I rely on my body to push the weird world

Chapter 53: Fire Poison Internal Skill

Chapter 53: Fire Poison Internal Skill Fragments
The next morning.

Li Ji walked forward and headed straight for the library.

This place is not as sparsely populated as before. As the head of the Demon Suppression Division issued an order for martial law in the entire county, some detectives who were just idling around seemed to realize the oppressive feeling of impending storm, and all of them used the contribution points they had accumulated in the past to enter the library to look at martial arts secrets.

Li Ji went straight up to the second floor.

At the door, two black-clad constables with long iron swords hanging from their waists had serious expressions, looked intimidating without even getting angry, and had a deep and unfathomable aura.

"Kill a resentful ghost, and you will receive 300 contribution points. You can choose an internal skill on the second floor."

The black-clad constable took the Green Dragon bronze medal and examined it quickly, not knowing what kind of investigative method he used. Then he respectfully handed the medal back.

Li Ji hung the Green Dragon bronze medal back on his waist, stepped past the two guards and walked in.

The second floor of the entire library is also a circular closed space. The space is tall and spacious, with a row of bookshelves standing every few meters. On each bookshelf are just a few wax-sealed book boxes, and next to them are yellow papers with information about the inner strength hidden in the book boxes.

Li Ji picked up a piece of yellow paper.

"Golden Bell Internal Force to Protect the Body·Incomplete Chapter", after cultivation, the internal force is like a golden bell protecting the body, greatly enhancing the physical strength.

"Huh? Why is it a fragment?"

Li Ji frowned.

I had an inexplicable bad feeling in my heart.

He put down the yellow paper and looked at the other introductory information.

"Eternal Spring Kung Fu·Fragments"... "Xiantian Daoqi·Fragments"...

"Xuantian Heart Technique·Fragments"... "Fire Poison Internal Skill·Fragments"...

He took up the introductions of each internal skill one after another.

Li Ji searched the entire second floor of the library and found that all the internal skills recorded in the book were in fragments without exception.

"Why are all the internal skills on the second floor incomplete?"

Li Ji couldn't figure it out, so he just asked the black-clad constable on duty.

"You must have just joined the Demon Suppression Division not long ago, right? It's natural for you to have such doubts!"

The black-clothed constable smiled and said, "As everyone knows, in the entire Demon Suppression Division, only the "Mad Lion Swallowing the Sun" practiced by the Division Master is considered a complete internal martial arts technique."

A black-clad constable nearby heard this and couldn't help but say, "It's not just you, sir. Even the inner strength cultivated by the deputy chief is also incomplete. It can be said that any inner strength that comes out will set off a bloody storm in the martial arts world. All the sects, gangs, and even the imperial court organizations will be involved."

"Yes, the fact that my Demon Suppression Division has these internal skills fragments now has already surpassed most of the martial arts sects in the world."

The black-clad detective who answered first sighed.

Li Jizhi frowned when he heard this.

He never imagined that this complete internal energy technique was so rare.

No wonder the external skills on the first floor were placed randomly, but on the second floor, even these fragments were placed with extreme caution.

“I wonder if these fragments can be practiced extensively like the Golden Winged Dapeng Magic Skill and then integrated into a complete set of internal skills.”

Li Ji said in his heart.

But he didn't think much about it. There were not many options for him at the moment, so he could only choose to practice the remaining parts of an internal skill first.

"The first internal skill, even if it is a fragment, should be the fire-attributed internal skill!"

Li Ji has not forgotten what Lu Jing mentioned last night.

If one wants to kill their inhuman existence, one can only use fire-attributed true energy to completely destroy their physical bodies in an instant and kill them completely.

Li Ji did not search aimlessly on the second floor anymore, but walked straight to the bookshelf in the southwest corner.

Soon, a book box sealed with wax came into view, with the words: Fragments of Fire Poison Internal Power!

Li Ji no longer hesitated and tore it lightly, and a thin ancient book appeared in his hand.

Open and read the first sentence.

"Fire poison is the poison of flames. It hurts people invisibly. If you cultivate the invisible fire poison internal force, you can hurt the visible..."

Li Ji was not prepared to read on, so he closed the "Fire Poison Internal Power Fragments" and turned to the constable on duty, ready to register the internal power fragments and take them away.

"Your Excellency really has a keen eye for talent. You immediately spotted the most powerful internal skill among these fragments. However, it is far beyond what other internal skills fragments can compare to." The black-clad constable wrote as he registered, smiling.

"Indeed, a brother who joined the Demon Suppression Division at the same time as me, ignored the advice of others and preferred this internal skill, saying that martial arts masters like to hide their inheritance in such extremely difficult fragments. My goodness, when he went back to practice that night, his whole body was burned to ashes, and he didn't even need a coffin."

The black-clad detective next to him also laughed.

The corners of Li Ji's mouth twitched.

I hadn't realized before that the two detectives on duty were the type who were very sullen and would say a few words to anyone they caught.

After completing the registration, Li Ji did not linger but immediately left the library and headed towards the Qinglong torture chamber.

Soon, he returned to the Qinglong torture chamber and closed the door.

Take out the "Fragments of Fire Poison Internal Power".

Spread it out and read it carefully.

As it was getting dark, Li Ji finally closed the secret book. After practicing martial arts for so long, it still took him a lot of time to barely understand the contents.

The Fire Poison Internal Power Fragments, as the name suggests, is an internal power method that specializes in cultivating fire-attributed internal power.

It describes in detail how internal force is generated, how fire internal force is generated, and how fire poison internal force is generated.

Take it step by step!

As for the method of cultivation, it is much more bizarre. It is to follow the real picture and make various special and strange postures to reach the level of generating qi.

Burn incense, inhale qi, and knock on the gods... the qi will naturally arise.

"Is this practicing inner strength or praying to the gods?"

Li Ji exhaled lightly, his eyes flashing.

The external skills practiced horizontally are just ordinary ways of strengthening the body and honing the skills of killing and defense, but the internal skills are completely different and inexplicably carry a hint of weirdness.

Fortunately, no matter whether it is external training or internal skills, as long as he can understand the tricks, it will be included on the panel.

"Fire Poison Internal Skill Fragments" [Editable]

Li Ji stared at the panel, immediately concentrated his mind, and lightly clicked on the words behind the remaining fragments of the Fire Poison Internal Skill.

The entire panel became blurry, and the words on it began to change rapidly.

Ten years... thirty years... eighty years!

at last!

The fragments of the Fire Poison Internal Power no longer continued to change, and the internal power reached a terrifying eighty years.

this moment.

Li Ji clearly felt a burning energy emerging from his body and began to flow slowly along specific meridians.

At first it seemed like a trickle, but as the speed continued to increase, it turned from a trickle into a torrent, and then into a rushing river.

It rushes rapidly to every part of your body!

His skin all over his body instantly turned red.

Energy erupted from the pores like flames, burning all the clothes on the body into ashes.

It can be clearly seen that blue veins are exposed all over Li Ji's skin, and every inch of muscle is burning, filled with rolling heat waves, as if this is not a person, but a furnace.

In the Qinglong torture chamber, detectives including Xu Ruonan, who had just returned from investigating a case exhausted, felt the rolling heat waves coming from Li Ji's room as soon as they arrived.

They looked on in amazement, and could even clearly see the blazing fire coming from Li Ji's room.

"What's happening here?"

"Is Master Qinglong practicing internal skills?"

"Hiss! Is this really internal energy? You know, only the Master can practice the complete internal energy!"

The group of people all looked horrified.

It was as if the person in the room was not a human at all, but a fire demon!
(End of this chapter)

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