Chapter 79 Lu Jing VS Li Ji
a long time.

Li Ji had already walked to the center of the courtyard, and there were no more demons or monsters around the Taoist temple.

Behind him there was only an intact stone slab. On both sides of the slab, dirt was flying, magma was everywhere, and all of it was ashes one after another.

The words "Under Modification" on the panel have jumped three times in a row.

This proved that he had gotten three chances to revise his work in a row, but he did not seem to be happy at all. Instead, his face became increasingly gloomy as if water was dripping out of it.

"Brother Li, long time no see!"

Warm words rang out from the courtyard.

The air trembled slightly, and Lu Jing's appearance as a weak scholar who was unable to even tie a chicken slowly emerged.

"Long time no see? What the hell did you do to me?!"

Li Ji roared angrily and could no longer maintain his composure.

He stomped his foot suddenly, and with a whoosh, his burly body rushed towards Lu Jing like a meteor.

"It seems that Brother Li has noticed it. I have to say, Brother Li's talent really makes me... so jealous!"

Lu Jing's gentle eyes suddenly became extremely gloomy.

He gently closed the folding fan in his hand, and then it turned into thick black water, which quickly spread up from his palm, like ink, and spread to other parts of his body.

Wherever the black water invaded, black scales would squeeze out from the flesh and blood.

The black scales grew more and more numerous and denser, soon completely covering the entire body.

His body was also expanding rapidly, as if it was being inflated, and terrifying muscles were squeezing out from under his skin, bulging out.

A pair of black horns emerged from the forehead, showing its majestic appearance.

In an instant.

Lu Jing's body was already a terrifying three meters tall, with prominent black horns, and shiny black scales all over his body. He exuded a ferocious and wild aura, and his body was covered with terrifying muscles.

Especially his eyes, which were scarlet and long, like a heavenly sword, captivating.

The overall image is like a human-shaped black dragon!

His terrifying body also rushed forward, and his claws covered with black scales were raised, slapping out with thick black mist.

The two men's palms collided solidly, with a surge of energy.

A golden flame was extremely yang, and the fire was raging.

A black-scaled terror, filled with black mist.

The moment they collided, the air in all directions vibrated at the same time. With a bang, the bodies of both men flew backwards at the same time and landed far away.

In the Taoist temple, the soil was flying and the temperature was alternating between hot and cold.

The air was filled with boiling water vapor and fog.

Li Ji flapped the nearly nine-meter-long golden wings behind him, steadying his retreating body and looking up at the monster opposite.

The voice was horribly dark.

"Are you really Lu Jing?"

Opposite him was a terrifying monster that was about the same height as him, with bulging muscles, dense black scales, prominent black horns on his forehead, terrifying scarlet pupils, and a black mist all over his body, as if there was a huge amount of water vapor hidden, and the sound of a constant rushing sound was heard.

Especially the opponent's ten fingers, each of which was so sharp that it seemed as if it was poisoned, like the claws of a black-scaled dragon.

"Brother Li, don't you already have the answer in your mind? Why bother asking!"

The corners of Lu Jing's mouth were cracked to the roots of his teeth, revealing a row of blade-like teeth, and his words were full of coldness and arrogance.

His sharp soles were deeply embedded in the ground, leaving a terrifying trail in front of him, as if left by a plow.

"Okay, okay, you so-called children of noble families are not human beings at all!"

Li Ji suddenly laughed, and his laugh was extremely cold.

He thought that Lu Jing's elegant scholarly appearance in the moon-white scholar's shirt was the other party's true appearance, but who knew that he was actually such an inhuman monster.

"What on earth have you done to me? Take it away, and I will spare your life!"

"Spare me my life? Brother Li, it's still unclear who will spare whom at this moment!"

There was a hint of teasing in Lu Jing's scarlet eyes.

The terrifying body suddenly turned into a black shadow, leaving many afterimages, and rushed towards Li Ji at an extremely fast speed.

The ferocious hand covered with black scales, accompanied by waves of black mist, caused the air to tremble violently and the explosions continued.

Li Ji's flaming eyes became increasingly colder, and his burly body also suddenly rushed forward, colliding head-on with Lu Jing.

Boom boom boom!

The sound boomed and the air exploded.

The Taoist temple was filled with golden and black shadows that were colliding and crisscrossing rapidly, stirring up countless rocks and mud, and filling the sky with dust.

Suddenly, the black mist waves wrapped around Lu Jing's two arms covered with black scales poured into his arms, causing his two arms to swell again, his muscles to expand, and purple and blue veins could be seen faintly under the black scales, and he had already attacked fiercely.

The air trembled violently and the air waves surged.

The fist shadows suddenly exploded into an overwhelming attack, like black dragons with scales spread out, biting ferociously at an extremely fast speed.

