Only Player

Chapter 117 Backstab

Chapter 117 Backstab
In the stone chamber that was as cold as an ice cave, faint green flames were floating.

Satan, motionless.

"How did you know that?" Maeve asked in a deep voice in the demon's body.

"The 40 people represent 40 different sins. Although you later came to your senses and turned from evil to good, you are still a 'sinner', and what you did perfectly fits the description of one crime."

Zhou Yuan stared at her, "The name of this crime is betrayal."

“You betrayed your former classmates and you also betrayed Satan who gave you power, just as Satan betrayed God in the Bible.

Your real purpose is not to stop all this, you have a bolder and more arrogant idea. "

Zhou Yuan said, "You want to steal Satan's demonic power, or even replace it, right?"

In silence, Maeve sighed: "You guessed right. But at the beginning I didn't think so much, I just wanted to stop Satan from coming to the world.

Years of exorcism have allowed my spiritual power to grow to a terrifying level. I don't need to say the devil's real name, I don't need holy water or holy salt, I can drive the devil back to hell with just a thought.

Possessing such powerful spiritual power, it is no exaggeration to say that I have reached the level of saints such as Jesus.

However, my body couldn't bear this kind of force and was almost crushed."

She slowly raised her devil's hand and looked at him quietly. After a moment, a sneer appeared on her face.

"Four years after the second sacrifice ceremony, I became the strongest exorcist in the exorcism world. I came here with a set of exorcism holy tools, wanting to destroy the ritual of Satan's advent, and then, I saw something I had never seen before.

A cocoon that harbors the body of Satan.

At that time, I actually already had the ability to destroy the ritual, but looking at this body, I came up with a bold plan. "

Maeve clenched her fists and the air exploded. "The human body cannot bear my spiritual power, so why don't I occupy this body that Satan built for me?
With spiritual power comparable to that of a saint and a demonic body, Satan will never be my opponent. God is missing, and the heavens have long lost contact. If I kill Satan, I will become the new king of hell, the master of both worlds, and rule over the world and hell.

So, I began to wait for the third sacrificial ceremony, waiting for the fruit to mature. "

From this point of view, Maeve's motive for murder is very clear, she is just pushing for the completion of the sacrificial ceremony.

Because her real body is inside the cocoon, she can only control puppets created by occult ritual spells to kill people - which leads to the plot of the movie.

Otherwise, with the strength she claimed to have, she could kill all nine movie protagonists in a matter of minutes.

"Everything was ready, but an uninvited guest like you showed up. You and that female demon I had never seen before made me feel extremely dangerous, so I lied to you."

Maeve said calmly, “I gave you the Sacred Blade largely to make you believe what I said and not to hinder me.

Of course, it is also to prevent future troubles. In case I fail, someone can still kill Satan.

Now Satan is trapped in the spirit world by me, come on."

Maeve opened her arms defenselessly: "Come and kill Satan. From now on, you will go down in history as a saint named after Jesus. I can share the dominion over the world and hell with you."

"Satan is still here."

Zhou Yuan understood, "So you were really just trying to fool me by acting like that, making me think that Satan succeeded."

He chuckled, "Do you think I would still believe a liar? If you really have such good intentions, why did you act so pretentiously just now? I guess you wanted to wait for me to get close and then sneak attack me.

I explained so much just to make me relax my guard.

Since you need to rely on sneak attacks to kill me, it means that you are not in good condition now. Let me guess...

The battle in the spiritual world is not as easy as you say, right? "

Zhou Yuan's guess is not without basis. According to the off-field assistance, Satan in the last week showed powerful supernatural abilities and was suspected to be able to stop time or space.

The Maeve in front of him couldn't even use a skill, which was a far cry from the power displayed by Satan last week.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that her current state is bad.


Maeve's expression gradually became gloomy.

"It seems I guessed it right."

Zhou Yuan smiled and said, "You gave me a surprise, so I want to give you a surprise in return."

Looking at his sly smile, Maeve immediately realized that the situation was not good. She took a big step forward, creating a hurricane, and pounced towards Zhou Yuan like a giant vampire bat, trying to kill him with her physical strength.


