Chapter 3 The system is powerful

It turns out that having money gives you confidence.

Even though he had borrowed the money, it made him stand up straighter.

The helplessness and fear Chu Qingjiang felt before returning to the city also disappeared, and his whole temperament seemed much calmer and more composed.

He was also thinking in his mind, how to sell these products after returning to Beijing?
Now he only had the 166 yuan that his wife Song Wanrou gave him before he left. This amount of money was not enough to buy a store, but he could rent one.

Before renting a store, he could ride a tricycle to set up a stall and sell goods.

Although there are taxis in the warehouse that can carry people and cargo, he doesn't know how to drive one!
It would be better if he could have a legal job identity and go to major department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives to sell these scarce products.

Thinking of this, Chu Qingjiang used his mind to ask the system again, "Tongzi, can the products issued by the system provide legal receipts?"

The system replied: "Yes! For every product that the system sells, we can provide legal receipts from this world, and we will also pay taxes according to the rules. We guarantee that they won't find any problems. Master, don't worry!"

Chu Qingjiang breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good. Can you also get me a legal work identity that can't be found to have any problems?"

If he wants to sell his products in department stores or supply and marketing cooperatives, it would be best if he is a salesperson from a manufacturer.


The system also knows that if it wants the owner to develop quickly and earn more coins, it must first help the owner solve these worries.

Soon, Chu Qingjiang saw that the system had made a very high-end work permit for him.

At the top is a color ID photo of him wearing a suit and tie, looking very energetic.

Below the ID photo it says:

Name: Chu Qingjiang
Sex: Male
Position: General Manager

Department: Management Department
Unit: Beijing Wanjie Trade Department Store (with big red official seal)

In addition to this formal and respectable work permit, the system also very considerately made him a striking personal business card and a business license for individual industrial and commercial households.

At this time, the business license of the individual industrial and commercial household was filled out manually, and the business scope read: department store retail.

On the back of his personal business card, the business scope of their Wanjie Trading Department Store is clearly written. Almost all product categories used in life are written down by the system, as if the system is eager for Chu Qingjiang to start all the business as soon as possible.

Chu Qingjiang saw that the business license and business card both had an address and phone number in Beijing, which was near Shichahai.

Seeing such a dazzling work permit and business license, Chu Qingjiang asked the system again, "Tongzi, is your address and phone number real?"

The system replied proudly: "Of course it is true! However, Master, if you want to register this three-in-one courtyard house at this address under your name, you have to pay for it yourself."

Chu Qingjiang asked Tongzi with a smile, "Isn't this the office address set up by your Wanjie Shopping System? Logically, your system should be responsible for paying for this!"

The system snorted, "If the system pays, then this three-in-one courtyard house cannot be registered under the owner's name. It will be inconvenient for the owner to do something in the future or to arrange for his family to live together."

"Moreover, this three-entry, two-story courtyard house not only faces the main street, but also covers a very large area of ​​more than 3000 square meters. It also has 22 rooms, 6 halls, and 13 bathrooms."

"In addition to a warehouse of more than 2000 square meters, the underground floor also has a 300-square-meter garage that can accommodate ten cars."

"Another 500 square meters was set aside for a private cinema, gym, karaoke room, etc...."

"Master, it's definitely a good deal if you buy it. You can move in with your whole family. How wonderful!"

At the end, Tongzi said with a little bit of pride: "To be honest, if it weren't for a powerful Tongzi like me, you wouldn't be able to buy such a nice courtyard house."

"Master, I'd better show you the real picture of this large courtyard house. Then you will know how luxurious and beautiful it is, how advanced the equipment is, and how pleasing it looks!" After the system said this, it transmitted this three-in-one courtyard house into Chu Qingjiang's mind in 3D stereoscopic imaging mode.

Chu Qingjiang saw this large two-story courtyard house with three entrances. It was indeed very grand and bright, with antique decorations, and a low-key yet luxurious feel.

The spacious courtyard of the second entrance also has very beautiful garden landscape.

Walking through the hanging flower gate, you can see the marble koi pond at a glance, with many red and white koi swimming around in it.

There are rockery and flowing water next to it, as well as Taihu stones of strange shapes.

A small marble bridge connects the two courtyards, making the scenery in the main courtyard look particularly elegant.

On both sides of the central hall, there are two large flower beds, each with a pomegranate tree.

There are many precious flowers planted around the pomegranate tree, which are colorful and particularly beautiful.

Next to the east wing, there is a door connecting to the small garden in the east courtyard.

What surprised Chu Qingjiang was that the entire courtyard garden was full of blooming flowers, as if it was completely unaffected by the cold winter.

Each hall, bedroom and kitchen in the courtyard is also equipped with antique furniture and various daily necessities.

It was really like Tongzi said, he could move in directly with his family.

Looking at the back house next to the gate, it has been completely opened up and converted into a large store.

The store door uses an automatic rolling shutter device that can be remotely controlled.

Chu Qingjiang had never heard of these advanced things.

If Tongzi hadn't given him a detailed introduction and instructions, he wouldn't have known how to use it.

The entire store has also been extended and expanded to include the garden area in the first courtyard and the restroom in the second courtyard, making the store appear more spacious and elegant.

According to Chu Qingjiang's visual estimation, the single-story building should be more than 300 square meters, and the double-story building should be more than 600 square meters, which is really suitable for a store.

There is a staircase next to it, which leads directly to the second floor.

The second floor is connected as one and looks more spacious and brighter than the first floor. It can be used as a store or an office.

The first time Chu Qingjiang saw the second floor, he wanted to separate out a large room here to use as his office.

Sitting here, he can drink tea, work, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Shichahai outside the window.

On the other side of the main gate, there is another house, which has also been extended and expanded to include the garden in the small corner next to the screen wall, making it a small store.

This small store is about 80 to 90 square meters, which is just right for selling clothes, shoes, accessories and other goods.

Next to this small shop is the entrance to the underground parking lot, which is also a rolling shutter door with a remote control device.

This door is usually closed and will only be opened when a car arrives.

The area from the store entrance to the underground parking lot is also very spacious. Judging from the appearance, this row of cars can park more than a dozen more.

After Chu Qingjiang finished looking at it, he felt that this large courtyard house was really attractive!
It can be said that it is so perfect that he cannot find any fault with it!
If his family could live in such a courtyard and open a shop, it would definitely be very comfortable.

At this time, Chu Qingjiang also realized the powerful methods of this Tongzi, who was as powerful as a god.

(End of this chapter)

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