Chapter 454 Finale
As time passed quickly, the eyes of the two disciples gradually became empty and numb.

There was no more agility and the thinking became rigid, like a puppet without a soul.

At this moment, all the strong people above Daluo level in the prehistoric world were turned into puppets by him.

It became his tool for enlightenment, and from then on he only knew how to practice, and no longer felt sorry for his freedom.

However, the countless sentient beings below Daluo are still immersed in the ocean of the Great Dao.

He didn't notice anything unusual at all and was just enjoying the pleasure of his increased spiritual power.

Fu Tu stared for a moment, and instantly disappeared above the Nine Heavens. When he appeared again, he had returned to the Wuliang Heavenly Palace in the Thirty-three Heavens.

“What needs to be done has been done.”

"If that's still not enough, then go and catch them from other chaotic worlds."

"I just don't believe it. With so many enlightened people, they can't defeat you alone?"

Fu Tu's eyes flashed with a cold light and his voice tone rose suddenly, showing his cruelty and ruthlessness.

What we need to do next is to wait, accumulate strength quietly, and be ready for battle at any time.

As time passed quickly, the group responsible for the journey to the west was getting closer and closer to Lingshan.

Not long after, they successfully obtained the scriptures and all of them were promoted to Daluo.

It was at this moment that Fu Tu chose to take action without hesitation.

Three thousand purple-gold divine chains of law immediately tied up the entire group of people.

The supreme avenue of the emperor is also constantly controlling, crushing, eroding and transforming.

No matter how they struggled, they could not withstand his immensely powerful strength.

As time passed quickly, the thoughts of several people gradually became rigid and their eyes became dull.

In the end, with unwilling roars, they all turned into enlightened puppets lying on the ground.

As the eras pass, the chosen ones enjoy the favor of the eras.

He dominated the world, dominated his peers, and stood out among countless competitors.

Becoming a Golden Immortal was also the beginning of their misfortune, as they became puppets from then on.

This is not the end yet, from time to time the world in chaos will attack.

At the beginning, he was full of confidence and prepared to plunder in the ancient world, so as to greatly increase his Taoism.

But the moment I met him, I fell into complete despair.

There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

All beings above Daluo level became his puppets to assist him in practicing Taoism.

After a long period of accumulation, those controlled enlightened puppets.

Gradually, he comprehended the various acquired great ways and was pushed towards the Golden Immortal as time accelerated.

Up to this point, most of the strong ones above Daluo level have been basically eliminated.

They have been unable to comprehend it any further, and now it is his turn to reap the harvest.

Taking in all the laws and principles, his power increased step by step.

Gradually it rises to an unfathomable dimension, and the breath is as bottomless as the abyss.

At the same time, his thoughts were diverging, and his eyes were filled with the light of divine secrets.

When the Yanji era ends and Pangu revives, he will naturally recycle all concepts and avenues.

All living beings within the world were completely eroded by him during the course of generations.

Half of the world is controlled, and the other half belongs to the Eye of Heaven.

In order to completely control the prehistoric world, his eyes finally fell on the Eye of Heaven.

He immediately disappeared in the palace, and when he appeared again, it was already the Origin Sea.

The Heavenly Dao Wheel stood still, and only slowly opened its eyes as he arrived.

"What's the matter?"

"kill you!"

"Why don't you give it a try if you have the guts?"

The Eye of Heaven became furious, revealing a raging rage that caused huge waves in the Sea of ​​Origin.

Fu Tu slowly grinned coldly, and six saints immediately appeared behind him.

The seven of them joined forces, with tremendous power, and immediately suppressed the Eye of Heaven in front of them.

No matter how the other party resists, they cannot make an effective struggle.

I can only watch helplessly as the earth erodes my spirituality bit by bit.

The thinking gradually becomes numb and the spiritual transmission becomes increasingly slow.

Three thousand years later, when the last bit of spiritual light disappeared, the Eye of Heaven was like a last ray of light.

He gathered up the last bit of his strength and transformed it into a series of pitch-black curse runes:

"You...will not...end up well."

As soon as the words fell, the spirituality suddenly dissipated and turned into a cold and heartless dead object again.

At the same time, the curse was approaching, but before it reached him, it was wiped out by the power.

At this point, Futu finally took over the world and became the only true Lord of the entire world.

