My new wife discovered my past

Chapter 171 169 The Newly-married Wife's Speculations about Watanabe's Past

Chapter 171 169. The Newly-married Wife's Speculations about Watanabe's Past

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the sun was at its hottest. Mayumi Kurita ran out of the second-year D class classroom, taking small steps along the way. She clicked on the number one post on the campus anonymous forum, walked through the overhead corridor, and went straight to the office of Tetsuya Watanabe and others.

[Breaking news! High school second-year history teacher Toru Watanabe officially announced his resignation in class! ] (Hot) (210 replies in total)
[1L: Is this true?]

[2L: Fake news! It’s totally fake news!!]

[7L (Original Poster): The above poster, this news was just announced by Mr. Watanabe in Class A of the second year, right? So many students in Class A can testify for me. That is to say, I posted on the forum immediately, and did not record the video or audio, otherwise I would definitely slap you in the face! But you will know whether it is true or not in a few days! ]

[8L: I can testify for you! I am a student in Class A of the second year. Just before the get out of class ended, Mr. Watanabe did announce that he was leaving!]

[13L: The audio is here! The audio is here! (36 seconds of pure enjoyment.mp4)]
[14L: Really! Why? Doesn’t that mean I won’t be able to see Mr. Watanabe again?]

[15L: Tsk, the average level of appearance of the male teachers in Yougao High School has dropped sharply]
[15L: Who knows? Maybe some female teacher or some female director on the school board took a liking to him.]
[16L: Why are there still people spreading H rumors about male teachers?]

[17L: Men are jealous, right? After all, Mr. Watanabe is so popular]
[18L: It can’t be with a female student!? It can’t be with a female student!?]
[19L: Haha, men are indeed jealous, but not as much as you female students. When you see Mr. Watanabe and Mr. Kimura, you want to lift your skirts higher, lower your collars, and sit on their laps to ovulate right there...]
[20L: Still spreading H rumors, saying that men can no longer play on anonymous forums]
[21L: As soon as I entered the forum, I smelled a strong bitch smell, so bad that my phone screen also smelled]


Ignoring the slander and H rumors against Mr. Watanabe, and the comments that were gradually going off topic and pitting men against women, Kurita clicked on the audio file with the thought that it might be a prank. When he heard Mr. Watanabe's voice, his last glimmer of hope was gone.

Looking at the office door so close at hand, Mayumi didn't bother to knock and pushed it open directly, attracting the attention of the four silent teachers in the office.

"Excuse me, teachers!"

Kurita bowed and apologized, then looked towards Watanabe's workstation. The desk was clean and tidy, with only a piece of paper lying on it.

"This is... Mr. Miyagawa, is Mr. Watanabe gone?" Turning her head stiffly, Mayumi Kurita felt her nose sore and was about to cry.

"Yes, Kurita-san. You came at an unfortunate time. Mr. Watanabe just left."

"Just left!? Thank you, Mr. Miyagawa!" Grasping the key words, Kurita stopped the tears that were about to flow, bowed and thanked again, then closed the door and ran away.

The teachers who stayed in the office looked at each other. They could guess without thinking that he must have gone to the garage to find Watanabe.

If they were still in a teacher-student relationship in the past, they would have stopped Mayumi Kurita, but now that Toru Watanabe has resigned, Miyagawa and others have turned a blind eye.

Only Matsumoto Hitomi saw this and took out her phone to send a message...

Mayumi ran from the second-year D class classroom to the office, and then from the teaching building to the garage. It seemed as if she had used up all her courage and strength in her life.

Her legs began to feel sore and numb, and the tears accumulated in her eyes blurred her vision. Only the swaying of the two braids behind her head made Mayumi truly feel that she existed at this moment.

"It must be there, it must be there, it must be..."

Not only did she recite this to herself, the girl couldn't help but mutter to herself as she jogged.

When she saw the familiar figure in the dim light of the garage, Mayumi could feel that all the grievances she had suffered along the way were cleansed at this moment.

"...Teacher Watanabe!" the girl shouted.

No matter how sore her body and legs were, no matter how out of breath she was after running all the way, Mayumi stood up obediently after shouting that, clasped her hands to her chest, and tried her best to show her best side to Watanabe Tetsuya.

No matter whether he will look back or turn around.

Hearing the voice, she turned around and saw that the person chasing her was Kurita Mayumi. Watanabe Tetsuya smiled politely, which made the girl very happy and she felt less tired along the way.

