Only Player

Chapter 197 The Real Golden Sun

Chapter 197 The Real Golden Sun

A severed limb is reborn!

What else could this be but a miracle?
For a moment, countless people knelt on the ground, with awe and worship, treating Zhou Yuan as a real god and worshiping him devoutly.

Zhou Yuan felt the mark of divinity getting slightly hot, and recited the previous lines again. He then selected a group of suitable people to bestow the power of darkness upon them, to become messengers of God and to maintain the operation and spread of religion in the future.

Of course, I don’t know if this world will have a future…

After finishing everything, he commanded the male fire dragon to fly away.

Towards the deep darkness.

"Heading to the danger zone..."

"Is He going to wipe out the mutant creatures in the danger zone?"

People's hearts are filled with waves. Perhaps the struggle between wasteland humans and mutant creatures will end today!


Zhou Yuan was flying at high speed while riding the male fire dragon. Groups of mutant creatures from the ruins of the old world below kept looking at him. A group of giant, bloodthirsty bees with the ability to fly also tried to chase him, but they were burned to pieces by a breath of dragon flame and fled in disarray.

He ignored these mutant creatures and commanded the male fire dragon to fly directly in the direction roughly marked on the map by the power station manager.

About an hour later, the ruins of a giant building covered with vines appeared in front of them. There were some faint lights nearby. Humans lived here, and it had developed into a large-scale settlement.

[This is the largest power control center in the old world. The electricity it generated was enough to light up the entire world. Later, it was almost destroyed in the catastrophe. The automatic robots took more than ten years to repair it. However, when it was about to be restarted, the Cult of the Goddess of Evernight arrived.

Many years later, the expelled followers of the Goddess of Night found this place and have lived here ever since. You can find many secrets in it.

"This is it."

Zhou Yuan put away the male fire dragon in mid-air and started free fall. When it was about to touch the ground, it suddenly turned into a shadow and disappeared into the darkness.

He approached the building silently, and along the way he met several Void Blessed Guards who were parahumans. They were gathered together playing cards and didn't take the mission seriously at all.

After all, this is deep in the danger zone, and it is impossible for the wasteland humans to reach here. The mutant creatures around have long been killed. Even if there are new mutant creatures, they dare not set foot in this area due to the warning of the smell of blood and corpses.

Zhou Yuan looked around and made sure there were no surveillance or alarm devices before taking action. In this absolutely dark environment, the Devouring Shadow was like an omnipresent mouth that devoured several guards in the blink of an eye, leaving no trace of its existence.

He continued to go deeper inside and came to a spacious hall, which had been transformed into a church by the Church of the Goddess of Night. In the center stood a huge statue of the Goddess of Night, and dozens of believers were praying under the leadership of the archbishop.

Zhou Yuan's gaze fell on the leading archbishop, who gave him a very strange and evil feeling.

[For many years, the Void Spirits have been combining with various races, trying to create offspring that can get rid of the extremely weak light defect. After countless bloody experiments, they finally succeeded, and a brand new race was born. However, this new race is very rare, and there is only one person left. ]

[Toilet Cleaner, a 5th level Extraordinary Being, a half-human, half-virtual supernatural creature, and the head of the Night Goddess Church.

He changed his name himself because he felt that the world was a huge filthy place, and he saw himself as the one chosen by fate to clean up everything, and vowed to cleanse the filth of the world and restore it to its original clarity.

The offspring of virtual spirits and humans, toilet cleaner...what a b name.

Zhou Yuan felt unhappy in his heart.


Suddenly, the Toilet Cleaner Archbishop turned around, and his sharp gaze pierced through the darkness and fell on Zhou Yuan. As a half-virtual spirit, he possessed a strong ability to perceive darkness.

Seeing that he was discovered, Zhou Yuan took out the Equality of All Beings without saying a word and slapped it down. A fiery red barrier lit up, suppressing the cultivation level of the Toilet Cleaning Spirit Archbishop to the same level.

Then he activated his skill - Overhealing.


The robe of Archbishop Cleaner was torn apart in an instant, and the left half of his body began to swell rapidly, turning into a bloated giant with a large number of deformed limbs and tumors growing on it.

He had never seen such a strange and weird ability, and hesitated for a moment. At this moment, the rapidly vibrating golden stick stretched out and swept across, emitting a mournful roar.

