My new wife discovered my past

Chapter 82 Chapter 81 Watanabe Tetsuya's Pure Love Diary : Shimizu Noriko during her menstrual

Chapter 82 81. Watanabe Tetsuya's Pure Love Diary (17): Shimizu Noriko during her menstrual period

Noriko Shimizu had woken up long ago.

This is not quite accurate. It should be that when Horiguchi Rika was attacking Watanabe Tetsuya at night and saying those nympho remarks, Shimizu Noriko slowly woke up.

Noriko Shimizu did not alarm the three of them immediately. Firstly, her head was still dizzy and she felt weak all over. Secondly, she vaguely heard the words and used her remaining consciousness to judge what the current situation was.

She currently has no power to stop anything from happening.

She also wanted to know what choice Watanabe would make.

If Watanabe Tetsuya chooses to follow Horiguchi Rika's advice and plans to become the owner of the Crystal Palace, Shimizu Noriko cannot guarantee that she will have the courage to refuse him from entering the Crystal Palace.

If you didn't really like him, how could you tolerate something like what happened in Crystal Palace?

She herself found it a little hard to believe, but no matter what, Noriko Shimizu had to be with Tetsuya Watanabe.

This is her deepest call and request.

However, Watanabe's choice ultimately benefited Noriko Shimizu.

It is a complete victory for Noriko Shimizu!
Her second biggest call and request in her heart was met. She could now completely, forever and thoroughly possess her Watanabe-kun by herself!

What's not to like?

Noriko Shimizu cleared her mind peacefully, but sleepiness kept coming. She took a deep breath of the remaining breath of Watanabe in the quilt and prepared to go back to sleep.

Huh? Why is it all smelling like pear and Mitsu'e...

The next day, the sky was bright and the wind and rain stopped all night.

Horiguchi Rika and Momozawa Mitsue left their daughter Shimizu Noriko behind and went back to school first when the sky was just getting light.

The little horse kept saying "sorry" and asked Watanabe to take care of Kiko when she woke up in the morning. Finally, as Horiguchi lowered his head and kept pulling, the little horse left reluctantly.

She also guessed that she would never have the chance to set foot in Watanabe-san's apartment again.

Even if I enter this apartment again, it won't be as Watanabe-kun's guest...

Watanabe Tetsuya originally planned to wait for Shimizu-san to wake up before making breakfast, otherwise it would get cold.

Then he waited from 7:30 to 9:00, and Noriko Shimizu was still curled up in his bed and sleeping soundly.

She has slept for nearly 12 hours since last night.

Watanabe Toru also felt that the possibility that Shimizu-san was drugged by her good roommate had greatly increased.

Different from the dignified and elegant appearance in the first half of last night, Qingshui's sleeping posture became more down-to-earth after a night of sleep.

From the curves and wrinkles of the quilt wrapped around her, it can be seen that the beautiful girl was lying on her side, facing the living room and Watanabe, her whole small body curled up. Under the body's instinctive reaction, only her head was exposed, her hair was messy, covering half of her face, and her crow-feather-like delicate eyelashes trembled under her gentle breathing at the tip of her nose.

Since there was no one else around, Watanabe Tetsuya was the only one watching with fascination.

Compared to the quiet and elegant yesterday, it was the first time that Toru Watanabe saw such a delicate and lovely Shimizu Noriko, and he couldn't help but become obsessed with her, and even had many inappropriate thoughts for children.

Watanabe Tetsuya does not consider himself a good person and has strong desires.

If he could let Shimizu stay in his apartment next time, Watanabe Toru would explain the situation to her truthfully - he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't do something perverted to her.

Thinking this way, Watanabe felt that he was not much different from Tanaka, Nakamura, Horiguchi Rika and the like...

Unfortunately, when Watanabe Tetsuya came out of the bathroom, Shimizu-san had already woken up.

She sat on the bed, hugging the quilt, leaning against the wall, and fell into a deep sleep.