"It seems that Kurita-san knows about my resignation. What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

She originally thought she was braver than ever, but when she faced Teacher Watanabe again, Mayumi was still speechless.

"Teacher, I, I..."

Seeing Mayumi's look, Watanabe could tell what she wanted to say to him. If it were any other time, Watanabe would definitely find another topic to disturb the girl's mind.

But now he has resigned, and maybe this will be the last time he and her meet in this life. In such a situation, seeing the girl who has a new love for her, she finally mustered up the courage to overcome her previous cowardice...

It was difficult for Toru Watanabe to be so unkind again. Just this once, he patiently listened to the girl's thoughts...

“Mayumi.” Watanabe said her name for the first time: “It may be a little offensive, but I still think it is necessary to say it.

“Kurita-san is very similar to a female classmate I met in high school.

"She may have a bad side to her character, but overall, in my eyes, her tenacity, courage, and ability to remain unmoved by temptation are what are most valuable.

“Mayumi is the same in my eyes.

"So, if you have anything you want to say to me, just say it!"

"Teacher..." the girl muttered and raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Realizing that this might be her only chance in this life, Mayumi's eyes sparkled.

But that's lucky enough, isn't it?

Can other girls have such opportunities like her?

Taking a deep breath, Mayumi Kurita used up her last bit of courage and strength to confess her love to Toru Watanabe instead of her teacher:
"Watanabe-kun, I have always, always loved you!
“I like it very much! I like it very much!! I like it the most!!!
"Mayumi didn't mean anything else. Mayumi knew that Watanabe-kun was already married, and his new wife was beautiful, elegant, gentle and virtuous...

"That's why Mayumi has kept this joy in her heart until now!"

The girl roared with all her might, along with her future joy. Her heart, her love and her affection had all been given to Watanabe Tetsuya at this moment.

"I know. Thank you, Mayumi." Watanabe Tetsuya smiled slightly, apologized and left Mayumi Kurita with hope:

“Mayumi is a great student, and I hope to hear the good news that Mayumi will be admitted to the University of Tokyo next year.

"I have to go too. Goodbye."

Holding the box with one hand easily, Watanabe freed one hand and waved it towards Mayumi.

Watching Watanabe Tetsuya get into the car and the car honking as it drove out of the garage, Kurita Mayumi knew that unless anything unexpected happened in the future, the possibility of her seeing the boy she liked when she was a girl again would be very slim.

Even though she confessed her feelings out loud, she couldn't hide the disappointment in her heart. The girl, feeling a little more encouraged, dragged her tired body back to the classroom.

In a corner of the garage, another girl appeared. Takeshita Saki looked at the exit of the garage where Tetsuya Watanabe drove out, then looked back at Mayumi Kurita's lonely and distraught back. Her mind was lingering with her friend's passionate confession to the teacher, which could not be shaken off...

"I'm so envious... I also want... I want something like this..." Takeshita Saki felt her nose sore and she squatted on the ground in a daze for a moment before taking a shortcut and running back to the classroom.

She wanted to get into the classroom before Mayumi returned...

On the other side of the garage, Nao Yanagihara witnessed from a high vantage point the farewell scene of teacher-student friendship, as well as the behind-the-scene peek at the sisterly love... What a refreshing movie-watching experience!

"Mayumi, don't worry, I will let you see what the real Watanabe teacher is like... Don't go too crazy then..." Nao Yanagihara was thinking, why not show Mayumi Kurita some appetizers first, she felt it was necessary.

Looking at Takeshita Sakira's back as she ran away in a panic, Yanagihara Nao said with a click of the tongue: "Is her name Takeshita... Sakira? Interesting, interesting..."

Watanabe did not drive home directly. Instead, he did what he was supposed to do and went to the hospital to pick up Noriko and take them home together.

After sending messages to Kiko in the car and waiting for her to get off work, Watanabe found that someone had added him as a friend.

Watanabe originally thought that it was a female teacher or student who had a crush on him, and wanted to reject and block her directly, but when he saw the application message, he agreed.

【I am Sakuraba Miki. 】From "Sakuraba Miki".

After agreeing, I immediately received a message from Sakuraba Miki.

[Sakuraba Miki: I heard that the teacher resigned. Was it Sakura Kujo who did this? ]

【Tetsuya Watanabe: Yes.】

[Sakuraba Miki: It doesn't seem like she would do such a fuss. Teacher, do you have time? Let's meet.]