Click, click, click!
Li Ji's two golden wings with a wingspan of nearly nine meters were broken in the blink of an eye. Just as he tried to dodge with his burly body, he was hit in the chest by two fists as fierce as black dragons.

A dull sound sounded.

The sound was like a bronze bell that could not withstand the fierce beating of the bronze hammer and was finally pierced and shattered into pieces.

Li Ji couldn't help but let out a muffled groan. The dark black armor on his body had been beaten to pieces and scattered all over the ground, causing the blood in his body to surge.

"you wanna die!!!"

Li Ji's chest, which seemed to be made of pure gold, sank directly.

He roared angrily, and his terrifying fist, with the terrifying power of golden flames, hit Lu Jing who was close to him.

With a cracking sound, the black scales covering Lu Jing's chest were instantly shattered into pieces, and the dark green blood and broken scales scattered all over the ground and flew backwards.

Followed by.

Li Ji clenched his palms, and copper-colored liquid spread out from his fingertips, instantly forming a huge bronze knife. He then raised the knife and slashed wildly at Lu Jing's flying body.

Boom boom boom!

The sky and the ground were filled with terrifying sword energy, as if it was made of magma, filled with terrifying high temperatures, and it quickly blasted down towards Lu Jing's body.

Lu Jing's body was twisted forcefully while flying backwards in the air, with his hands and feet clasped together, like a giant black-scaled dragon egg.

Miso miso miso miso!

The sky was filled with sword energy.

A large number of indestructible black scales were chopped and exploded by the collision, dark green blood was dripping, and black scale fragments were scattered all over the ground.

The black-scaled dragon egg was forcibly knocked down from mid-air, chopped down by countless sword qi, and smashed to the ground. The entire Taoist temple shook as if a dragon had turned over.

The sword energy in the sky was completely drained away, and the dust dispersed, leaving only the sword energy crisscrossing like a spider web in the center of a deep pit of dark green blood.

Lu Jing's burly body had collapsed, covered with wounds, and the dark green blood had turned him into a charred and dark green monster.

Half of the head had been cut off, and only a scarlet eyeball that seemed to be about to fall off remained on the hideous profile.

Only his hands and feet were still intact, but his chest was heaving violently and he had completely lost his ability to fight.

Li Ji was panting heavily, the huge bronze knife stuck straight into the ground under his feet, his hands were holding the hilt, his burly body was shaking, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Although there is still combat power, but... not much!
He was breathing heavily, the golden flame in his vertical pupils had weakened a lot, the blood in his body was flowing rapidly like a stream, and his sunken chest was recovering quickly.

"Tell me, what did you do to me? I..."

"Cough cough cough-"

Lu Jing struggled to get up, but he couldn't. Instead, his injuries worsened and he kept coughing up blood.

His only remaining scarlet eye looked at Li Ji: "Brother Li, you mean that there is no way I can achieve the Jiao Realm, no matter how hard I try, I can never enter the Jiao Realm, right? Hahaha!"

Lu Jing was breathing heavily, his vitality was like a candle in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time.

The laughter was extremely wild, unrestrained and free.

"Brother Li may not believe this, but compared to you, Brother Li, I, your defeated enemy, may know you better than you do yourself."

"You are suspicious, you are panic-stricken, you are afraid... This world makes you feel more unfamiliar than ever before, and it scares you to the extreme!"

"So you often pretend to be indifferent, not letting anyone get close to you, disguising yourself as a murderer who kills without blinking an eye."

"Just like a timid turtle, it retracts its soft self into its shell, and shows its cold and murderous exterior to outsiders."

"But you don't know that when we first met, you, who could have dominated the entire caravan, turned around and asked a weak scholar like me to borrow clothes."

"During the Qingshan Battle, I was frozen in an ice sculpture by the residual power of Queen Qingshan. You will subconsciously reveal a sadness that you have not even noticed."

"Even in this Lingjiang ancient tomb forest, facing the subordinate who had long harbored evil intentions, you waited for the other party to take action before choosing to clean up the mess."

"Interesting! Really interesting!"

As Lu Jing spoke, he coughed up blood, as if he didn't care about the injuries at all.

His one eye looked at Li Ji with a smile, as if he had seen something extremely interesting.

"The most important thing is that you are truly a being that rose from the mortal world. You have a very narrow vision. You don't know anything about demons and monsters, aristocratic families, or even the so-called martial arts world."

"You are eager, even somewhat morbidly, to get to know the world as quickly as possible."

"Just like a newborn baby, constantly piecing together an unfamiliar worldview from the words of others!"

"So, this means that you are very easy to fool! Really easy to fool! Hahaha! Cough cough cough——"

 Thanks to the book friend [MiTuTongJu] for the reward of 100 Qidian coins.

  Thank you
(End of this chapter)

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