Three Kingdoms Summoning: Peak Resurgence

Chapter 105 Guo Jia's wings are flapped by butterflies

Chapter 105 Guo Jia's wings are flapped by butterflies

[Ding Dong, Han Dang is at the peak of his five attributes: Command 86, Force 95, Intelligence 75, Politics 68, Charisma 85;

Han Dang's current five-dimensional attributes are command 80, force 93, intelligence 70, politics 62, and charm 82;

Equipment: Wind Blade +1;]

[Han Dang, skill 1, sword general;
Sword General: Exclusive skill for sword-wielding generals. After this skill is activated, the general's force will be increased by 2, and it can be upgraded to a sword king skill.

[Skill 2, Archer Cavalry;
Archer Cavalry: People who are skilled in archery and horse riding are easier to awaken. The effects of the skills possessed by different people are different;

Effect 1: When fighting on horseback, the force is +4; when fighting on foot, the force is +3;

Effect 2: When shooting from a horse, your own force is instantly increased by 4. (Note: This can be activated at the same time as Effect 1: Cavalry Combat Effect.)
Effect 3: When commanding cavalry in battle, the marching speed of the troops under your command will increase;]

Han Dang's strength was basically not much different from Huang Gai. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, when Sun Quan attacked Jiangxia, he fought with Zhang Hu. After twenty rounds, Zhang Hu was exhausted. Han Dang shouted loudly and cut off half of Zhang Hu's head with one knife.

In the Battle of Red Cliff, Han Dang and Zhou Tai fought against Wen Pin and repelled him.

In the Battle of Ruxu, Han Dang and Zhou Tai fought Xu Chu, and the battle ended in a draw after thirty rounds. Xu Chu was Cao Cao's last man, and Han Dang and his men did not dare to pursue him.

In the Battle of Zigui, Han Dang and Zhou Tai encountered Guan Xing and Zhang Bao. Guan Xing killed Zhou Ping (Zhou Tai's brother) in seconds, and Zhang Bao stabbed Xia Xun (Han Dang's deputy general) to death, and then rushed straight to Han Dang and Zhou Tai to kill them. Han and Zhou did not dare to fight, and "retreat into the battle array in panic."

Judging from Han Dang's overall performance, he is probably a weak silver, compared to the top-notch Dian Wei who has a peak force value of 103.

And his awakened skills fully demonstrated that he could more easily exert his abilities when commanding cavalry in battle!

No wonder, when the Eastern Wu army was fighting the enemy in the field, Han Dang was basically the vanguard general. With such skills, it would be a waste of talent if he was not used to serve as the vanguard general of the cavalry.

However, for Wang Yu, who has seen countless storms, the effect of this skill can only be said to be okay, and it is far from being amazing.

[Ding Dong, Zu Mao's peak five-dimensional attributes: Command 82, Force 93, Intelligence 70, Politics 62, Charisma 81;

Zu Mao's current five-dimensional attributes are command 76, force 91, intelligence 65, politics 60, and charm 79;

Equipment: Sun and Moon Dual Swords +1;

Skills: Sword General;】

Among Sun Jian's four generals, Cheng Pu had the best martial arts, followed by Han Dang and Huang Gai, and Zu Mao was the worst. Now it seems that they were exactly the same.

[Ding Dong, the system has detected that Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, and Zu Mao have a combined skill called 'Four Generals of the Sun Family'. The specific effect will only be known after it is activated;]

Wang Yu remembered that the four families of the Sun family in the original novel had never shown that the four of them had combination skills, but this might also be a problem of perspective.

After all, in the original book, they only exist as background materials.

However, things are different now. Wang Yu, the system host, is here in person, so he can naturally detect that they have a combination of skills.

The four of them were already strong, and if they activated their combined skills, even ordinary generals might not be their opponents. Apart from Sun Jian, Zhu Jun had no other powerful generals to show off, and they were basically all first-rate generals. He was the only super first-rate general.

