Chapter 38: Holy Talk
1500 million years have passed, and the Qingqiu Cave Heaven is still covered with lush grass and full of spiritual clouds.

But there have been significant changes among the fox creatures.

There are lively little foxes everywhere, and their number has increased several times compared to the past.

The number of lives increases, but resources remain the same, which leads to the emergence of contradictions.

In his Dharma eyes, he could see little foxes fighting for the spirit cave from time to time.

The originally peaceful Qingqiu has become a little chaotic because of these foxes fighting for resources.

This is also normal.

Although the cave in Qingqiu is not small, it cannot satisfy the cultivation needs of every living being.

It won’t be long before these foxes will have to go out into the outside world in search of resources for their practice.

"You are still alive, what good news!"

The Queen of Tianxiang, who was so beautiful that she could make fish sink to the depths and geese fall to the ground, came towards them slowly, swaying her graceful body.

"long time no see!"

1500 million years passed, and Fu Tu felt a little emotional when he saw the familiar figure again.

"What were you thinking about just now, fellow Daoist?"

Tianxiang stood aside, looking down at the fox clan in Qingqiu Dongtian, and asked softly.

"Once these foxes reach a certain level, I guess you will have to send them out, right?"

"That's right!"

"I've been having a headache about this lately!"

"If we don't send them, the resources in the cave won't be enough. But if we send them, who should we send out?"

"Everyone knows that the outside world is not safe. If you go out, you might die."

"Now every day there are foxes coming to ask about my well-being."

“How can I not understand their thoughts?”

"I've been almost annoyed to death by these things lately."

Tianxiang frowned slightly, ruining that perfect face, and her voice was a little helpless.

Fu Tu didn't say anything, and Qin Yuan was so cold in his heart that the atmosphere became a little awkward.

"Why don't you speak, fellow Taoist?"

"I thought you would give me some advice?"

Looking at Tianxiang's eyes that seemed to be able to speak, Futu shook his head subconsciously:
"This is your own family affair. As an outsider, I'd better keep quiet."

It is a big taboo to talk about deep things with someone you just met.

Including this time, he and Tianxiang have only met three times in total, so there is no need to say too much.

"If that's the case, why do you want to say it, fellow Daoist?"


"Didn't you ask first?"

A series of question marks appeared on Futu's forehead, and he gave a straightforward response.

"Why are you so straight?"

"Today... I've been talking to you till death!"

Tianxiang's mouth twitched, her eyes revealed a look of resentment, and she felt a little embarrassed.

He immediately invited the two to go up the mountain to discuss the Dao, and the three of them went to the top of the mountain.

When arriving at the highest point of Qingqiu, the crystal clear Tianyin Dao tree is the first thing that catches your eye.

And under this spiritual root that supports the sky, one innate sacred being after another is lying or sitting waiting here.

1500 million years have passed, and these innate divine beings remain, with no new ones added.

"It's good to be alive!"

"I'm so lucky that you're still here!"


When Fu Tu came under the tree, all the innate sacred beings instantly smiled.

No one asked the reason, but were simply happy for Fu Tu.

Among them, Bingpo was the most excited and took out all the stocks he had accumulated over the years.

Like offering treasures, the specialties of the Arctic ice field were placed in front of Fu Tu.


"You're so biased, why don't I have any?"

"I also want!"

…………Bai Ze laughed and complained, which immediately triggered a chain reaction among the crowd, and they all started to make fun of him.

This made Bingpo a little flustered, and he quickly distributed the specialties in his hand to everyone.

Fu Tu took a deep look at Bing Po and thought it would be better to make things clear before this discussion.

Using divine thoughts to transmit the message secretly, Bingpo's heart started pounding wildly after he reacted.

He quickly suppressed his emotions and behaved as usual.

While eating, everyone shared the interesting things they saw.

When the time was almost right, all the saints stopped smiling and became serious.

As the host, Tianxiang was the first to step forward as usual.

A white, fluffy little rabbit appeared in front of everyone.

It has a heartbeat and is timid, but it has nowhere to escape and can only run around.

It is lifelike and real, as if a real creature has been created.

Fu Tu narrowed his eyes slightly, realizing that the other party had made considerable progress in the field of the Law of Illusion.

But fake is fake. No matter how similar the disguise is, there are still big flaws.

If it were in the past, Fu Tu would also need to connect with the spiritual roots to speed up the calculation power of the soul.

But now, I can do it, and even have the mind to observe the outside world.

The other sacred figures sat upright, looking ready for battle.

Later, with the help of the Tianyin Dao Tree, he finally got a glimpse of some clues.

Haiyue, who had always been as steady as a rock, was only a little surprised.

He didn't show much reaction, which also proved from the side that Haiyue's strength was extraordinary.

Fu Tu had only reached the immortal realm before, so being able to imprint the laws was already pretty good.

There is simply no time to pay attention to each other.

But as his cultivation level improved, he was able to observe the outside world and finally discovered some clues.

The speed at which the other party comprehended the laws was clearly an order of magnitude faster than his!
At this moment, he suddenly realized that Haiyue had been playing with everyone from beginning to end.

The opponent's true strength may be much higher than his, and it is unfathomable.

The thought of a mysterious and powerful Daoguo figure mingling among them.

Fu Tu felt a little uncomfortable, but he had to sit there anyway.

If the other party had no ill intentions, he would have wanted to leave right now.

Three thousand years passed in a flash, Tianxiang finally finished her performance, and now it was Futu's turn.

Many sacred beings looked inquiringly at him, wanting to know what Fu Tu had gained in these 1500 million years.
Fu Tu thought for a moment and decided that he shouldn't be a spoiler.

Although the fundamental way cannot be revealed, but as a sacred being that possesses a multiverse.

He may not have mastered the power of three thousand laws to perfection, but at least he was far superior to everyone else.

Just picking out one or two of them would be enough to cope with this sacred discussion.

Fu Tu put his hands together, and a brilliant blue-white light flowed across his body.

Flowers of law blossomed, emitting the heavy power of thunder law, as if a world of thunder was emerging.

The big sound is loud, the elephant is invisible.

Under the blessing of the Tianyin Dao Tree, many saints closed their eyes in contemplation, greedily craving for the laws.

As time passed, many gods began to frown.

Only the mysterious Haiyue was still as calm and composed as before, which made Futu even more fearful.

Three thousand years passed in a flash, when Fu Tu took the laws back into his body.

Many sacred beings showed expressions of regret, but also a hint of respect.

Just from this discussion, the saints judged that Fu Tu's cultivation had reached a higher level.

It seems that he has surpassed them. As the saying goes, the one who achieves comes first and deserves everyone's respect.

What's more, Fu Tu could have demonstrated the laws of the immortal level to fool people.

But he didn't do so, instead he emitted the king-level Thunder Law.

Allowing so many sacred insights present can be said to be a broad-minded person!

Next it was everyone's turn, one after another, to display the power of the laws.

Fu Tu did not underestimate everyone, and quietly comprehended the power of the laws.

Although there are many repeated rules, there are sometimes new and interesting ideas.

But overall, the gains were minimal, which made him look forward to Haiyue’s sermons even more!

(End of this chapter)

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