My new wife discovered my past

Chapter 243 241 Xing Jianyao: Brother, see you later

Chapter 243 241. Xing Jianyao: Brother, see you later~

If you look down from the air with Tokyo Dome as the center, you can see the crowds fleeing in all directions like densely packed ants fleeing from their own ant nest, colliding with another larger wave of spectators entering the theme park from outside.

It's not like a drop of ink that pollutes a glass of water, but it falls into the vast ocean without causing any waves.

There will be a total of 55,000 people at the concert. Including ordinary fans who bought fake scalper tickets and those who didn't buy tickets but came to the theme park and in front of the venue to cheer, the number of people inside and outside the Tokyo Dome concert tonight will definitely exceed 100,000.

Therefore, not only did the number of security personnel increase greatly, but the Metropolitan Police Department also arranged for police officers on duty to work overtime in the new urban area. Few police officers refused, as they just regarded it as coming to listen to the concert.

Therefore, the group of fleeing people who were at the core of the conflict and whose tickets were just being checked only accounted for a small part of them.

Even if it is only a small part, judging from the scale and number of people, there must be at least two to three thousand people.

They rushed into another large crowd walking towards the venue and blended in naturally. Seeing that nothing had really happened, they followed behind and walked back as if nothing had happened.

But most people are still in shock, and they don't know what happened...

Watanabe Tetsuya and his friends who had just arrived at the Tokyo Dome Theme Park had the same doubts. Seeing that the situation of the riot was complicated and unclear, Watanabe took Takahashi and Kurosawa to a secluded corner to guard the women in the three cars to prevent accidents.

Watanabe Toru remained calm and composed in the face of danger. He held the steel pipe in his hand, leaned sideways and stood back to back with them. His eyes slowly and quickly swept across all the people and things within his sight, calmly analyzing the situation.

Although Takahashi's life experience is not as rich and colorful as Watanabe's, and he has experienced all kinds of conflicts that ordinary people cannot endure, he comes from a wealthy family, has seen the world, is relatively calm, and has his own set of methods to deal with special situations.

That is... call people and find parents!

On the contrary, Ryosuke Kurosawa's performance was a bit lame but still impressive. He was hunched over, his face shriveled, his eyes darting around, he had no idea what to do. He just swallowed saliva in big gulps, his hands tightly gripping the steel pipe, his legs and hands shaking uncontrollably, I don't know if he was too excited or too scared.

He looked at the crowds running and shouting, and had similar guesses in his mind. Could it be that the same thing happened at the concert in Russia a few months ago?

The extremists rushed into the stadium, fired at the crowd, and threw grenades, incendiary bombs and even bombs...

When he thought about the high possibility of this happening, Kurosawa Ryosuke felt his eyes go dark and his heart was about to suffocate. However, under such circumstances, he did not abandon his new girlfriend and Watanabe and the others, but rushed into the crowd and ran with them. He was still a manly person.

"Takahashi, what exactly happened? Did you get any results?" Watanabe asked.

Takahashi's tone was anxious and his voice was suppressed. "I've made several phone calls, but my father and grandfather still haven't heard anything. They're also sending people to investigate and inquire about the specific situation here. The Metropolitan Police Department is also in a mess. I don't know what's going on. Takizawa is even more confused."

"Things are a bit troublesome... Either something big happened or it was just a misunderstanding."

"So what do we do?"

"Now that most of the people have run away, let's drive away from this troubled place first!"

"it is good!"

", who is Takizawa?"

Watanabe, Takahashi: “…”

Thanks to Kurosawa Ryosuke's inexplicable interruption, Watanabe Toru also noticed that there were five or six people not far away, looking at him through the green plants and street lights.

Seeing that they were exposed, the group of people no longer tried to hide anything and walked towards Watanabe Tetsuya openly.

They are members of a violent organization called the Tokyo Yakuza, but their organization has been impacted by the "royal charter" and "land grabbing" Crescent Moon Group, and has become a name only. All the pachinko parlors, red-light salons, and loan sharks under their name have been confiscated under various names.

If you have any dissatisfaction, you can raise it and we will sink you into Tokyo Bay on the spot.

Problems are resolved quickly and efficiently.

The police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department are personally on duty outside to keep watch, and they have many benefits and generous treatment.