At that moment, Zhou Yuan gave orders to Fang Qing.


Kill the streetwalker in the sea of ​​blood, and all the remaining movie protagonists.

Fang Qing immediately carried out the order. The movie's protagonists had no power to resist and dissolved in the blood, wailing.

At this point, the sacrificial ceremony reached its true end.


Maeve's movements froze and she stopped there. Half of her face became uncontrollable and she let out a hideous devilish laugh: "Human, you did a great job!"

"what happened?"

Maeve was shocked and anxious, and used all her strength to suppress Satan, but what made her despair was that even though she tried her best, she was still losing control of this body little by little.

Even his own strength and consciousness are slowly disappearing!
“Because the final condition of the sacrificial ceremony is not the death of half, but all.

When all the sacrifices are dead, Satan will finally come."

Zhou Yuan's guess was confirmed, and he suddenly smiled excitedly and shouted:
"Master Satan, how am I doing?"

"Hmm?" Satan asked doubtfully.

Maeve was also stunned and shocked.

"I am your faithful believer!"

Zhou Yuan shouted enthusiastically, "I came here just to help you complete the ceremony successfully!
There should be some of your loyal followers among the remaining few, right? Even if five of them have died, they will continue to fight until there is no one left. "

“Okay, okay, okay!” Satan said three “Okays” in a row, and it was obvious how surprised he was. Then he laughed evilly, “You guessed right. Four of those people have long been my loyal believers.”

The extremely high charm value, coupled with Zhou Yuan's act of killing the protagonist of the movie and helping Satan complete the ritual, made Satan completely believe Zhou Yuan's words.

This also solved a doubt for Zhou Yuan.

——Since Maeve only needs to kill five people to complete the conditions of the ritual, why did people keep dying in the previous movie plots until no one survived in the end?
The answer is that there is more than one murderer, and some of the protagonists were not killed by Maeve.

Among the nine movie protagonists, some have become loyal believers of Satan. They know the true conditions of the ritual, so even if Maeve only kills five people, the rest will continue to fight.

At that time, Maeve had already started her plan and tried to occupy the demon's body. If nothing unexpected happened, she would definitely succeed with her strength.

But with the death of the last person, the conditions of the ritual were met, Satan descended, and all of Maeve's plans came to nothing.

Although Maeve has become the strongest exorcist, she is still unable to escape the identity of a "sacrifice". Facing the full-scale descent of Satan, under the compulsory effect of the ritual, she probably has no power to resist at all.

Thus, the movie will come to an end - Satan comes to the world.

In the previous round, Zhou Yuan's act of blowing up everyone caused the ritual to be completed ahead of schedule, and Satan descended, so the movie was forced to end. "Maeve, your betrayal was part of my plan from the beginning to the end. You are the most important part of my plan to descend to the world!"

Satan murmured maliciously, "One betrayal, I fell into hell; one betrayal, I came to the world, everything is destined, this is the cycle of fate!"

“No!” Maeve cried out in despair and fought hard, looking at Zhou Yuan with resentful eyes, “You damn pagan!”

The black flames of purgatory burned fiercely, and the rich smell of sulfur spread like a storm. Above the demon's head, a solemn and hideous black crown of flames appeared faintly.

The King of Hell is gradually descending upon the earth.

"Lord Satan, I will offer my allegiance to you!"

Zhou Yuan was ecstatic and danced with joy, like a fanatic who had actually seen the god he believed in.

"Hahahahahaha..." Satan spread his bat wings and laughed towards the sky. Maeve's consciousness was almost gone, and it was rapidly taking over this body.

It has been thousands of years since it was exiled to hell by God. It has been thinking about escaping from the cage that imprisoned it every moment. Now, its wish of thousands of years is finally about to come true.

Human world, here I come!

This beautiful world will be burned down by the wrath of the King of Hell, and all believers in God will be hung on the cross and roasted in the fire of purgatory!
And just in the ecstasy of letting his guard down, Satan suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

Looking down, the Exorcist Blade had already pierced into the heart, emitting brilliant light.

"You..." Satan widened his eyes in astonishment, looking at his loyal believer in disbelief.

