Only Player

Chapter 24 Help from the Dead

Chapter 24 Help from the Dead
"Are you sure this thing can get me through this alive?"

In front of the roller coaster, Jiang Wuming held eleven sausages in his two hands, and the expression on his face seemed to say "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"This sausage... is made of human flesh."

Chen Guangxi's nose was even more sensitive than a dog's. He sensed something was wrong after sniffing it twice and immediately realized, "This is food for ghosts!"

Zhou Yuan looked at the roller coaster that had stopped at the starting point and explained to the others, "This roller coaster is actually a ghost disguised as a roller coaster, so it kills people without any pattern."

Chen Guangxi raised his eyebrows slightly and asked subconsciously: "How do you know it's a ghost?"

"Don't ask, just ask the wonderful tool."

Chen Guangxi rolled his eyes and no longer expected Zhou Yuan to tell the truth.

Jiang Wuming said with a pained look on his face: "You want to bribe this roller coaster ghost with food? But how can I feed it? The roller coaster has no mouth. And what if it doesn't eat meat?"

"No, no, no, that was my previous thought."

Zhou Yuan shook his head and smiled mysteriously, "Now I have a new way."

Because just now, a new tip from the Eye of Appraisal popped up:
[After unlocking the helper, some things don't need to be so complicated.

There are many rules that must be followed in amusement parks, one of which is that children must be accompanied by an adult when riding roller coasters.

It's time to let those naughty kids out and have fun. 】

“Just tell me!” Seeing that he was deliberately keeping the secret, Chen Guangxi wanted to strangle him by the neck and shake him back and forth.

"Don't worry, I'm trying to find a way to get someone."

Zhou Yuan was thinking about how to call out those ghost kids.

After a brief pause, he cleared his throat and said tentatively to the air:
"We need help, can you come and help us?"

One second, two seconds, three seconds...more than ten seconds passed and nothing abnormal occurred.

"What are you..."

Before Chen Guangxi could say anything, his whole body suddenly shook, as if he sensed something, and turned around abruptly.

In the distance, a ghost child was walking towards this side holding the hands of two evil ghosts.

The two evil ghosts, one male and one female, had bloodshot eyes filled with deep resentment, and two drops of blood and tears hung from the corners of their eyes.

There was an unhealable wound on their throats, abdomens, and limbs, and blood kept flowing out, staining half of their clothes bright red.

Chen Guangxi frowned slightly. She had an impression of these two evil spirits. They were a couple. Judging from the wounds on their bodies, they were killed by the same person.

The couple seemed to have suffered inhuman torture and abuse before their death, so they were full of resentment after death and became half-red-clothed ghosts, the most powerful ghosts in the amusement park.

Before, when they saw her, they would pounce on her and attack her without saying a word, wanting to eat her flesh and drink her blood, but now they were unexpectedly calm and had no intention of killing her.

Was it that little devil who calmed them?

Followed by.

One, two, three, four...

More "ghost families" are coming from all directions!
"Is this the 'person' you were shaking?" Chen Guangxi looked at Zhou Yuan dimly.

Zhou Yuan took a breath of cold air. This, this is not right!
Shouldn't Jiang Wuming be the caretaker and take the little kids on the roller coaster?

How come these little ghosts brought their parents out...

[Even if they become ghosts, a family is still a family. These weird parents couldn't resist their children's nagging and decided to take them on a roller coaster ride.

With children around, the vicious nature of these evil parents will be temporarily restrained.

With these evil parents around, the evil spirits on this roller coaster will be suppressed. 】

That's it...

Zhou Yuan understood and turned to look at Jiang Wuming: "Give some of the sausages to the uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, and then you can go up. These... uncles and aunts will suppress the roller coaster ghosts."

"Putting aside the roller coaster ghosts for now, are you sure I won't be torn to pieces by them?" Jiang Wuming looked doubtful.

"If they wanted to do something, they would have done it long ago."

Chen Guangxi said, "Those children have suppressed the evil spirits. You should go quickly."

Jiang Wuming gritted his teeth and went to deliver grilled sausages to the ghost family, but the children refused to take them. The ghost parents were obviously more interested in Jiang Wuming and stared at him as if they were looking at a plate of steaming roast chicken.

It was not until the children pulled their hands that they looked away, took the sausages, and got on the roller coaster.

Jiang Wuming let out a breath and hurriedly sat in the last row of the roller coaster, where there was an empty seat next to him.

Just as Chen Guangxi was about to start the roller coaster, a voice came from a distance: "Please wait for me!"


Chen Guangxi looked over in surprise. It was a man in his forties.

If this uncle is not a member of the Mobile Task Force, then he must be a ghost in the park. However, there is no resentment around him, and his eyes are not scarlet. He seems to be a "good ghost" like those children.

The uncle ran into the platform, sat next to Jiang Wuming and smiled at him.

At this point, all the seats on the roller coaster were filled.

Chen Guangxi immediately pressed the start button and the car body started moving slowly.

The roller coaster began to climb the hill, and when it reached the top, it stopped with a thud.

After a brief moment of silence, the roller coaster swooped down like a wild horse. The lightning speed and strong sense of weightlessness made people's heart beat faster instantly.

The carriage rolled and circled in the air, and every turn made people feel a strong centrifugal force, as if their bodies were going to be thrown out of their seats.

The screams and cheers of children echoed all along the way.

Jiang Wuming had a blank expression on his face. After being cursed, he gradually stopped feeling any fear.