No one in their gang dared to say anything. They immediately scattered. The six unemployed people had no choice but to get together and take on all kinds of illegal jobs to support themselves for the time being.

They also have their own career plans and goals. First of all, their main job is still their old job in the Yakuza society, which is H service...

However, unlike traditional sex shops, their customers are basically wealthy ladies or men with unique fetishes.

Therefore, the targets they choose to seduce and attack are different from those of other peers. They are not bad girls who debuted in high school or beautiful girls who look pure and cute but smoke and drink a lot in private. They are not virtuous, mature and plump wives who have a weak and incompetent family and can only work hard to earn extra money to supplement the family income...

But they are handsome and elegant men like Tetsuya Watanabe and Rinto Takahashi!

Especially the man wearing glasses, he exudes charm all over his body, and his every move shows that he seems to have been deeply trapped in an endless sea of ​​beauties and suffered ruthless exploitation day and night. The glasses he wears are full of abstinence!

The gang leader, who might make mistakes when judging women but never makes mistakes when judging men, thinks Watanabe Tetsuya can definitely be sold for a good price.

He himself was quite excited and drooling at the sight of it.

As he approached, he sneered at Watanabe who was taking a fighting stance.

With such a delicate and thin body, can you withstand my fist?
But when he shifted his gaze to another target, Takahashi Rinto, the little leader, who looked him up and down, suddenly lost his composure.

He doesn't care about a Mercedes that costs at least 600 million yen. In Tokyo, BBA doesn't mean anything unless it is a top luxury car.

However, he had to pay attention to the Vacheron Constantin watch on Rinto Takahashi's wrist. It was needless to say what the 10 million yen watch strap represented on his hand.

As for true or false, does it matter?

Looking at Takahashi Rinto's noble demeanor and outstanding appearance, the small leader was secretly shocked. He thought that his luck was both good and bad, as the target he had finally set his eyes on turned out to be a rich family's kid.

The idea is difficult, get out!
It doesn’t matter what family Takahashi Rinto comes from. Tokyo is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. The little boss feels that he has survived to this day thanks to such a good sense of smell, and he will never provoke any rich people!
Fortunately, his primary and biggest target doesn't seem to be very rich, so he can be kept in mind. It's not a good time to take action now, and he has to wait until he is alone.

After watching a concert, you will go home alone, right?

If tonight's concert could still go on...

Seeing the six people approaching not far in front of him and then turning away, Kurosawa Ryosuke's tense heartstrings immediately relaxed, cold sweat covered his back, and he said in confusion:

"What do they mean? They were walking straight towards us, but why did they turn around and leave halfway?"

"Who knows!" Watanabe just looked at Takahashi: "Do they recognize you? Or did they recognize you?"

"Not sure... Let's ignore all this for now and leave here first."

Watanabe and the other three got into their cars and prepared to drive away.

Watanabe Tetsuya, who was sitting in the driver's seat, had his eyes turned cold. Being particularly sensitive to other people's eyes, he naturally noticed the covetousness in the eyes of the last leading man, which was exactly the same as that of Saotome, Kujo Sakura and Mizunotsuki.

When he thought about it being a man, Watanabe Toru felt even more disgusted...

Although the unexpected incident may mean she won't be able to attend the concert, Kiko is not unhappy.

As long as Tetsuya-kun is alright.

The riot that had just stopped and the group of men with bad intentions just now made Jiko's heart ache, but fortunately nothing happened.

However, Watanabe and his friends' plan to drive out of Tokyo Dome Theme Park was ruined because another wave of cars and crowds with even larger numbers of people came like an army, approaching the venue and forcing those who wanted to run away to go back.

With the strength of numbers, it is also a helpless move.

The venue staff, Metropolitan Police Department personnel on duty nearby, and a group of female priests wearing shrine hakama who assisted brought the situation report.

It removed all the irrelevant information about Shiina Kanade and simply explained that the group of scalpers who were selling scalped and fake tickets were caught on the spot by officers from the Metropolitan Police Department, but they were so bold that they violently resisted arrest, causing widespread unrest.

The situation report was full of loopholes, and it was almost as if we were pointing fingers and saying that this was a scam.

For the sake of their own safety and lives, some timid audiences still plan not to go to the concert.

Some people even got angry to their faces and directly criticized them for holding a rubbish concert that was completely disorderly!

