My new wife discovered my past

Chapter 227: 225 Hoshimi Haruka carries half of [Amenaka Town] on her shoulders

Chapter 227 225. Hoshimi Haruka carries half of [Amenaka Town] on her shoulders

Pinching Xing Jianyao's neck and feeling her white and tender swan neck with his palm, Watanabe Toru felt as if he was holding a white jade ring.

On a sultry summer night, this cool feeling goes straight into the spleen for the restless body and mind, and it brings a sense of comfort from the outside to the inside and from the inside to the outside.

Watanabe Toru felt great, but he was more shocked. He had clearly grabbed Hoshimi Haruka's neck and pinned the girl down under him, preventing her from escaping.

But almost in the blink of an eye, the girl disappeared from his hands as if she had cast some kind of magic or ninjutsu, and even attacked and defended the alien. It was her turn to press on his body and wrap her arms around his neck...

To Toru Watanabe, it felt like he was playing a VR version of the Naruto virtual reality game.

what is this?
Flying Thunder God Second Stage!?
Watanabe Toru accepted and was mentally prepared for what "Haruka Hoshimi" had said before, about "god", divine power, and supernatural powers. After all, he had seen Tsukimi Saki's "Shadow Warrior" group.

However, "Shadow Warrior" is just an external ability of Tsukimiri. She is actually just an ordinary person. The young Watanabe does not care much about the so-called extraordinary things.

Because he himself can be considered extraordinary, but the little reveal of "Hoshimi Haruka" just now completely changed Watanabe Toru's view of extraordinaryness, and it should not be underestimated!

Well, now it seems that not only is her status and position inferior to that of the local evil woman, but even her individual combat strength has been greatly surpassed.

The young boy Watanabe subconsciously thought this, and he sneered at Hoshimi Haruka's frank and affectionate confession:

"Now, you have become as corrupt as that woman! After doing such a thing, you still want me to like you and love you sincerely?
"Hoshimi Haruka... I am very disappointed in you."

Hearing her brother's words that pierced her heart directly, Xing Jianyao felt as if her whole body was being tightly grasped and she couldn't breathe. She turned over and rolled off Watanabe Toru's body and rolled onto the tatami.

Xing Jianyao used her arms to support her body with difficulty, suppressing her trembling body, and raised her eyes quietly to look at her brother Toru.

"I do not regret."

Hoshimi Haruka gritted her teeth and made this declaration, confident and stubborn.

Toru Watanabe was completely unmoved, thinking that such words were natural for the current Haruka Hoshimi and very suitable for her.

He said: “Maybe, maybe you won’t regret it now, but time will tell.

"I know all of that. The impression I have of Xiaoyao...she is different from Chihaya Mizunoe, Saki Tsukimi, and her aunt Mari Hidaka.

“Maybe it’s because we grew up together, and even though there’s an age difference, we can still be considered childhood sweethearts.

"His personality is not very good either. He is arrogant, domineering, and lawless. He always acts overbearing and pretends to be the best and looks down on me. But sometimes, he will pretend to bully me and then act cute after I bully him back...

"In short, I know Xiaoyao likes her brother and me."

At this point, Watanabe Toru changed the subject: "But I really couldn't have imagined that, after I've warned you so many times, you would actually do something that touches my bottom line and chills my heart!
"Haha... that's true. After all, you can bully a bunch of female students at school, so how can you be saved?

"I am really daydreaming!"

Watanabe Toru sighed and said in an extremely cold tone: "Maybe you hid it too well, Hoshimi Haruka, but it was mostly due to my negligence. I didn't know about it until Rina and Yuna disappeared.

"Looking at it this way, it's not particularly strange that Hoshimi Haruka could kill Rina and Yuna after I emphasized it again and again and found out that they were her half-sisters...

"After all, even though you say you like me and love me the most, you don't really like me that much..."

"That's enough, shut up!"

After growing up, the woman who was usually more dignified, mature and calm became more and more angry under Watanabe Toru's fierce attack. She was so defensive that she shouted:
“Stop talking…! Don’t say any more!”

Hoshimi Haruka really couldn't bear to listen anymore. Her beloved brother Watanabe Toru, every word he said completely dissected her, the real her.

