Chapter 450 Mental Punishment
Yuanshi Tianzun was unable to move, but his eyeballs kept shaking back and forth.

There was a strong sense of pleading in his voice, and there was no longer any anger, but instead a sense of guilt.

The appearance he displayed was almost exactly the same as that of Taiqing Daode Tianzun just now.

I don't want others to hear some of the dark history in my heart.

But Futu pretended not to see it, pretending to be surprised, and raised his voice:
"You don't actually recognize Taiqing as the big brother?"

"Yuanshi, Yuanshi, the beginning of the universe, no wonder I have such thoughts."

"You still look down on Tong Tian, ​​and are planning to join forces with Tai Qing Dao De Tian Zun to deal with Tong Tian?"

"Aren't you brothers?"

After these words were spoken, Yuanshi Tianzun felt unwell and became dazed.

He has already died socially. He closed his eyes with a look of pain and began to act like a dead person.

Tongtian Sect Master’s eyes widened into a state of disbelief.

Fu Tu was unwilling to waste time, so he came in front of Tong Tian and slowly raised his right hand.

"The innate avenue, the avenue of the end."

"The avenue of the acquired world, the avenue of interception."

First, get the important information in hand, and then start exploring the deep memories.

After reading all the information, Fu Tu raised his head and couldn't help but said in surprise:

"I didn't expect you to be so honest!"

That's right!

Compared with Taiqing Daode Tianzun and Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun.

Tongtian Jiaozhu is more pure and has no bad thoughts.

Tongtian Sect Master’s body was straight, like a javelin piercing the chaos, and his eyes were even more open.

"Fortunately, I took action, otherwise you would have been killed by the two of them."

Fu Tu couldn't help but roll his eyes and exposed the other person on the spot without any hesitation.

The spirit and energy of Master Tongtian disappeared in an instant, and his straight spine became bent.

The black hair gradually turned into white hair, as if aging in an instant.

Fu Tu changed his position, immediately came in front of Jie Yin and began to investigate.

"The innate avenue, the avenue of dreams."

"The great way of the acquired nature is the great way of Buddha."

This is the great road that leads to cultivation, and then it is the familiar process of checking memories.

Wait until all the information has been read to confirm that the other party has not concealed or tampered with the information.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, revealing a little surprise.

But he didn't say it in a hurry, which made the people who were peeping nearby very anxious.

"Why are not you talking?"

"I still want to listen."

"I want to listen to it, too."


Everyone was a little curious about the saint's privacy and blurted it out unconsciously.

What's worse, some people even wanted to pry open Fu Tu's mouth immediately to listen to the saint's ugly deeds.

Fu Tu had no intention of responding and immediately came to Zhunti beside him.

"The innate avenue, the avenue of wisdom."

"The great way of the acquired nature is the great way of Buddha."

After he checked the specific memories and made sure they had not been deliberately tampered with, he finally let it go.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it."

"You two are obviously not brothers, but you have a very good relationship. There is nothing shameful about it."

"This is much better than the trio next to it!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Jie Yin and Zhunti both breathed a sigh of relief.

On the contrary, Sanqing next to him had a dark face and started pretending to be dead again.

Before Fu Tu finished speaking, he looked at Zhunti with a look of disappointment;

"As a saint, can't you study the great way of the acquired world? Why do you have to unite with Jie Yin?"

"You two are quite easy, but you've wasted my precious time."

As soon as these words were spoken, Zhunti's face turned dark and his eyes revealed deep anger.

If he could use his magic power now, Fu Tu might have been burned to death by his gaze.

Unfortunately, it was all in vain and couldn't hurt him at all.

Immediately, he left the place with a look of disgust, and gradually came to the front of Nuwa. In an instant, Nuwa's eyes were full of resistance, and even a strong sense of avoidance.

Unfortunately, it was of no use, so Fu Tu immediately poked his index finger into the opponent's forehead to connect with the opponent's soul.

"The innate avenue, the avenue of life, the avenue of creation, the avenue of spirituality."

"The Day After Tomorrow Avenue, no!!!"

"Nuwa, what on earth are you doing? Don't you have a way of your own?"

Fu Tu couldn't hold it in any longer and stared at Nuwa in surprise.

The voice suddenly rose, causing Nuwa's beautiful little face to blush.

Her eyes were as clear as gemstones, but contained a hint of shame and anger.

Fu Tu felt cheated. The other party was a saint after all, and he shouldn't be so lame.

Just in case, he delved into the other person's memory again and began to sort it out.

When all the memories were explored, his eyes suddenly became a little weird.

"What the hell!"

“I really haven’t found a new path!”

Fu Tu's face looked a little unhappy, while Nuwa's eyes were empty and lifeless.

It seems like I have been played to pieces, and even have a bit of world-weariness, and don't care about anything anymore.

When you get what you want, this execution of the soul will come to an end.

After all, saints are immortal, and there is not much we can do except to make them die socially.

It was enough to achieve this level, but he still felt a little unwilling.

There was one thing he didn't say, and that was that these six saints actually wanted to get through the Four Mischief Monkeys.

He particularly hated the fact that people were turning back to their ancestral Chaos Ape and thus overturning his path!
That's right.

His great way is the Supreme God Way, but before that there were the Five Insects Way and the Xuanhuang Way.

The combination of living beings and the world, the continuous expansion and coverage of the two concepts.

However, the Four Monkeys of Chaos are not included in the Avenue of the Five Insects and are not shrouded by the concept.

This allows the saint to seize the opportunity, that is, he must take action first, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Thinking of this, Fu Tu's bright eyes gradually became indifferent, ruthless, and inhuman.

It was as if they were looking at dead people, which frightened the saints present.

Somehow, I felt in my heart that a disaster was about to happen.

This was the clearest warning, and it made the six saints present struggle again.

It's a pity that it's of no use. I can only stand in the chaos and wait for fate to come.

After a while.

Fu Tu finally made a decision. He stretched out his right hand without hesitation, and three thousand avenues flowed in his palm.

He suppressed the chaos, enveloped the universe, and in the blink of an eye, trapped the six saints in his palm.

Lay down layer upon layer of seals, create an indestructible cage, and imprison them completely.

After doing all this, Fu Tu immediately disappeared in the chaos.

The onlookers didn't understand what was going on, but they didn't have the courage to ask.

When the excitement died down, they all withdrew their gazes and went about their own business.

And in the Wuliang Heavenly Palace, high up on the imperial throne, sat the figure of Fu Tu.

"Xuanzang must travel west!"

A voice immediately came from the Eye of Heaven, which was firm and left no room for doubt.


"Go and release Him."

Fu Tu agreed to this without even thinking about it, which surprised Tian Dao. He then asked casually, as if testing him:

"How do you deal with these saints?"

"Do what you should do, and don't bother yourself with unnecessary things!"

Fu Tu said in a deep voice, Tian Dao looked at him deeply, then retracted his gaze.

He released the boundless power of Heavenly Dao, successfully modified the rules of ascension, and finally released Xuanzang.

By the way, modify the memory of living beings to prevent this farce from being remembered.

In order to allow the Journey to the West to continue, Fu Tu was not idle either, and slowly raised his right hand.

The originally empty palm gradually revealed a saint in his reduced size.

Fu Tu looked down from above, saying nothing, staring at everyone silently with indifferent and ruthless eyes.

This caused many saints to tremble in their hearts, and the ominous feeling in their hearts became stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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