However, just like a group of stupid and mentally retarded 2D mobile game planners, they were criticized by players tens of thousands of times after all kinds of speechless planning. Since apologizing will not help, just compensate them with some rewards!

So when they learned that "Not only will Hoshimi Haruka sing all 20 songs at tonight's concert, she will also play three piano pieces live, and will perform the new single that will be released next month in advance, which will also be the first time for free!", almost no one asked to get a refund.

The turmoil in front of the concert seemed to have been settled, but the battle behind the scenes was still going on and would never stop...

Watanabe and the others naturally did not believe the situation report disclosed by the venue staff. Did they think they were fools?
However, Takahashi Rinto looked very unhappy after receiving a phone call.

After hanging up the phone, he said that it was true, at least that's what his father and grandfather said.

He also brought some bad news. No matter what happened, he had to go to the concert and was not allowed to leave early or exit midway.

"Ah? Why is there such an unreasonable request? Could something really have happened? What's the difference between this and volunteering to be a hostage!?" Kurosawa Ryosuke opened his mouth in amazement, but he didn't think before he spoke and said whatever came out of his mouth.

Miyakawa Lu pinched his waist and told him to shut up and talk less.

Miss Kato stood beside Rinto Takahashi and comforted him because she had also received similar news from her family.

Noriko looked at Watanabe, and after receiving a reassuring look from him, she subconsciously leaned in close to him and listened to him: "Since Uncle Takahashi has said so, it is absolutely safe and there is no danger. There is nothing wrong with going. Let's go to the concert together."

As a good wife, Jiko immediately expressed her intention to go.

Miyagawa Lu also wanted to go, and pinched the waist of her incompetent boyfriend. The palm of his hand was the woman he liked, the girlfriend he just started dating, and the back of his hand was his best friend and brother. Kurosawa Ryosuke just spoke without thinking, not without brains.

If you don't go in this situation, it can basically be said that your interpersonal relationship has been broken.

There was another discussion about whether or not to go to Haruka Hoshimi's concert, and all six people voted unanimously to go.

"Thank you, Watanabe... Thank you everyone!" Takahashi Rinto felt mixed emotions and obviously had not yet come to terms with what his father and grandfather had said. His eyes were full of disappointment and haggardness.

No one said anything else, and Watanabe and the others just followed the crowd to the ticket gate to check their tickets.

The reason why Watanabe dared to make the conclusion that nothing happened was first of all the endorsement from Takahashi Rinto's father and grandfather.

After all, even a tiger won't eat its own cubs, and as far as Watanabe Tetsuya knows, the main line of the Takahashi family has been a single-line inheritance for three generations, so Takahashi Rinto will not be in real danger.

Secondly, since this is Haruka Hoshimi's concert, there will definitely not be any big trouble. No one dares to really stab Haruka Hoshimi unless she does it herself.

No matter how lawless Hoshimi Haruka is, she will not do anything to Watanabe and the people around him, and will not endanger the safety of Noriko and others.

What proves Watanabe's inference is the reply he just received after asking Hoshimi Haruka.

[Haruka Hoshimi: It was just a cheap, childish trick played by Sakura Kujo. It’s nothing serious.]
[I will keep her under house arrest for two more days]
[Don't be afraid, brother. Xiaoyao is here.]
[Xiaoyao misses her brother so much]
[See you later, Brother Toru~]

After knowing that it was just Kujo Sakura's act of revenge, Watanabe completely relaxed.

If Hoshimi Haruka didn't tell him the specific reason, Watanabe would never have accompanied Takahashi Rinto to the concert and put himself in danger no matter what he said.

He can go, even if something really happens, it doesn't matter, but Jiko absolutely can't!

Even if he offended Takahashi Rinto and broke down their relationship, Toru Watanabe would not gamble with Shimizu Noriko's safety!

Fortunately, nothing happened...

Watanabe didn't pay attention to the other replies. What really concerned him was the last message sent by Hoshimi Haruka.

see you later?
These are already clear clues, how could Toru Watanabe not understand?

Fortunately, he gave Jiko a shot of prevention last night just in case, otherwise the flaw would have been exposed.

With a soft sigh, Watanabe Toru felt that his body and mind were not free anywhere, and he had no control over where he went.

There are only a few days left, just these few days... Let's just hold on a little longer...

(End of this chapter)

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