Chapter 160 The baby is born!
Lin Daxia rolled her eyes at her son and said, "Don't just talk. Take some action and treat Wanrou well."

Chu Qingjiang nodded repeatedly, "I will, I will."

In the following days, Chu Qingjiang stayed in Beijing to work and did not go out for social events. Apart from work, he stayed at home every day to accompany Song Wanrou.

With Chu Qingjiang's company and care, Song Wanrou's mood gradually improved.

In the late stage of pregnancy, her belly was very big and she was very tired. She felt uncomfortable lying down every day and her back and waist ached when she stood.

Only then did Song Wanrou deeply realize how difficult it was to be a mother.

Pregnant in October and giving birth once.

On September 9th, there were still a few days before the due date, and the little guy in Song Wanrou's belly couldn't wait to come out and meet his parents.

Just after finishing breakfast, Song Wanrou felt a sharp pain in her stomach, and she groaned in pain.

Chu Qingjiang, who was sitting next to her, immediately asked her nervously, "Wife, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

During this period of time, staying with Song Wanrou, he also understood the sufferings that women go through during pregnancy.

At first, he thought, don't all women have the ability to give birth to children? It seems easy for others to give birth to a child, but nowadays women give birth to several children!
Later, Song Wanrou asked him to tie 35 kilograms of weight on his body and not let him carry it for a few days, but just carry it for one day to try.

Only after he tried it did he feel tired.

In the early stages of pregnancy, women may vomit every day, lose their appetite, and have trouble eating.

Of course, there are also many women with good physical conditions who will not vomit during pregnancy.

The second half of pregnancy, after the morning sickness period, when the belly is not yet particularly large, is a relatively comfortable stage.

In the later stages of pregnancy, the enlarged belly will press on the stomach and heart. You will feel breathless when lying down, and your back will ache when standing. Sitting for a long time is also not good.

There may also be problems such as leg edema, gestational hypertension, etc., which is also the most difficult period of pregnancy.

When women say they are not feeling well, many men always think that they are being pretentious, but they don’t know that they are really not feeling well.

Chu Qingjiang didn’t pay much attention to it before, thinking that there shouldn’t be any problems since Song Wanrou was at home with so many people taking care of her.

But after spending this period of time with her, he discovered that in the eyes of his wife, the husband is different from the parents.

Only when you give her enough sense of security and enough love will she be willing to give everything for you.

During this period, Chu Qingjiang also read a lot of books on caring for pregnant women and raising babies.

When he confirmed that Song Wanrou had started having contractions and was about to give birth, he immediately notified his family and asked them to bring all the packages they had prepared for delivery.

He asked the driver to drive out the best luxury car worth tens of millions, then he picked up Song Wanrou horizontally and walked out.

He placed Song Wanrou in the spacious back seat of the luxury car, and lowered the seat back a little so that Song Wanrou could half lie there and be more comfortable.

Chu Dazhui, Lin Daxia, Song Laifu, Luo Meihua and others all followed in jeeps.

Originally, Chu Qinghe and the others wanted to come and take a look, but Chu Qingjiang asked them to go to work first and he would notify them if anything happened.

If the baby is really born today, they will come to see Song Wanrou after work.

The two cars drove one after the other towards Peking University Hospital, which is closest to Shichahai.

Chu Qingjiang had already found an acquaintance and invited Dean Zhang Fan to have a meal, and also booked a bed with the obstetrics and gynecology department for the next few days.

Song Wanrou’s previous pregnancy check-up was also done at Peking University Hospital.

After Chu Qingjiang got in the car, he immediately called Dean Zhang, "Dean Zhang, hello! I am Chu Qingjiang."

When Zhang Fan heard that it was Chu Qingjiang calling, he immediately asked him enthusiastically, "It's Mr. Chu. Is your wife about to give birth?"

Chu Qingjiang smiled and replied, "Yes, my wife has already started having labor pains. I am driving to your hospital now. Could you please notify the doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology department to make preparations?"

Zhang Fan immediately responded: "No problem, no problem, I'll arrange it for you right away."

