Chapter 1: Strange World
"Have you heard? Someone died again yesterday. It was Zhang's eldest son. He suddenly went mad at night, mumbling about ghosts. Not long after, he died with his eyes wide open."

"Hey! It's not just Zhang Jialang. Aren't all the people who died recently like this?"

"On the first day, I had a nightmare. I dreamed that a ghost was peeping through the crack of the door. On the second day, I had the same nightmare, but the ghost had come into the house and was standing quietly. On the third day, I went crazy in my sleepwalking, crying and shouting that the ghost in my dream had climbed onto my bed. Then I died inexplicably."


The desolate street was deserted, with a few elderly men sitting on the street chatting gloomily.

Li Ji looked up at the terribly gloomy sky, put the old yellow book in front of him into the bamboo basket, put it on his back, turned around and left silently.

It has been three days since I came into this world.

I originally thought that it was just a world similar to the ancient feudal society, but I didn't expect that the information I received in just three days would be so bizarre and incredible.

In a word: There are monsters and demons in this world!
Three months ago, nearly thirty civilians were found dead on the streets of Qinghe County. All their flesh and blood had disappeared, leaving only a large number of teeth marks on their bloody skeletons wrapped in clothes.

Two months ago, most of the people who saw beautiful women holding umbrellas at night in the West Street District of Qinghe County disappeared mysteriously, and the death toll has exceeded over a hundred.

In this month, people will have ghosts spying on them in dreams, and things will be strange and creepy. Anyone who has this nightmare will die within three days, no matter if they pray to gods or Buddhas, or wear cinnabar or talismans.

The whole Qinghe County is now in a panic. Those with a little wealth have already fled overnight, and only poor people like Li Ji stayed behind.


A muffled thunder rolled in from the sky. Li Ji couldn't help but tighten the rope of the bamboo basket on his shoulders and quickened his pace to go home.

When passing through an alley, I saw two yamen runners carrying out a corpse wrapped in a straw mat from the alley. Under the withered yellow hair were dark and thin cheeks, as if dyed with paint, which looked extremely hideous and terrifying.

"This is... Zhang Jiadalang?!"

Li Ji accidentally caught a glimpse of the corner of the straw mat that was blown up by the autumn wind. In an instant, the hairs on his body stood on end, as if an invisible hand had pinched his heart hard.

The two yamen runners spat, threw the body wrapped in straw mat on the cart, and pushed the cart away cursing.

"I don't know if I will be carried away like this tomorrow."

Li Ji felt sad, and his pace towards home quickened.

Now he not only has no relatives, but also has nothing at home. His only possession is a pile of miscellaneous old pornographic books.

Fortunately, he was now living in ancient feudal society, where books and knowledge were the most valuable. Even if all these miscellaneous books were sold, they could be exchanged for several thousand taels of silver, which was enough to allow him to live a somewhat wealthy life as a country gentleman.

It’s a pity that the situation was turbulent and strange murders occurred frequently, and those who could really afford to buy books had already left Qinghe County.

Therefore, even though Li Ji's selling prices had been lowered again and again in the past three days, few people were interested in buying, and business was slow and bleak.

As Li Ji was lost in thought and hurrying on his way, he suddenly noticed that there was someone blocking the middle of the narrow alley, whispering and talking to himself.

"Please, let..."

Li Ji subconsciously prepared to say "make way".

Unexpectedly, as the footsteps got closer, the whispering became clearer, which made his back shiver and he looked up suddenly.

"You can see it."

"You can't see."

"What a pity! If you could see me, I could eat you."

The long hair was wet and stuck to the cheeks, and the specific face could not be seen at all. Only the scarlet eyes through the hair could be seen, which were full of negative emotions such as violence, evil, and resentment.

The swollen body looked like a mountain of flesh, with its hands and feet extending downward in a strange posture of being on all fours.

Twisted! Horrible!
Li Ji felt a chill in his heart, and the words he was about to say were stuck in his throat. An unprecedented fear swept through his body. What was going on?

Why did this suddenly appear?!
Li Ji felt a chill down his spine, as if he was in a world of ice and snow, with goose bumps all over his body.

The fishy smell in the air and the ubiquitous salty smell of sewage continued to wash away his psychological defenses.

Li Ji suppressed the urge to shout several times because he heard the other party whispering - What a pity, if you can see me, I can eat you!
Shouldn't I have seen it?

Should I just pretend I can't see it?!
Li Ji resisted the urge to turn around and run away, and his legs gradually slowed down.

The twisted and violent scarlet eyes came closer in an instant, less than three centimeters away from Li Ji's face.

"You saw me? You saw me..."

Sharp, secretly delighted, crazy, indescribable.

Li Ji didn't know whether the other party's words meant what he thought, but at this moment he had no choice.

"Trouble! I was deceived by that kid. No, I have to go back to find him!"

Li Ji suppressed the fear in his heart and muttered to himself as if nothing had happened.

His facial expression and eyes were exactly the same as when he was deep in thought just now, and his tone of voice did not tremble at all.

It was as if he didn't even notice the twisted and violent face so close to him.

Li Ji tightened the straps of the bamboo basket on his shoulders, looked annoyed as if he had just realized what was happening, and turned around and strode away towards the entrance of the alley from which he had just come.


Whenever he moved, the hideous, swollen ghost followed him, constantly circling around him and muttering crazily, its scarlet, violent eyes constantly examining his facial expressions, every detail, as if trying to find some flaw in them.

Three breaths of time passed...the swollen ghost was still there.

Five breaths of time passed...the swollen ghost was still there.

When Li Ji was finally about to step out of the alley, the swollen ghost stopped following him.

"You can't see."

"It's a pity that you can't see, otherwise I would eat you."

The swollen ghost's madness returned to murmuring, and it slowly retreated back into the alley in the same strange posture as before, still on all fours.

Li Ji resisted the urge to look back to see if the other party had retreated, and still walked away in the opposite direction of the alley with vigorous steps.

Only after he got back to his original home did he slam the door shut, gasping for breath as if he had survived a disaster.

"what happened?"

"What the f*ck is going on?!"

Li Ji roared hysterically.

The fear, horror and terror that he felt belatedly surged out of his limbs and bones like an electric shock, rushing straight along his spine into the top of his head, making his scalp numb as if it was about to explode.

The Skeleton Case…The Woman with the Umbrella…Nightmare…Swelling Ghost…

What is going on in this world?!

(End of this chapter)

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