Only Player

Chapter 195 Robot

Chapter 195 Robot

After hearing Zhou Yuan's solemn declaration, the chosen gods' envoys showed surprise and determination on their faces, bowed down to him, and shouted in unison:

"Obey the oracle!"

Zhou Yuan nodded slightly. His voice seemed to have some kind of magic that made people involuntarily convinced and engraved it deep in their souls: "Remember, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility. I don't want you to abuse this power, and I don't want you to lose yourself because of the power.

This power should be used to protect the righteous path."

"We will follow your will." The messengers responded respectfully.

The mark of the power of darkness was slightly hot, and more power of faith was gathering. The energy consumed in casting the blessing spell was being replenished quickly.

Zhou Yuan knew that he had planted the seed of faith in this wasteland. Whether this seed could take root, sprout and thrive depended on whether he could uncover the truth of this long night.

He performed the Shadow Escape Technique and instantly appeared on the back of the male fire dragon. He stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking all living beings, with a look of grimace.


The male fire dragon flapped its wings, creating a howling hurricane and slowly rose from the ground.

"Holy Spirit...please allow me to pay my deepest respects to you. I beg you to grant us the honor of knowing your name, so that we can recite and praise your holy name in our hearts." An old man said respectfully at this time.

Zhou Yuan looked into the distance with deep eyes, and said mysteriously: "When this long night ends and dawn breaks, you will know my honorable name."

——In fact, he hasn’t thought about it yet.

If we simply call it Night XX, it would overlap with the local Night Goddess Cult, which would easily cause confusion, so we have to think of a new one.

And you can’t just make it up randomly.

One of the key points of believing in becoming a god is to determine one’s own “divine mission”.

The priesthood not only defines the scope of a deity's duties, but is also the cornerstone for attracting believers.

The priesthood is not a simple label, but a bridge between gods and believers, and the focus of the power of faith.

The choice of priesthood is not to be taken lightly; it must be closely tied to the deity's nature and purpose.

The god in charge of nature and agriculture is the god of agriculture. People pray to the god of agriculture for a good harvest.

The god of the sea is in charge of the sea and fisheries. People pray to the god of the sea for a smooth trip and a good harvest.

If, on the other hand, you find the wrong God, your prayers will be useless.

Only by establishing a clear priesthood can one screen believers, improve the efficiency of absorbing the power of faith to a greater extent, and consolidate one's own divinity.

Of course, if one were to take other paths to becoming a god, it wouldn't be so troublesome, but Zhou Yuan obviously couldn't do that at the moment.

If you have the fragments of divinity that suit you and a certain number of believers (referring to fans), it is most appropriate to take the path of becoming a god through faith.

The male fire dragon rose high into the sky, stirring up a turbulent current, suddenly accelerating, and roaring towards the distant sky.

Only many believers who were bowing their heads were left there.

"What name should we give it..."

On the back of the male fire dragon, Zhou Yuan scratched his hair in distress.

"God of Night? Son of Night? Lord of Darkness?" Fang Qing in the body helped to give advice.

Zhou Yuan shook his head in denial: "The God of Night and the Goddess of Night overlap, so it's easy to confuse them. The Son of Night is even worse, he was directly treated as someone's son. The Lord of Darkness... sounds so immature."

"Then I suggest that we just call him Source God. It means the source of all things. It not only symbolizes the beginning and birth of all things, but also contains the concept of the unity of all things, that is, the deep root shared by all things in the world, the ultimate origin."


In silence, Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Don't say that."

Fang Qing couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Don't talk nonsense. You don't really want to use this title, do you? Can you suppress this name?"
The male fire dragon flew very fast and arrived near the power station in less than twenty minutes.

Still a few kilometers away, Zhou Yuan saw a raging fire in the forest. The sound of gunfire was endless, and countless figures were moving through the forest, advancing under the hail of bullets.

[As the only light in the wasteland world, people have already armed the power station to the teeth. The terrifying firepower brought by the high-tech weapons from the old world is enough to scare even the fanatics blessed by the void spirits.

But the power station employees underestimated the power of the extraordinary individuals, and a powerful and special fanatic has already arrived at the door of the power station. 】

Zhou Yuan glanced at the battlefield below and was slightly surprised that there were actually thousands of attackers from the Evernight Goddess Cult, and half of them were superhumans, and among these superhumans, nearly a hundred had received the blessing of the Void Spirit.

"These crazy people have been living and dying for so many years, right?"

Zhou Yuan was astonished that such a large population could be bred in a dangerous area... Nine studs per person per litter.

However, even if so many troops were sent out, it would be difficult to get close to the power station in a short time, as the weapons excavated from the ruins of the old world were too powerful.

Zhou Yuan witnessed with his own eyes a dazzling red energy beam that pierced through the battlefield. It was like a sharp razor, sweeping across swiftly, easily cutting through trees and leaving behind charred marks. Flesh and blood bodies were like paper in front of it.

There are also countless automatic turrets, and the blue energy shells they fire can create a charred crater on the ground. Once a human body is hit, it will be turned into powder in an instant.

In addition, there were a large number of machine guns spraying flames and bullets raining down, forming extremely destructive long chains of lightning and fire that swept across the area. The trees in this forest were all broken in half, and wood chips were flying all over the sky.

The followers of the Goddess of Night suffered heavy casualties in the bombing, but they continued to rush forward regardless of their lives.

Soon, Zhou Yuan sensed a powerful presence.


With a loud bang, debris flew everywhere, and a huge hole was blasted in the wall of the power station. The figure in the tattered windbreaker flashed into it and disappeared.

