Only Player

Chapter 104 Face

Chapter 104 Face
Holy Crow Church.

Chamber of Secrets.

Kevin's body lay quietly on the ground, his face frozen with fear and despair.

Zhou Yuan took a green plastic spray bottle and sprayed it at the corpse a few times - although the equipment looked simple, the liquid inside was genuine holy water, which had the effects of exorcism, purification, and blessing. It was a rare and extraordinary material and extremely precious.

The holy water is not colorless. Under the stimulation of spirituality, it appears to be a faint fluorescent white and emits a faint light.

After waiting for a few seconds and seeing that the holy water had no reaction, Zhou Yuan put the plastic spray bottle aside and looked at the crow mark on the back of his left hand.

The current reserve of divine power is no longer sufficient to revive the dead, and can only perform a few less extraordinary divine arts.

"Are you there?" he asked.

"Not here." A voice came from the right. He turned his head and saw the crow transformed by Lady Raven appeared on his right shoulder.

"No." Before Zhou Yuan could even open his mouth, Crow flatly refused.

Zhou Yuan clasped his hands together and said, "Please, goddess!"

"It's no use begging me." The crow said seriously, "Divine power can't be given to you casually, otherwise what's the difference between that and opening the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow? There's no fun at all."

"You also know Feng Ling Yue Ying?" Zhou Yuan was surprised.

"I've already told you that I'm bored in the spirit world."

Crow said proudly, "I made the full-game, no-damage speedrun video of the new game "Devil's December Cry" that came out this year. I'm number one in the world. Isn't that awesome?"


Knowing that he couldn't get any benefits from Ms. Raven, Zhou Yuan could only take out the "lighter" and stuff it into Kevin's mouth.

He slapped the corpse's chin and clenched his teeth. There was a bang, and the lighter exploded, with a flash of fire.


Kevin was instantly resurrected, screamed and sat up in shock, and driven by an unknown force, he did a backflip on the spot, and then he saw a smiling face next to him.

Zhou Yuan held up a finger: "1 million."

"W...what?" Kevin looked confused.

"I saved your life, so I'll charge you 100 million. That's not too much, right?"

Plus the items in your storage ring... Zhou Yuan added in his mind.

Kevin was stunned for a long moment before memories came flooding back. When he recalled that horrific experience, his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Where...where is this? Who are you?"

"I'm Bear Grylls, of course that's a fake identity, my real name is Zhou Yuan." Zhou Yuan said, "You are in the Holy Crow Cult now, you are safe."

"Holy Crow Cult..." Kevin's expression suddenly turned painful, "Hunter is here?"

"Who is Hunter?"

"My college roommate was also taught by you guys, Sheng Ya. One time, he secretly replaced my PPT with reeds, and they were Nan Tong reeds. Since then, I haven't been able to date girls, and I often receive friend requests from Nan Tong." Kevin was full of resentment.

Zhou Yuan couldn't help but laugh: "Well, he's not here, this is Dongzhou Xinhu."


Kevin immediately thought of something and looked around in panic. Zhou Yuan reminded him, "Don't worry, there are no electronic devices here. The demon doesn't know you are here, let alone that you have been resurrected."

Kevin's eyes widened in surprise: "How did you know?"

"Don't worry about how I know this. Just tell me what happened."

Kevin knew that the other party resurrected him just for this purpose, so he told the truth without hiding anything:

“Three days ago, I was assigned a task by the organization.

The task was to find a colleague who had been missing for several days. The last time he sent a message was in Brazil, so I rushed there as soon as possible.

After arriving in Brazil, I received a unique and very weak signal, which was a distress signal unique to our Matrix.

The source of the signal was in the Amazon rainforest. I tracked it all the way and found the secretly built experimental area... You know what it looks like inside, so I initially suspected that the colleague was eaten by the mutant creatures inside.

I continued walking inside following the signal and finally found the villa. The source of the signal was inside the villa, which overturned my previous thoughts.

To be on the safe side, I didn't go in directly, but used the Matrix's unique teleportation technology to return to the hotel. Because it would be digitized during the teleportation, I didn't worry about bringing the mold out...

After I got out, I reported the matter to the organization, and the organization quickly helped me find the relevant information about the villa, and allocated 500,000 yuan for me to buy props and conduct an in-depth investigation of the villa.

After I was ready, I set out again, and this time I met you."

"Before you came, I asked West and Red Seven how they knew about the incident here. West ignored me, and Red Seven said she received a mysterious email and decided to come over out of curiosity, just as an experience. At that time, I had a vague feeling that something was wrong, as if someone was deliberately summoning us."

