I rely on my body to push the weird world

Chapter 3 Strangeness is coming

Chapter 3 Strangeness is coming

Muffled thunder streaked across the dark night sky, and lightning illuminated the entire Qinghe County as if it were daytime.

The bleak streets were crowded with dark figures, and the crazy and dull whispers were mixed in the wind and rain.

"You saw me."

"You can not see me."

"What a pity! If you could see me, I could eat you."


Li Ji returned home safely, keeping the wind and rain out of the door. Then he hung his hat and wet coat on the wall in the dark.

Then, he said silently in his heart.


Suddenly the scarlet panel appeared before his eyes again.

Name: Li Ji

Martial arts: Eagle Claw Iron Shirt [modifiable]


"It's done!"

When Li Ji saw the new Eagle Claw Iron Shirt appearing in the martial arts column on the scarlet panel, he shouted out in excitement.

This dark world is full of dangers and weirdness. As an ordinary person, he can't find any sense of security at all.

Now, there is finally some hope of seeing the light!

"Now, revise it for me!!!"

Li Ji took a deep breath, focused his mind on the martial arts column, and clicked on the Eagle Claw Iron Shirt with excitement.

The next moment, the Eagle Claw Iron Shirt began to shake wildly and blur, and new words gradually appeared on the back.

Eagle Claw Iron Cloth (Twenty Years Later) [Editable]

Countless pieces of information quickly flooded into Li Ji's mind. His originally thin body seemed to have become much stronger. The skin on his arms instantly turned bronze, his muscles bulged, and his whole body became stronger, as if he had been practicing martial arts for many years.

Li Ji was shocked, feeling his body becoming extremely unfamiliar.

Twenty years from now?

Does this mean that Eagle Claw Iron Shirt has been practiced for twenty years?

So he has twenty years of skills, comparable to Zhao Xun at his peak? !

Li Ji silently spread out his hands and looked down. The calluses on his palms were thick, and the skin had become rough and much harder than before.

He clenched his fist again, and the unprecedented, full and substantial feeling of power told him that all this was not an illusion.

At the same time, various insights on practicing Eagle Claw Iron Shirt emerged in his mind, as if they were really the result of his own hard practice.

"It turns out that what has been modified is not only the martial arts realm, but also the time for cultivation!"

"Then let me see your limits!"

Seeing that there were no side effects, Li Ji became bolder, licked his lips, and clicked modify again.

The martial arts column continued to tremble in a blur.

The words on the back of the Eagle Claw Iron Shirt continued to change.

Forty years later…sixty years later…eighty years later!
at last!

The Eagle Claw Iron Shirt stopped changing, and the entire scarlet panel changed completely.

Name: Li Ji

Martial Arts: Eagle Claw Iron Shirt (80 years later) [Cannot be modified]


Li Ji suddenly felt as if he was in spring when flowers were blooming. He felt comfortable and warm all over, naturally.

Terrifying power surged out of his body crazily, and his mind was filled with dense information, as if he had been practicing martial arts hard for countless years.

On the surface of the body, thick blood vessels emerged, winding like earthworms, crawling all over the arms, and soon these blood vessels retracted again.

Li Ji's originally pale and haggard cheeks suddenly returned to their normal rosy color. His weak body was directly filled with terrifying power. He no longer felt any discomfort. Thick muscles appeared on his shoulders, back, and thighs, and his body became much taller and more sturdy.

"That's eighty years of skill?!"

The dense information in his mind all indicated that the Eagle Claw Iron Shirt had already been perfected. All three levels were mastered!

It even surpassed its predecessor and developed a fourth level.

Originally, the Eagle Claw Iron Shirt taught by Zhao Xun was divided into only three levels, but after Li Ji improved the Eagle Claw Iron Shirt to eighty years later, the fourth level appeared directly.

The fourth level [Flame], the qi and blood are like beacon fire and wolf smoke!
This sudden fourth level is completely different from the previous three levels and contains terrifying energy and blood power.

The power is more powerful than the previous three levels combined. Just by releasing all the aura in your body, you can make the villains faint instantly. If you use every move, it will be soul-stirring and bone-melting, like the sun across the sky.

"It turns out that martial arts training should be simple and rough!"

Li Ji felt extremely energetic, a crazy smile appeared on his face, and he felt extremely happy and comfortable both physically and mentally.

Even though Zhao Xun said that even the strongest martial arts master could not deal with demons and monsters.

so what!

According to his modification, once he practices a few more martial arts, quantity will produce quality, and it is hard to imagine what kind of terrifying power will be generated.

By that time, with hundreds of years of accumulated skills, no matter how strange the monsters and demons are, they can be easily crushed to death!


Just then, the sound of something heavy falling was heard outside the house.


Li Ji suddenly shuddered, turned around abruptly, stared at the door, and asked in a deep voice.

Even though there was a violent storm outside, he now had eighty years of experience in Eagle Claw Iron Shirt and his ears and eyes were sharp. Even if the sound of a heavy object falling was covered up by wind and rain, it would not escape his hearing.

One minute……

Two minutes...

The sound of the storm continued, the silence was oppressive, and only Li Ji's heavy breathing could be heard.

The sound of something heavy falling outside the house just now seemed like an auditory hallucination.


Li Ji opened the door, the wind and rain were biting, and the cold swept through every part of his body.

In the darkness, the earthen walls of the streets were mottled and wet, with heavy shadows and moss growing everywhere, and they were crumbling in the storm.

next moment.

A wet figure broke through the dark rain curtain and leaped high in the rumbling thunder. Behind it was tree-branch-shaped lightning that occupied the entire leaden cloud and gave a sense of oppression.

When he landed, mud and water splashed everywhere, leaving four conspicuous deep pits.

Her long hair was wet and stuck to her cheeks, so her specific features could not be seen at all. All that could be seen through the hair were the pair of scarlet eyes, which were filled with negative emotions such as violence, evil, and resentment.

The swollen body looked like a mountain of flesh, with its hands and feet extending downward in a strange posture of being on all fours.

"Damn it, it's you again, you bastard!"

The fear that just surged out of Li Ji's heart was transformed into unspeakable anger.

The swollen ghost's eyes suddenly turned blood red, and it ran quickly on all fours. Its swollen body was like a mountain of flesh, extremely oppressive.

With flying hair, bloodshot eyes and a terrifying and ferocious face, it rushed towards Li Ji like... a huge spider.

The sound of heavy rain, the howling of strong winds, and extremely sharp whistling sounds accompanied it.

"You saw me! You saw me..."

Sharp, secretly delighted, crazy, indescribable.

All of a sudden.

The feeling of extreme despair was like an invisible hand tightly grasping Li Ji's heart, which made him extremely frightened and angry.

"Even the strongest martial arts master can't deal with trash like you?"

Li Ji's face showed a ferocious look, and his five thick fingers clenched tightly, making crackling sounds.

His whole body was filled with explosive force, and all his blood vessels and muscles expanded. With a bang, the clothes on his entire upper body were shattered by his force.

His entire body seemed to have grown larger. He was now sturdy and tall, about two meters tall. His muscles seemed to be made of fine iron, looking both ferocious and perfect.

"I do not believe!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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