"Shimizu-san is awake, how are you feeling?"

"…Watanabe-san! Good morning…" The girl lowered her head and leaned her face against the quilt with her knees arched up: "My head hurts…"

"It's almost ten o'clock~" Watanabe said gently. He reached out to touch her head, but then he remembered that girls didn't seem to like physical contact, so he gave up the idea.

"Are you thirsty, Shimizu-san? I'll go get you a cup of tea."

Noriko Shimizu thanked Watanabe for answering her own questions. She was not only thirsty, but also wanted to go to the bathroom...

Underwear, underwear, and clothes... they were all by the bed.

Seeing Watanabe Toru disappear around the corner of the kitchen, Shimizu Noriko stopped being shy, threw back the quilt, knelt on the bed, and started putting on her clothes starting with her underwear.

Noriko Shimizu did not worry about whether Watanabe would peek at her changing clothes.

When Watanabe returned to the living room with two cups of black tea, Noriko had disappeared. After a little thought, he realized that she had gone to the bathroom.

Looking at the battered and messy bed, Watanabe couldn't help laughing. He put the tea on the coffee table and went to make the bed.

He shook the quilt vigorously, and instantly a fragrant smell filled his nose. The unique scent of Noriko Shimizu penetrated into Watanabe Tetsuya's mouth and nose. He inhaled it, and he suddenly felt full of strength.

After making the bed, he waited for nearly fifteen minutes. The hot tea he had just poured was almost cold, and Shimizu-san hadn't come out yet. Watanabe was beginning to suspect that she had fallen into the toilet.

Wait three more minutes... No, come back with a cup of tea. If she hasn't come out yet, Watanabe will go to the bathroom and knock on the door to ask about the situation.

Then, while changing the tea, Watanabe received a Line message alert on his phone.

He has a very small friend list, and all of them have been blocked, with only one exception.

Watanabe quickly unlocked the phone and clicked on it. The message made his pupils dizzy.

[Eat Orange Cat: ...Watanabe-san, can I trouble you with something? It's just... um, there are sanitary napkins in my bag... Can you put my bag on the sink in the bathroom and pass it to me...]
No wonder!
Watanabe Toru suddenly understood everything.

No wonder Qingshui-san stayed in the bathroom for so long, it turned out that her period suddenly came.

I guess she said this after thinking hard for a long time and had no choice but to come up with this idea.

After finding Shimizu's bag, Toru Watanabe knocked on the bathroom door.

"Shimizu-san, I'm opening the door."

"...Hmm." The voice was very light, like a hum.

Watanabe opened the door a tiny bit in one go, placed the bag on the sink, and gently pushed it inside.

"Watanabe-san~~Thank you..."

After waiting in the living room for about ten minutes, Noriko Shimizu came out with her head lowered.

Seeing her red ears and slightly pale face, Watanabe Toru didn't intend to tease her by mentioning this aspect. He only felt distressed: "Qiyomizu-san, how about we have porridge for lunch? I'll order takeout."

"I'll listen to Watanabe-san..."

"So what kind of porridge do you want?"

"I'll listen to Watanabe-san too..."

Watanabe was in a dilemma for a moment. He had no relevant experience, so he had to seek advice from the Internet.

Millet and red dates porridge can improve anemia and relieve dysmenorrhea, so he ordered this.

Not wanting to make the atmosphere too awkward, even though Noriko Shimizu was gradually calming down, Watanabe handed her a disposable toothbrush, towel and comb to wash up.

These were all newly bought by him when he went downstairs this morning.

Noriko Shimizu nodded, took it, thanked her, and after washing up, she felt refreshed.

Without makeup, Noriko Shimizu is elegant and refined, and extremely beautiful.

She stood next to Tetsuya Watanabe, the man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, they would be a perfect match that everyone would praise.

"Where are Rika and Mitsue?" After taking a sip of the black tea handed to her by Watanabe, Shimizu Noriko said this to prevent the awkward silence from continuing.