If you die, just go to hell and play the resurrection game. It’s no big deal.

The roller coaster began to climb and slide again, and then drove into a 360-degree super-large loop. When the roller coaster reached the top of the loop and all the passengers were facing the ground, Jiang Wuming's seat suddenly fell off, and the whole person and the seat were thrown into the air.

In a flash, the uncle next to him reached out and grabbed Jiang Wuming's arm.

The sudden change made Jiang Wuming's heart tremble. He immediately activated the [Gravity Ring], reversing his own gravity and letting himself and his seat fall back onto the roller coaster.

He continued to use his ability, making himself and the seat seem to be welded to the roller coaster and unable to get off no matter how hard he tried.

"Thank you." Jiang Wuming turned to thank the uncle, but the uncle just smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Although the roller coaster ghost was suppressed, it could still do some tricks. It wanted to kill me in this way. This thing was so damn cruel... Jiang Wuming cursed in his heart, fortunately this uncle was a good ghost.

Thinking of this, he looked to the side again and was shocked.

The uncle who had maintained his human appearance just now had turned into a horrible corpse!

It is clear that he died from falling from a high altitude.

"You died in that place just now, so you came here to help me?" Jiang Wuming figured something out and looked surprised.

The shattered head, which had almost turned into pulp, nodded slightly.

Soon, the roller coaster arrived at the station and slowly stopped.

Jiang Wuming was the first to rush out, telling everyone to run away quickly.

Seeing that he made it through the customs alive, Zhou Yuan and others breathed a sigh of relief and turned around and ran.

After running all the way, everyone arrived under the Ferris wheel.

“This is the last project.”

Jiang Wuming took out a piece of metal fragment from his pocket, handed it to Chen Guangxi, and then looked at Zhou Yuan with anticipation.

They were stuck on the maze world, carousel, roller coaster and Ferris wheel for several days, and all their attempts ended in failure.

As a result, Zhou Yuan helped them pass three levels in a row as soon as he arrived. His talent is truly amazing.

At present, Jiang Wuming has regarded Zhou Yuan as his powerful figure and believes that he can really lead him and others away from this hellhole.

Zhou Yuan looked up at the Ferris wheel with a serious expression.

The Eye of Appraisal's note on the Ferris Wheel has not changed - to clear this project, you must undergo a potentially fatal test of the mind.

When it comes to the test of the soul, I guess you can only rely on yourself.

"How many times have you died in the Ferris wheel before?" Zhou Yuan asked Jiang Wuming.

"three times."

"What do you remember?"

"I walked into the Ferris wheel and sat in my seat. When the Ferris wheel went to the top, I blacked out. Then I came back to life."

"You really can't remember anything?" Zhou Yuan frowned.

Jiang Wuming shook his head: "I really can't remember."

Zhou Yuan looked at Chen Guangxi again: "Have you ever flown up to see it?"

Chen Guangxi nodded: "Of course, but when the Ferris wheel starts, the windows will become blurry and you won't be able to see what's going on inside."

It’s so hard to bear… Zhou Yuan stroked his chin: “Are there any evil spirits riding on the Ferris wheel?”

"That's not true," Chen Guangxi said. "After Xiao Jiang died twice, we installed a camera nearby. But no ghost ever rode the Ferris wheel, so we listed it as the most dangerous project."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Zhou Yuan and was suddenly stunned.

Chen Guangxi followed Zhou Yuan's gaze and was also stunned.

The Ferris wheel cabin opened and a handsome boy who looked like a high school student walked down from it.

His eyes were clear, and there was no hostility or resentment around him. He was obviously a "good ghost".

"Ah this..."

Chen Guangxi was stunned. Wasn't this a slap in her face?

[This is a realistic high school student who has a happy family, is successful in his studies, is handsome and very popular with girls. His world seems to always be sunny and carefree, so he has almost no negative emotions.

After being reminded of this, you should be able to see that the key to passing the spiritual test is negative emotions, right? 】

Great, great, I sent you a pillow just when I feel sleepy! It came just in time!
Zhou Yuan's face lit up with joy.

"Your wonderful tool is starting to work?" Chen Guangxi knew this was going to work as soon as he saw his expression.

"Jiang Wuming, what do you think is the difference between you and the good ghost?"

Zhou Yuan paused and added, "On a psychological level."

Jiang Wuming thought for a moment and replied, "Good ghosts are purer and kinder than me.

If we express "goodness" with a numerical value, and set the average person at 50, I might be slightly higher than an average person, around 60 or 70, while a good ghost can reach over 90.

Every good ghost was a pure good person when they were alive... We have received help from good ghosts when we were carrying out missions before. That ghost was a true saint both when he was alive and after his death."

Zhou Yuan nodded: "Then let's assume that you will become a good ghost or an evil ghost after you die?"

"If I really die, I will definitely become an extremely terrifying ghost. Satan will have to offer me a cigarette when he sees me. My negative emotions are simply exploding..."

Jiang Wuming's voice suddenly paused, as if he had figured something out, and he muttered to himself: "I will die suddenly in the Ferris wheel, but the good ghost can pass it. The difference between us..."

In an instant, he suddenly realized: "The key to passing the Ferris wheel is negative emotions?"

Zhou Yuan snapped his fingers and said, "That's right. The less negative emotions you have, the easier it is for you to pass the level. Otherwise, you will die in the Ferris wheel."

He said as he glanced at the crowd:

"Who among you meets the requirements?"

(End of this chapter)

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