Only Player

Chapter 66: Bloody Flood

Chapter 66: The Ten Plagues: Bloody Flood
Xinhu Control Bureau.

The reporting hall was crowded with more than twenty investigators gathered there.

"Hey, brother, I've never seen you before. When did you come in?" A man with a crew cut looked at Zhou Yuan next to him and couldn't help feeling a little confused. He had never seen an investigator with such outstanding looks before.

"I just started working these past two days." Zhou Yuan smiled.

"Just started working..." The man with a crew cut was slightly moved. This year's civil servant examination had already passed, but Zhou Yuan started working in the last few days, which meant that he did not get in through normal channels.

Only those extremely outstanding Extraordinary People can be recruited by the Control Bureau as an exception.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Hong Tianxiong." The man with a crew cut quickly smiled and extended his hand in a friendly manner, trying to make himself familiar.

"Zhou Yuan." Zhou Yuan shook hands with him, thinking that this name was quite domineering. It was this Ao Neng...

[A super macho man with a fierce appearance and a domineering name. If he was a power-type extraordinary person, then he would be a sure kill. Unfortunately, he is not.

His special ability is extremely soft and cute, called "Pink Healing", which can release a unique pink light. This light has no lethality, but it can make people feel comfortable and relaxed, and play a role in treating mental illness.

However, his overly ferocious appearance has affected the effect of his Ao Neng to a certain extent, so he is considering having a face transplant. 】

Pink a bit too macho indeed.

Hong Tianxiong whispered at this time: "I have worked in the Control Bureau for five years, and I have basically never encountered a situation where so many people were deployed. I am afraid that what happened this time is not a small matter."

Of course not. More than 40 people are missing, including Du Kanghui, one of the five biggest bosses in New Shanghai. It would be strange if this wasn’t a big deal... Zhou Yuan thought.

"Is everyone here?" A slightly rough voice sounded.

I saw a burly man walking over, followed by several clerical staff holding documents.

The man was like a small mountain, extremely oppressive, with thick eyebrows, a thick neck, arms hanging down to his knees, and a pair of palms so broad and heavy that it seemed as if they could directly hold a person's head.

[Xinhu Control Bureau Security Department Director Yang Dabiao, 4th level, Grandmaster of Horizontal Training, Arcane Power: Copper Skin and Iron Bones. Although he looks so rough, he is actually very thoughtful.]

"Minister, Sister Chen hasn't arrived yet." The clerk behind Yang Dabiao reminded.

"I won't wait for her. I'll tell you all the details of the mission first."

Yang Dabiao said in a deep voice, "Just last night, Du Kanghui, one of the five big bosses in New Shanghai, was attacked in his own residence and is now missing. Also missing is his bodyguard, named Rosen, who is a 4th-level summoner. I have seen this person before, he is quite strong.

The person who reported the case was Du Kanghui's secretary, who claimed that the room was intact and there were no signs of a fight. To be able to make Du Kanghui and Rosen disappear under such circumstances, the perpetrator must be at least level 5.

In addition, the police station has received multiple missing persons reports, and coincidentally, all the missing persons are related to Du Kanghui, and it is initially suspected that someone may have committed murder. "

The clerks began to distribute documents to the investigators, which were assignment letters.

"The mission book contains detailed information about the missing persons. Go investigate nearby. There are still a few people related to Du Kanghui who are not missing. Go check them out as well. Those who have grudges against Du Kanghui should be considered the primary suspects..."

The clerks distributed the assignments one after another, but Zhou Yuan had nothing in his hands. No one gave him anything, which made him a little confused.

"Where is my assignment?" he asked.

"Sister Chen wants to take you with her, so she didn't prepare a mission statement for you." The clerk replied.


The investigators quickly finished reading the assignment book, and after finding their teammates, they left the reporting hall one after another. Zhou Yuan took out his phone and called Chen Guangxi: "Where are you? You're not in the control bureau at all."

"Don't worry, we'll be done soon."

What the hell, you're still in the Internet cafe? Zhou Yuan was silent for a moment: "They all got their tasks and left."

"Ah... Then just go to Hengde Building and wait for me. I'll be there almost when you get there."

"Don't pigeon me."

"Don't worry, I won't do it."

But Zhou Yuan seemed to hear a cooing sound.

Fifteen minutes after Zhou Yuan arrived at Hengde Building, Chen Guangxi arrived in a fiery red convertible supercar, and when he got out of the car, he was holding two cups of milk tea.

"You still broke the news." Zhou Yuan said with some resentment.

"It's only been delayed for more than ten minutes. It doesn't count as a delay. I'll treat you to some milk tea." Chen Guangxi generously handed over a cup of milk tea.


Zhou Yuan put a straw into the milk tea, took a deep sip, and then asked, "Why did you ask me to work on this case?"

