Only Player

Chapter 149 Lack of Love

Chapter 149 Lack of Love
The green light came on.

The second round of questions and answers ends here.

"Very good, everyone is getting into the game, let's quickly move on to the third round!"

Stanley waved his hand, and the searchlight focused on the orc Will again.

"Please listen to the question."

"If your current lover turns into an ugly, fat, 300-pound, greasy-faced monster, and can never change back, will you still love her? Will you still marry her?"

Orc Will tapped the table lightly, lost in thought.

My questions are always about my girlfriend. Does the person who asks the questions want to analyze me through the answers to these questions? Or does he want to use these questions to expose the so-called "personality mask"?
Whether it is humans, orcs, or other intelligent races, they are essentially social animals. If they want to survive better in society, everyone needs to learn to wear various masks in different occasions.

As the saying goes, speak the truth to people and lies to ghosts.

Hypocrisy, lies, disguise... It is precisely because of the existence of these things that society can continue to function. If everyone tells the truth and everyone shows their true self without reservation, then the whole society will be in chaos.

Intelligent life is very complex.

Some people appear to be upright and dignified on the outside, but they may harbor unimaginable dirty thoughts deep in their hearts.

A person who looks rough and ugly may actually be very pure at heart.

The existence of lies and hypocrisy makes it difficult for people to see another person clearly.

Even couples who have lived together for decades may have another side that each other is unknown to.

For those hypocritical people, these questions are undoubtedly sharp swords that pierce their hearts, which can easily cut through the lies they have woven, tear apart the disguise of their personality masks, and expose their true side.


Will couldn't help scratching his head.

He is an orc.

The thoughts of orcs have always been straightforward, not that complicated, and there is no such thing as hypocrisy.

Even if he is an outlier in the reading community, if he likes something, he likes it, and if he doesn’t like something, he doesn’t like it. He doesn’t have to be so fussy.

Commonly known as being consistent inside and out.

These questions actually had no destructive power to him at all. He was not worried that his hypocritical mask would be exposed because he didn't have any.

After a brief pause, Will said, "If it was before we met, I would never approach her or have such thoughts.

But if she became like this due to some circumstances after we fell in love, I would still love her because I like her soul."

"Ohhhh! What a touching answer! I just don't know if you are lying?"

Stanley laughed, "Twenty years ago, a program group in Night City held a program, and the content was naturally the above question.

Several male guests patted their chests and promised that they would continue to love their girlfriends even if they became like that. But when the transformed girlfriends appeared in front of them, they were so scared that their faces turned green and they couldn't speak clearly. Hahahaha, not long after that, they all broke up with their girlfriends. "

Stanley sighed: "This is easier said than done."

"So, did this green-skinned friend lie?"

The whole venue fell silent. All the audience stared at Will's stage nervously, holding their breath. The atmosphere seemed to freeze.

The next second, the green light came on.

"He didn't lie, he didn't lie!"

Stanley shouted excitedly like a football commentator who saw his team score a goal, "It's unbelievable that there is such a passionate man in the world! I would like to call you the second pure love warrior of this show! Please give him a round of applause!"

There was loud applause from the audience, and many people even wiped away tears.

"9 Min, who in the family understands, what kind of a godly boyfriend is this!"

"What a wonderful love!"

"He really made me cry to death!"

Many people took out their mobile phones on the spot and started editing their Moments to record this beautiful love.

After a while, the scene finally quieted down. Stanley looked at Huo Yanluo and said, "Little Pepper, are you ready?"

"Please listen to the question."

"Have you ever been married?"

Huo Yanluo raised her eyebrows: "We got married, but divorced."

"Turns out she's a divorced beauty." Stanley gave an understanding smile, which drew cheers and whistles from the audience.

There are many Cao thieves.

Then it was Jiang Wuming's turn.

“Have you ever had a strong urge to self-destruct?”

"Yes." Jiang Wuming nodded. He had attempted suicide more than a hundred times.

Then came the white waves.

"This guest mentioned before that he sometimes goes swimming, so this question is related to swimming in some ways."

Stanley asked, "Are you an environmentalist?"


Finally, Stanley looked at Zhou Yuan and showed an awkward and helpless smile: "Did this guest give money to the questioner?

Please name ten of your favorite foods."

Zhou Yuan was completely speechless.

It really is just a questionnaire, right?
What the hell is Yi Yi doing?

"Pork, mutton, chicken, duck, beef, rice, steamed buns, cabbage, green vegetables, and spinach." Zhou Yuan randomly named ten kinds of food.

Passed smoothly.

Why are my problems always different from others?

Zhou Yuan stroked his chin and thought.

Then I heard Stanley's fourth question to Will:

"Have you ever despised some aspect of your girlfriend at some point?"


It's about Will's girlfriend again...

The next one is Huo Yanluo.

"Why did you divorce your husband?"

Huo Yanluo said calmly: "He cheated."

It's related to Huo Yanluo's marriage again...

"Do you have any special feelings for any individual life of the opposite sex/same sex or even any gender around you?"

Jiang Wuming raised his eyebrows: "Special feelings mean...?"

"Like, love, or something like that." "No."

"Oh, are you also a pure love warrior?" Stanley was surprised. "There are three pure love warriors among these five people. Are all the good men in Night City here? It's really rare."

"next question."

"Have you ever had the urge to kill any living being that is destroying the environment?"

Bai Lang nodded: "Yes, and I did it."

Finally we arrived at Zhouyuan.

There was a round of booing from the audience, because Zhou Yuan's questions were boring. Maybe he was a relative who was forced in by the organizer, and naturally there was no need to treat people with connections well.

"Don't worry, audience, the questions are finally a little different this time!"

Stanley said excitedly, "Please tell me a secret that no one else knows!"

