Only Player

Chapter 76 Clues

Chapter 76 Clues
"…After my parents became addicted to gambling, their tempers became increasingly violent. They would beat me to death if they were not happy. Once, they almost beat me to death…"

"...I learned to resist after entering middle school. My father was so angry that he stabbed me with a knife, leaving a five or six centimeter-long cut on my arm. My mother took me to the hospital, but because it would cost a lot of money to sew it up, she scolded me in front of the doctor and the patient..."

"…My classmates showed off their birthday gifts in class, but I had never celebrated a birthday. When it was my birthday, I asked my mom if she could buy me a cake. She slapped me in the face and said, "I look like a cake..."


Zhou Yuan's tone was calm, almost cold, as if he was telling someone else's story. As he spoke, the atmosphere in the room gradually became depressing and low.

Lu Bo listened quietly, his eyes full of sympathy and compassion. It was no wonder that he had split personality with such a bad family background.

Chen Guangxi couldn't help but raise his paw and gently rubbed Zhou Yuan's hair.

This kid is so miserable.

Although the relationships between her family members were not very good, with her brother killing her father and her sister killing her brother, at least she had a happy childhood.

Zhou Yuan seemed to have opened a chatterbox and couldn't stop talking. He talked for more than an hour.

He had been holding it in for too long, and had no one to talk to for all these years. Now, under the influence of Lu Bo's special ability, his mental defenses collapsed, and he poured out everything that was weighing on his heart.

It's actually quite effective. After speaking it out, Zhou Yuan felt a strong sense of release and liberation. His mind suddenly became extremely light, and there was no longer any heavy weight pressing on his heart like before.

After a brief silence, Lu Bo unscrewed the cap of the pen and scribbled something on the paper, analyzing as he wrote:

“It seems that your schizophrenia is closely related to your original family environment.

You live in a high-pressure, insecure environment for a long time. In order to cope with this constant pressure, your brain begins to create a fictional object that can provide you with a sense of security, trust you, and allow you to confide in others.

This fictional object is actually a symbol of your deep desire for love and protection. You use this personality to escape the pain of reality and seek spiritual comfort..."

Suddenly, Lu Bo paused, thinking of something, and raised his head with a puzzled look:
"Eh... that's not right. I remember the file saying that your parents took great care of you. In order to accompany you who was suffering from mental illness, they even resolutely quit their jobs and took care of you wholeheartedly at home...

That doesn’t fit with the story you told.”

Ah this... Zhou Yuan said calmly: "They are my adoptive parents."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Lu Bo easily accepted this setting, lowered his head to examine his notes, raised his head after a moment, and stared at Zhou Yuan deeply:

"Your biological parents are the root cause of your illness, so if you want to cure your disease, you still have to start with them."

He asked solemnly, "Have you ever thought about killing them?"

"..." Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, "It would be abnormal to say that you have never thought about it, right?"

"That's great."

Lu Bo showed a happy smile on his face and clapped his hands, "They are your biggest demons, the culprits of your miserable childhood, and the source of violence. If you kill them, there is a high probability that your split personality can be cured.

Believe me, many patients have been cured by this method before, and I have a lot of experience. "

Letting patients kill people? What kind of treatment is this?
Zhou Yuan complained in his heart and shrugged: "They are already dead."

"Really? That's such a shame."

Lu Bo thought for a few seconds and asked again: "Are you sure you didn't kill them yourself?"

"Huh?" Zhou Yuan was puzzled.

Lu Bo explained: "Sometimes, the other personality of a schizophrenic patient may take action without the main personality knowing. I have come across similar cases where the secondary personality took extreme measures to protect the main personality...

For example: killing someone.

Since everything was done by the secondary personality, the main personality will not have any memory of this period after waking up, and naturally will not know what happened. "

Zhou Yuan shook his head and said firmly, "It's impossible that I killed them. I was still a junior high school student when they died. The knowledge I have is not enough for me to commit a perfect crime. If I really killed them, I should be in prison now."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Lu Bo said, "I once treated a patient with schizophrenia. He only had a junior high school education and was an absolute academic failure. However, his several split personalities were all well-educated. They knew everything about astronomy and geography, and were familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics. They could recite Tang and Song poems at will. In terms of knowledge, they could even crush all the top students in the hospital.