Watanabe Toru thought about it and told Shimizu everything about Rika Horiguchi's midnight attack last night and how they left early this morning.

To his surprise, Noriko Shimizu just nodded and said that she knew it last night. She woke up once and witnessed the beginning and end of the incident.

This time it was Toru Watanabe's turn to be embarrassed. What is this? Was the attempted crime movie with gender and role swapping watched live? The person watching the live broadcast was a girl who had a crush on him!
"Why are you so shy, Watanabe-san? Doesn't this just show how charming you are... Even a beautiful girl like Rikaka couldn't help but do that? It's unbelievable..."

After saying this, Watanabe really didn't want to talk anymore. He thought very quickly and changed the subject with Horiguchi Rika: "Speaking of that guy Horiguchi, has Shimizu ever drunk alcohol before?"

Watanabe expressed his speculation that Horiguchi might have put drugs in the second glass of wine.

"I see... No wonder I suddenly felt like my body didn't belong to me last night..." Shimizu Noriko rubbed her chin with her fingers:

"Also, although my menstrual period comes in the past few days, it has never been as sudden and intense as it is today..."

Both points that cannot be further explored point to one possibility: it can only be Rika Horiguchi's doing.

Noriko Shimizu spoke calmly, and Toru Watanabe even wanted to kill Rika Horiguchi after hearing what she said.


After waiting for the takeaway to be delivered and finishing her brunch, Noriko Shimizu was about to say goodbye and leave.

Toru Watanabe was worried about Shimizu going back to school alone, especially since she was still suffering from the debuff of her menstrual period, so he offered to take her back.

He cared about her, but also had an obvious possessiveness towards her. Noriko Shimizu also wanted to spend more time with Watanabe, so she naturally would not refuse. She walked out of his single apartment with her hands behind her back, walking at a cheerful pace.

On the way, Watanabe talked to Noriko about going to the movies during the Golden Week. Fortunately, Watanabe bought the movie tickets for May 5, which perfectly avoided Noriko's menstrual period, otherwise the two movie tickets would have been invalidated.

They agreed to discuss the specific matters in detail on Line later, but now there is no time because Watanabe has already sent Noriko to the downstairs of the dormitory.

"I had a lot of fun yesterday and this morning! See you next time, Watanabe-san!


"We'll see each other again soon, Shimizu-san.


Watanabe Tetsuya watched Shimizu-san's back disappear into the dormitory apartment.

When Jiko returned to the dormitory, both of her roommates were there.

She just greeted them without saying much, not caring about their obviously stiff expressions.

Jiko is very tired now, and all the joints in her body are sore. She just wants to soak her feet and then continue to sleep in bed.

"Watanabe-kun, I'm sorry I can't reply to your message or chat with you this afternoon. I'm so sleepy and tired. I want to sleep..."

Noriko Shimizu sent a voice message to Watanabe. She wasn't sure whether Horiguchi Rika and the others would hear it, but now she didn't care.

By the way, Noriko also took a photo of her bed.

An orange bed sheet with kittens of various fur colors and in various poses on it.

"Good afternoon, Qingshui-san. Remember to set an alarm and don't sleep too long."

"Received, received~"

When her menstrual period comes, Noriko Shimizu becomes easily sleepy and has no appetite. When she wakes up, the beautiful girl cannot eat anything and only quickly eats a piece of bread.

The worst thing is that I still have to go to school for the next three days, as the Golden Week holiday starts on the 30th.

On the 28th, Jiko took a day off and lay in bed to rest.

In the past two days, she and Watanabe's chats have become more private. They began to share their daily lives with each other, including the content of classes, the scenery after class, the apartment, the dormitory...

Whenever she went to a restaurant, Noriko Shimizu became like a headless fly. She didn't have a good appetite and really didn't know what to eat. She had been eating biscuits and dry bread these days.

She originally wanted to take pictures of Momozawa Mitsu's lunch and dinner, but Shimizu Noriko didn't want to deceive her classmate Watanabe, so she didn't do it.