"You believe whatever I say?"

Zhou Yuan thought Satan’s innocence was a little cute, “You’re easier to catch than the fish in my lake.”


Satan roared in pain, and a faint light began to flash under his body. The light gradually became brighter and brighter, and finally erupted like a volcano that had accumulated energy to its limit.

Beams of holy light burst out from it, poured out, violently tearing the body of the evil demon apart. The entire stone chamber was illuminated by this dazzling light, and the whole room was filled with brilliance.

With a loud bang, the demon's body exploded in a fierce light and turned into ashes.

Even Satan, the king of hell, could not escape the fatal effect of the holy blade. From now on, hell will no longer have a ruler.

And because Satan occupied most of the demon's body, the Holy Blade destroyed the body as well, and Maeve's last bit of consciousness disappeared.

One tiger kills two sheep.

Zhou Yuan chose the easiest way to fight - lure Satan out, then stab him to death with the Holy Blade, and kill Maeve at the same time.

[Mission "No One Survives" Completed]

[Task rating: S (experience points and star coin rewards increased to 150%)]

[Comment: The demon leader was fooled by you. Maybe you can add a little more charm and package yourself as a holy spirit walking in the world, and make a name for yourself with your looks.]

[Task Reward 1: Experience Points*1200]

[Task Reward 2: Star Coins*6000]

[Task Reward 3: Excellent Quality Skill Scroll *1]

【LV23→LV24! 】

[Experience value: 1050/1250]

[Available attribute points: 1]

[Transmission countdown: 9:59]

Zhou Yuan put away the [sharp knife], then took out a vacuum cleaner from the back panel and started sucking away the dust floating in the air.

"What are you doing?" Chen Guangxi was puzzled.

"Collect materials." Zhou Yuan said as a matter of course, "These ashes are the remains of Satan, they have a unique effect in mysticism, and can be sold for a lot of money.

And those green torches, while seemingly insignificant, are actually supernatural objects.”

After finally getting a copy mission, Zhou Yuan had to take advantage of it and pick up as much garbage as he could.

Soon, the vacuum cleaner was filled with ashes, and Zhou Yuan found a disposable plastic bowl to collect them.

【Name: Satan's Ashes】

[Quality: perfect]

[Special effects: can be used for forging, alchemy, mystical rituals, and many other purposes. ]

[Note: These ashes have a strong smell of sulfur. ]

[Price: 20000 Star Coins]

Wow, it’s perfect quality!

Zhou Yuan was delighted, and this thing could actually be sold for 20000 star coins!

He then hurriedly pulled down the torches burning with faint green flames on the wall. There were 12 in total, each of which could be sold for 50 star coins, for a total of 600 star coins.

After thinking for a while, he squatted down, took out a spoon, and scooped a spoonful of the yellow-green mucus in the cocoon: "Eh, it smells bad."

But this thing can actually be sold.

Zhou Yuan quickly started vacuuming and called Fang Qing over to help search.

[Name: Pregnancy Soup]

[Quality: Rare]

[Special effects: can be used for forging, alchemy, mystical rituals, and many other purposes. ]

[Note: Lao Ba's secret hamburger must be added with condiments. ]

[Price: 5000 Star Coins]

Zhou Yuan clapped his hands contentedly. This time the harvest was very rich.

After a moment, the teleportation countdown ended and he disappeared on the spot.

In the containment room, the screen went black and the movie disc automatically popped out. It suddenly caught fire and turned into ashes at an extremely fast speed. The ashes dissolved into nothingness in the air, leaving no trace behind.

"Um... self-destructed?"

Chen Guangxi raised his eyebrows. This was quite strange. It was rare to see someone who would self-destruct like this.

"Mom, why did this CD catch fire?" Ding Yi asked the disfigured woman in confusion.

The one who answered her was a scholar: "Because someone 'completed' it. Maybe what happened in the movie is past history, or it happened in a parallel universe. The original ending was changed, and it seems to have caused some interesting changes... But the anomaly has self-destructed, and there is no way to explore it further.

In short, don't think too much about it. Abnormalities are like this and cannot be viewed with common sense."

(End of this chapter)

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