At this point, Kevin's face turned extremely ugly.

"After entering the laboratory, I went straight to the control room. There were indeed two groups of opposing mutants. One group wanted to get out, while the other group still had some sense and knew that they couldn't let the mold leak out and endanger the world.

With the help of the rationalists, I killed the mindless aberrations, but the rationalists suddenly became violent and attacked me, and I had no choice but to kill them as well.

Then I used hacking techniques to unlock the locked operating system - note, it is the operating system, not the emergency blocking program.

At the same time, the distress signal I had been following suddenly disappeared, and at that moment I finally realized that I had been deceived, but it was too late. "

Kevin showed obvious fear:

"A strange face suddenly appeared on the screen."

"It let out a creepy laugh, and then the screen flashed with chaotic, extremely distorted colors, like a flower screen.

I heard what seemed like the wailing of billions of lives in extreme pain, and I saw it… I saw it…”

Kevin hugged his head in pain, veins bulging on his neck and forehead. What he saw was beyond the limit of his rational endurance. Endless despair and madness were tearing his soul apart bit by bit, dragging him into the abyss of hell.

"Uh ah...ajmis...!dfno@...%*qlwheqmzx...sakdj¥#nql!kqf..."

Without any warning, Kevin's body began to flash with glitch noises, and his entire body twitched and flashed like a buggy Ubisoft character model, before being thrown to the ground.

Zhou Yuan was startled and hurriedly picked up the plastic spray bottle and sprayed it on Kevin's face. The holy water exuded a holy light, soft and peaceful, and soon soothed the extremely frightened soul.

Kevin fell to the ground, sweating and gasping for breath. He felt as if he had just been dragged ashore from the depths of the sea. His head was aching so much that it felt like it was about to explode.

"Can you... erase this part of my memory?" Kevin looked at Zhou Yuan pleadingly. He didn't want that hellish experience to continue staying in his head.

"I'll find a way." Zhou Yuan nodded.

He was silent for a long time, then analyzed:
“Based on the existing information, this incident was most likely manipulated by the cyber demon.

It specifically spread the news and summoned the three of you, asking you to enter the laboratory and open the locked operating system so that it can cancel the emergency avoidance program and allow the mold to spread.

But what puzzles me is why it wants to find extraordinary people of level 3 or even level 4. Wouldn't it be safer to find a few extraordinary people of lower levels?"

"Low-level Beyonders cannot enter the control room."

Kevin said, "That cyberdemon must have been lurking among the three of us. As long as any one of us can enter the control room, its plan will succeed."

At this point, Kevin asked nervously, "Did it work?"

"No." Zhou Yuan shook his head. "I found a nuclear bomb in your storage ring and blew it up."

It was then that Kevin discovered that the storage ring on his finger was gone, but the pain only lasted for a few seconds. After all, life was more important than the belongings in the storage ring.

You can earn money again if you lose it, but if you lose your life, it’s really gone.

"I accidentally found that nuclear bomb in a cellar during a previous mission in Africa. It was a product of World War III. I hid it secretly and no one knew about it. That cyber demon certainly didn't expect this.

However, there is a restriction on my storage ring, and only a Level 5 Beyonder can open it. How did you open it?"

"Secret." Zhou Yuan smiled mysteriously.

"By the way, you said the three of us..." Kevin came to his senses, "Didn't you rush there because you received the news from it?"

"No, I went there by chance, so I became a variable."

It was precisely because of the variable Zhou Yuan that the Cyber ​​Devil's plan failed.

"Now everyone thinks you are dead. In order to avoid being exposed, you should just stay here honestly. Don't contact the organization and don't touch electronic products. Just treat it as a period of meditation." Zhou Yuan said.

"Okay..." Kevin sighed. He knew that he might have to be "locked up" for a long time.

Zhou Yuan contacted Ye Wan and asked her to deal with Kevin properly. He also repeatedly told her to keep an eye on Kevin and remember not to let Kevin touch any electronic products to prevent him from being targeted by the cyber demon again.

"Dear goddess, what do you think about this matter?" Zhou Yuan asked the crow on his shoulder with a flattering smile.

"Me?" The crow sneered, "I'm just watching the fun."

"If I ask you to open a box, can you reveal something?" Zhou Yuan felt that as a god, Ms. Raven would definitely be able to see some unique information.


The crow rolled his eyes and said, "Step forward."

Zhou Yuan was immediately delighted. He found an empty room in the church, took out the high-quality props package, and placed it on the table.


(End of this chapter)

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