My new wife discovered my past

Chapter 225: Death of the Asahina Sisters

Chapter 225 223. Death of the Asahina Sisters

It was a rainy afternoon in Kyoto when Toru Watanabe heard the news that the Asahina sisters were gone over the phone.

What was the situation like at that time?

In the gray sky, the raindrops were like beads forming diagonal lines, pouring down in pieces, connecting the noisy sky and the clumsy earth.

Toru Watanabe was standing in a famous piano shop in Kyoto. The moment before, he was expressing his desire to buy the piano to the saleswoman and patiently listening to her introduction to the piano. The next second, he received a call from Naoko Watanabe who was far away in Ameminaka-cho.


The boy's tone was full of joy. He had just contacted Shiina Kanade's studio and agent through official email a few days ago and sold two songs for 80 yen per song.

Now that the money has arrived, he can be said to have some assets.

Thinking that the two sisters' birthdays were coming soon, Toru Watanabe planned to buy a Yamaha piano as a birthday gift. Giving part of the money to Naoko Watanabe could also ease the current financial difficulties of the welfare home.

How could Toru Watanabe not be filled with joy?
Then, he raised his hand to talk to Naoko on the phone at the floor-to-ceiling window next to the main entrance of the piano shop, while admiring the sudden and rare rainstorm in Kyoto outside the window. On the phone, he learned the fate of his two younger sisters, Asahina Rina and Asahina Yuna.

“…Huh? What?”

He could no longer hear the soothing waltz playing in the store, and Watanabe Toru could no longer hear the sound of dripping rain that served as an interlude outside the store.

His head buzzed like a grenade exploding next to his ears. The fact that he was able to keep his body steady and not fall to the ground in embarrassment was a credit to Watanabe Toru's extraordinary physical fitness.

There is no melodramatic and clichéd close-up of a cell phone slipping from a hand and falling to the ground to express something.

After hanging up the phone, Toru Watanabe just stood there motionless until the saleswoman who had served him earlier came up to remind him.

She thought that Watanabe Toru was not satisfied with the piano that had just been introduced. Just based on the boy's handsome appearance and temperament, the salesgirl was willing to talk to him for a while and introduce a new piano to him.

"No, no need." The young Watanabe came back to his senses. After he could clearly hear the soft piano music and the sound of rain inside and outside the store, he didn't know what emotion to use to express himself:
"I don't think I need something like a piano anymore..."

The Asahina sisters are not so much dead as they are "missing."

The official Hidaka Shrine found the clothes of the sisters Rina and Yuna on a cliff on another small hill, so they directly concluded that they had "died" by jumping off the cliff, even though their bodies and no trace of DNA were found under the cliff or by the river below the cliff.

The two sisters, Rina Asahina and Yuna Asahina, have "disappeared", which also means they are dead, and the shrine will no longer send anyone to look for their whereabouts.

Either the welfare home, Toru Watanabe, and Naoko Watanabe agree with the official report of the shrine, in which case the shrine will arrange for a priestess to perform a ritual to send the Asahina sisters on their final journey, and will also allow them to be buried in Amemonaka-cho.

Or the welfare home can spend money and manpower to find it themselves.

The two choices were left to Toru Watanabe and Naoko Watanabe to choose.

There is no choice, no choice at all.

Even though they knew that the "disappearance" of Rina and Yuna was full of strangeness and mystery, Watanabe and Naoko had no choice but to choose the latter.

People born in [Amenaka Town] are controlled by the two major shrines in life and death. This is a fact that no one can escape for the rest of their lives.

If Watanabe and Naoko choose not to accept it, even if there is no body of the Asahina sisters, the shrine will not allow them to be buried in their clothes, and the funeral cannot be held. The welfare home will be caught with new evidence, and all aspects will be subject to a new round of sanctions.

There is no need to investigate or look for Rina and Yuna anymore. Watanabe Toru, who was standing in front of their portraits during the night watch, knew exactly what was going on. It was definitely related to the aunt and niece pair of Hoshimi Haruka and Hidaka Mari!
Watanabe Toru originally thought that they would come to find him in front of the mourning hall and under the portrait. After all, the young man in black mourning clothes had a tall and handsome figure like the pine and willows under the gurgling mountain springs, and his face was full of sadness because of the death of his loved ones, and the black mourning clothes set off a unique charm.

At least now the young Watanabe is the handsome young man of the weak type whom Mari Hidaka likes the most and whom she wants to play with in her arms all the time.

As for Xing Jianyao, there is no need to think about it. No matter what her brother Toru becomes, she wants to have a taste of it.