The tides rise and fall, and flowers bloom and fade.

Years pass and times change.

As the eras passed quickly, the area of ​​the prehistoric world became larger and larger.

The foundation is becoming stronger and stronger, enough to accommodate more powerful people, and then become his accumulation.

When the prehistoric world reached its final age, the entire world had become vast and boundless.

Logically speaking, such a prosperous world should not be heading towards extinction.

But when the specified time reaches the end, endless aura of doomsday emerges.

The brilliant and dazzling stars in the sky.

An ancient sacred mountain that reaches from heaven to earth.

The vast and boundless surging river.

The eternal underworld of the endless dead.

Even the infinite dimensions of space and time in the heavens were all shaking and shattering.

The situation was heading towards irreversible collapse, causing countless lives to wail and scream.

Negative emotions surged up, finally waking Futu from his retreat.

The cold, ruthless and indifferent eyes evolved into a horrifying scene of the creation and destruction of the world.

As the divinity gradually faded, the fluctuations of humanity became more obvious, and he murmured:

"Finally, this day has come!"

"Whether you live or die depends on today!"

An incomparably bright imperial light swept across the infinite dimensions of space and time.

Wherever the light passed, countless creatures froze instantly and turned into particles.

Like thousands of rivers flowing into the sea, it continuously poured into his body.

The origin of the world in the dark is also flowing to his body through the golden body of merit.

One is recovering, the other is devouring, causing the primitive world to collapse faster and faster.

The vast and endless wilderness disappeared, replaced by tyrannical chaos.

Fu Tu's figure stood here, his body radiating the supreme and noble imperial glory.

The overwhelming aura crushed chaos, just like the Emperor of Chaos, trampling all the chaotic paths under his feet.

And opposite him, there also appeared an eternal and immortal figure.

Standing in the chaos, emitting wisps of eternal green light.

The supreme avenue spreads out, the sky cannot be buried, the avenue cannot be destroyed, and it lasts forever.

That’s right, Pangu has resurrected!

"You're great." "It's a pity you shouldn't have stolen my things!"

Divine light flashed in Pangu's eyes, and nothing could escape his gaze.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, revealing a look of surprise, and then he smiled.

He looked as if he was delighted to see prey, and at the same time, his blood was boiling.

The voice was cold and emotionless, as if stating a cold reality.

"Come and get it if you dare!"

Fu Tu narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a hint of coldness, and his voice suddenly rose.

The overwhelming aura spread wildly, causing the chaos to tremble and stir.

Circles of light also appeared behind him, three thousand innate laws, and ten thousand acquired laws.

It evolved into an image of flying dragons and dancing phoenixes, making him look even more noble and majestic.


Pangu's eyes gleamed with a gleam of light, and he roared with his blood boiling, and his fighting spirit swept through the chaos.

The three innate treasures hummed loudly, trying to return to the hands of their original owners.

He was suppressed by Fu Tu in a blink of an eye, but Pangu didn't care. He punched out fearlessly with his bare hands and thousands of ways following him.

Chaos collapsed in large pieces, releasing extremely chaotic brilliant particles.

The clear and turbid merged again, the world was created and destroyed, and endless visions evolved.


Fu Tu opened his right hand, and the Hengyuan battle axe, which was emitting chaotic-colored light, fell into his palm.

Without any fear, he held the Hengyuan battle axe in both hands and swung it out instantly.

A stunning light burst out, completely illuminating the dim chaos.

Chaos collapsed, laws broke down, releasing a terrifying aura of destruction.

The two collided with each other with a loud bang, causing the chaos to completely turn into a sea of ​​light.

The two roads were also colliding and eroding each other, sweeping around recklessly.

It turned into a devastating wave, crushing all directions with great force.

Anyone within the affected range, even Hunyuan Daluo, cannot withstand such power.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into dust and disappeared into the chaos along with the wind and waves.

And at the center of the attack, two extremely dazzling beings were fighting frantically.

Even the Avenue of Chaos was shaking, as if it couldn't bear its power.

One is the crazy harvest and robbery avenue.

One is to transform puppets into deductive avenues.

The two different paths also foreshadow a tit-for-tat ending for the two.

In this battle, only one person can win, and the loser will become nutrients.