At 5:30 in the evening, while lying on the bed listening to music and resting with her eyes closed, Kiko received a call from Watanabe.

"Hey, hey~ Watanabe-san?"

Horiguchi Rika and Momozawa Mitsue subconsciously stopped what they were doing and held their breath.

"Please come down, Qingshui-san." She reported to him and asked for leave to rest in the dormitory.

"Ah? Now?"

"Yes, I'm downstairs in your dormitory building, the place where I sent you back last time."

Hearing this, Noriko Shimizu picked up the light green baseball jacket draped over the back of the chair and put it on without saying a word, then quickened her pace and went downstairs.

It was like he used a skill accurately before TP, making his two roommates act like fools.

"Watanabe-san~ why are you here?"

Noriko Shimizu's smiling face was as beautiful as a flower, and her white and paper-white face turned as soft as warm ruby ​​when she saw her lover, and her complexion instantly became better.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you without prior notice..." Watanabe put his left hand in his pocket and picked up the paper bag with his right hand and handed it to her:
“It contains a black rice donut, a blueberry mousse cake, and the millet and red date porridge I had at noon the day before yesterday.

"The red date porridge should be consumed while it's hot. It's been out of the pot for almost half an hour..."

Watanabe Toru raised his hand a little higher and tilted his head, not wanting the beautiful girl to see his current immature appearance, but his eyes were fixed on Shimizu-san with a sharp gaze.

The sunshine today is particularly good, and the branches of the green trees below the dormitory building are growing wildly green.

The girl felt a little cold, otherwise why would she put her two little hands to her mouth and blow hot air to cover her hands?

There was also a gleam of light in her sparkling eyes, which became brighter and brighter. She took the paper bag solemnly, and even before she had her dessert or porridge, she felt so sweet in her heart that she felt like she was going to faint.

Donuts and blueberry cakes are both her favorites.

What Shimizu Noriko revealed in response to Watanabe's questioning during the previous chat was something she had never expected would bear fruit today, at this very moment.

It came too fast, too suddenly, and too happily!

"Matsumoto-san! Matsumoto-san! It's so rare to see you in the dormitory. Aren't you going to the library today?"

"No, I forgot to take something. I'll go back to the dormitory to get it." Matsumoto Hitomi responded to the female classmate's words, but turned to look at Shimizu Noriko outside the dormitory.

She looked at them from afar, thinking that she had never experienced such a young love in junior high school or high school, and she probably wouldn't have the chance to experience it in college...

Taking the bag from Watanabe, Shimizu Noriko subconsciously smoothed her hair and said, "Tomorrow is the Golden Week holiday, I'm going home~

"With my father and mother taking care of me, I will definitely be able to eat, drink and sleep well!
"Now...Watanabe-san should be able to rest assured, right?"

Shimizu Noriko's exclusive nutritionist Watanabe Toru shook his head, but nodded in agreement: "Hearing is not believing, seeing is believing. Shimizu-san needs to do a good job of reporting..."

Like other couples, they flirted for a long time downstairs of the dormitory before saying goodbye to each other.

Noriko Shimizu, who came back carrying a paper bag, naturally attracted a lot of attention. Horiguchi Rika and Xiaozhima seemed to be doing their own things, but they were actually always glancing at Noriko.

They both knew that what was in the paper bag was probably the things sent by Watanabe.

When they saw Jiko taking out small cakes and other desserts, the two girls felt sad and bitter.

But the smile did not disappear, it only shifted, and the smile shifted to Noriko Shimizu's face.

The beautiful girl looked at the red date porridge and desserts on the table and laughed:

"Really~ How can you send porridge at the same time as dessert..."

But they are so sweet, whether it is the red date porridge, donuts or small cakes, they are all so sweet.

Really sweet.

 Thanks to [President of the Rose School] for the reward!

  It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a reward. I’m flattered.

  Thank you all for your subscriptions, monthly tickets, comments and recommendations, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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