It's amazing, right? This is because he loves reading very much. In his free time, he reads hundreds of books in various fields. Although his main personality has a poor memory and forgets what he reads, the several secondary personalities he split out have super memories and remember the knowledge firmly. "

"Is there such a thing?" Zhou Yuan was shocked.

“The world is so big that nothing is impossible, not to mention that mental illness involves the most mysterious part of the human brain, which has endless possibilities.

Maybe your situation is similar to the example I gave - the secondary personality learned all kinds of professional knowledge without your knowledge and committed a perfect crime. "

"Hmm..." Zhou Yuan pinched his chin, his eyes moving slightly: "Why do you think I killed my parents?"


Lu Bo smiled at him, his voice soft and firm, as if conveying a convincing force, "This is my intuition as a psychiatrist."

Zhou Yuan fell silent.

Lu Bo's demeanor and tone were too confident, which made him lack confidence.

If he didn't know that his mental illness was fake, he might have been persuaded by Lu Bo.

Is this a psychic ability? It's really scary...

"It seems like it's been a while. Let's stop here for today. Remember to take your medicine on time when you go back. You can also try to communicate with your secondary personality." Lu Bo said.


On the way back to the ward, Chen Guangxi whispered in Zhou Yuan's ear: "When did your parents die?"

"You don't know?" Zhou Yuan was surprised.

"Why should I know?" Chen Guangxi asked back.

"I thought you had seen my profile."

"Who has the time to watch that?"

"March 101, 3." Zhou Yuan replied.

Chen Guangxi's heart was moved. This date...

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, just asking... Were you still in junior high school at that time?"

"Yeah, in the third year of junior high school. I suddenly received the news of their death during class, and I laughed out loud." Zhou Yuan couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this. "Everyone looked at me strangely, thinking that I couldn't bear the heavy blow and laughed out of sadness. In fact, I was just opening a bottle of champagne."

"..." Chen Guangxi was speechless, "Just my parents, they are nothing to worry about, right?"


"and after?"

"I went to see the bodies later. After confirming their identities, they were sent directly to the crematorium for burning. I scattered their ashes in the garbage dump. Garbage should stay in the garbage dump."

"Then you dropped out of school and started working?"

"Yeah. They owe the bank a loan and use the house as collateral. If they can't pay back the money, the house will be taken away. I don't want to be a street vendor at such a young age and have to work to pay off the debt."

"You have a really hard life." Chen Guangxi couldn't help but sigh.

"Fortunately, the hard times are over. Now that I have become an Extraordinary Person, it is only a matter of time before I reach the pinnacle of my life."

Zhou Yuan chuckled, "How much bonus do you think the Control Bureau will give me for solving this incident?"

"This is considered a Level 4 abnormal event. The prize money alone must be tens of millions. If we can rescue all the Beyonders from various organizations here, those organizations will definitely give us gifts as a thank you..."

Chen Guangxi then slapped Zhou Yuan on the back of his head and said unhappily, "You're popping champagne before the half is even over. Can't you be more steady? Raising flags randomly can lead to trouble!

What are your plans next? "

Zhou Yuan took out his cell phone and checked the time. It was already past 11 o'clock.

"Let's have lunch first."

The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing.

After lunch it was lunch break time. Zhou Yuan took some time to walk around the three buildings, looking for a mezzanine, but unfortunately he was unlucky and found nothing.

At around 1:50, Zhou Yuan put on a white coat, obtained the identity of a medical staff member, and prepared to attend the meeting.

He followed a group of medical staff to the 9th floor of the comprehensive building, where there was a very spacious conference room that could accommodate fifty or sixty people at a time.

Zhou Yuan sat down in a corner, glancing covertly at the many medical staff present.

The second personality gave a hint: "Except for a few new doctors who have just joined the company, everyone here is mentally ill, but not everyone is infected with the rules, weird talk and abnormalities.

Be careful not to have too much contact with these doctors, or you'll be in trouble if you get infected with other abnormalities."