Such a beautiful and rare skin is so dirty and smelly under it. Even Xing Jianyao herself finds it hard to face it and brainwashes herself all the time. How can she allow the man she loves most to peel off her hypocritical skin with his own hands?
These words and these facts really hurt her!
But Toru Watanabe will not do as Haruka Hoshimi wishes.

"Do you know why I recognized you right away, not Yuna, but Hoshimi Haruka?

"Because Hoshimi Haruka, who did the above things, has become the same as her aunt Hidaka Mari, or even worse than Saotome Hazuki!
"For her, the most important thing is her own interests. How could she care about the lives and opinions of others? She only said that she liked me verbally, and I'm afraid she won't even say it again in the future.

"So Hoshimi Haruka's regret is that she wants Watanabe Toru to like her sincerely. This is ridiculous...

"As soon as you said this, I guessed that you were pretending to be Yuina.

"As long as I really like you... this regret of Yucai is not bad!"

The reason why Watanabe only mentioned Yuna and not Rina is very simple. Rina is too naive. She always thinks that Toru's love for her is the best, the most numerous and the purest. Since she feels that she has it in her heart, she naturally won't ask for anything more.

"From this, it can be seen that you, Hoshimi Haruka, have truly inherited the mantle of your aunt, Hidaka Mari, in terms of your viciousness and cruelty!

"It's not enough to imprison my sisters and condense the purity of my bloodline! I also want to destroy them in the true sense!

"After all, is there really no other way to achieve your goal? You have to use such extreme and despicable means!

"Hoshimi Haruka...the word "disappointed" can no longer express how I feel about you now.

"From the moment you nodded in agreement to Hidaka Mari, became an accomplice to the evil, and didn't even care about the lives of your two younger sisters, you have forever lost the qualifications for my forgiveness, care, and love."

The boy Watanabe Toru's words made the final decision, completely nailing the girl Hoshimi Haruka.

It's not that she doesn't have a chance to turn things around, but for Xing Jianyao who had drawn the bow and shot the arrow, there was no turning back.

Every word was like a sharp arrow, hitting Xing Jianyao's body, leaving her full of holes and completely breaking her defenses.

"What do you know!!" Hoshimi Haruka couldn't help it anymore, she knelt on the tatami and yelled at Watanabe Toru.

"[Amenaka Town] is divided into two towns by the river. After our ancestors of [Hidaka Shrine] and [Kiyomizu Shrine] each obtained a portion of divine power more than a hundred years ago, they each took charge of a town and promised not to invade each other's territory. This agreement has been in place until now!
“But for more than 20 years, no one in our Hidaka family has been recognized by the God!
“Brother Che, do you know how greedy the outsiders are for the shrine and everything in this town?

“If this drags on any longer, this entire town and all its people will be reduced to hell and corpses!
"They won't let anyone in this town go! Not even a dog! This kind of thing happened at the [Kiyomizu Shrine] more than 40 years ago!!!"
"Under such pressure and circumstances, when every second counts, there is no time to think about anything else!! The most important thing is to connect with the Lord God as soon as possible!!

"Brother Che, do you understand the pressure and despair Xiaoyao felt after knowing all this?

"Do you understand?!"

Hoshimi Haruka used up all her strength to scream at her beloved brother Toru in front of her. Then, the space was rippled like water waves, as if the curtain of the universe was cut through, and it was like the endless stars in the black hole were shining. The girl suddenly appeared in front of Watanabe Toru, and followed suit to pinch the boy's neck and push him to the ground:
"You don't understand! Brother Toru doesn't understand at all!! He doesn't understand Xiaoyao at all!!
“Because the 13549 households and 67246 people in the town governed by [Hidaka Shrine] are carried on my and my aunt’s shoulders!!

"Without the protection of the shrine and the Hidaka family, how could half of the residents of [Amenaka Town] have such a happy and fulfilling life!?"

Xing Jianyao lowered her head, and the light shining in her eyes could not be ignored.

Facing such shameless and self-boasting words, Watanabe Toru almost laughed his teeth off: "Happy and perfect!? You and your aunt Hidaka Mari provoked half of [Amenaka Town]!?

