Only Player

Chapter 73 2 Hearts

Chapter 73 Two Hearts
Hearing the voice in his mind, Zhou Yuan's face fell into a gloomy state. The schizophrenia he had fabricated had come true!
"Don't be nervous..." the voice chuckled, "I am a personality formed by the combination of your subconscious and the Eye of Identification under the influence of abnormal power... Didn't you find that you couldn't see the prompts of the Eye of Identification after waking up this morning? Because I was born.

You can also think of me as an eye of appraisal that has a voice and can chat. "

The second personality continued:

"We have now figured out the abnormal ability of this mental hospital, which is to turn the patients' mental illnesses into reality and transform healthy pseudo-patients into real mental patients.

If the mental hospital is regarded as a large abnormal framework, then within this large abnormal framework, there are many small abnormal frameworks, which are those specific mental illnesses that have come true.

Dong Jie's rule-based anomaly is one of the larger anomaly frameworks - this also fits the clues left by Qin Youwen, which mentioned that 'there is more than one anomaly here'. "

“Honestly, it’s a relief that you didn’t join Chen Guangxi in creating some crazy character setting. If you had created something as awful as 48 personalities having a party in your head, it would have been all over. Just /remake.

We are both in pretty good shape right now. As long as we don't come into contact with more anomalies, it will be very easy to clear a rule story with me here."

“I know you want to run away with Chen Guangxi, or call someone, but unfortunately, these actions are not allowed in the rules of the game.

In the rule story, we have to abide by the rules. The only way to leave the mental hospital under this abnormal framework is to go to the director's office and change our and Chen Guangxi's hospitalization information to discharge.

You may ask: If it is so dangerous, why didn’t you be reminded not to contact Dong Jie before?

My answer to this is: Only by contacting Dong Jie can we find Qin Youwen. Don’t forget the purpose of our coming here.”



"Why don't you speak?" asked the second personality.

"You've already finished talking, what else can I say?"

Zhou Yuan pinched his brows and quickly sorted out his thoughts: "Then the current plan is to take Chen Guangxi to the reading room to wake him up, and then go to the operating room, where there is a way to become a doctor. After obtaining the doctor's identity, go to the dean's office to change the hospitalization information.

We also have to look for Qin Youwen and avoid dangers that may come at any time... It's a bit intense."

“The reality is just harder than you think.”

The second personality said, "The special layer is not refreshed at a fixed time. It takes a certain amount of luck and time to find it. The longer you delay, the more serious your and Chen Guangxi's conditions will become."

"Chen Guangxi will be completely unable to distinguish between reality and hallucinations, and in the end he may even trigger a Level 5 abnormal event [Reality Overlay], allowing his hallucinations to gradually cover reality.

You will split into more personalities, and those personalities may not all be good people.

In addition, you may be infected with other abnormal diseases. The more abnormalities you are infected with, the slimmer your chances of survival will be."

Zhou Yuan couldn't help but sigh: "Time is tight and the task is heavy."

"Then I suggest you learn from Shinji Ikari and play a game with her to relax and relieve your anxiety."


Zhou Yuan was stunned for a moment, "Fuck, why are you so stupid?"


The second personality retorted, "I am your subconscious mind, please figure out who is behind it."

"Is it... me?" Zhou Yuan looked incredulous, because he had never had such a thought.

"What do you think the subconscious is? It is the part of the mind that is not perceived. It is the 'psychological process that has occurred but has not yet reached the conscious state'. It includes primitive instincts, impulses, childhood psychological imprints, environmental influences, concepts, personality and other factors. Although you don't have such thoughts on the surface, countless dirty thoughts have already flashed through your subconscious mind."

The second personality laughed evilly, "If you don't dare, let me do it."

The next second, Zhou Yuan's right hand reached down uncontrollably, but with a snap, his left hand firmly grasped his right hand.

"You can still control your body?" Zhou Yuan was surprised.

Is this the small head and the big head starting to fight for control of the body???

"Wait a minute……"

Zhou Yuan suddenly thought of something, "Can we use arcane energy or system skills at the same time?"

"Um...the God of Hell, huh?"

The second personality suddenly became excited, "It seems there is indeed a theory!"

"Then let's go back and try." Zhou Yuan quickly used Shadow Escape to return to his ward.