"I'm bored, so I'm going to take a newbie with me." Chen Guangxi shrugged. "Xiao Jiang and the others went to the hot springs, and I couldn't find anyone to go with. It would be too boring to be alone, so I found you. At least you're handsome and you can be a treat for the eyes.

We dragons are all creatures obsessed with looks."

"Thank you for calling me handsome."

"I'm not praising you, I'm stating the facts." Chen Guangxi paused, "To be honest, your extraordinary development is incredible. Not only have you become more handsome, but you've also become more approachable. If I didn't know you were a shadow-type Beyonder, I would have thought you were a succubus."

"Is my situation rare?" Zhou Yuan asked without understanding, pretending to be a newbie.

“Very little, but not nothing.”

Chen Guangxi grinned and said, "There was a Beyonder who was similar to you before. He relied on his enhanced charm to hook up with a rich woman. However, within two months, he became as haggard as a skeleton. A month later, he was admitted to the emergency room. He was eventually rescued, but he suffered from impotence for the rest of his life."

"Although he paid for something precious, he gained money." Zhou Yuan said confidently, "The flower language of steel wool is forbearance and wealth."

The two chatted casually. As soon as they entered Hengde Building, a man in a suit came up to them and asked in a flattering voice, "Excuse me, are you from the Control Bureau? I'm Du Kanghui's secretary."

"Yeah." Chen Guangxi was dressed in his signature investigator attire, a suit and tie, a shirt, trousers and leather shoes. He looked domineering, cold, capable, and a little mysterious. He was not difficult to recognize.

Zhou Yuan was wearing casual clothes because he hadn't picked up his uniform yet.

"plz follow me."

Du Kanghui's secretary led the two into the elevator and handed them a tablet. "This tablet can be used to view the building's surveillance video at any time."

The 66th floor of the building was blocked by cordons, but there was no sign of police officers - after the Control Bureau intervened, the police officers were withdrawn by the police station.

After crossing the cordon, Zhou Yuan and Chen Guangxi walked into the magnificent and luxurious room.

"Wow, it's so grand, you will die if you live here." Chen Guangxi sighed, saying that humans are the species that know how to enjoy life the most among all the species she has ever seen.

Zhou Yuan looked at the secretary and said, "Let's take a look here. Please step aside for a moment."

"Okay." The secretary hurried away.

Chen Guangxi did not rush into the room. He first stood at the door and looked inside. "Sure enough, there are no signs of fighting. The person who did it was not weak. Even a level 4 couldn't resist."

She immediately stepped into the room to take a closer look.

But after looking around several times, I still didn't find any useful clues.

"Watch the video."

The two watched the video footage of the building last night for a while, but didn't find anything - for privacy and security reasons, there were no surveillance cameras installed in Du Kanghui's room.

"Xiao Zhou, let me test you. How should we investigate a situation like this?" Chen Guangxi said.

Zhou Yuan looked at her suspiciously: "Are you out of ideas?"

"Fuck, how is that possible? I just wanted to test you... Never mind, I'll just teach you." Chen Guangxi mobilized his spiritual power to perform magic, and a gleam of light suddenly lit up in his bright golden pupils, like a burning flame.

"My technique is called clairvoyance. It can see traces left by supernatural powers such as arcane energy. Anyone who has been here must have left traces. This is what I want to teach you."

As Chen Guangxi's eyes turned, he soon discovered a barely perceptible eerie aura in the room that was about to dissipate.

"Found it." She smiled.

Zhou Yuan's heart skipped a beat: "What did you find?"

"Yin energy. The murderer of this incident might be a ghost, but a ghost that can directly abduct a Level 4 Extraordinary Person..." Chen Guangxi paused, as if he thought of something, and narrowed his eyes.

Du Kanghui was once the general manager of Blueprint Group, and Vientiane Plaza happened to be built by Blueprint Group... The corpse under Vientiane Plaza... The Yin Gathering Formation, the Evil God Embryo... Du Kanghui disappeared...

In an instant, Chen Guangxi's mind flashed with inspiration, and many fragmented clues and events were connected. She took out her cell phone and made a call: "Check for me the missing persons during the construction of Vientiane Plaza, and select those who are related to Du Kanghui and Blueprint Group."

"!" Zhou Yuan was inevitably shocked, because as long as he continued to narrow the scope of the screening, he would eventually find Fang Qing.

At this time, he also figured it out. When Chen Guangxi and his team went to Wanxiang Square to check things that day, they definitely found the evil spirit that the person who set up the Yin Gathering Array wanted to raise, and even found traces of Fang Qing's existence.

With these clues, when I see the evil energy now, everything immediately connects together - this is clearly the revenge of an evil ghost!

A few minutes later, there was news on the other end of the phone: "There are three missing persons in total. I will send you the information."

