Only Player

Chapter 21 The extraordinary world is so exciting

Chapter 21 The extraordinary world is so exciting
Chen Guangxi pinched his chin and looked at the red clown in the air:

"It would be troublesome if I encountered this guy when I was gathering monsters. How about I find a chance to kill it?"

Gu Honggao pondered for a moment and nodded slowly:
"Wait till dawn to act."

"Are you really going to do it?" Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Gu Honggao responded calmly, "This clown is an unstable factor, so it's better to get rid of him."


The other party had made up his mind, so Zhou Yuan couldn't say anything. Besides, there was nothing wrong with the decision. If the clown also joined in when Chen Guangxi was gathering monsters, the safety time she could buy for everyone would be greatly reduced.

There is not much time for exploration to begin with, and if it is reduced further, it will be all over.


Gu Honggao summoned Chen Guangxi and other experts to discuss the action plan to encircle and suppress the clown.

Zhou Yuan found several investigators, quickly became familiar with them, asked some questions about the paradise, and then began to inquire about common knowledge about the extraordinary world.

"The Flesh and Blood Workshop is a very evil organization. If you run into them, you must stay away from them. They believe in the supremacy of the body, so even skinny members are extremely powerful. They can also manipulate the flesh and blood, so that every piece of your flesh has its own thoughts. Oh, right..."

The investigator named Bai Xiao lowered his voice and said, "They also hold regular parties."

"Ah this..." Zhou Yuan said seriously, "Tell me in detail."

"There's nothing much to elaborate on. It's just finding a secret base and gathering members to have parties regularly. Many supernatural organizations actually have this kind of team-building activities."

Bai Xiao paused, "If we really want to talk about this, it has to be the Witch Association."

"The Witch Association..."

Zhou Yuan chewed on the name, looking suspicious, "Are these witches all men who turned into women?"

"Of course not. The Witch Association is composed of purely female members, and they believe in [Anomaly 1408: Goddess of Love and Charm]."

Bai Xiao raised an eyebrow at him, "You must be familiar with this goddess."

"Me?" Zhou Yuan was at a loss. He had only set foot in the extraordinary world for a few days, and it was the first time he heard this name. How come he was familiar with this goddess?

Bai Xiao said with great joy: "Anomaly 1408. The source of the power of the Goddess of Love and Charm comes from people's desire for her. To put it bluntly, the more people who beat her, the stronger her power will be.

This goddess has a friendly relationship with the Control Bureau, so you know that 18X works based on her are uploaded everywhere on the Internet, and most of them are free. You must have seen them. "

Zhou Yuan was stunned. Is there such a god?

"As for the Witch Association that believes in Abnormal 1408, the Goddess of Love and Charm, they naturally need to cultivate through the desires of others for themselves, just like Him. Most of the high-quality actors and welfare girls you have seen on the Internet are their people.

As for why they are all high quality——

Because all women who join the Witch Association, no matter how ugly they were before, will quickly become charming beauties in a short period of time, and their needs will increase greatly, and they need to regularly reconcile their yin and yang, so everyone calls them female Bodhisattvas... Well, those who understand will understand, and I won’t explain too much if you don’t understand. "

Zhou Yuan's expression suddenly became strange: "Isn't this... the Hehuan Sect?"

"Almost, but the Witch Association can absorb essence through the screen." Bai Xiao shrugged.

"Cyber ​​cultivation, damn!" Zhou Yuan could only sigh that the extraordinary world was so exciting.

"The Mechanicus is a true cyber cultivator. They have even installed a nuclear reactor. Have you heard of Cyber ​​Martial Arts? It's their unique skill."

Bai Xiao gave Zhou Yuan some basic knowledge about the Mechanicus. Its members are a group of people who worship mechanical ascension, and it has some connection with Spark Technology and Eternal Genes.

"Xinghuo Technology has also entered the extraordinary world?" Zhou Yuan was surprised.

"Otherwise, why do you think Spark Technology was able to rise after World War III?" Bai Xiao asked back.

He went on to say: "The founders of Spark Technology are all scholars in the Bureau of Control, so this company is actually a vest of the Bureau of Control.

You think you are far away from the Bureau, but in fact, the Bureau has already become an indispensable part of your life. "Today's human society has long been inseparable from the creations of Spark Technology. Walking on the street, you can see them everywhere, so there is nothing wrong with this statement.

Bai Xiao's mouth was dry after speaking, so he drank some water to moisten his throat: "Anything else you want to ask?"

"Hmm...are there any other weirder organizations?"

"Let me think about it..."

Bai Xiao was thinking about this when someone suddenly interrupted and said, "The Holy Crow Cult must be one of them."

Holy Crow Cult?

Zhou Yuan was suddenly shocked and thought of the mysterious crow. He remained calm on the surface and asked, "What kind of organization is this?"

"The Holy Raven Cult's belief in [Anomaly 233: Lady Raven] is indeed quite bizarre."

Bai Xiao smacked his lips. "They are all fun-loving people. Their favorite thing to do is to have fun."

"How should I put it? Their style of doing things is very special. Everything they do is to make themselves happy. Even if they are asked to die, as long as they can find enough fun, they will be willing to die."

"This is not the way of sitting and forgetting."

"It's not that bad. The Cult of the Holy Raven has a good reputation and is considered to be a lawful faction. They have a good relationship with the Bureau of Control. However, they are few in number and their whereabouts are erratic, so they seem very mysterious."

Holy Raven Cult… Anomaly 233: Lady Raven…

Could this organization be related to the mysterious crow?

Zhou Yuan began brainstorming.

After a long time.

Gu Honggao finalized the plan and prepared to take action at 5:30 tomorrow morning. Everyone took a rest and recharged their energy.

The investigators entered a strange meditative state, similar to the tortoise breathing technique, which could reduce physical consumption and conserve more energy, leaving only a few people to stand guard.

The hall gradually became quiet. Zhou Yuan rubbed his temples, stopped thinking about those trivial things, and chose to rest.

When Zhou Yuan was woken up, it was already dawn outside.

"Huh? Is it time for the plan?" he asked in confusion.

Bai Xiao looked pained: "Brother, it's all over."

"Ah?" Zhou Yuan woke up instantly and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was half past seven.

The battle plan formulated by Gu Honggao was to start the battle at 5:30, so it has been almost two hours since the battle was over?

"Why didn't anyone call me..." Zhou Yuan immediately realized that it seemed that waking him up was useless, so it would be better to let him continue sleeping.

"Look." Bai Xiao pointed to the distance.

There were four metal boxes in the hall, each of which was tied tightly with iron chains and covered with talismans.

[The clown's best trick used to be the human body cutting magic, but after he was cut open, he found this magic not so interesting anymore.]

"You're awake."

Chen Guangxi came over with a bowl of instant noodles, slurping it, "What are your plans next?"

"I'm going to go for a stroll in the amusement park during the day."

Zhou Yuan said, "Let's go see the carousel first."

(End of this chapter)

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