoric world has the right to judge me!"

Hou Tu's heart is as hard as iron, and her bright eyes reveal the radiance of a resolute will.

Without hesitation, he held up the body of the Ancestral Witch, ready to face off against the Hammer of Judgment.

The dazzling light swept across, setting off an earth-shaking roar.

Another round of world-destroying frenzy emerged, as if it was going to annihilate all matter between heaven and earth.

At the center of the collision, Hou Tu was knocked away by the Hammer of Judgment.

The nearly eternal body of the Ancestral Witch was instantly smashed into half pieces.

Countless sacred blood has been shed, and it is still constantly turning over.

Smash the eternal stars one by one and let them fall into the depths of the cold and silent starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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