Chen Guangxi looked through the information of the three missing persons, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he murmured, "How is it possible..."

"what happened?"

"I am sure and certain that the murderer is this person." Chen Guangxi turned the screen of his mobile phone towards Zhou Yuan, and it was Fang Qing who appeared on it!
"No, to be precise, she is now a fierce ghost..."

Chen Guangxi's heart was filled with shock because she recognized Fang Qing as the Blood Sea Ghost who had appeared in the Happy Castle before. Although she had only glanced at her from a distance at that time, she still remembered the Blood Sea Ghost's general appearance.

"Blood...blood! So that's how it is. It matches, everything matches." Chen Guangxi was a little excited, as if he had more than just solved the case of Du Kanghui's disappearance.

"What happened?"

Zhou Yuan's heart was pounding and he was a little panicked, but not too much, because he had disguised his identity and could just blame everything on "Wang Zhen". At worst, he could just change to a small account and continue to hang out.

"It's confidential, so I can't tell you. But there is some progress in Du Kanghui's case. Let's go back to the Control Bureau."

"...That's just the way it is."

In the conference room, Chen Guangxi spoke out his findings in one breath.


Director Wang Dong seemed to be thinking about something, tapping his fingers on the table, and after a moment he said:

"You mean, the evil god embryo buried under the Wanxiang Square represents the bloody flood disaster among the ten disasters, and the power of this disaster was swallowed and absorbed by a fierce ghost?"

"Based on the current situation, this is the only explanation." Chen Guangxi nodded firmly.

Wang Dong pondered: "Fang Qing, investigative reporter, it is really a high-risk job... She should have regained her sanity now, and only attacked her enemies back then, without hurting too many innocent people.

In this case, we can contact her and even cooperate with her. After all, she has become a bloody disaster, and the Land of Truth will definitely not let her go.

But the question is, how can we find her..."

A level 5 evil ghost can almost be said to come and go without a trace. Unless she shows up on her own initiative, it is difficult to find her whereabouts.

"Use the magic mirror." Chen Guangxi suggested.

"The magic mirror was damaged some time ago." Wang Dong shook his head.

"Ah?" Chen Guangxi was stunned. "What did you check?"

"Zhao Junlang applied to use the magic mirror to check the whereabouts of 'that thing', but the magic mirror broke down and it took two months to repair it." Wang Dong sighed helplessly.

Chen Guangxi thought for a moment and said, "I'll ask the director of Happy Castle. He had contact with Fang Qing before. Maybe Fang Qing's recovery of sanity was related to him."


Chen Guangxi immediately called the director of the garden and frowned after asking some questions.

"Wang Zhen?"


"okay, I get it……"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Guangxi scratched his head and said, "Fang Qing had been suppressed by the headmaster in the Happy Castle before. The king really went there and... conquered Fang Qing."

"Subdue? Isn't Fang Qing at level 5?" A hint of doubt emerged on Wang Dong's cold and pale face.

"Wang Zhen won [Abnormal 550: Equality for All] in the Happy Paradise Casino, and got a Palu Ball from somewhere. He created the Equality for All barrier and beat Fang Qing to a low health level, and then... he caught her." Chen Guangxi was a little nervous.

Several high-level people present had a bunch of question marks in their heads. They couldn't believe it. A level 1 extraordinary person caught a level 5 evil ghost as a palu?

"Palu Ball?" Wang Dong thought for a moment, "Similar to [Anomaly 3314·Master Ball]?"


"In other words, Fang Qing is in Wang Zhen's hands?"


"So Wang Zhen was also involved in this case?"


"Then do you have Wang Zhen's contact information?"

"No, I even suspect that Wang Zhen is not his real name." Chen Guangxi shrugged.

Wang Dong pinched his brows and said, "Post a message on the forum and ask him to come to the Control Bureau. Tell him that we will not pursue his murder for the time being, but that we have something important to discuss with him."

Compared with the Ten Disasters: Blood Flood, Du Kanghui and other social scums seem less important.

"Okay, I'll do it."

Chen Guangxi stood up and left the meeting room.

Outside, Zhou Yuan was waiting in the corridor, but his eyes were always fixed on the door of the conference room.

Thanks to the powerful function of the Eye of Identification, Zhou Yuan "saw" the conversation of everyone in the conference room.

Evil god embryo, bloody flood... Zhou Yuan's heart moved slightly. He knew that the bloody flood was one of the ten disasters recorded in the Bible.

But he didn't know what this evil god embryo was. Anyway, anything related to the Land of Truth was not a good thing.

Chen Guangxi pushed the door open and said to him, "Let's go. We are going to check on someone next."


"Wang Zhen, I'll tell you about his situation later."

Okay, okay, I’ll check myself, okay... Zhou Yuan pretended he knew nothing and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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