Chapter 138: Rong Lao invites you

Qiao Qingqing is a native of Yangcheng and was an educated youth who just returned to the city at the end of last year.

After returning to the city, she has been working as a temporary worker, earning very little, only a dozen or twenty yuan.

A few days ago, when she was shopping with her mother on Jingcheng Road, she happened to see Chu Qingjiang posting a recruitment advertisement.

When she saw it, her heart moved and she immediately went forward to try it.

Unexpectedly, she actually got the job.

Qiao Qingqing was indeed a bit lucky. Chu Qingjiang was a returned urban youth, and he had a filter for this group of returned urban youth.

As long as these educated youth returning to the city are not too bad people, he will give them a job opportunity.

After Qiao Qingqing was recruited, she worked very hard, studied seriously, and learned quickly.

She is also very patient and has a good attitude towards customers.

Chu Qingjiang saw this and had already included Qiao Qingqing in the list of candidates for store manager.

As long as she maintains this level and steadily improves her professional knowledge, Chu Qingjiang will promote her later.

Chu Qingjiang and Song Wanrou also stayed in the store for three days after opening.

After making sure that the first Guangzhou store had stabilized, Chu Qingjiang and Song Wanrou prepared to return to Beijing by private plane the next day.

Back in the capital, Chu Qingjiang still has a lot of things to do.

He also received a call from Wei Guanghui, the head of the West District in Beijing. "Hello, Mr. Chu! The 3000-acre land of the Wanjie Mobile Phone Factory is about to be completed. I would like to ask you, when will the mobile phone factory be built here?"

The speed of the West District Government project was so fast that even Chu Qingjiang was a little surprised.

"It's been completed so quickly! That's great! Director Wei, thank you for your hard work!"

Wei Guanghui smiled modestly and said, "It's not hard, it's not hard, this is what we should do! Build your factory quickly, it will bring great changes to our district."

"Now your mobile phone factory project is not only a key project for our district government, but also for the capital. The higher-ups are keeping an eye on it. Mr. Chu, we dare not neglect it even a little bit!"

Chu Qingjiang laughed and said, "Okay, I got it. I'm still in Yangcheng now. I'll take a plane back to Beijing tomorrow and then find an auspicious day to start work immediately."

Wei Guanghui smiled and replied, "Okay, okay, then I will wait for Mr. Chu to return soon in the capital."

After hanging up the phone with District Chief Wei, Chu Qingjiang began to think.

Once he returns to the capital, he will choose an auspicious day and the engineering team of the Wanjie Mobile Phone Factory can move in.

Chu Qingjiang already has the overall planning and design drawings for the 3,000 acres of land in his hands. These designs were all produced by the system mall. They are very perfect and use very advanced high-tech.

The entire factory and office building use various technologies that will not be outdated even after decades.

Chu Qingjiang didn't know whether there was any construction company in reality that could undertake this huge project.

After discussing with the system, he decided to buy a batch of engineering simulation robots from the system mall, which would be responsible for directing and supervising the quality and progress of the project.

The rest of the workers were hired from real construction companies.

Wanjie Mobile Phone Factory is currently Chu Qingjiang's most important project, the project with the largest investment, and the future headquarters of Wanjie Group.

Chu Qingjiang doesn't want anything to go wrong with this project.

After he arranged things in Yangcheng, he called Commander Lu to say goodbye.

Officer Lu was reluctant to let him go and asked him, "When will Mr. Chu come to Yangcheng again? We still have a large piece of land waiting for you to develop!"

Chu Qingjiang smiled and replied, "Master Lu, don't worry, I'll remember it. I'll come here after I finish arranging things in the capital." Master Lu also knew that he was very busy, so he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for your next return."

"Okay, see you next time!"

the next day.

Chu Qingjiang took Song Wanrou and several black-clad bodyguards on a private plane and flew directly back to Beijing.

Before they knew it, they had been in Guangzhou for ten days.

When they came back, they didn't inform their families.

When they got back home in the car, Song Lai Fu and Luo Meihua suddenly saw them and were stunned for a moment before they reacted.

"Hey, Qingjiang, Xiaorou, you're back!"

"Why didn't you two tell your family that you were coming back?"

Seeing the happy smiles on Song Laifu and Luo Meihua's faces, Chu Qingjiang and Song Wanrou also laughed, "Yes, Dad, Mom, we are back."

Chu Qingjiang gave some of the snacks and specialties he brought back to Luo Meihua.

"Mom, please keep some of these snacks and specialties from Yangcheng here. Take them out in the evening and let everyone taste them. You can also take some back home to eat."

The others were kept for giving to friends. He talked to Luo Meihua about it and put them aside to avoid confusion.

He also took out the clothes, gold bracelets and rings he bought for Luo Meihua, Song Laifu and others and gave them to them.

Song Laifu and Luo Meihua wanted to refuse, but Song Wanrou smiled and said to them: "Dad, Mom, Qingjiang bought this specially to show his filial piety to you. You can keep it. My parents-in-law also have some."

Chu Qingjiang also smiled and said, "Wanrou is right. Dad, Mom, this is my filial piety. You two should accept it with confidence!"

After sitting for a while, Chu Qingjiang asked Song Wanrou about her nephew's schooling.

Luo Meihua smiled and replied, "Youxin and Youyi are already attending classes at Shichahai Primary School. The teacher said that they will first attend the preschool class for the first half of the year, and then they can go directly to the first grade in September."

Chu Qingjiang and Song Wanrou were relieved, "It's good to go to school."

The youngest child, Song Xiaoai, and her second sister’s two children are still young and have not been sent to school yet.

After returning home and resting for a while, Chu Qingjiang accompanied Song Wanrou for lunch and let her go back to her room to rest.

He was still thinking about one thing. Mr. Rong had told him that after returning to Beijing, he should report to Mr. Rong the results of their investigation in Guangzhou.

Half past two in the afternoon.

Chu Qingjiang called Mr. Rong.

The person who answered the phone was still Secretary Cheng Lun. "Hello, hello! Who is this?"

Chu Qingjiang smiled and replied, "Secretary Cheng, hello! I am Chu Qingjiang. I came back from Guangzhou today. Mr. Rong told me to talk to him about my trip to Guangzhou after I come back. Could you please ask him if he is free to answer the phone?"

Cheng Lun replied politely: "Okay, don't hang up yet, I'll go in and ask Mr. Rong."

"Excuse me."

Cheng Lun put down the phone quietly, walked to the door of Mr. Rong's office and knocked gently.

After hearing Mr. Rong say "Come in", Cheng Lun pushed open the door and walked in.

He respectfully reported to Mr. Rong, "Mr. Rong, Mr. Chu from Wanjie Company called and said he wanted to report to you about the trip to Yangcheng. Do you want to answer the call?"

(End of this chapter)

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