[Tetsuya Watanabe: Will the meeting alert the enemy? 】

【I will definitely do what I promised you. 】

[Sakuraba Miki: I believe in Mr. Watanabe. 】

[It is still necessary to meet each other. After all, we want to "die for love" together, so we have to meet more often to cultivate "feelings". ]

[Besides the teacher, only my maid Iori knows that I want to commit suicide. ]

【Teachers can rest assured. 】

[As for whether this will alert the enemy, I will take care of it. Teacher, don't worry too much.]

Seeing that Miss Sakuraba said so, Watanabe did not refuse her anymore.

【Tetsuya Watanabe: It all depends on your arrangement. 】

It doesn't matter if I really alert the enemy by then. I can just commit suicide. Do I really have to have a companion?
He can then choose to end his life alone.

After killing Matsumoto Hitomi...

Jiko was surprised that her newlywed husband got off work so early today. After getting in the car, she immediately turned the air-conditioning fan towards herself.

"It's so hot, so hot! Why did Tetsuya-kun finish class so early today? Don't you need to go to the club?"


Watanabe decided to tell it out. There was no point hiding it from Noriko. She had the contact information of Takahashi's fiancée Kato. Watanabe was not sure whether Takahashi would tell his fiancée, nor was he sure whether Kato would tell Noriko.

In this case, why not just speak frankly? It’s not something that’s hard to talk about.

"Eh? What's wrong?" The woman could tell something was wrong with Watanabe's tone when he called her.

"I resigned."

"Huh!? Why? Aren't the benefits, salaries, holidays, and other aspects of being a teacher at Yougao pretty good?"

They had been in the car for a while, the summer heat had subsided, and Jiko felt a little cold all over and her stomach was slightly uncomfortable.

Watanabe reached out to turn on the air conditioner fan and explained to Noriko: "Yes, the treatment is good but I don't like it very much, or it's hard for me to integrate into the campus environment..."

Watanabe's lies were not made up like those of Tokyo people. He made them up based on his actual situation.

When Noriko Watanabe heard her newlywed husband Toru Watanabe say this, she understood it instantly.

Watanabe rarely told Noriko about his past in Kyoto, especially high school, so Noriko only knew that Watanabe had an adoptive mother who had passed away.

In order not to upset Watanabe and remind him of sad things, Noriko never mentioned her adoptive mother Naoko in front of Watanabe.

Noriko also speculated that perhaps because of his status as an orphan or because he went to Kyoto from the countryside to study, Watanabe was isolated and even bullied by a group of Kyoto people who thought they were superior during high school!
Now hearing that her newlywed husband cannot fit into the high school campus environment, how can Kiko not express understanding and agreement?
“Resigning is a good thing! I thought at the beginning that after studying for so many years and finally stepping out of the ivory tower of campus, it’s time to see life outside… Otherwise, it will be very boring, right?
"Now that Tetsuya-kun has resigned, you can try new jobs and environments~"

Watanabe's resignation was an established fact, and Noriko also understood the reason. She did not ask too many questions about the details, but instead actively tried to comfort her newlywed husband.

After getting off the car, she and Watanabe were in the elevator of the apartment. Seeing that there were no outsiders around, Kiko turned around and gently gave the man a long hug.

"It's okay, Tetsuya-kun, just do what you want. As long as the two of us can be together forever and ever, that's enough..."

Watanabe listened to the soft and gentle words of the woman in his arms, wrapping him in endless tenderness.

However, he could not give Jiko such a promise and just replied with a light "hmm".

To prevent Noriko from thinking too much, Watanabe rarely did anything bad while Noriko was cooking. He just hugged the gentle and elegant woman from behind with his arms, giving her infinite love and tenderness...

At dinner, seeing that Noriko only gave him a bowl of rice, Watanabe asked, "Noriko, don't you want to eat?"

"It's so hot today that I have no appetite...I don't want to eat."

Watanabe nodded. He knew that his newlywed wife was a bit weak and would get heatstroke if she wasn't careful in the summer, so he comforted her:
"At least I can pick up and drop off Noriko to and from get off work these days. She should also be careful not to get too tired or too hot when she is in the hospital."

"I know! Let's eat first~"

"If it doesn't work, we'll go to the hospital for a physical check-up."

Hearing Watanabe's words, Noriko laughed: "Tetsuya-kun, really, have you forgotten where your gentle, lovely, beautiful and generous new wife works?"

Watanabe was stunned, swallowed the food in his mouth, and laughed with Noriko.

But even though she was laughing, as she heard her new husband telling her to go to the hospital, Jiko thought about her own physical condition and her hand couldn't help but touch her belly.

She did have a guess with a certain probability...

(End of this chapter)

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