Only Player

Chapter 27: A very cruel chapter technique

Chapter 27: Very Punishing Talk (Please Read!!!)


Zhou Yuan thought of something and slowly put the kitchen knife back.

"Can't kill them."

The amusement park cares a lot about positive emotions such as "happiness", "joy" and "happiness", and killing is an extremely evil negative behavior, which is obviously not a way to pass the test of the soul.

"Then what should I do? Forgive them generously, and then make dumplings happily as a family?

But according to the personalities of those two bastards, they would use the rolling pin on me instead of the dumplings."

Zhou Yuan was a little worried, and the knocking on the door outside became louder, shaking the whole house like an earthquake.

"Open the door! Zhou Yuan, did you hear me? Open the door for me!!!"

"What's wrong?" A female voice sounded at this time.

"That kid just won't open the door, damn it!" said the man and kicked the door hard.

"Zhou Yuan! Open the door!"

The woman yelled a few times sharply, and when she saw that there was no effect, she began to bang on the door, her tone becoming more irritable: "Open the door quickly! Do you hear me?"

"Okay, okay, you won't open the door, right? Don't wait for me to come in!" The man then kicked the door angrily.

The neighbors were finally fed up with the noise and opened their doors to ask them to pay attention, but the angry couple ignored them and instead yelled at them to get out. The quarrel escalated and the corridor was filled with more intense sounds of argument.

When Zhou Yuan was a child, he would definitely be scared to death by this scene, because he knew it meant he would be beaten tonight, but now, he could only complain about what kind of forbidden hell polyphony this was.

It's not a good idea to just keep dragging it out like this, we have to think of a solution quickly...

Zhou Yuan wanted to call the police, but he didn’t have a mobile phone at that time, and he couldn’t open the player system in the illusion, so he couldn’t use other props.

He ran to the window and looked out. Outside was the scene of his neighborhood, which was exactly the same as in reality. The illusion was quite realistic.

There were many pedestrians in the neighborhood and on the streets next to it. Zhou Yuan's eyes rolled and he immediately came up with an idea. He opened the window, gathered his energy, and yelled at the top of his lungs: "Help! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

Pedestrians stopped and looked up.

"Call the police!!! Save me!!! I was caught by human traffickers!!! They are taking a strange powder!!! They also force Xiaohong to sleep with other uncles!!!"

After hearing this particularly cruel rhetoric, the expressions of the pedestrians downstairs immediately became serious. They took out their phones to call the police, and many even ran directly to the building.

After five or six minutes, the annoying sounds of banging on doors and quarreling outside all disappeared, replaced by the police's harsh scolding.

The next moment, the scene in front of Zhou Yuan suddenly distorted and changed.

When he opened his eyes again, Zhou Yuan saw the incandescent lights of the hospital, and immediately felt a heart-wrenching pain all over his body.

He was admitted to the ICU.

It’s not over yet…

Zhou Yuan felt helpless. He raised his hand tremblingly and tugged at the doctor's clothes, as if he might die at any time: "They... are inhaling a strange powder..."

The doctor's eyes widened immediately, and he said a few words to his colleagues before leaving in a hurry.

Not long after, Zhou Yuan heard a noisy sound outside.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't move! Hold your head and squat down!"


Zhou Yuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Damn, if only I had been so smart before, I would have suffered less years.

Crack. A crisp cracking sound was heard, and the illusion came to an abrupt end. The whole world quietly faded away and became dim, as if some unexpected bug had occurred in the program.

After a moment of trance, Zhou Yuan returned to the Ferris wheel cabin. The high school student sitting opposite him had a confused look on his face.

[He would appear in the illusion to lend a hand when you needed help the most, but because you were cheating, he had no chance to help. He was wondering if there was something wrong with his judgment of people. You don't seem like someone who can easily get through the test of the soul.]

Looking back at the cockpit:
[Some of your actions deviated the plot from its original direction, and because you did not have any negative emotions, the Ferris Wheel began to doubt itself, so the test ended hastily.]


Zhou Yuan couldn't help scratching his head. Is this possible?

After a moment, the cockpit turned to the ground and he opened the door and jumped out.

Looking back, the high school student did not follow him out. He just smiled and nodded at him, then his figure became illusory and disappeared into the air.

"Fuck, it's spicy!" Chen Guangxi cheered.

Zhou Yuan fumbled around his body for a moment, took out the last piece of the key from his pocket and handed it to Chen Guangxi.

All the key fragments were kept by Chen Guangxi. She took them all out immediately and began to piece them together carefully.

As the last piece fell into place, there was a flash of light, and a complete key appeared before everyone.

"Send a signal, we're going to the director's office!" There seemed to be flames burning in Chen Guangxi's golden eyes.

I can finally get out of this damn place!

A dazzling red flare cut through the sky, soared into the clouds, and bloomed with dazzling light in the night sky.

Assembly signal!

The group met in front of the principal's office.

"Successful?" The investigators in charge of gathering monsters couldn't believe it. Did it really work?

Chen Guangxi chuckled and showed them the complete key.

"Cheng La brothers!"

"Okay, okay, Snow Leopard, I knew I was right about you!" Bai Xiao patted Zhou Yuan's shoulder excitedly.

"My name is Wang Zhen, thank you." Zhou Yuan corrected.

"Good Ding Zhen, good Snow Leopard."

"No, can you please not open the champagne at halftime?" Jiang Wuming said with some annoyance. This is not a good habit.

"Open the door first." Gu Honggao still looked calm and composed, but it could be seen that he was obviously a lot more relaxed.

Chen Guangxi stepped forward, inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it.


The door lock unlocked.

She turned the handle and pushed the door open.

This was a somewhat old office, and in front of the desk, a man dressed in a mouse puppet costume was standing there.

The image of the mouse is very classic, with black and white colors and two big ears, but its smile is particularly weird and eerie, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"——I sincerely congratulate you all for completing all the projects in the Happy Castle Amusement Park. Congratulations." The rat man bowed deeply to everyone.

Chen Guangxi was stunned for a while, and subconsciously asked: "You are dressed like this, aren't you afraid that Disney will sue you for copyright infringement?"

"Hehehe, the copyright protection period for the original version of this mascot has long expired, so I'm not afraid of trouble from the Legal Department." The rat man Koko laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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