Secret… Zhou Yuan paused: “I secretly browsed the Sheqing website three nights ago and saw my friend’s work on it.”

He changed the concept and actually he was reading the article about Liu Bei written by Chen Guangxi.

"Wow!" Stanley's eyes widened immediately. "This is really a coincidence. Maybe your friend is watching the live broadcast! Hey, friend, remember to delete the video!"

After that, he leaned closer to Zhou Yuan and whispered, "Please send me a copy after the show."

There was a sudden booing from the audience.

The fourth round of questions and answers ended and entered the fifth round.

The next question was exactly what Zhou Yuan had expected.

The questions Will is asked are always about his girlfriend.

"If your girlfriend invites you to have group sex, would you agree?", "If your mom and your girlfriend fall into the water, who would you save first?", "Have you ever cheated on your partner in a relationship, either emotionally or physically?"...

The questions asked to Huo Yanluo were related to her marriage.

"Have you ever thought about killing your cheating husband?", "Do you think you are the reason for your husband's cheating?", "Have you ever cheated physically or mentally?"...

The questions about Jiang Wuming are more complicated.

“Do you feel like you are carrying a lot of heavy things?”, “At this point in time, is there anything you are willing to give up your life for?”, “Do you like to eat coriander?”…

The problem with Bailang is related to environmental protection, but there are other problems as well.

"Are you willing to sacrifice your life to protect the environment?", "Have you ever polluted the environment?", "Have you ever looked down on the guests around you?"...

As for Zhou Yuan...

"Do you like cats or dogs?"

"Do you like mature women or young girls?"

"Do you like a cool queen or a mature queen?"

"Do you prefer the strong or the weak?"

After some questioning, except Zhou Yuan, everyone else had a frown on their face.

Although no one will be broken by this matter, they still feel a little unhappy.

"Finally, our Truth or Dare has reached the final round! Guests, as long as you make it through this round, you will receive generous rewards. Come on!"

Stanley cheered passionately, and the audience screamed and shouted.

He immediately pulled out the card with the question written on it, smiled mysteriously, and said to Will:
"Your real name is Will Monte, a green-skinned orc, a 4th-level abnormal creature, and you have mastered the rare [Power of I Think], right?"

In the silence, Will's eyes widened in disbelief.

Zhou Yuan and the others were also stunned. How did the other party... no, Yi Yi know?
Will responded and nodded seriously: "Yes..."

"Your real name is Huo Yanluo, a divine being, a 7th-order extraordinary being, and a direct descendant of the God of Fire, right?"

"Yes." Huo Yanluo narrowed her eyes, sat up slightly, and prepared for battle.

"Your real name is Jiang Wuming. You are a human being and a Level 2 Beyonder. You lost the person you loved in an accident and were entangled by a terrible curse of doom. You are destined to die endlessly, but you can also be resurrected endlessly, right?"

I am clearly at level 3 now... Jiang Wuming pondered, this information was definitely not obtained through the previous inquiry.


"Your real name is Bai Lang, a true dragon, a level 6 abnormal creature, and the master of the Dragon Palace, right?"


Finally, Stanley looked at Zhou Yuan:
"Your real name is not Wang Zhen, this is your disguised identity. The real you is a person who is very lacking in love, so you like pure love and want to be loved.

So you like dogs, because dogs can serve as companions, giving people a sense of mutual companionship and support. Dogs' loyalty, friendliness, liveliness and other qualities can often attract people who lack love.

So you like strong, mature and powerful women. Such women usually show maturity, stability and reliability, which can make people who lack love feel at ease and gain more care and support. Moreover, such women mostly have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, just like sunshine illuminating the haze of life, so they are more popular with people who lack love.

Am i right? "

Zhou Yuan was dumbfounded. How could he analyze so much from just a few questions? If I ask you more questions, can you really take off my vest and open the box directly?
"You're right." He sighed.

"Uh..." Jiang Wuming seemed to have thought of something at this time, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Zhou Yuan became a little different.

Wang way?

Another person whose eyes changed was Huo Yanluo. She fit these characteristics perfectly, but she was an old hand and knew that there was no other meaning in the look in "Wang Zhen's" eyes when he looked at her, only pure admiration, and he was not a thief who loved other people's wives.

She was surprised that Yi Yi had figured out Wang Zhen's psychological flaws just by asking these questions. Was she really a teenage girl? Wei Wei didn't seem to be that smart.

Mechanization...will it turn people into super robots like the Terminator or Skynet?
"So, we have passed the test, right?" Zhou Yuan ignored Jiang Wuming's strange look. It looked like he was asking Stanley, but he was actually asking Yi Yi.


The screen went black, the image in the studio disappeared, the machine slowly descended, the lights in the villa's living room lit up, and gradually returned to its original appearance.

Yi Yi's cold, mechanical voice came from the radio.

"Congratulations, you have passed all the tests."

"Weiwei, bring them to the lab."


Weiwei, who had been watching the show on the sofa, nodded, jumped off the sofa, and called everyone, "Follow me."

Several people exchanged glances - be careful!
The information just now cannot be obtained by asking questions.

Considering that many Beyonders have disappeared in Night City recently...

Perhaps some of the missing people were kidnapped by Yi Yi, and information about everyone was obtained from them.

Therefore, the question about "Wang Zhen" is so simple, because he is a new Beyonder who has risen recently, and his rank is not high. The public's understanding of him is almost zero, and many people don't even know him.

Without much intelligence, it is naturally impossible to formulate targeted questions.

When Stanley said that Jiang Wuming was a Level 2 Extraordinary, everyone was basically certain of this fact - Jiang Wuming had been promoted to Level 3 not long ago, but not many people knew about it, so in the eyes of other people outside, he was still Level 2.

The source of the intelligence is self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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