Chapter 66: Completing Humanity
"Demon, Demon Ancestor..."

Looking at the deep eyes of the Demon Ancestor Rāhu, Shita suddenly stuttered and could not speak clearly.

The Demon Ancestor Rāhu waved his right hand, and the corpse demon and the bone demon were thrown out instantly.

Then he looked at Fu Tu again, and he immediately looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, pretending that he knew nothing.

The Demon Ancestor Luohu immediately looked at Qiuxin, causing Qiuxin to shrink his neck in fear.


The voice of Demon Ancestor Rāhu, like a spring breeze, once again passed through everyone's hearts.

The brilliant light of the laws once again swept across the space.

Let everyone feel like they are bathing in the ocean of Tao, become intoxicated and unwilling to miss even a moment.

Fu Tu breathed a sigh of relief. This time he didn't have to worry about being interrupted by others.

The multiverse within the body rapidly evolved again under the blessing of the grand sound of Tao.

The creatures inside the eggshells took shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Countless eggs of life gradually formed their own bodies.

Even the mountains, rivers, and plants that are difficult to take shape gradually give rise to a hazy spirituality.

clack clack...

As the first eggshell cracked, the invisible energy of heaven and earth gathered here.

Not long after, a creature that looked like an insect and a crocodile, with the Dao rhyme of insects and the Dao rhyme of water, was born.

The ceiling is gorgeous, sweet springs are gushing from the ground, and the sacred imagery radiates thousands of miles away.

There is no doubt that this is a creature derived from the laws of insects and part of the crocodile dragon.

And inherited the laws of insects and water, and successfully obtained the power of authority in this universe.

Become the first innate sacred being in the Futu multiverse!
As the first one hatches, a chain reaction gradually forms.

More and more creatures broke out of their shells, roared God's name to the sky, and announced their birth.

Those flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the sea are basically beings derived from the weakened bloodlines of the three tribes mixed with the laws of insects.

Among them, the law of insects occupies the majority, making them completely different from their original species.

The birth of living beings finally completes the three principles of humanity in the world: heaven, earth, and man.

The vast spiritual light nurtured by humanity turns into a long river rising into the sky.

It instantly penetrates the endless void and feeds back to the core of the multiverse.

Successfully made up for its own shortcomings and created a diverse universe.

It has the ability to reproduce on its own and enrich species diversity.

Those who are in the ambush in the outside world can take advantage of this opportunity to break through the barrier in an instant.

Successfully reached the mid-level king realm!
His size is increasing, spawning more and more multiverses.

The magic power is like the ocean, it seems that it will never be exhausted.

The strength has risen to a new level.

Compared to the early days, his current strength has increased by hundreds of times!
This sudden surge of power made Fu Tu suddenly feel that he was omnipotent.

But with the mighty sound of the Tao coming from the incarnation, Fu Tu immediately woke up.

A breakthrough in realm and a surge in strength are naturally something to be celebrated.

But there were unusual movements in the sea of ​​​​mind.

The spiritual sea, which was originally only a shallow layer, suddenly rose to half its surface.

The calamity-transforming insect that has grown to the realm of the king has a heart as big as the bottomless abyss.

The water level cannot be drained away, as if there is an invisible dam that is continuously releasing water.

But it is not completely useless, at least it is a calamity-transforming insect at the king level.

The water level was successfully lowered, so that Futu's spiritual sea could no longer maintain half the water level.

After several attempts back and forth, Fu Tu immediately realized it.

The ocean formed by this fateful calamity will see its water level rise as one's strength grows.

When the water level completely occupies the sea of ​​​​the soul, that is the moment when the fatal disaster breaks out.

He suddenly realized something in his heart.

The fatal calamity will probably erupt the moment he becomes a powerful Daoguo!
Fu Tu frowned slightly, but saw that the robbery bug was still working.

I tried desperately to absorb it all, to lower the water level in the ocean of my soul as much as possible, and I couldn't help but feel relieved.

From the current perspective, the robbery insects can still play a delaying role!
If that's not possible, increase the quantity while ensuring the quality remains the same.

No matter what, we have to delay his fate and buy him some time. Yes!

To be on the safe side, Futu summoned three more calamity-transforming insects at the king level.

Let the four of them each have a corner, so that they don't fight with each other for territory.

Under the influence of the four calamity-transforming insects, the water level of the sea of ​​​​mind dropped again.

In the end, only 1/4 was left, and after reaching this level, it could not be reduced any further.

The preaching in the outside world is still going on, and Fu Tu has no time to care about it for the time being.

Continue to immerse yourself in the ocean of Tao!

Even if the fate calamity will become stronger and stronger as your strength grows.

Time will become shorter and shorter, but he will not give up because of it.

3000 years passed in a flash, and the Demon Ancestor had already finished talking about the realm of immortality and the king.

More obscure laws began to emerge, and the true form of the magic fruit was faintly revealed.

It's all open and aboveboard for you to watch, there's not a single trace of concealment at all.

It immediately attracted the attention of Daoguo Mighty, who stared at Modao Daoguo intently.

His eyeballs seemed to be shining, and he looked as if he couldn't wait to swallow the Tao fruit into his stomach.

Fu Tu is naturally no exception, but unfortunately the rules are too obscure and difficult to understand.

Even if it is connected to the innate spiritual roots, it can greatly increase the computing power of the soul.

I could no longer maintain my previous speed, and my progress in comprehension was as slow as a turtle's.

It takes a long time to comprehend a new law rune.

And the immortals who sat in the same row with him, or even behind him.

At this time, he was already drowsy and had no idea what the Demon Ancestor Rāhu was saying.

It was like listening to a foreign language and I felt like I would fall asleep in the next second.

The performance of the kings mentioned above was a little better, but not much better.

His brows were tightly furrowed and he couldn't relax for a long time, looking quite exhausted.

Only the powerful Daoguo in front can comprehend the power of such a high level of laws.

The luckiest ones are Jie Yin, Zhunti and Qiu Xin who are sitting in the front row.

Because he is a direct disciple, he enjoys some special treatment.

Flowers of law were scattered on his body, and the ninth-grade black lotus of annihilation was sitting below him.

It also helps with comprehension, but its comprehension speed is only slightly slower than that of the Daoguo masters.

As time passed, the Demon Ancestor's teachings became more and more profound.

Even the great Daoguo masters frowned, and some of those with poor comprehension were confused.

I was distracted for just a moment and completely failed to understand what was being said afterwards.

In the end, the many living beings seeking the truth at the scene could no longer understand what was being said.

But the Demon Ancestor Rāhu did not stop and continued to perform his own magic.

It was as if he was making a complete summary of his past cultivation career.

When the last ray of the grand Taoist sound disappeared, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief.

And the drowsy person woke up at the same time.

Some people regretted, some were depressed, and some even cried bitterly.

But the Demon Ancestor Rāhu would never say it again, and the fate of the world would end here.

"The 9000 years of preaching are over, and the remaining 1000 years are for questions."

"If you have any questions, you can ask them in your heart and I will answer them."

The Demon Ancestor Rāhu restrained all strange phenomena and returned to the same appearance as when he first appeared.

But the sound spread throughout the Xumi Mountains, causing the creatures who had been waiting for a long time to ask questions one after another.

How many living beings gathered at Mount Sumeru because of the Demon Ancestor’s preaching?

Although each person can only ask one question, there are too many of them.

There were so many questions that it was difficult to count them all, but the Demon Ancestor Luohou was able to explain them one by one.

It can be seen that the cultivation of mental strength has reached an incredible level.

Fu Tu thought for a long time, and finally asked the Demon Ancestor Rāhu a question through his incarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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