Only Player

Chapter 167 End in person

Chapter 167 End in person
The momentum of the flaming sword slashing down was like a river waterfall bursting its dam, dyeing the entire world into a dazzling red.

Bill opened his arms, and surging demonic energy surged out of his body, surging and rolling, turning into a ferocious giant statue of a demon god standing tall, emitting a rolling murderous aura that covered the sky and the sun.

It faced the Sword of Creation head-on.

Suddenly, a line of red sword light flashed across, and the ferocious giant statue of the demon god collapsed. The gorgeous divine flame of the heavenly calamity spread violently, burning the demonic energy in the sky into nothingness.

A cut mark burning with brilliant flames appeared on Bill's body, and he was directly cut out by the awe-inspiring sword power, flying dozens of kilometers away, smashing through the surface and penetrating deep into the earth's crust!
Immediately afterwards, red-hot magma gushed out from under the earth's crust, and a pillar of fire exploded into the sky, like a red line connecting the sky and the earth.

Bill was also pushed high into the sky by the column of fire.

After a successful attack, Huo Yanluo had a rough estimate of Bill's strength.

Although he is level 100, his true strength is not as terrifying as imagined. After all, he is a data life and has not experienced many battles. Whether it is combat skills or combat experience, he cannot be compared with the high-level extraordinary people who have experienced hundreds of battles.

Bill's combat power is purely supported by the value provided by her level. If the values ​​are similar, if she is given some time, she is confident that she can handle it alone.

It is tricky, but not impossible to fight.

The flames rose, and Huo Yanluo transformed into a body of divine flame composed of the divine flames of heavenly tribulation. What was even more exaggerated was that the fire elements of the entire game plane rushed towards this side in a moment!

Her level was raised to 99, and the divine blood in her body was fully awakened. Combined with the various blessings she had received and her own extraordinary fighting skills, her strength had definitely reached the top of the world and she could fight against the Demon King.

A pair of flaming feathers spread out from behind Huo Yanluo and suddenly flew high into the sky.

"Let's create an opportunity." Bai Lang glanced at everyone, then soared into the air, revealing his true form.

The sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and the sunlight was blocked by a white dragon so huge that there was no end in sight.

The white dragon's body is winding and endless, and most of it is hidden in the mysterious clouds. It is hovering above the higher sky. Just revealing a little bit of it is already spectacular and shocking.

With a dragon roar that shook the earth, Bill's health dropped sharply.

A white dragon flew across the sky, and its powerful claws dropped from the clouds, grabbing Bill with incredible precision.

A sudden squeeze.

An earth-shaking sonic boom erupted, and a circle of pale air waves spread in all directions.

When the white dragon loosened its claws, a green data stream flew out, reorganized, and turned into Bill's body. As a digital life, it also mastered the skill of transforming into a data body.

Before Bill could even catch his breath, a crystal-clear, brilliant flaming lotus floated over across the void.

The violent explosion swallowed Bill, and the space was blown into pieces, with cracks appearing like a broken mirror, extending towards the distant sky and earth.

The endless and brilliant waves raged across the sky and the earth, unleashing such terrible power that it seemed to make the entire world tremble.

It can be said that Huo Yanluo has now reached the limit state under the realm of gods, and is only one step away from the title of Fire God. A strong man of this level can directly destroy the entire plane if he wants!

At the place where the Divine Fire Lotus exploded, the space collapsed and turned into a pitch-black void.

However, in this void, a cube made of unknown metal appeared. With a bang, the metal cube exploded, and Bill walked out unharmed.

It used its reality-distorting ability to twist the surrounding space into an impregnable wall capable of blocking the attack.

However, Bill's condition was very bad at the moment. Being immortal did not mean that he would not be injured or tired. After enduring so many horrific attacks in succession, he was a little overwhelmed.

Faced with the renewed attack, it roared angrily, and countless torrents of demonic energy surged from its body, transforming into ferocious demon dragons, roaring and biting everyone present.

Huo Yanluo swung the flaming sword, but failed to kill the dragon in one blow. Her heart sank, and she dodged in the air like a supersonic fighter, engaging in a fierce battle with dozens of dragons.

Bai Lang's huge body became the primary target of the magic dragons. Nearly a hundred magic dragons roared and bit him. However, after getting close to a certain distance, a thick layer of frost gradually condensed on their bodies.