With a loud bang, the whole building shook violently, and all the believers present were blown into a blood mist by the stick, which then turned into fine rain and scattered all over the sky.

The Archbishop of the Toilet Cleaner used his deformed left limb as a shield and tried to resist. He had devoured a large number of mutated creatures to strengthen his physical strength, but there was still a big gap in front of Zhou Yuan's true dragon body.

The muffled sound spread with the surging air waves, mixed with the crisp sound of the iron rod colliding with bones. The terrifying mass of the Zhendong Stick rose endlessly under Zhou Yuan's will, and it blew up the body of the Toilet Cleaner Archbishop with great force, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Being invincible in the same level is not just talk.

At this moment, a cold and evil will rose from the shattered body of the Toilet Cleaner Archbishop.

The Toilet Cleaner Archbishop flew out like a ghost, his whole body was pitch black, like the nothingness leading to the abyss, but compared to the void spirits he had seen before, he still maintained a human form.

"'s interesting. That guy before had a virtual spirit living in his body, and you turned into a virtual spirit after death. It's like having a second life. You can indeed be considered a completely new race." Zhou Yuan said.

Archbishop Jieci Ling's expression darkened. He knew who Zhou Yuan was referring to.

In this case, the attack on the power station may have failed...

Damn... Where did this guy come from? Is there such a person in the wasteland?

He cursed in his heart and floated up quickly. In his current form, he was immune to physical attacks, but he had to guard against other strange methods that Zhou Yuan might use.

"Let's talk." The Archbishop of the Toilet Cleaner said, "This world is beyond salvation. The future is destined to be virtual. If you want to survive, you must join the virtual clan."

"Tell me how it is hopeless." Zhou Yuan said.

"The truth is too horrifying, you certainly won't be able to accept it, and you may even think I'm deceiving you. I once caught a few hunters and told them the truth, and they all went crazy." Archbishop Jie Toilet Spirit said in a deep voice.

"Oh, you have something to say but you're just wasting time." Zhou Yuan sneered, but he was calm because he was waiting too.

Waiting for support from the virtual spirit.

The gloomy darkness of nothingness rose from the depths of the building, like a violent tsunami, roaring and rushing towards them with murderous intent.

"What a bunch of big guys."

Zhou Yuan decisively took out the Yaotian Shield.

——Endless skylight!
Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out from the shield, like a rising sun, illuminating the world.

The light was like a tide, engulfing everything and spreading in all directions, like a bird shining with the light of freedom, soaring out from the ruins of the building and flying above the sky.

At this moment, the bright light poured down like a waterfall, and the sky seemed to be bright.

Waves of painful mental fluctuations erupted, and the void spirits here screamed miserably, melting and disintegrating in the fierce light, and finally turned into ashes.

The ethereal body of the Archbishop of the Toilet Cleaning Spirit fell to the ground, his body covered with horrible burning and smoke rising. As a new race of half-human, half-ethereal bodies, he did not have the weakness of the ethereal spirits, but the skill of Endless Skylight was not just as simple as lighting a lamp, and its lethality was extremely terrifying. If Zhou Yuan had not restrained his strength, he would have been burned into nothingness by the Burning World Skylight.

The reason why Zhou Yuan spared his life was to find out the truth from his words.

Unfortunately, the ethereal body can devour mental energy and cannot be interrogated using psychic powers.

The Archbishop of the Toilet Cleaner screamed and glared at Zhou Yuan, "Even if you kill us, you can't change the hopeless future. You...will definitely die!"

After saying that, he actually chose to commit suicide. His body quickly disintegrated and collapsed into wisps of dark air, which were annihilated in the fierce light that had not yet dissipated.

Zhou Yuan's hand froze as he was about to throw the palu ball, and he sighed helplessly.

[Continue to explore deeper and you will uncover a huge secret.

Sir, this way! 】

Zhou Yuan followed the instructions of the Eye of Appraisal and walked towards the depths.

A few minutes later, he came to a giant underground building. It looked like a scene from a science fiction movie. There were some kind of crystal walls installed on the ceiling and both sides of the walls. If they could be lit up, they would definitely reflect brilliant light.

There is a huge circular instrument in the center, which has been dismantled and only wreckage remains. However, even if it is just wreckage, humans are as small as ants in front of it.