[Ding Dong, Zhu Jun's current five-dimensional attributes are Command 95, Military Strength 96, Intelligence 89, Politics 83, Charisma 82;

Zhu Jun's peak five-dimensional attributes: Command 94, Force 96, Intelligence 86, Politics 83, Charisma 80;】

[Skill 1, Sword General;
Sword General: …】

[Skill 2, Brave;
Bravery: Only brave and resolute people can easily awaken this skill. The effect of this skill varies from person to person.

Effect 1: When used against an enemy, as courage increases, your own force increases by 2, and can be used up to three times;

Effect 2: When commanding troops in battle, your own commander bonus is +2. If you are fighting against peasant uprisings, your own commander bonus is additionally +1. The amplification effect of effect 1 can be activated once more.
Effect 3: When you personally participate in the battle, you will gain an extra +1 to your own military strength, which can greatly increase the combat power, speed, and morale of your own soldiers. If you are fighting against peasant uprisings and are in crisis, the military strength of all your own soldiers will be +1.]

As expected of one of the three famous generals of the late Han Dynasty, Wang Yu finally understood why Zhu Jun was able to break through Xiang Yan's pocket formation when he discovered something was wrong in time when he met a legendary general like Xiang Yan.

It turns out that it was the effect of bravery.

When facing a crisis, you can increase the military strength of the entire army by +1!

[Skill 3, Military Strategy;
Military strategy: Zhu Jun has a unique skill of being intelligent, wise, brave, and capable of making no mistakes in his plans and conquering without any omissions.
Effect 1: No mistakes in strategy. When Zhu Jun uses a strategy, it is easy to cause the opponent to misjudge the situation, causing his intelligence attribute to be randomly reduced by 1~3 points. If he is tricked by the opponent and discovered in time, his intelligence will be +2; (Note: The effect of reducing the opponent's command can only be activated against people whose basic command is not higher than yours;)

Effect 2: Conquer without any hesitation. When on the offensive side, you can see through the defensive loopholes arranged by the enemy and randomly reduce the commander attribute of the enemy's main general by 1 to 3 points.
Effect 3, Jingming Shenwu, as long as you maintain a humble heart, can timely reflect on your own shortcomings, and make a timely summary after each failure, you can transform it into your own effect and permanently improve your own random attribute; (Note: This effect can be activated multiple times;)]

No wonder Zhu Jun's five-dimensional attributes have increased to a certain extent. It is probably the increase in the effect of military strategy, and Xiang Yan just happened to become his touchstone.

After testing Zhu Jun, Wei Yi turned his attention to Guo Jia. He wanted to see if Guo Jia would change as he, the butterfly, flapped his wings.

[Ding Dong, Guo Jia's five attributes are at their peak: Command 81, Force 39, Intelligence 99, Politics 90, Charisma 95;

Guo Jia has not yet reached his peak. His current five-dimensional attributes are Command 61, Force 39, Intelligence 97, Politics 69, Charisma 85;】

[Skill 1, Genius: Born a genius, he can plan everything, understand people's minds, and is unpredictable. This is Guo Jia's unique skill.
Effect 1: After this skill is activated, it will randomly increase your intelligence by 1 to 4 points;
Effect 2: When serving as a military advisor, the commander's intelligence and leadership can be randomly increased by 1 to 3 points;
Effect 3: Unintentionally, it can reduce the enemy commander's intelligence by 1~4 points;]

Seeing Guo Jia's first skill, Wang Yu nodded. As a military strategist skill, it was already very good, especially, it was slightly stronger than the original.

After all, the original novel doesn't have effect three, but does this mean...

Wang Yu didn’t know this either, so he could only be patient and continue reading.

Has the jealousy of heaven also changed?

[Skill 2, Heaven's Jealousy: Your talent is so outstanding that even Heaven will be jealous, leading to...]

(End of this chapter)

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