Unfortunately, the extreme cold air did not destroy these magic dragons, but only slightly delayed their speed. After a moment, countless magic dragons crashed into Bai Lang's body. For a moment, dragon scales exploded, blood flowed like waterfalls, and a blood rain fell from the sky.

"It's so classic."

Jiang Wuming saw this scene and immediately started cursing, "Stupid game designers have to use soul-based games. The boss loses half of his health when he's touched. I'm going to beat you!
When I get out, I will hang you up and beat you!"

To be honest, Huo Yanluo and Bai Lang were quite strong at this point, and they could suppress Bill, but Bill's stats were unfortunately higher, and any random hit from him could cause huge damage to them.

"Can you neutralize Bill's reality-distorting ability?" Zhou Yuan turned his head and looked at the orc Will.

"Once or twice at most." Will nodded seriously.

After reaching level 99, he was indeed able to use true reality bending abilities, but each use consumed a great deal of energy, and he could not change the laws at will like a true reality bender, as easy as breathing.

This is due to the limitation of one's true rank. One cannot better understand this power, and naturally cannot release it more skillfully. One can only use his great strength to fly bricks and make miracles happen.

"Once or twice... that's enough."

The real victory or defeat is often decided in a single move. If the timing is right, one or two key skills are enough to change the entire battle situation.

Zhou Yuan hesitated for a moment and said, "Old Jiang, I need your help. Amy, get ready."

"To be more specific..."

In the sky, the battle was extremely fierce.

Huo Yanluo and Bai Lang were covered in blood as they entangled with Bill tightly. They suffered varying degrees of severe injuries, but they each had their own means of recovery and could hold on for a while.

Suddenly, Zhou Yuan moved instantly and appeared behind Bill, punching him fiercely.

——【The sky collapses】!
Bill discovered this sneak attack, and a huge hand made of demonic energy grew out from behind him, colliding with Zhou Yuan's iron fist which was surrounded by martial arts energy.

The roar of thousands of overlapping thunders spread, the sky shook and trembled, and countless space cracks extended for hundreds of kilometers like lightning.

The space within a ten-kilometer radius collapsed into nothingness under the power of this punch. From the ground, it looked like a big hole in the sky.

This is a true collapse of the sky!

The mighty energy spread out, sweeping away the clouds of the entire plane, and Bill, who was hit by the punch, turned into a meteor, flying from bottom to top towards outer space!
Bill lost all feeling. Terrifying shocks burst out from his body and even his soul, as if to tear it apart and shatter it completely.

The brutal force rushed through its body, and in just a moment, its body exploded.

Thousands of fragments turned into meteorites, caught fire and burned in the violent friction with the atmosphere, and burned to ashes cleanly and neatly.

However, the next second, the ashes suddenly reunited and condensed into Bill's figure. After resurrection, Bill's health bar and status were restored to full, and the consciousness that was shattered by the punch also returned.

It looked carefully and was shocked to find that it had flown out of the planet and arrived in the dead and silent universe!

But it doesn't matter, the reality distortion ability can make it return to the earth easily.

But before it could take any action, a huge pulling force swept over and pulled it back from outer space!
Jiang Wuming exerted his strength and successfully locked onto the target even at such a long distance.

"Want to use atmospheric friction to kill me again? Naive!"

Bill sneered in his heart. The trick he used just now would only work when it was on the verge of death. How could a strong creature of this level die from a mere friction!
It fell towards the mortal world under the pull of heavy gravity, and along the way it was greeted by countless missiles launched by the Control Bureau.

These missiles were equipped with reality anchors and could not be directly destroyed by reality-distorting forces. A head-on collision would also cause horrific damage, so Bill simply distorted his own coordinates and returned to the battlefield as if teleporting.

The moment of returning, Huo Yanluo's flaming sword and Amy's holy sword fell down at the same time. The gravity squeezed from all directions, making Bill's movements much slower.

Its eyes fixed and the space stopped!

This area of ​​space fell into a state of stagnation. Huo Yanluo and Amy were like solidified statues, and the speed of the sword's slashing became infinitely slow.

Bill wants to kidnap Princess Amy directly, take the princess away and hide her, and wait patiently until the night of the blood moon. Then he still has a chance!