"Hehe... So your shrine can unscrupulously treat everyone in this town as your slaves... Treat them! Treat us like animals and drive us around at will!?

"You are obviously only concerned about your own interests, and your heart and eyes are full of your own calculations. Yet you still shamelessly say such things... Xing Jianyao, oh Xing Jianyao, in just over three months, you have become what you are now... It's really ridiculous!"

Watanabe Toru was not used to Hoshimi Haruka's bewitching eyes, so he broke free and pushed her to the ground.

"...Isn't it?" Because of Watanabe Toru's push, Hoshimi Haruka gradually regained her composure. She raised her eyes and glanced at the tall man in front of her, and laughed disdainfully:
"Brother Che has been away from town for almost half a year and has gone to Kyoto...

"Brother Toru, ask yourself, compared to Kyoto, aren't people in small towns happy and content?
“Or maybe Brother Toru can go ask everyone himself, is there anyone who is not satisfied with his or her current life? Who doesn’t think that life in this town and Amami-naka-cho is getting better and better under the protection of our two shrines?

"Who would think otherwise?"

"You are really crazy..." Watanabe Toru shook his head and kept saying, "It's hopeless, it's hopeless!"

The young man sat up. He didn't want to look at the vicious woman who was going crazy on the tatami and whom he couldn't recognize at all. He pulled up his pants and was about to go outside.

"Where do you want to go?" Xing Jianyao didn't need to say anything, she just strode forward and stood in front of her brother.

It is still in CD, and can't flash instantly. And even if CD is ready, it's useless. Xing Jianyao can only use it two or three times a day now, and his body can't bear it more than that.

"I'm going to find your aunt. Compared to a pure evil woman like her who doesn't hide her true colors, being with you makes me feel even more disgusted."

"You are not allowed to go!" Hoshimi Haruka hugged Watanabe Toru's waist, not allowing him to move forward at all.

Since being nourished by divine power, Hoshimi Haruka's physical fitness has also improved. As long as she wants, she can still hold out for a while under the serious Watanabe Toru.

"I won't let you go! Tonight, and for the next few days, Brother Che belongs to Xiaoyao!"

Instead of using the old trick of threatening him with Naoko and the welfare home, Hoshimi Haruka gave Watanabe Toru the most irresistible offer: "Tonight, considering that Yuina is really annoying, I tried my best to limit it and let her sister come out to meet Brother Toru...

"So in the next few days, as long as Brother Che likes me and loves Xiaoyao~

"Haruka-chan will be merciful enough to let Yuna meet Toru-nii too..."

"If you do this, it will only make me hate you more and more."

"It's okay, it's okay..." Hoshimi Haruka pushed her beloved brother Toru back step by step, onto the tatami:

“No matter what Brother Che says to Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao will just laugh it off.

"Brother Toru said that time will prove everything, so Xiaoyao will use ten, twenty years, or even a lifetime to prove how much I love Watanabe Toru!"

Only on the question of whether she loves Watanabe Toru or not, and how much she loves Watanabe Toru, Hoshimi Haruka will never agree with any answer other than what she has firmly determined in her heart!
Facing the Hoshimi Haruka who had become completely different from before, Watanabe Toru closed his eyes and could no longer listen to anything she said...

It was five years later when Toru Watanabe opened his eyes again.

On a street near Omotesando in Tokyo, he saw a black nanny car parked beside him, and watched two priestesses wearing hakama in the style of Hidaka Shrine get out of the car.

Their respectful yet disrespectful posture expressed a simple meaning.

'They're ordering themselves to get on the bus.'

Watanabe recognized them.

Then it is obvious whether the person in the car is Hoshimi Haruka or Hidaka Mari.

The feeling of chills all over the body and cold sweats on the back came and went without a trace. He looked at the bright and airy interior of the carriage. The pair of YSL Saint Laurent high heels on his slender and fat-free calves were hooked on the toes and dangling, like red wine being shaken in a glass, making his mouth dry.

Without taking a deep breath, Watanabe Toru, who was accustomed to similar things these days, stepped into the car easily and naturally.

When I looked up, it was indeed Xing Jianyao.

"Brother Che, long time no see... Five years, five years...

"Brother Che, do you know how Xiaoyao has been through these past five years?"

(End of this chapter)

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