"What will happen if you get other abnormalities?" Zhou Yuan asked curiously.

"Such cross-infection will make the condition more serious and make the chance of survival even slimmer."

The second personality said, "Do you see the pale man over there? He is contaminated by an abnormality called [Flesh Deformation] and must take medicine regularly, otherwise his body will undergo various deformations, such as eyes growing on his arms.

Look at the fifth person on his right. This person is abnormally contaminated by [paranoia] and believes that the drugs in the mental hospital will destroy the spirit and turn people into puppets without emotions and reason.

Guess what happens when these two anomalies come together?"

"Taking the medicine will trigger [paranoia], and not taking the medicine will trigger [blood and flesh distortion]... Damn, the behavior is conflicting. It will be very dangerous whether I take the medicine or not."

"That's right, so you should stay away from this group of people."

The second personality then said to Chen Guangxi on his shoulder, "Sister, can you switch shoulders? It's tiring to keep lying on one shoulder."

Chen Guangxi then slowly stepped on Zhou Yuan's neck and climbed up to his left shoulder, coiled on top of it and waited for the meeting to begin, his tail swinging back and forth.

Although she was invisible and Zhou Yuan couldn't see her, she could clearly feel a small tail brushing against her shoulders, which was very itchy.

At this time, a man in his sixties walked into the meeting room. He was thin, his face was full of wrinkles, his hair was gray and combed meticulously, and he was wearing a clean white coat.

The second personality's voice sounded in my mind:
"The director of the Clear Mind Psychiatric Hospital, a person with super obsessive-compulsive disorder and perfectionism. He is not infected with the rules, weird stories and anomalies, and is not the director mentioned in the rules, weird stories and anomalies."

Zhou Yuan frowned, it seemed that this dean was not the person he was looking for.

Not long after, the meeting began. There was nothing unusual about the content of the discussion, which was mostly about staff training and development, facilities and resource management, discussion and updating of internal rules and regulations, and other boring topics.

Zhou Yuan only listened for a few minutes when he felt sleepy. The hypnotic effect was comparable to that of a math teacher's lecture.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of even breathing next to his ear, and his expression suddenly became strange. Could it be that Chen Guangxi had fallen asleep?

After more than an hour, the meeting finally ended. Many medical staff looked sleepy. It was obvious that no one liked holding meetings.

In the corridor, Chen Guangxi, who was on Zhou Yuan's shoulder, was woken up by Zhou Yuan and yawned: "Is the meeting over?"

"Well, nothing unusual happened, and the dean didn't have any rules or weirdness, so he's not the person we're looking for."

"Do you think the dean in the Rule Tales is Dong Jie?" Chen Guangxi made a guess.

"It's possible. I'll go talk to him this afternoon."

Dong Jie is the source of all the weird talk about the rules. If we were to say who is most likely to be the dean, it must be him.

In the afternoon, it’s time to relax.

"Master Dong, I'm here to see you."

On the playground, Zhou Yuan pulled Dong Jie aside, handed him a piece of chocolate, and asked eagerly, "Master Dong, have you ever heard of Qin Youwen?"

"Qin Youwen?" Dong Jie tore open the chocolate wrapper, but did not eat it all at once. He just took a light bite and enjoyed the delicious taste.

He recalled for a long time, "Oh, there was such a person before, but he broke the rules and was locked up by the dean."

There is a clue! Zhou Yuan was delighted and asked quickly: "Then do you know where he is being held?"

"Where else could it be? Of course it's the special ward. That's where the director keeps disobedient patients."

Dong Jie tasted the chocolate happily, "You must not go to that place. The patients detained there are extremely dangerous patients with serious violent tendencies. Several times, the patients escaped and killed many doctors and security guards."

"I certainly won't rush over there."

Zhou Yuan paused and asked, "Master Dong, do you know where the dean is? I want to ask him something."

"The dean is so elusive that most people can't find him. However..."

Dong Jie rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "I have been here for ten years, and to be frank, there is nothing I can't do in this mental hospital!
If you can give me a few more chocolates, I will help you contact him!"

(End of this chapter)

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