Neither of them was willing to admit defeat, but Chaos suffered, even in a semi-eternal world.

Anyone who stands in their way will turn into ashes in the blink of an eye and disappear forever.

This battle was extremely long and neither of them knew how long it had been going on.

When they separated again, the surface of their bodies was already filled with a strong bloody glow.

The inside was also filled with horrific Dao wounds, and the breathing became extremely rapid.

Even if one tries hard to transform the chaotic Qi, one cannot stop this horrific consumption.

This made both of them feel exhausted during the long battle.

The boundless chaos that had entered its prosperous period fell into complete destruction under the wanton ravages of the two.

Now in this whole chaos, there are only two living creatures like them.

The same chaotic luck was also gathered, and both of them could feel this mission.

After taking a short break, the fierce battle begins again and a winner must be determined.

Chaos was shattered, laws collapsed, and even the avenues were smashed, giving rise to all kinds of terrifying phenomena.

But neither of them stopped, instead they fought desperately with an indomitable determination!
I don't know how much time had passed, but Pangu, who had reaped the rewards of one era after another, finally fell first.

The breath disappeared, the essence was exhausted, the body was covered with wounds, without a single piece of good flesh, all vitality was lost, and finally he died here.

And Fu Tu, who was not far from Pangu, fell to the ground in the chaos with a look of pain on his face.

His breathing was rapid, sweat was on his forehead, and countless sacred blood was spilled into chaos.

It was covered with indelible and horrifying wounds, and its soul was dim and almost shattered.

There is no doubt that Fu Tu was seriously injured, but Pangu was silent beside him.

I couldn't help but feel relieved and burst into laughter, with blood foam spurting out of my mouth.

It affected the five internal organs in his body, causing his facial features to become distorted, but he didn't care.

Still laughing heartily, letting out the long-buried pressure in his heart.

"I won, I won. In the end, I won in the end. Hahahaha..."

The sound of victory swept through the chaos, causing Pangu's good fortune to continue to gather.

After laughing enough, Fu Tu immediately refined Pangu's physical body next to him.

Absorb the remaining great Dao within and then transform it into his foundation.

I don’t know how long it took, but his injuries finally healed and he successfully recovered.

His cultivation level has improved further and he has truly become the number one in Chaos!
With every move, myriad principles follow, and the halo of the law of evolution illuminates the boundless chaos.

At the same time, the road was repaired and the deafening sound of Tao was played.

At the same time, the good fortune belonging to Pangu will be transferred to Futu.

That is the heavy mission of Kaitian.

That is the derivative signal of a new round of Avenue.

"It's boring, it's better to open the sky!"

Looking at the dead silence and chaos, Fu Tu's eyes flashed slightly, and he swung the Hengyuan battle axe in an instant.

An incomparably stunning light swept across the chaos, and the violent chaos was split into two.

The chaotic energy is divided into clear and turbid, moving from disorder to order, and burying countless laws.

A vast world has emerged, and now it has come to a critical moment. Fu Tu holds up the sky with his hands and steps on the ground with his feet.

The heaven and earth are no longer together, and the laws are constantly being integrated, stabilizing the world.

The sky becomes higher and the earth becomes heavier, until the moment when it reaches the limit.

Fu Tu's eternal and indestructible body instantly turned into countless particles and fell between heaven and earth.

The hair turns into spiritual roots and immortal flowers, the bones and flesh turn into ancient sacred mountains, and the eyes turn into the sun and the moon.

The hair turned into stars in the sky, making the empty starry sky even brighter.

His thoughts turned into the way of heaven, completely controlling this newly born world.

When a whale falls, all things are born.

Nourishing this world, making this newly born world quickly full of vitality.

But he was becoming more and more sleepy, and seemed to want to fall asleep.

At this moment, a wisp of soul emerged, evolved into the first living being, and controlled the direction of the world.

With both internal and external strength, it is as stable as Mount Tai.

At this point he felt relieved and no longer had to worry about his house being robbed by later comers.

Even if there really is such a creature that defies the heavens, he has a backup plan to check and balance it.

Just before closing his eyes, he suddenly remembered that he had not yet chosen a name, and immediately murmured:

"Let's just call it Honghuang!"

As soon as the words fell, the world suddenly fell into a deep sleep, and entered a new era of evolution!
(End of this chapter)

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