What puzzled Watanabe Toru was that on the night of the vigil, neither Hoshimi Haruka nor Hidaka Mari came to see him.

The boy just stood helplessly in the mourning hall, silently clenching his fists, but he could do nothing, and couldn't fight...

It was a month later during the summer vacation when Toru Watanabe saw the aunt and nephew at Hidaka Shrine again.

At that time, he was enjoying himself day and night with Saotome, Tsukimiri and Mizunotsuki, and had long forgotten the sisters Rina and Yuna.

Even Watanabe Naoko was about to be gradually covered with a layer of haze under the successive oppression and washing of the three women...

The boy was about to become completely numb and become a puppet, and the one who briefly injected fresh blood into him was the renewed and reborn shrine maiden "Hoshimi Haruka" of the Hidaka Shrine.

After seeing the light of day again in a daze, the young Watanabe Toru felt extremely complicated when he learned that he was rescued by "Hoshimi Haruka" who was sent to Kyoto specifically to take him "home".

Even if his right to use the Shrine was only temporarily transferred to Hidaka Shrine for half a month, it was a great redemption for Toru Watanabe who had temporarily escaped from the devil's den.

He finally had the time and opportunity to meet Naoko...

However, what makes Watanabe Toru feel strange and puzzled is that the woman Tsukimi Rin Saki is so arbitrary that even Saotome Hazuki can't compete with her and can only be submissive. Where does the [Hidaka Shrine], which is already on the decline, get the qualifications and strength?

How did Hoshimi Haruka dare to go to Kyoto alone and easily snatch the right to use him for half a month from the mouths of three hungry women who were as hungry as wolves and tigers?
When he returned to Amemonaka Town, he immediately saw a different Hidaka Shrine. The town under the shrine system was decorated with lights and the shrine was full of joy. The faces of the female priests were all filled with joyful smiles, and they were entering and leaving the Shota Nursery School halfway up the mountain. It was very lively.

Watanabe Toru then understood that it seemed that the crisis that had trapped the Hidaka Shrine had been resolved. The shrine, which had been fading in the sunset, rose up again, emitting endless light in the sky.

The other half of the sun of [Amenaka Town] is back!

Whether it is the priestesses of the shrine or the residents of the town, they all live in enthusiasm and joy. Perhaps a few of them know the real reason, but most of them are ordinary people who just follow the example of their superiors and do not want to be the special outliers.

The young Watanabe watched indifferently, feeling that the joys and sorrows of the shrine and the town had nothing to do with him, and he was unwilling to go with the flow and get involved.

But, but...what he couldn't understand was, why?

So why?

After he dealt with the funeral of Rina and Yuna, he was summoned back by Saotome and Tsukimiri without even seeing Hoshimi Haruka and Hidaka Mari. What happened in the days after that made [Hidaka Shrine] change its previous low-key and secluded state and once again become the sun in the sky of [Amenaka Town], Kansai region and even the entire island country?

Watanabe Toru was puzzled, but his intuition told him that it was definitely closely related to the "disappearance" of Rina and Yuna...!
◆After returning to Ameminaka Town, after spending a short time with Naoko and the others at the orphanage, the young Watanabe went to the shrine as usual.

Half a month is such a long time. How long did it take Watanabe Toru to discover that something was wrong with "Hoshimi Haruka"?
It only took a week, or to be more precise, less than three days.

Because for four days in between, Watanabe Toru was favored by Hidaka Mari alone. He wore the black mourning clothes he had worn before and used another form of cosplay to satisfy the weird fetish in her heart.

Arrived late.

Mari Hidaka completely relaxed her body and mind, which was rare. Toru Watanabe could clearly feel that she was no longer suppressing her tense body, but letting the tides hit the beach of the town when it was time to come and go. She stood on the beach with her arms open in the salty sea breeze, and personally experienced the ebb and flow of the waves.

This has never happened in the past few years.

During these few days, the young Watanabe also witnessed the complete side of Hidaka Shrine that he had never seen before.

Women are wild and unrestrained and are willing to try anything.

The sticky smell mixed with the fragrant and fishy smell made Watanabe Toru unable to wash his body clean for several days.

As for what's wrong with "Xing Jianyao"...

In fact, when he left the clutches of the three women in Kyoto and saw her again, Toru Watanabe had already realized that his sister was unusual.

Although her appearance is exactly the same as the one in my impression of Xing Jianyao, without any change, but at a glance, if you pay attention and your spirit and consciousness are still normal, you can find that her temperament is no longer as sharp as before, but rather rounder and more restrained, as if she is deliberately suppressing something.