As soon as its true form was revealed, a demon shadow stood up synchronously from the shadow of the bed, and then its arms changed into the shapes of long swords, hammers and other weapons.

This is not the demon shadow summoned by Zhou Yuan, but one summoned by his second personality!

"It really works, we are invincible!"

The second personality yelled, "Quick, quick, go to the mall and buy an [Electric Current Push]. Together, we can advance to the [Magnetic Field Rotation] realm in no time. Then we can defeat the entire fucking world on our own!"

Zhou Yuan opened the game store and searched. [Electric Current Drive] required 9 million star coins, while [Magnetic Field Rotation] required 1 million star coins.

"Buy a hammer."

"Why is it so expensive?" the second personality wailed.

"Because the magnetic field power will affect the magnetic field environment of the entire planet, when one person awakens, countless others will awaken, and even animals will be affected and become magnetic field creatures. Moreover, this power system can easily destroy and reopen the universe after cultivation, so it must be expensive."

"Damn it."

Just when Zhou Yuan was feeling regretful, he heard footsteps outside the door and he hurriedly dispelled the evil shadow.

A paramedic opened the door and called out, "It's time for breakfast."

"Oh, here I come."

Soon, Zhou Yuan arrived at the cafeteria.

The breakfast options are rich and varied, covering specialties from all over Dongzhou, and also provide Western breakfast options. The service is very good.

Before being contaminated by abnormal diseases, everything in the mental hospital is safe. Zhou Yuan has only been exposed to the "Rule Weirdness" abnormality, which does not involve rules about food, so he feels at ease when eating.

Eat big mouthfuls of food to soothe your anxious mood.


A dinner plate was placed next to Zhou Yuan. He turned around and saw Yan Sheng, who exuded a domineering aura.

"Why is that girl gone?" Yan Sheng asked after sitting down.

"I don't know." Zhou Yuan shook his head, "Maybe he hasn't woken up yet."

“…It’s also possible that something went wrong.”

Yan Sheng narrowed his eyes and said, "After a night's sleep, my cultivation has recovered a lot, it's incredible.

However, this place is a treasure land for me, but for others, it may be a dangerous place. "

Zhou Yuan's hand holding the chicken leg was suspended in mid-air, and his mouth froze as he suddenly thought of Yan Sheng's condition - he imagined himself as an ancient emperor!
"He can't really become an emperor, right?" Zhou Yuan felt like a thousand horses were galloping through his mind.

Not only is this condition harmless, it can actually make you stronger!

"Of course not. At most, I have some imaginary abilities, and there are limits to the possibility of the disease becoming a reality." said the second personality.

"By the way, you said before that he had a secret. What secret was it?" Zhou Yuan thought of this.

"It's hard to see through, that's why it's called a secret." The second personality said helplessly, "When he came in, he had some kind of arrangement on his body that allowed him to avoid detection. Now that he has 'recovered' a certain level of cultivation, I can't see through him even more. But what is certain is that he is definitely not an ordinary high school student, and he came here for another purpose."

"Could it be that the Land of Truth sent someone to find Qin Youwen?" Zhou Yuan guessed.

The clues in the reading room are most likely what Qin Youwen left for the members of the Town of Truth who came to find him.

The second personality has a different view: "Not necessarily, it could be that another organization sent someone to look for someone.

For example, the man named Shi Sanjin, he is a believer of the Temple and has been trapped here for many years. It is reasonable for the Temple to send people to rescue him.

Besides him, there are many extraordinary people here..."


Zhou Yuan frowned slightly, realizing that things were not simple.

“Let’s start with Shi Sanjin.

He claimed that he found a religious encyclopedia in the library, and after worshipping each god one by one, only the Goddess of Light responded, so he became a believer of the Goddess of Light... But how could such a religious encyclopedia appear in a mental hospital?

In fact, he himself is a Level 2 Extraordinary from the Temple, and his profession is a priest. However, he has been in a mental hospital for a long time and has gone completely crazy and forgotten his true identity.

There are many extraordinary people like him who are lost here."

The second personality said, “The rugged man eating a hamburger over there is from the Church of Poseidon;
The woman at the fifth table from the back is a witch, and the men on her left and right are her friends and teammates, two Level 2 wild Beyonders;
That crazy old man with white hair is a Tier 3 Beyonder from the MG Group;

The chef serving food at window No. 5 is from the Shadow Cellar Society;

The person sitting there eating noodles in a dull manner is an investigator from the Control Bureau;

The people next to Shi Sanjin were his former teammates, and they also came from the Holy Temple..."

