Chapter 439 Active Dao
Millions of years later, the saints of the heavens were left breathless, and the somewhat embarrassed Hunyuan Daluo was left.

Finally, the second wave of enemies was completely defeated and all the spoils were divided up.

Each and every Hunyuan Daluo immediately entered into a short period of seclusion, hoping to recover more.

The immortal saint is much better, although he feels a little tired.

However, relying on the powerful origin of the ancient times, his strength was endless and his injuries recovered very quickly.

I'm feeling a bit emotional right now and need a short rest.

And inside each alien world, the creatures of the primitive world have completely defeated the enemy.

Blood flowed like a river, corpses were everywhere, broken limbs were everywhere, and the sky turned blood red.

It was like hell on earth. Even smelling the blood in the air made me feel nauseous.

But the creatures in the ancient world did not despise it. Instead, they plundered many spoils as quickly as possible.

There are many magicians who practice the flesh and blood magic, the soul magic, and other branches.

They felt like they were back in heaven, smiling from ear to ear, and even started fighting for it.

If there weren't people putting pressure on them, they might have fought over these materials.

At this point, the war finally ended and everyone could finally take a breath.

The supreme and great Heavenly Dao is constantly dividing up the original power.

Half of it was sent into the origin of the primordial world, and the other half was sent into Fu Tu's body, causing Fu Tu's Taoism to increase dramatically.

At the same time, Xuanyuan ascended the throne of Human Emperor in the eyes of everyone.

The era of the Human Emperor's rule began. He expanded the outside territories and divided the country into borders.

Eight families form a well, three wells form a neighborhood, three neighbors form a group, and three groups form a village.

Five li make a town, ten towns make a capital, ten capitals make a division, and ten divisions make a prefecture.

The country is divided into nine states...

After a series of plans, the fortune of the human race has become more prosperous.

Billions of years passed in the blink of an eye.

Emperor Xuanyuan felt that his destiny was no longer with him, and formally abdicated in front of everyone.

This has caused the human race to officially enter an era without an emperor, and suppressed ambitions are also surging.

Gradually it became somewhat unstable, but with the birth of Shaohao, he ascended to the position of leader.

This made the people less dissolute, the country more peaceful, and people sang praises of his merits everywhere.

His prestige gradually increased, and eventually, with the passage of time, he became known as the Jin Tian Clan.

The Three Emperors did not object, allowing Shaohao to officially unify the human race.

The only pity is that he did not achieve Hunyuan Daluo, but only reached the peak of Daluo.

Times change, years pass, everything changes.

Outside the dark world, the third wave of enemies has arrived in the inner chaos.

Compared with the previous two waves of enemies, there are more enemies this time, especially Hunyuan Daluo.

There were as many as forty of them, including the saints of the prehistoric world and Hunyuan Daluo.

Everyone frowned, but no one was afraid, especially the saint.

Relying on his immortality, he rushed to the front without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, the three corpses unfolded. With the imprint of the saint, the three corpses could also vent the holy power of heaven.

To a certain extent, the lack of numbers is made up, and others follow closely behind.

It caused chaos, stirred up huge waves again, and evolved into the opportunity of world destruction.

And in the endless wind and waves, there are majestic figures that exist with the sky and with the Tao.

The battle is going on fiercely, and their afterimages and illusions are everywhere.

Even the Daluo Golden Immortals and even the sublimated Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

No one could see their figures clearly, but Fu Tu could see them clearly.

The saint himself and the three corpses successfully held back thirty terrifying powerful beings from another world.

Among the remaining Hunyuan Daluo, the four sacred beasts fought one against two, and the two demon ancestors fought one against one.

Finally, the opponent's numerical advantage was eliminated, but due to the short time, the winner could not be determined for the time being.

But from the mysterious laws released, we can see that there are powerful people within the prehistoric world.

He is obviously superior to the strong ones from other worlds, and his understanding of the laws is more profound.

After watching for a long time, Fu Tu felt that these people should be able to win, so he did not intervene.

This is indeed the case. Don’t be fooled by the huge momentum and numerous powerful people in the other world.

But he was unable to break through the defense line and could only be dragged down by the helpless roars. As the worlds continued to intersect, many creatures from other worlds finally launched an attack.


"Rush over!"


They are roaring, they are roaring.

Like a raging wave crashing against the shore, it impacts the ancient world with great force.

He was extremely arrogant and powerful, looking ferocious and evil, as if he wanted to bring destruction to all things.

In contrast, the ancient soldiers defending the border looked at each other in great silence.

In the large-scale world wars, the heavenly soldiers and generals have accumulated rich experience.

Instead of shouting at the top of your lungs, it is better to save some energy and prepare to fight the enemy.

The heavenly soldiers and generals calmly deployed their formations, waiting for the upcoming first wave of attack.

The great array of stars in the sky also shone brightly at the same time.

This makes the stars appear in the daytime, presenting a vast and mysterious starry sky map.

They are connected to each other, causing their power to gradually increase and cover the surface of the world.

The sky collapsed and the sun and moon lost their light.

The mountains and rivers trembled, and blood flowed like a river.

Everywhere there was a scene of disaster, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

It stimulated everyone's blood to the point of boiling, and their souls became even more crazy.

It was as if he had ignored the pain and even forgotten the pain of death, and there was only killing in his eyes.

As time passed, the initial excitement of the crowd gradually disappeared.

Instead, there was numbness, and even the eyes became less lively.

Only fighting and defense are left, and now the competition is about foundation and will.

Who lasts longer.

Who has a stronger will?

Whichever side wins the final victory.

Compared with the previous two wars, this battle was longer.

The battle didn't end after billions of years, but became more and more tense, and it was difficult to tell the outcome.

The same is true in the chaos. Up to now, no Hunyuan Daluo has fallen.

Even as time goes by, some strange worlds come one after another.

This put more and more pressure on Honghuang and Daluo who stayed inside the world to defend.

At this time, everyone had to go into battle, all just for the final victory.

Even so, there is still no sign of victory in the short term.

At such a tense moment, the Dragon Avenue between heaven and earth suddenly became active.

They were jumping for joy and cheering, as if they were congratulating the ancestor who was about to appear.

Visible to the naked eye, touchable, and spread across every corner of the world.

At this moment, all living beings with dragon blood in the rivers, lakes and seas.

They all sensed the call of their blood and looked towards the east at the same time.

The pure-blooded dragons were so excited that tears welled up in their eyes. They danced and shouted:
“This is Zulong!”

"That's right, Zulong is about to achieve enlightenment!"


Ever since the disappearance of the Ancestral Dragon, the Dragon Clan has been recuperating and trying to keep a low profile as much as possible.

Despite this, those who have grudges against the dragon clan are still looking for trouble with the dragon clan.

Under various pressures, the dragon clan has suffered a lot of grievances over the years.

When Ao Guang became the disciple of the Emperor of Heaven, the difficult situation of the dragon clan was finally reversed.

Even so, there is no power to expand outward, and it is good enough to be able to defend the Dragon Palace.

Now, the Ancestral Dragon is about to attain enlightenment, and all dragons send their blessings from the bottom of their hearts.

They wished that the other party would succeed immediately and lead them to regain their ancient glory as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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