"Let's get everyone out to stretch their legs. Fang Qing, you take charge."

Zhou Yuan took out the Palu Ball and released the female fire dragon.

Then, streams of scarlet blood gushed out of his body, transforming into Fang Qing's figure. The blood vortex opened, and the door of the training room slowly emerged from it. "Leave it to me." Fang Qing nodded.

Zhou Yuan disappeared in an instant.


Two fire dragons soared in the night sky, spewing out two streams of blazing flames. The mountains and forests instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and dozens of fanatics were reduced to ashes in the dragon flames.

A cold flash of a knife flashed through the woods and disappeared.

The movements of dozens of figures suddenly stopped, and then heads flew into the sky, blood splattering.

The leaves fell rustlingly, and Tang Qingsha shook his sword, shaking off the blood.

She licked her lips, her eyes turning bloodthirsty red: "Finally I can go on a killing spree."

At the same time, thunder and lightning roared in the forest, dense chains of electricity extended out, and the terrifying destructive energy whipped everything. Suddenly, heavy snow fell from the sky, bringing with it a biting killing intent of ice and snow.

A bloody wind swept through, and the manic werewolves tore bodies apart with their sharp claws; the roaring minotaurs swung their giant axes and chopped down the fanatics with bloodshot eyes; the clear and melodious sound of a flute came from the wind, and everyone who heard it would bleed from all seven orifices and be heartbroken!
The succubus Alice flew around the battlefield with a laugh, sucking the essence of superhumans and turning them into skinny corpses; the invisible silk threads of the Weaver were spread out like a big net, penetrating every hole, controlling the believers to kill each other.

Fang Qing stood in the sky, quietly admiring the massacre taking place below. With the fighting power of these thugs, it was only a matter of time before all the thousands of people were killed.

In the power station.

Zhou Yuan finally caught up with the man in the tattered windbreaker who was running all the way.

The other party's goal was very clear. They went straight to the core of the power station and ignored the resistance personnel along the way.

Suddenly, the speeding man in the tattered windbreaker felt a bone-chilling chill. He braked slammingly, causing the ground to explode with a loud bang, and flew backwards like a spring.

But the chill did not dissipate, but instead followed him like a maggot on the tarsal bone!
The man in the tattered windbreaker would never have thought that the murderous intent he sensed came from his own shadow!
The next second, a pitch-black iron fist smashed out from the shadow.

——【The sky collapses】!
Amid the spreading roar, the man in the tattered windbreaker flew backwards, his whole body exploded, flesh and blood flew everywhere, broken bones splattered everywhere. The scene was extremely bloody, just like a mosquito that was slapped to death, with the broken body tissues stuck to the wall, bloody.

And at the moment the man in the tattered windbreaker died, a cold and evil will burst out from his body, and infinite darkness gushed out, turning into a torrent that swept across, and the bright corridor fell into darkness in an instant.

This kind of darkness cannot even be seen by dark vision. It has a destructive power of dissolution and destruction, devouring everything.

Zhou Yuan was stunned because he felt a quality similar to Guixu from it.

What's even more weird is that that cold and evil will is everywhere, as if... the darkness itself is it.

At that moment, Zhou Yuan suddenly realized.

This is a ghost!
No wonder the Eye of Appraisal said that the guy just now was special, it turns out that there is a phantom spirit hidden in his body!
[The Void Spirit is a mysterious non-physical supernatural creature born in a dark and empty place. It has the ability to devour and parasitize. It grows stronger by devouring organic matter, energy and other substances. It is extremely afraid of light. ]

"Want to eat me?" Zhou Yuan sneered, "Didn't your parents tell you that eating too much can easily cause stomach upset?"

He raised his palm, and a small black sun appeared in his palm, spinning and releasing a terrifying attraction.

The body of the virtual spirit began to collapse inward rapidly, and shocking and terrified mental fluctuations emanated from that cold and evil will, but no matter how it struggled, it could not escape the lock of the black sun.

After a moment, the darkness receded like a tide, and the lights in the corridor became bright again.

Zhou Yuan released the Black Sun at the right time. This virtual spirit could not be killed yet, so he had to keep it to torture for information.

However, what he didn't expect was that the dark body of the virtual spirit disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye like a wisp of green smoke.

Total demise.

He was not given any chance to catch the palu ball.

"Just... a little bit..."

The final will of the virtual spirit was conveyed, containing extreme unwillingness.

Zhou Yuan looked up at the light above his head with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

No way, ordinary lights can kill the void spirits?
"No wonder they ordered their fanatics to attack the power station. As long as they lose electricity, they will have no natural enemies and can easily take over the entire world."

Zhou Yuan pondered for a moment, "Leave the outside to Fang Qing and the others. Let's go inside and find the administrator of the power station. Maybe we can ask him something."

He walked deeper into the power station and soon came to a big door.

The metal door opened automatically, and behind the door were more than twenty fully armed staff members, with the muzzles of their guns pointed at this place.

"Oh haha."

Zhou Yuan thought that he would be hit by countless bullets in the next second, but these people did not shoot, as if they had received some orders.

"The webmaster invites you to his office." A staff member came forward and said nervously.

Oh? You came to me?

Zhou Yuan nodded: "Lead the way."

Webmaster's office.

Zhou Yuan pushed open the door and saw an ordinary-looking, slightly bald middle-aged man sitting behind a desk, drinking coffee calmly.

[He looks like a human, but underneath the human appearance is a sophisticated mechanical body. This is the technological crystallization of humans in the old world - an intelligent robot.

He can even have children, you never thought. 】

Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised.

The manager of the power station is actually a robot?

(End of this chapter)

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