The second personality counts the extraordinary people here.

"They have all been trapped here for quite a few years. The longest one has been eight years, and the shortest one has been less than half a year."


Zhou Yuan took a deep breath and immediately realized something was wrong. "So many people have disappeared in the mental hospital. Why hasn't anyone or any organization discovered the abnormality here?"

“Because once they enter here as patients and are infected with abnormalities, their presence in the outside world will be reduced to a minimum. If they die from abnormal diseases, they will completely disappear from the world, and only a few people will remember that they once existed.

It is precisely because of this strange and abnormal power that this mental hospital has been able to exist safely until now."

"This is really weird... Is this considered a level 4 anomaly?"

Level 4 anomalies have reality-distorting properties and will begin to distort reality and spread to several cities or even more areas. The Lucid Mind Psychiatric Hospital almost perfectly meets these characteristics.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan looked at Yan Sheng next to him, thinking that this "emperor" might be able to provide some help.

He continued with what the other party had just said:

"A place of great danger?"

Yan Sheng nodded slightly, his expression a little solemn: "There is a strange atmosphere here."

"Strange?" Zhou Yuan was shocked. "Your Majesty, can you suppress it?"

Yan Sheng shook his head: "Now that I have just reincarnated and returned, my cultivation is still shallow and I can only protect myself."


"However, since we are destined to meet, I can teach you a technique. As long as you practice diligently, you may be able to survive in this strange place."

Zhou Yuan immediately clasped his fists and bowed: "Please grant me the Dharma, Great Emperor!"

Yan Sheng extended his index finger, and a beam of light flew out and sank into Zhou Yuan's brow. The content of a complete set of exercises emerged in his mind.

[Name: "Golden Body Secret Part 1"]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Special Effect: Strengthens the physique and can cultivate strong energy. ]

[Learning conditions: Strength, physique, and intelligence attributes greater than 8]

[Note 1: This is the teaching from the "Ancient Great Emperor", but only the upper part.]

[Note 2: The logo of the "Martial Arts Association" is printed on the lower right corner of this martial arts manual.]

Holy shit... there really is a technique!
Zhou Yuan was stunned. He never expected that Yan Sheng actually had the real thing!

However, judging from the notes, this "Golden Body Art" seems to be a product of the Martial Arts Association, and not a product of his imagination.

——The Martial Arts Association is an organization composed of warriors, monks and other martial artists. Chen Guangxi also has a place in it and is a big shot.

Yan Sheng is a warrior? I can't tell, with his thin arms and legs...

Zhou Yuan put aside all the distracting thoughts in his mind and hurriedly whispered his thanks: "Thank you, Great Emperor, for teaching me the Dharma!"

"I hope you can survive in this dangerous place full of dangers." Yan Sheng stopped talking and ate his meal properly.

"As expected of the former Immortal Emperor, he has a big heart and a broad mind, and cares about the common people." The second personality exclaimed.

After finishing his meal in a hurry, Zhou Yuan took the plate to the recycling station and ran up the stairs while no one around him was paying attention.

He wanted to see if the reading room appeared again.

After climbing to the third floor in one breath, Zhou Yuan did not stop but continued to climb.

There are three mezzanines in the complex.

The reading room on the 3rd floor.

The Dean's Office on the 6th floor.

Medicine warehouse on the 8th floor.

The Dean's Office is of utmost importance. If you can find it, you can use the Eye of Identification to see the key clues.

The medicine warehouse stores drugs that can cure mental pollution, which is extremely important in this mental hospital full of anomalies.

Zhou Yuan quickly arrived at the 6th floor, which was the movie theater. It seemed that the mezzanine did not appear.

He continued to move upwards.

When we reached the 8th floor, a huge metal door appeared in front of us, completely blocking the entire corridor.

"Good news, you found the medicine warehouse!"

The second personality cheered, and then reminded, "There are medicines for treating mental pollution stored inside, but don't forget, there are doctors patrolling inside."

"The better news is that your weapon spirit has awakened. With me here, you will never lose when playing hide-and-seek.

The number of abnormal creatures in the current area: 3. "

"Good good."

Zhou Yuan smiled and turned on the Ghost Walker, passing through the wall into the medicine warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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