My new wife discovered my past

Chapter 42: Watanabe and Kurosawa's date on the rooftop

Chapter 42. Rooftop, Watanabe and Kurosawa's date

Toru Watanabe was also silent, Ryosuke Kurosawa was also silent, and Miyagawa Rozen was always silent.

Each of the three of them had their own reasons.

But surprisingly, the performance is the same.

Not understanding why Tetsuya-kun suddenly felt so depressed, Matsumoto Hitomi subconsciously glanced at Saotome Hazuki who was eating quietly on the other side of Miyagawa Tsukushi.

The target showed no unusual behavior.

When she returned to observe Teacher Tetsuya, Matsumoto Hitomi found that he had returned to his previous calm and steady self. It seemed that he was simply distracted...

She didn't think about it anymore and focused more on Miyakawa Lu.

And Saotome Hazuki lowered her eyes, her mind was in turmoil——

"Ms. Matsumoto's eyes are too much of a bother."

She was too impatient. Although she had investigated everyone around Watanabe before, even if they were his colleagues.

But obviously she didn't do her job well, and she didn't pay much attention to his personality and experience. Unexpectedly, she met someone like Matsumoto Hitomi, who came from an ordinary background but was extremely difficult.

If I deal with her now or in the next few days, I might accidentally force her to talk nonsense to Noriko Shimizu.

By then, it would be impossible for Noriko Shimizu to believe it or not. Too many coincidences would inevitably alert the enemy.

The value of nuclear deterrence lies in the fact that it is a sword of Damocles. Once the button is pressed, no one can predict the outcome.

Saotome Hazuki also didn't want Shimizu Noriko to know about her and Watanabe now, and she didn't want her to know that Watanabe was the "Kyoto Succubus" in Kyoto for four years.

It was not out of sympathy for her. Saotome Hazuki just didn't want to see something like what happened to Watanabe Naoko happen again, so that Watanabe would completely lose the rope around his neck.

The lunch was finished with everyone having different thoughts.

Watanabe Toru went to the top floor of the club building after lunch like a puppet.

Saotome Hazuki followed closely and made sure that no one was following them.



After being used by Saotome Hazuki, Watanabe climbed the stairs with steady and powerful steps, and went up to the rooftop of the club building from the top floor.

He had no classes in the afternoon, so he didn't go back to the office immediately.

Watanabe Toruya felt depressed and wanted to get some fresh air on the rooftop.

The sky was clear and blue, like a vast ocean, deep and dark blue, with only two airplane clouds passing parallel to each other, pulling the ultimate illusion back to display, turning it into a tablecloth at the corner of the table.

None of the clichéd plots in light novels happened. Watanabe did not meet a beautiful girl on the rooftop, nor did an angel descend from the sky, nor did a goddess foreshadow the hero's journey to another world.

Toru Watanabe did meet a familiar colleague, Ryosuke Kurosawa.

He sat on a cement platform, his head raised with his back to the sunlight, his left hand on the cement floor to balance his body, and his right hand holding a cigarette, puffing out clouds of smoke that disappeared in the wind.

Watanabe originally wanted to step back and leave quietly, but when he noticed someone going up to the rooftop, Kurosawa Ryosuke turned around and saw him.

His eyes became panicked, Kurosawa raised his hand high, bent his arm and made a parabolic motion, as if he wanted to destroy the body, but in the end his hand dropped.

Watanabe came to his side.

"Don't sacrifice your own interests for the sake of justice... Teacher Watanabe." Yugao strictly prohibits smoking anywhere in the school building. The punishment for teachers is particularly severe and they will be fired.

"That is, I don't smoke, otherwise I would be like Kurosawa-sensei."

These empathetic words made Kurosawa Ryosuke look at Watanabe a few more times.

Yes, Mr. Watanabe has gone to the rooftop just like me, so he must have some worries in his heart that he can't explain to outsiders. How rare... It turns out that the handsome, calm, and happily married Watanabe Toru also has worries!
Unlike his usual cheerful self, Kurosawa Ryosuke was unusually serious and chatted with Watanabe, talking about everything from the weather and news to interests and hobbies, to dreams and the future.

"Eh!? Mr. Watanabe actually wanted to be a light novel writer!"

"Don't look at me like this. I also submitted manuscripts to the three major libraries when I was in college."

"Great! Has it been published?"

"No, I gave up on my own."

"Why? It's such a waste, Watanabe!"

"It's mainly because I write too slowly. Although I have a lot of settings, ideas, and plots in my head, once I start writing...

"Ah, how should I put it? It's just the feeling of the words popping out one by one. It's so painful."

"It seems like I've heard a lot of authors complain about similar things... Maybe it has something to do with a person's bones and talents!" Kurosawa Ryosuke agreed with Watanabe's words and threw out two terms that are common in Chinese online literature.

"Kurosawa, do you also research Chinese online literature?"

"Of course, I am a bookworm. Sometimes after finishing light novels, I am not satisfied, so I go to read Chinese online novels. My favorite are the immortal heroes and immortal cultivation novels."

Foreign language classes in the island country have actually always been a mixture of Chinese and English. Therefore, as long as the islanders have a decent level of education, almost everyone can speak Chinese, although most of them speak it haltingly.

"I see... How do you understand the concept of physique and talent, Mr. Kurosawa?"

"Well... this is how I understand it. Let's take Mr. Watanabe as an example! Mr. Watanabe said that he has a lot of light novel-related settings and plots in his mind. This is a talent. He is very talented in understanding martial arts, skills, swordsmanship, etc., with fast speed and good quality!

"And root bone is aptitude. The slow speed at which Mr. Watanabe starts writing is due to poor root bone aptitude. If we apply it to the cultivation of immortals, it is probably because the cultivation speed is slow, it is difficult to break through the realm, or there is no spiritual root at all..."

"Kurosawa, you are really amazing." Watanabe Toru admired sincerely, his interpretation was indeed very convincing.

Kurosawa Ryosuke scratched his head, touched his nose, and smiled embarrassedly.

"I told you about my dream, what about Mr. Kurosawa's?"

"..." He finally stopped smoking and said, "If I tell you, Mr. Watanabe is not allowed to laugh at me."

"how come……

"Unless I can't help it."

Kurosawa Ryosuke covered his face and smiled bitterly.

"In elementary school, when the teacher asked me what I wanted to do in the future, I followed the crowd and said I wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, or teacher. Well... I actually became a teacher.

"When I reached junior high school, I finally came into my own and had a goal and dream to strive for - to debut as an idol."

"...Ah!?" Toru Watanabe was also shocked. He looked at Kurosawa Ryosuke's face and said nothing.

To be honest, Kurosawa Ryosuke is not ugly, but he is definitely not handsome. His appearance can barely rank among the top three among the male teachers in Watanabe's office.

Seeing Watanabe's reaction, Kurosawa Ryosuke immediately broke down: "Don't laugh!"

"No, I'm not laughing."

"I know Mr. Watanabe wants to complain about my appearance. Come on, complain as much as you can!"

"Not really... But although Mr. Kurosawa looks average, his professional skills may be surprisingly... good?"

"Hey, hey, what did you mean by that last question?" Kurosawa Ryosuke became the familiar him.

 There is only one week left before February ends. Here is an announcement:

  Currently, the Star Glory value of [Koriko Shimizu] is 661, the Star Glory value of [Hazuki Saotome] is 360, the Star Glory value of [Haruka Hoshimi] is 104, and the Star Glory value of [Miko Sakuraba] is 35.

(End of this chapter)

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