Chapter 31 Love for Son
Although there are many self-employed individuals across the country who employ excessive numbers of workers, Chu Qingjiang's current sale of electrical appliances already carries some risks. If he employs more than seven workers, he could easily be caught.

If he is reported by someone with conjunctivitis, he will be in trouble.

Several aunts were very grateful that he was willing to accept their children.

They nodded quickly and said, "Understood, understood. We will tell you when someone asks."

Chu Qingjiang said to Wu Xiaoyan and Wu Xiaowei, "Xiaoyan, Xiaowei, there are ten rooms in the back room. I plan to use them as staff dormitories."

"You two can also move in. It will be more convenient for you to go to get off work. From now on, you employees will have food and accommodation provided."

Wu Xiaoyan and Wu Xiaowei were delighted. "Really? We can move in here too? That's great!"

Their family of seven lived in a 35-square-meter house, which was really too crowded.

It has always been their dream to move into a spacious and beautiful courtyard house.

Unexpectedly, they got what they wanted so soon.

Wu Xiaowei asked excitedly: "Brother Jiang, can we move here tomorrow?"

Chu Qingjiang smiled and nodded, "Okay, you guys come over half an hour early tomorrow morning, and I'll ask Dongzi to arrange dormitories for you, one room for each of you."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Brother Jiang!"

"Thank you, Brother Jiang!"

Wu Maohua and Zheng Guixiang also smiled.

Their family gained a lot today, not only getting so much bonus, but also solving the accommodation problem for their two children. They are so happy!

After sending them all away, Chu Qingjiang said to Chu Dazhu and Lin Daxia, "Dad, Mom, you can stay here today. After work tomorrow, you can move to the courtyard with Qinglan."

"We live together as a family. This place is spacious and beautiful. The suite has a bathroom and toilet, so it's more comfortable. It can also help me take care of the business in the store. How great!"

Chu Dazhu and Lin Daxia were originally hesitant about whether to come and live here, but after hearing what their son said, they agreed immediately.

My son's business is so good, it's time for them to move in so that I can help out a little while taking care of them.

Lin Daxia smiled and said, "Okay, then we'll move here after get off work tomorrow. We have to go back tonight, and your sister is waiting for us at home."

Chu Qinglan will graduate from the medical school next year. Because of her excellent academic performance, she has already started her internship at the hospital in advance.

Working in the hospital requires taking turns to rest.

So even though today is the weekend, she still has to go to work, and she can only take a day off when it is her turn to take a day off.

After they move in, they can keep the houses in the family building first. If they don’t want to come back at noon when they are at work, they can rest there.

Chu Qingjiang was afraid that they would bring everything from home, so he reminded Chu Dazhui and Lin Daxia.

"Dad, Mom, there is everything here in the courtyard. You just need to bring some of your belongings with you. The things in the family building can be left there for use."

Lin Daxia also nodded, "I see. The junks in our house have been used for many years. Moving them here will not match your beautiful courtyard. Don't worry, I won't move in."

Chu Qingjiang smiled and said, "It's good that you know this. I will buy you some clothes and shoes later. If you need anything, just tell me and I will buy it for you. Sometimes, I may not think things through, so just remind me."

"You don't have to worry about money and tickets. It's very convenient to buy things here. I have a special channel to purchase goods. You don't need tickets to buy anything. You can buy whatever you want with confidence."

Lin Daxia smiled happily and said, "That's great. In the past, we always wanted to buy something, but we couldn't buy it even if we had money. Son, your parents will be living with you in the future and will enjoy a good life."

Chu Qingjiang smiled faintly, "That's not necessarily true. You may still be busy. However, we should be busy when we should be busy, but you should also learn to enjoy when you should enjoy. Your son will be there for you in the future, and you don't have to worry about anything." Chu Dazhu and Lin Daxia were both coaxed into smiling faces by him.

After chatting, Chu Qingjiang stuffed another 500 yuan into their pockets, "Dad, Mom, this is a bonus for both of you. You've worked hard these past two days!"

Lin Daxia wanted to stuff it back to him, but Chu Qingjiang insisted, "Mom, your son's business is doing well. You can see that he can't collect all the money every day. This little bit of money is my filial piety to you. Hurry up and put it away!"

Lin Daxia then put the money away, but still reminded him, "I'll keep it for now. If you need money in the future, just tell me."

Chu Qingjiang smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll ask you for it if I need it."

Since he has given out the money, he will naturally not take it back.

But he deeply felt his mother's love for him, and was willing to say things that she liked to hear and to please her.

Chu Qingjiang was worried that his sister would have nothing to eat when she got home from get off work, so he asked Lin Daxia to bring back several bags of packaged dumplings and buns.

If you can’t finish it today, you can have it for breakfast tomorrow.

After Chu Dazhu and Lin Daxia went back, Chu Qingjiang also prepared to go back to his room to rest.

I'm very tired after being busy all day.

He first went to the bathroom and took a hot bath, which drove away his fatigue and made him feel energetic again.

Following the system's suggestion, he took another body-building pill, which once again optimized and improved his muscles and bones. He became stronger and fitter, and his whole body strength became stronger.

It should be no problem for him to lift something weighing three to five hundred kilograms now.

Before going to bed, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't had time to call his wife in the past two days. He wondered if she missed him.
I'll find time to give her a call tomorrow.

He estimated that business would slow down in a few days.

He will go back and pick her up then.

He missed her too.

When Chu Qingjiang was sleeping at night, he actually had a beautiful dream. In the dream, he and his wife were very affectionate and affectionate.

When he woke up, Chu Qingjiang had to go to the bathroom to take a hot shower, then change into clean clothes and go downstairs.

Chu Qinghe also made breakfast.

This morning he made steamed dumplings and steamed meat buns.

These two things are simple. Chu Qingjiang bought ten packs and put them in the refrigerator. He gave a few packs to his parents yesterday, and there were still a lot of packs this morning.

Chu Qinghe took it directly from the refrigerator, steamed it and served it on the table.

The drink was served with milk, which Chu Qingjiang had bought and put in the refrigerator, and he boiled it in the morning and drank it.

During days like this, Chu Qinghe and Zheng Xiangdong both felt that their lives were particularly nourishing and comfortable, a feeling that even a god would not change.

Even though their lives became better and they had more money later, they still missed the simple and happy selves at that time and the simple and pure life at that time.

They were having breakfast when they heard the doorbell ring.

 Thanks to Murong Yichu for the reward, and thanks to the family members who voted, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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