Seeing that Zhang Fan responded so readily, Chu Qingjiang also said gratefully: "Okay, thank you, Dean Zhang. I will thank you again after my wife gives birth!" "You're welcome, President Chu. That's it for now. I'll arrange it right away."

"Okay, thank you, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Qingjiang let out a long sigh and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Seeing how nervous he was, Song Wanrou tried to comfort him instead, "Qingjiang, don't be so nervous. I'm just starting to have labor pains now. They only hurt every once in a while, so I shouldn't be giving birth soon. I read in a book that if the pains keep coming, then the baby is about to be born."

Chu Qingjiang held her hand and looked at her with eyes full of heartache, "Wife, thank you for your hard work!"

Song Wanrou smiled at him, "This is the fruit of our love and the continuation of our lives. I gave birth to it willingly. Even if it's hard, it's worth it! I just don't know if this baby is a son or a daughter?"

Chu Qingjiang smiled and replied, "We'll know soon."

Although he could also use his connections to get an ultrasound to determine the gender of the baby, Chu Qingjiang and Song Wanrou both felt that it was unnecessary.

As long as the child is healthy, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, they will try their best to love her (him).

When they arrived at Peking University Hospital, Dean Zhang Fan personally led the chief doctors and nurses of the obstetrics and gynecology department and waited for Chu Qingjiang and Song Wanrou at the gate.

Seeing the domineering bulletproof luxury car coming, Zhang Fan immediately said to the doctors and nurses around him: "Boss Chu and his team are here, everyone get ready!"


A group of doctors and nurses immediately prepared the stretcher and other things, not daring to be negligent in the slightest.

Dean Zhang had already informed them of Chu Qingjiang and Song Wanrou's identities, and asked them to take good care of the pregnant woman and the child and not make any mistakes.

If the medical staff performed well and received the appreciation and recognition of President Chu, given President Chu's generosity, he would definitely give the medical staff prizes.

As soon as Chu Qingjiang got out of the car, he saw Dean Zhang Fan and shook hands with him first, "Dean Zhang, thank you for your help."

Zhang Fan smiled and said, "You're welcome, Mr. Chu, please accompany your wife inside first, we'll talk later."

Chu Qingjiang glanced at Song Wanrou, who had been helped onto the gurney by the medical staff, and quickly said, "Okay, we'll talk later."

With Dean Zhang Fan personally coming forward, Song Wanrou also received the best care from the medical staff.

Even towards Chu Qingjiang's family members, their attitude was very good.

Lin Daxia watched Song Wanrou enter the examination room under the attentive escort of medical staff and undergo a basic examination first.

She also muttered in front of Chu Qingjiang, "This time when I came to the hospital, the attitudes of these medical staff have become much better."

Chu Qingjiang smiled faintly, "As long as the relationship is in place, the service attitude will naturally be good."

Song Wanrou's examination results showed that everything was normal.

The director of obstetrics and gynecology also accompanied her during the examination. After the examination, she was sent back to the ward to let Song Wanrou rest for a while, as it would probably take another two or three hours before she could give birth.

The waiting time is the most tormenting.

As Song Wanrou's contractions became more frequent, she was finally pushed into the delivery room by medical staff.

Chu Qingjiang, his parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law were waiting outside the delivery room, anxiously waiting for the baby to be born.

Outside the delivery room, in addition to their family, there was another family waiting there.

Chu Qingjiang thought of the story of the cat replacing the prince, and he told the system, "System, help me keep an eye on the delivery room, and make sure the baby is not replaced."

The system immediately responded: "Okay, Master, I will keep a close eye on the inside and make sure no accidents happen."

As time passed, the door of the delivery room finally opened.

The medical staff smiled at Chu Qingjiang and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Chu, on the birth of your precious baby boy. Both mother and child are safe! You have to wait a moment. We still need to clean the baby before we can take him out."

When Chu Qingjiang heard that mother and child were safe, his heart, which had been hanging in the air, finally settled down.

(End of this chapter)

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