It was not until an in-depth discussion one night that Watanabe Toru learned the truth from the dazed "Hoshimi Haruka"...

The body of the girl in his arms at that time seemed to have been reshaped in a rare way. After just one move, the young Watanabe felt the difference.

He looked at her body and her face in horror, and was met with a pair of bewildered and ashamed eyes, with tension, joy and fear flowing in them. Watanabe Toru watched "Hoshimi Haruka" pushing his chest weakly with her arms, with her eyes lowered, not daring to look him in the face, and muttering some inexplicable words that made Watanabe Toru extremely horrified.

"Ah~! Brother Toru...what's wrong with you? What are you...doing?
"Can you come out... Brother Toru?

"Rina... Rina likes Toru, but I can't do that now...

"Rina, Rina is so scared...! I have been locked in a small dark room, floating around like a firefly, and I don't know how much time has passed.

“No matter how much I cried and yelled, no matter how much I called Aunt Naoko, Brother Toru, or Sister, no one paid any attention to me…

"Wuwuwu~ Rina, hiccup! Rina is so scared, it's so dark there! Hiccup...!
"Brother~Tetsu-nii! Holding Rina in his arms, Rina doesn't want to go back to the small dark room!


Looking down at "Hoshimi Haruka" with her pretty and delicate face, there was a familiar, silly look on her face, and her every frown and smile seemed to be copied from Rina Asahina's face.

Watanabe Tetsuya subconsciously supported himself with his hands and legs and sat on the tatami.

What is going on?

Mental disorder? Or split personality?
Think of the special status of the two shrines in [Amenaka-cho], the mysterious "shadow warrior" of Tsukimi Rinaki, the vague rumors in the shrine and the town, the mysterious "disappearance" of the Asahina sisters, the aunt and niece who did not come to find him, the re-emergence of [Hidaka Shrine], and "Hoshimi Haruka" who showed the demeanor of Rina...

Everything connected together, no matter how impossible or fantastic it was, after listing all the possibilities, Toru Watanabe had to accept this fact.

His two younger sisters Asahina, their consciousness are probably both in the brain of "Hoshimi Haruka" in front of them!


“Brother Toru…?” She didn’t know why he suddenly called her name, and “Hoshimi Haruka” tilted her head.


The young boy Watanabe couldn't bear it any longer and rushed over to hug the girl tightly in his arms.

"Rina is always here~ Toru-nii~! Rina doesn't want to go back to the little dark room anymore, she's so scared!
"Rina likes Toru's hug, it's so gentle and makes me happy..."

Not knowing how long Asahina Rina's consciousness would occupy Hoshimi Haruka's body, Toru Watanabe chose to make it short: "Rina! Can you tell me what happened? Where did you and Yuna go on the afternoon of July 7th?
"Did you see Hoshimi Haruka and the Goddess Hidaka Mari? What did they do to you?
"Don't be anxious. Tell your brother one thing at a time and say whatever comes to mind."

The young boy Watanabe guides his younger sister Rina in an orderly manner, hoping to learn the truth from her.

Even though he may be powerless and unable to do anything after knowing the truth, knowing the intelligence is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, Rina couldn't remember anything. Her physical condition was not very good to begin with, and now her consciousness had entered a body that was not her original body. This was already very strenuous, and asking her to use her brain to think about other things would only increase her exhaustion and make her drowsy.

Seeing this, the young Watanabe was helpless.

He had no choice but to hold back for the time being, holding her in his arms, gently stroking Hoshimi Haruka's back while comforting Rina.

Now that things have come to this, since I can’t get anything out of you, I’ll just try to coax my sister first!

According to this line of thinking, Yuna's consciousness must also be in Hoshimi Haruka's brain.

Since he couldn't get any information or news from Rina, Toru Watanabe couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He wished that the consciousness that just occupied "Hoshimi Haruka"'s body was Rina!

Why wasn’t Yuna the first one to wake up?
Gradually, in the warm embrace of Toru Watanabe and the gentle voice that coaxed her to sleep, "Haruka Hoshimi" slowly closed her eyes.

So when she opens her eyes again, is she Hoshimi Haruka or Yuna?
Watanabe Toru couldn't help but feel a little terrified...

"Xing Jianyao" closed her eyes for only a few breaths before she opened them again.

"Brother Toru! That's great... I finally meet Brother Toru!" The lovely girl in his arms stood up with joy and hugged Watanabe Toru's neck.

The same familiar expression, tone, smile and frown, the young Watanabe didn't notice anything wrong at first.

"Great, it's Yuina-chan!"

(End of this chapter)

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