But Jiang Wuming would not give it that chance. Seeing that the two were in deep trouble, he immediately released a super strong repulsive force, which bounced Bill away - [Gravity Ring] has completely evolved into gravity at its current level.

Bai Lang breathed out icy air, and a heavy iceberg formed in the sky in an instant, freezing Bill inside.


The monstrous demonic energy burst out, breaking the blockade of the iceberg, and Bill pointed in the direction of Bailang.

call out!
A dark ray of evil energy penetrated through space and hit Bai Lang's huge body, leaving a bloody hole in him.

Bill wanted to kill one first to relieve the pressure, but at this time the injured Bai Lang had already hidden in the back and was healing quickly, and Zhou Yuan stood in front of him.

Zhou Yuan swung forward with his five fingers forming claws. The sharp cold light cut through the space and slashed at Bill's body, leaving five deep claw marks and causing blood to flow continuously.

——【Splitting Claw】!
Bill groaned. This attack not only caused damage to its body, but also directly tore its soul apart!
Jiang Wuming seized the opportunity when Bill was distracted and manipulated gravity again to "send" Bill to Zhou Yuan.

But this time, Zhou Yuan did not use the Sky Collapse again.

A sharp blade emitting a sacred light appeared in his hand.

Holy sword!

Bill was shocked, two holy swords!
One of them must be a fake, but... which one?
The one in Amy's hand or the one in Zhou Yuan's hand?
Bill didn't dare to take the risk, so he immediately used his reality-distorting ability to rewrite the law of gravity in this place, allowing himself to make an emergency stop to avoid hitting Zhou Yuan. However, this emergency stop only lasted for a moment, and he continued to fly towards Zhou Yuan.

Will used his reality distortion ability to neutralize Bill's reality distortion, and with just one use, his green face lost its color and turned as pale as paper.

Bill reacted quickly, hastily propped up the body of the Demon Colossus to protect his original body. His huge palm was wrapped in tangled and dancing demonic flames and slapped towards Zhou Yuan. He did not expect to kill him directly, but to slap him away as much as possible, away from himself.

A brilliant psychic light lit up in Zhou Yuan's pupils.

Level 9 supernatural power——[Eyes of Disintegration]!
Covered by the light of disintegration, the body of the Demon Colossus collapsed into ashes in an instant. Even Bill inside it suffered huge damage, and his body was about to disintegrate into dust.

Zhou Yuan, with a pale face, instantly appeared in front of Bill, swung the holy blade in his hand, and a dazzling holy light burst out, cutting off Bill's head like a hot knife cutting through butter.


Killing the Demon King with the Holy Sword would truly put an end to his life.

Zhou Yuan just breathed a sigh of relief, but unexpectedly, something unexpected happened!

Bill caught the fallen head with his hands and put it back, and the wound healed automatically.

At this moment, a more evil and darker aura slowly spread from its body.

Zhou Yuan, who was nearby, felt as if he had fallen into an icy cave.

[Big crisis! The old pervert who has been hiding behind the scenes has decided to take action himself, hurry up! ]

Time, and even everything, is frozen at this moment.

"In the end, you still have to do it yourself."

Bill's face was covered with a layer of deep darkness, which was an evil and cold force, as if connected to the bottom of an infinite abyss, filled with terror and oppression.

【LV??? ·???】

A series of question marks appeared above the Demon King's head, and the entire game plane began to shake violently.

Sharp alarms sounded simultaneously in the control bureaus of the game world and the real world.

The speed of narrative coverage is increasing rapidly!
Zhou Yuan gritted his teeth and used all his strength to activate the holy sword, and the brilliant light slashed at the demon king.

But not even the armor was damaged.

Zhou Yuan's eyes widened. This guy was completely on a different level from Bill. He had completely exceeded the upper limit of this game dimension!

"Go to hell." The devil whispered, announcing his will.

Zhou Yuan's body immediately lost its vitality and turned into a cold corpse.

The devil was indifferent. Just when it was about to kill other people, Zhou Yuan suddenly took a deep breath and came back to life, full of vitality again.


The devil was stunned for a moment, then he once again exerted his great power to forcibly kill Zhou Yuan.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yuan was resurrected again.

The devil stared at Zhou Yuan for a moment, and after a moment, he caught a glimpse of the essential power that resurrected him.

It is the abnormal rule of this world.

(End of this chapter)

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