Chapter 62 Xumi Mountains
Now, before declaring war on them, they have already started to attack the three tribes.

If a real fight breaks out, these people will probably be very happy.

We even have to try our best to stir up trouble and make the war even more brutal.

When the dragons suffer heavy casualties and are forced to retreat, the fate that awaits everyone will be eternal damnation.

If you want to turn things around at that time, it will probably be harder than climbing to the sky!
When they thought of this, many Daoguo masters couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

"That's right!"

"Rather than just sit there and wait for death, let those people stand by and watch the fun."

“It is better to drag them into the catastrophe while their destiny is still there and their luck is unstoppable.”

"Whether we live or die depends entirely on fate. It's better than being the only one to suffer the consequences."

Zhulong narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a chilling light that was breathtaking.

"Regarding the ancestor's plan, I personally have no objection and am willing to cooperate fully."

"The question is, if the Dragon Clan does this, will the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan cooperate?"

Ao Tian understood the whole story and immediately expressed his attitude while raising questions.

"Do not worry."

"As long as those people are not fools, they definitely don't want to see people taking advantage of them."

"Let me personally notify them, so as to prevent those people from finding out."

"As for this period of time, you should just do what you need to do as usual."

"Don't show any abnormal signs. You should know that someone is watching you secretly."

As soon as he finished speaking, many Daoguo masters found themselves back in the Lingbao Palace.

Time returned to normal, and the ancestor Zhulong gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

"We would like to send you off to our ancestors!"

Many Daoguo masters bowed and left the palace with heavy hearts.

After returning to the long river of time, Zhulong also felt uneasy and couldn't help but sigh:
“Am I doing this right?”

"Yes, what? No, what?"

"Since they have already started, you must be prepared to be dragged in."

"Just go for it. I fully support your action. No one will oppose you."

A domineering shadow appeared beside him and patted Zhulong on the shoulder.

"Are you close to a breakthrough?"

Looking at the phantom of the Ancestral Dragon, it seemed that most of its body had turned into runes of laws.

A sense of detachment emanates from the inside out, as if not bound by cause and effect, and not trapped by disasters.

Zhulong couldn't help but shrink his pupils and his voice rose unconsciously.

"It's not that easy."

"With the blessing of the dragon clan's luck, I have already reached that realm, and it seems that I can break through it at any time."

“But in reality, this small half step is like a chasm that is difficult to cross.

Zulong shook his head, and one could tell from the sound of his voice that he was in a depressed mood.

The two chatted for a long time in the long river of time, waiting for the shadow of Zulong to disappear.

Looking at the direction the other party left, Zhulong still felt a little envious.

He couldn't help but sigh, then adjusted his mindset and quietly conveyed his will to the Phoenix and Qilin clans.

After doing all this, Zhulong slowly sank into the long river of time and disappeared.

Not long after, Yuan Feng, Yuan Huang, and Shi Qilin all received the news.

After a brief contemplation, everyone agreed with this opinion and set the tone for war.

Time flies, two hundred thousand years pass mercilessly, and Fu Tu slowly opens his eyes.

There is some progress, but not much. It is not worth celebrating, but it makes me feel happy.

The main reason for this awakening is Qingzhu who is in the Qilin clan.

To convey an important message to him, that is, the Demon Ancestor Rāhu is about to give a sermon!
This is big news.

As a person with great supernatural powers in the ancestral realm, the other party’s Tao is the other party’s method.

For the common people, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a beacon of light.

Even for the innate sacredness and even the great power of Tao Fruit, it has reference value.

Unfortunately, time was tight. By the time Qingzhu found out, there were only 1000 years left. The most important reason was that this sermon was mainly aimed at the prehistoric Western Region.

Creatures from other regions can come if they can, and forget it if they can’t.

That is to say, Qingzhu is in Zhoushan, so he is more informed and the distance is not far.

If I were in the Eastern Region, or even further away, I’m afraid the sermon would be over!
A person with great supernatural powers was giving a sermon, and Fu Tu wanted to go and listen.

It can shorten the growth time and lay a more stable foundation.

Fu Tu shook the Ancestral Insect Banner, and a calamity-transforming insect with an immortal aura flew out from it.

Yes, this is no ordinary stuff.

Since it was a public sermon, there must have been many souls who came to listen.

If you don’t have strong strength, you probably won’t even get a seat.

A wisp of mind entered it, and the Xuanhuang Dao Tree behind him immediately took shape.

He broke through the solid space barrier and immediately placed his incarnation near Mount Sumeru.

As soon as I walked out of the space channel, a towering sacred mountain came into view.

Under the shining sun, it seems to be covered with a layer of golden light, magnificent and majestic.

With sacred peaks guarding beside you and shining in all directions, it feels like you are in a pure land.

But if you look closely, you can discover this famous sacred mountain in the Western Regions.

It is actually made up of many worlds, even the sand is a world.

The most eye-catching are the 3000 great worlds that rise above the infinite sands of the Ganges!
It is huge in scale and magnificent in appearance, which is worthy of the identity of the ancestral node of the ancient Western Region.

And on all sides of Mount Sumeru, there are countless spiritual lights.

Like all rivers flowing into the sea, they continuously converge into Mount Sumeru.

Among them, the majority are in the realm of immortality, and they can be seen everywhere.

There are slightly fewer immortal beings, but they also present an unusual density.

Even a rare king can be encountered from time to time.

And on the vast earth, there are also beings that have not reached the realm of immortality.

He walked towards here with a pious look on his face, hoping to gain a chance of immortality.

This is a rare event that attracts seekers from all over!
The only thing that made him frown was that these seekers were extremely violent and full of evil spirits.

Some people were even covered in blood, and the bloody smell couldn't be concealed. They must be quite "hardworking" in normal times.

Futu ended his formless and invisible state, revealing an immortal figure that seemed eternal.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of many creatures from all directions.

Fu Tu did not pay too much attention to it. He walked quickly towards Mount Sumeru with a cloud of auspiciousness appearing with every step he took.

When I saw other people falling from the clouds, and there were people guiding them.

Fu Tu immediately followed suit, and just as he landed, a demon disciple from the realm of immortality came to greet him.

"Senior is well!"

"As an immortal being, you don't have to be like others."

"You can follow me all the way to the main peak and find a seat there."

Fu Tu nodded expressionlessly and followed the waiter to the main peak.

The higher you go, the fewer people there are, but the realm becomes more powerful.

When you reach the middle of the mountain, a magnificent building made of seven treasures - divine gold, heavenly silver, and glazed crystal - comes into view.

Any of these seven materials can be used to create acquired spiritual treasures.

But now it is used as building material, which makes Fu Tu couldn't help but take a second look.

"The West is rich, and its reputation is well-deserved!"

Fu Tu opened his mouth in admiration, marveling at the beautiful creations of the ancient world.

The waiter standing nearby couldn't help but smile with pride and pointed upwards.

"Senior, that light gate above is the entrance to this sermon!"

When we arrived at the venue for the sermon, the waiter finally left, and in front of us was a gate of light.

Ripples of water flowed on the surface of the light gate, vaguely revealing the figures of the practitioners.

Fu Tu had no fear in his heart and stepped into the light gate without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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