[This is a controlled nuclear fusion reactor, also known as an artificial sun, which is part of the Golden Sun. ]

Part of the Golden Sun?

Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes. This means that the Golden Sun was not made up by the Cult of the Goddess of Night, it really exists.

"The artificial sun is only a part of the golden sun..."

Zhou Yuan continued to explore, repeating this sentence over and over again.

Soon, he followed the navigation of the Eye of Identification and arrived at the door of a room blocked by iron chains. There were even four guards here.

They didn't leave despite the loud commotion outside, which shows that there must be something important in the room.

Zhou Yuan knocked them to the ground, cast the Light Spell to burn away the Void Blessing in their bodies, and then used psychic hypnosis to interrogate them: "What's in the room?"

"It's a heretic! It's a demon! It must be sealed behind the door!!"

"Our mission is to guard the sealed door. We must not leave even if the world is destroyed."

Zhou Yuan was speechless after hearing this. What the hell is a sealed door? This door does not have any supernatural power at all. It is just an ordinary door. There are no living creatures inside the door.

He broke the chain on the door with his bare hands and kicked it open. Inside was a place similar to the central control room, but the instruments and equipment had been basically moved out, leaving only a row of dilapidated operating tables.

Judging from the traces, it was obviously caused by human destruction.

[This was once the control room for the entire ecosystem, responsible for regulating important environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, light, weather, gravity, oxygen concentration, and day and night changes.

This whole system is the real golden sun. Just press a button and the world will be filled with bright blue sky. But unfortunately it was destroyed and there is no possibility of repair. 】

This system is the Golden Sun...

Zhou Yuan scanned the traces of destruction on the console. It was obvious that this was the thing that the Church of the Goddess of Night destroyed. In order to maintain the transcendent status of their own religion, they did not hesitate to extinguish the light source with their own hands, pushing the wasteland world into a century-long darkness!

"Religion is sometimes a dregs that hinders the development of civilization." Zhou Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

In silence, he stared at the notes of the Eye of Appraisal and completely constructed the worldview of this copy world.

"I hope it's not what I think, otherwise it will be really troublesome." Zhou Yuan sighed.

"What's wrong?" Fang Qing was confused.

"You will know soon enough."

Zhou Yuan didn't stay for long, left the ruins of the building, summoned the male fire dragon and continued to fly north.


"I'm heading north, leaving the season with you..."

Fang Qing was humming a song on the dragon's back. After hanging out with Zhou Yuan and Chen Guangxi for a long time, she felt that she had become a little neurotic. If it were the old her, she would never have done this.

Well...she actually did this to ease Zhou Yuan's emotions. Zhou Yuan had a tense and serious face from the beginning, which made her nervous as well.

After the song was finished, Zhou Yuan didn't make any moves. Fang Qing said helplessly, "Can't you just tell me directly? Do you have to be a riddle teller?"

Ten seconds later, Zhou Yuan pointed forward and said, "Look for yourself."

He bestowed a blessing of darkness on Fang Qing, allowing her to see objects far away clearly in the dark.

Fang Qing looked forward.

The end of the world has come.

It was a silver-white wall that stretched from sky to earth, its surface covered with dense bullet holes and deep charred scratches. The scars were so large that they could be clearly seen from several kilometers away.

When you get closer, you can see solidified teardrops, which are formed when metal melts painfully in high temperatures. They slowly slide down like sad tears and quietly adorn the wall.

Fang Qing was stunned and dumbfounded.

Zhou Yuan followed the navigation of the Eye of Identification and commanded the male fire dragon to fly in a direction. Soon they arrived in front of a huge metal door.

As they got a little closer, three rays of light suddenly shot out from the door, scanning them, and then a cold, chaotic mechanical voice sounded.

"Species: Homo sapiens. Age: %#@cannot*&¥#determine..."

"Species: Unknown negative energy body..."

"Species: Unknown large lizard-like life form..."

"Emergency lockdown procedures have been initiated, your clearance level is: Level 0.

Sorry, you do not have the authority to order the door to be opened."

Fang Qing was stunned and asked in astonishment: "What...what is going on?"

"This is the truth."

"This is an artificial ecosystem, so we are most likely on a distant colony planet or a giant spaceship," Zhou Yuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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