Three Kingdoms Summoning: Peak Resurgence

Chapter 7: Mixed Praise and Criticism Fan Wencheng

Chapter 7: Mixed Praise and Criticism Fan Wencheng

"As expected of an invincible summoning system, the first person to appear is the highly intelligent and political Fang Xuanling. I wonder what kind of great person will appear next."

Since Fang Xuanling had made a good start, Wang Yu was also full of expectations for the next characters.

[Ding Dong, summon the second person, the famous official of the Qing Dynasty, Fan Wencheng, command 83, force 76, intelligence 98, politics 97, charm 73;]

After seeing Fan Wencheng, the big traitor, appear from the system's summoning list, Wang Yu's murderous intent was instantly ignited, and his good mood due to Fang Xuanling's appearance was instantly shattered.

However, Wang Yu had lived for three lifetimes after all, so he still had some endurance. But in the blink of an eye, the murderous aura that had not yet been completely ignited was easily suppressed by him.

Although this person's abilities were indeed very impressive, and he had secured certain benefits for the Han people after the Qing Dynasty unified the country, this did not mean that Wang Yu would tolerate such a person.

After all, the sins committed by the Qing Dynasty against the Han people are no worse than the chicken-foot-basin on a certain small island.

[Ding Dong, summon the third person, the famous minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Dao, command 72, force 43, intelligence 95, politics 97, charm 98;]

Wang Dao, a native of Linyi, Langya, was a direct descendant of the Wang family of Langya. Since the Taibao Wang Xiang, the family had always been a prominent and famous family. Wang Xiang's grandson Wang Yan served successively as Sikong, Situ, and Taiwei, and was one of the most important figures in the court.

Wang Dao was a minister in the early years of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It can be said that without Wang Dao, there would be no Eastern Jin Dynasty. The status of the Jin Dynasty in history would be extremely miserable, and even a transparent person could not achieve it.

After the northern gentry chose to migrate south due to the war, Wang Dao, as the leader of the Wang family of Langya, recruited a group of northern gentry as the backbone and contacted the southern gentry for assistance, thus becoming the leader of the northern and southern gentry.

At this time, the reputation of the Wang family of Langya suddenly reached its peak.

After stabilizing the situation, Wang Dao decided to place an emperor with the surname Sima above himself. This person was Sima Rui, the King of Langya.

When Sima Rui first ascended the throne, he pulled Wang Dao to sit on the throne to receive congratulations. So people at that time said "Wang and Ma share the world", and it is worth noting that Wang was in front of Ma.

This shows the status of the Wang family of Langya in the early Jin Dynasty.

During his lifetime, Wang Dao served three emperors, namely Emperor Yuan of Jin, Emperor Ming of Jin and Emperor Cheng of Jin, and was one of the true founders of the Eastern Jin regime.

Since there were conflicts between the northern gentry and the southern gentry, and between the Wang family and the Sima family, it would have been impossible to establish the Eastern Jin Dynasty if these conflicts could not be resolved and brought into a relatively balanced state.

Wang Dao's lifelong mission was to reconcile these contradictions, thus creating a situation of partial peace in the Jiangzuo area. Of course, this situation was also what Wang Dao and Emperor Yuan of Jin focused on and hoped for.

As for the Northern Expedition to recover the Central Plains, although famous generals such as Zu Ti actively advocated it at the time, it did not receive the support and trust of Wang Dao, who was in charge, and Emperor Yuan of Jin.

Therefore, even though Zu Ti once led more than a hundred troops across the river to the north, forged weapons in Huaiyin, recruited more than 2,000 soldiers, repeatedly defeated Shi Le's army, and recovered a large tract of land south of the Yellow River, in the end, due to lack of successors, all these measures were in vain.

Zu Ti himself died of grief and anger, which can be said to be a negative aspect of Wang Dao's political thought. However, Wang Dao had no choice. The southern gentry were already isolated and the north had nothing to do with them. Just like the Southern Song Dynasty court, not everyone liked the Northern Expedition.

It can be said that it was Wang Dao's mediation in the court that enabled the aristocratic families in the south and the north to maintain a balance.

Take Huan Wen’s usurpation as an example. If it weren’t for the resistance of the two major aristocratic families, Wang and Xie, Huan Wen’s ambition might have been realized.

After Huan Wen's death, Xie An took charge of the government of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He continued to implement Wang Dao's strategy of calming the people with peace and tranquility. He appointed Huan Wen's younger brother Huan Chong as the governor of Jingzhou, and he worked with Xie An to protect the imperial family, which brought unprecedented harmony to the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

From this, it can be seen that Wang Dao’s political ability is definitely not weak, and his wisdom is even better. He is fully qualified to be ranked double silver!

[Ding Dong, summon the fourth person, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the famous general of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the king of spy warfare Wei Xiaokuan, command 98, force 92, intelligence 99, politics 95, charm 89;]

Wei Xiaokuan, the king of spy warfare during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, was also known as the killer of famous generals. It is unknown how many famous generals he killed in his lifetime!
Take Gao Huan for example. He was known as the Little Cao Cao. He wiped out the Erzhu forces, controlled the Eastern Wei regime, and laid the foundation for the establishment of the Northern Qi.

Looking back on Gao Huan's life, it is quite legendary. However, this hero in troubled times who was comparable to Cao Cao ended up in tragedy.

In the Battle of Yubi, he met Wei Xiaokuan, who was known for his resourcefulness. Although he fought for more than 50 days with an army of 200,000, he was still played around by Wei Xiaokuan and was unable to take care of his own life. In the end, nearly half of the 200,000 troops were lost, and he suffered a miserable defeat.

Finally, Gao Huan died of illness on his way back.

In the original history, Wei Xiaokuan came from a prominent family. He was from Duling, Jingzhao. His father, Wei Xu, had served as the prefect of Wuwei. He himself had a calm personality, was upright but also smart, and had been familiar with classics and history since childhood.

When Wei Xiaokuan was 20 years old, he encountered a rebellion. He immediately recommended himself to the court and requested to be the vanguard to quell the rebellion. The court admired Wei Xiaokuan's courage and determination and appointed him as the commander-in-chief.

Although this official position was not high, Wei Xiaokuan cherished this opportunity very much. He followed his superiors in battles across the country and made military achievements in every battle. As a result, he gradually stood out from the generals in the army.

The Shizhong Yang Kan served as the Grand Commander and was stationed outside the capital to guard Tongguan. He admired Wei Xiaokuan very much and not only promoted him to be the Sima of the Commander-in-Chief's Office, but also married his daughter to him.

Moreover, Wei Xiaokuan is a person who is very comfortable to work with as a colleague, because he is kind and easy to get along with, and has outstanding abilities but is not arrogant.

But if you become an enemy of Wei Xiaokuan, you will feel like a thorn in your back and unable to sleep or eat. Gao Huan has this experience very well!
Moreover, Wei Xiaokuan was a talented commander rather than a general. He did not have the ability to take the heads of enemy generals amidst thousands of troops, but he could easily make the enemies send their heads to him, because he was the king of spy warfare during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Wei Xiaokuan was stationed in important border areas all year round. He attached great importance to the training of spies. No matter whether they were spies he sent to Northern Qi or spies he bribed from enemy countries, they were all loyal to him.

It was through the use of spies that Wei Xiaokuan was able to accomplish military miracles time and time again.

Among them, the most famous one was the killing of Hulugu!
(End of this chapter)

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