Only Player

Chapter 78 Don’t worry yet

Chapter 78 Don’t worry yet

"You're the one dying!"

Zhou Yuan immediately became unhappy. Isn't this a curse on him?

"Yes, I'm going to die soon, and so are you."

The old man reacted very calmly, holding the paintbrush and continuing to paint on the drawing board, "More than ten years ago, I saw the date of my own death. At first I was terrified and tried every method I could imagine to change the future, but in the end I still couldn't avoid the inevitable death, so I could only accept this arrangement from fate.

After so many years, I have long seen through it. People are born to die. On the contrary, I am luckier than others because I have seen the date of my death in advance. This makes me cherish life more and enjoy the feeling of being alive more in the days to come.

In terms of the wonderfulness of life, I dare say that I am ahead of most people in the world. "

The old man's eyes suddenly became clear, no longer frantic, but with a calm look as if he saw through everything, he looked at Zhou Yuan deeply:

"I'm ready to die, what about you?"


Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes, recalling the tip from the Eye of Appraisal, "Did you see the date of your own death?"

"More than a decade ago, I suffered from a special mental illness called time dislocation. In my perception, time is constantly changing, sometimes speeding up, sometimes slowing down.

One time I finished reading a book in one breath, and when I looked up, the clock on the table showed that only three seconds had passed, but when I went to the toilet to take a shit, three and a half hours had passed quickly..."

"Is there a possibility that you were playing with your phone in the toilet and didn't pay attention to the time?"

Ignoring Zhou Yuan's complaints, the old man explained:

“Not only that, but my mental age would change illogically, sometimes I would age and feel like I was in my 70s or 80s, and sometimes I would regress and think I was still a teenager.

I went to various hospitals but was unable to receive effective treatment until I came here.

This hospital has a mysterious supernatural power that turns my illness into a special ability, allowing me to see my past and future from a unique perspective.

Then I saw the end of my own life.”

The old man sighed: "People are afraid of death, because death is usually accompanied by pain and despair, but in fact, death is often just a matter of a moment. Before you have time to feel anything, everything goes black in front of you, and your consciousness falls into nothingness. Nothing exists, and you can't perceive anything..."

Zhou Yuan frowned: "So what does this have to do with me?"

The old man said simply: "Before I died, I saw you die."

He rotated the drawing board 180 degrees to show the freshly-made painting on it.

It was a painting with great visual impact. Against the dark background was a pool of scarlet blood, on which lay a corpse with its body exploded. Broken flesh, bones, and internal organs were scattered around, which was a shocking sight.

The paint has not yet dried, and the scarlet still retains a moist and bright luster, as if imitating real blood, adding a realistic cruelty to the picture.

What made Zhou Yuan's scalp tingle was that the face of the corpse was exactly the same as his!
What a joke!
He is in disguise now, and the old man has been kept in a special ward. Logically, it is impossible for him to have seen what he looks like, but the face in the painting is clearly him!

Thinking back to the hint from the Eye of Appraisal... could it be that this old man really has some ability to predict the future?
I'm going to die soon? Zhou Yuan felt like he was struck by lightning.

"Look, this is how you died."

The old man showed his white teeth, "Isn't it very miserable and spectacular?"

"You're talking nonsense."

Chen Guangxi was disdainful and slapped Zhou Yuan on the back of his head with his claws. "Why are you so scared? I'm here to protect you. Who can kill you? Isn't he just an old charlatan who is trying to scare people? He gets beaten up eighteen times a day when he sets up a stall. You might as well believe that I'm Qin Shi Huang." "But..."

Chen Guangxi interrupted in a tough manner: "No buts, prophecies are just for fun, don't believe them."

"Hehehe... I knew you would say that."

The old man smiled strangely, stood up and walked to the bed, dragged out a large box from under the bed, opened it, and took out a stack of drawing paper inside.

He walked to the glass and showed the paintings to Zhou Yuan and Chen Guangxi one by one.

Dark clouds filled the sky, lightning danced wildly, and a gorgeous golden dragon and some indescribable strange creature were fighting in the sky;

In the dilapidated ruins, a man with a dark aura was fighting a bloody battle with a huge monster covered in animal hair;
Above the bustling city, the sky collapsed, the stars went out, and a huge and deep black giant descended. The most brilliant lights and the tallest skyscrapers were eclipsed by it and could only become faint dust under the feet of the giant...

The tone of each painting is extremely heavy and depressing, as if the end of the world has come.


Chen Guangxi pondered for a moment and pointed to one of the paintings. "Is the city you painted Xinhu?"


The old man nodded, his eyes revealing deep fear, "I don't know what that thing is, but it is coming...with destruction and death..."

"Oh shit……"

Chen Guangxi cursed softly, took out his cell phone from his storage ring, and took pictures of the paintings one by one.

Zhou Yuan was dumbfounded: "Didn't you say that this old man is a charlatan and shouldn't be trusted?"

"in case."

Chen Guangxi sent the painting and basic information to the Control Bureau. "One of the rules for investigators: No matter how absurd and unreasonable the intelligence is, as long as it involves major issues, it must not be taken lightly and must be reported immediately.

If it is a false alarm, it will only take some time and manpower to verify it. But if it is true... then we can take timely action to avoid possible disasters and minimize the losses."

So you still believe it...

Zhou Yuan was helpless and asked in his heart: "Do you think this prophecy is true or false?"

The second personality answered: "The prediction for Ding Zhen is: Send!"


"This old man didn't lie. He can indeed travel through time to his future self, and the pictures he drew are all real. Unfortunately, we may really have to send them now."

The second personality sighed, "If I had known this would happen, why would you have stopped me in the ward? It would have been great to have a good time before I die."

Zhou Yuan was stunned: "Fuck, are you serious? Then why are you so calm? We are going to die!"

"Don't be anxious. I can only say that you should be in a hurry."

The second personality said in a deep voice, "As a subconscious, I can vaguely feel that there are some special secrets about us. I can't tell what it is, but I can be sure that we won't die that easily."

(End of this chapter)

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