I rely on my body to push the weird world

Chapter 37: Words are useless, but teaching once is enough

Chapter 37: Teaching others with a hundred words is useless, but teaching others once is enough

They had already received the news that a new chief of police had been airdropped last night.

Yan Wuji was unhappy, so he gathered everyone together and wanted to unite to give Li Ji, the new chief constable, a warning.

But no one expected that Li Ji would be so intolerant and would kill the flying monkey directly as soon as he came up.

what is this?
This is clearly an attempt to kill the chicken to scare the monkey!

"Let's go! Let's go meet the new captain. I want to ask him face to face why he dared to kill the monkey. Does he still respect us 'old men'?"

Yan Wuji snorted coldly and walked straight outside.

The other people in the main room also rubbed their hands, picked up their weapons, and followed him out angrily.


In the courtyard.

Half a stick of incense was placed on the stone table, with green smoke curling up.

Li Ji sat on a stone bench with his horse and sword in hand, his bronze sword stuck straight into the ground, shining coldly and sharply under the morning sun.

Figures came one after another along the corridor from all directions of the yard, with a casual and nonchalant attitude.

Some people even delayed time deliberately. They could obviously reach the destination in just a few steps, but they just lingered in the corridor, looking at Li Ji with a sneer and unfriendly eyes.

Li Ji's eyes were cold, he just quietly watched the half incense stick with green smoke curling up on the stone table, and then it dissipated with the last wisp of green smoke.

Half the incense stick is completely burned out.

But there were still five people who didn't know what was going on. They sneered and looked unfriendly. They hesitated in the corridor and refused to take the last step.

"Captain, I want to ask you, what crime did the monkey break? You just drew your sword and killed him! Even if he was still drunk, according to the rules of the Demon Suppression Division, the most he could get was thirty lashes. Why did you kill him directly?"

Yan Wuji stepped forward, looked at Li Ji and asked in a cold voice.

Most of the other people also looked at Li Ji with unfriendly eyes.

"Okay, I understand, you can leave now!"

Li Ji twisted his neck and stood up with a creaking sound. Without even looking at Yan Wuji, he said to everyone in a loud voice: "I gave you half an incense stick of time to gather here, but now half an incense stick has burned out and there are still five people who haven't arrived. Then these five people can die!"

Li Ji grabbed the bronze knife in his hand and suddenly rushed out, rushing towards the five people who were dawdling in the corridor.

Everyone's expression changed.

Want to kill more people?
When the five men saw Li Ji rushing towards them with a knife, their faces changed drastically, their hearts skipped a beat, and they felt something was wrong.

"Captain, spare my life..."

"Captain, we were ordered by someone..."

Puff puff puff puff!

Ah ah ah ah ah!

The flash of swords and blood flew together, indifference and screams were connected.

The five men had no power to fight back and all of them were beheaded by Li Ji in an instant. Blood spurted out and their headless bodies fell in the corridor.

Such a bloody scene made everyone in the yard open their eyes wide in horror, and their scalps felt tingling.

Outrageous! Too outrageous!
Just suddenly attack and kill someone over a disagreement?
Where did this evil star come from?
"Captain, what the hell are you doing?"

Yan Wuji was so angry that his eyes were about to burst. He roared: "Which rule of the Demon Suppression Division says that being late will result in beheading? Don't you fear that we will be terrified by your behavior? You may want to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, or you may want to eliminate dissidents, but this is not the way to do it!!!"

"That's it."

"I'm done with this job. Whoever wants to do this job can do it!"

"You are so high-minded, so great that you think we are not human beings, right? If you want to do this, just kill us all!"


The others all stiffened their necks and roared angrily.

"Rules? Ha!" Li Ji sneered, holding a bronze knife that was still dripping with blood, and slowly walked into the yard, looking around at the shouting people with a cold gaze.

"I am the head of the Qinglong Constable appointed by the head of the Demon Suppression Division. In this Qinglong torture chamber, if I say you deserve to die, then you deserve to die. If I say I want to kill your entire family, then I will kill your entire family!"

"I...I don't accept it!"

Yan Wuji roared with gritted teeth.

The next moment, a jet-black knife light chopped down directly on his head, making him pale and his scalp numb. He hurriedly raised his hands to block, and his two arms were faintly shining with red light. It was his famous unique skill - Iron Forging Hands!


Blood splattered all over the ground.

Yan Wuji didn't even let out a scream. His iron-making hand was torn off and his whole body was split in half by his head. His death was horrifying.

The others who had been breathing the same air as Yan Wuji were suddenly frightened to the point of paleness and chills on their backs, like quails being strangled by the neck, unable to make a sound anymore.

Even Lu Donglai was dumbfounded and shocked.

How is this killing the chicken to scare the monkey?

This is clearly an attempt to massacre them all!

"Who else is dissatisfied?"

Li Ji's eyes were indifferent, and the bronze knife in his hand was covered with blood.

Everyone's throats were rolling with nervousness, their thighs were trembling, their faces were pale, and they all lowered their heads, not daring to look Li Ji in the eye.

“It is useless to teach people with a hundred words, but it is easy to understand once you teach people with things. Remember your fear now, remember your mood now!”

Li Ji swung his knife to wipe away the blood, then sat on the stone bench with his big horse and golden sword, his voice cold and deep.

"I don't care if you drink or gamble, but in the Qinglong prison, my rules are the rules. I hope you can still respect and fear me as the head of the Qinglong police. Now, I've finished speaking, who agrees and who disagrees?!"

Everyone lowered their heads immediately, not daring to even breathe.

In this situation, even Yan Wuji was cut in half by a sword, who would dare to object? Isn't this just saying that you want to die too long!
"No one objects? That means you all agree! Very good, let's move on to the next step!"

Li Ji looked around and suddenly stopped at a person in front of him. He asked, "Look up and answer me. What are the names of those people I just killed? Where do they live? Who else is in their family?"

The man looked horrified and raised his head tremblingly.

What this evil star said before was not just empty talk. Not only did he kill the person on the spot, but he also wanted to kill everyone and the whole family? !

"I...I don't know, Captain, please spare me!"

The man's voice trembled as he spoke quickly.

"I'll give you three seconds to think it over. You don't want to follow in their footsteps, do you?"

Li Ji's words were gentle, but his murderous intent was undisguised.

The man was so frightened that his whole body was shaking like a sieve. He trembled and looked sideways with difficulty, looking at the people on the side.

Those people's faces changed at the same time, they were shocked and angry, and they looked at him desperately.


Li Ji uttered a word slowly.

The man was shaking with fear and winking at those people frantically. The tone of his voice was like a death warrant, making him feel extremely confused.


Li Ji's hand climbed up the bronze hilt again.

The light tone of voice weighed heavily on this man's heart like a towering mountain. Especially the oppressive feeling like a death warrant and the anxious looks from others, which completely broke his defense.

“I…I know!!!”

The man panted heavily, stiffened his neck, and his veins bulged. He shouted, "Captain, please stop nagging me. I, I'll say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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