Chapter 124 What to do next year
I saw Zhang Kaiwu say this.

Liang Hongyu explained awkwardly:

"Kaiwu! But if your family doesn't take me in, I'll be dead!"

"Yesterday I actually wanted you to help me get my land and house back. If I stay in the village, I can grow crops and support myself!"

"I still have dozens of kilograms of wheat at home. I can exchange it for some grains. I will definitely be able to make it until the corn harvest, and then I can survive."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked:
"Hongyu! If you just think you can get through this year, what are you going to do next year!?"

"What should I do if I need to cultivate the land? Can you cultivate it? If the land is not cultivated deeply, it will not be good for planting. How will I pay the rent next year?"

Qin Huairu, a rural love expert, also advised:
"Don't even mention that you live alone in that village. What can we do about the widows in Qinjiatun and the relatives who support us?"

"Except for a few pretty girls, they can still flirt and do business with others to help them farm the land. The other widows can't even grow corn on their land. They were replaced with worse land this year."

"Two of our companies have given their land to others. If things continue like this, we don't know how we'll survive next year. We might as well go begging in Beiping."

Liang Hongyu: “…………”

Qin Huairu said with a smile:
"What? You don't believe it? My brother went to help plow the land, but was caught by my sister-in-law, who scolded him for several days!"

"Are you going to do the same thing then, looking for a wild man to plow the land?!"

Zhang Kaiwu saw that Liang Hongyu was very embarrassed, so he pinched Qin Huairu and asked her to stop talking.

He smiled and said:

"Hongyu! Don't listen to Huairu. Go to Beiping City to beg for food."

"Fortunately, you didn't run into Beiping City. Those who were fleeing were stopped outside the city."

"When I came back, I saw that in order to maintain order, the city of Beiping would not let them in."

Qin Huairu exclaimed in surprise, “Ah!”
He quickly asked:

"Brother Kaiwu! If this continues, what will happen to these people?!"

Zhang Kaiwu asked with a smile:
"Sister Huairu! How about I take her home and raise her?"

Qin Huairu blushed and pushed him with her head.

Liang Hongyu blushed and said stubbornly:
"Kaiwu! I won't beg for food!"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Now that you are here, just stay here and feel at ease. My family doesn't need you to make a living. Just work hard for me in the future, and that will be my reward."

Liang Hongyu said gratefully:
"Kaiwu! I'll do it well."


Zhang Kaiwu chatted for a while and the dough was fermented.

He kneaded the dough skillfully, cut it and steamed the buns.

Qin Huairu smiled and started to make a fire again.

Zhang Kaiwu quickly cut and prepared the vegetables, and started cooking after the steamed buns were ready.

I prepared five dishes and a soup and waited for his dinner to be ready.

The young lady and Liang Ladi also got up, and they set the table and started eating.

Qin Huairu held a steamed bun with fried pork shreds in it and said with a smile:

"It's delicious! Brother Kaiwu's cooking is still the best. I can't cook it this way."

The young lady looked at her angrily and said:

"Next time your brother Kaiwu is out, you can cook and show us your cooking skills."

Zhang Kaiwu persuaded his second sister-in-law with a smile, saying:

"Hongyu! Eat your food! Don't be polite! Ladi, take good care of your sister."

Qin Huairu said with a smile:
"Sister Zhaodi! I only know how to make cornmeal porridge. If you don't mind my cooking skills, we can eat cornmeal porridge every day."

The young lady glanced at Zhang Kaiwu angrily, and he immediately understood.

Kill her for me tonight!
He gave her a look in return, meaning, I'll listen to you and beat her to death.

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Young lady! Eat quickly, and we'll talk later!"

He quickly picked up a piece of food for his sister-in-law and asked:

"Sister-in-law! Come and play with us tonight. I want to see how you are doing in your studies."

My sister-in-law was very smart and found something wrong with his words.

I thought of what sister Huairu said about Zhang Kaiwu's academic performance. You talk to me about studying! ?
The sister-in-law finally got back on track and said with a smile:
"Brother-in-law! Okay. I heard from Sister Huairu that you didn't pass the elementary school exam!? You are so persistent!"

"Let's learn from each other later. I just finished elementary education five years ago. I'm afraid I have forgotten it. Please give me some guidance later."

Zhang Kaiwu chuckled.

He glanced at Qin Huairu, who was so scared that she continued eating seriously and didn't dare to look at him.

When you have the ability, revenge never waits.

He took out a student ID from his trouser pocket and handed it to Qin Huairu.

He patted her and said with a smile:
"Sister Huairu! Take a closer look at this thing. Do you recognize the words on it?"

Qin Huairu picked up the little notebook awkwardly and looked at it. There was a photo in it, a person she recognized.

It's her man.

She only recognized a few characters of the others, and she knew Zhang Kaiwu's name.

I recognize a few of the others, but unfortunately I don’t have the ability to connect them together and recognize the content.

She was embarrassed and was about to say something.

The sister-in-law snatched it away, took a quick look, hugged him awkwardly and said with a smile:

"Brother-in-law~Ah! What I just said was said by Sister Huairu, but I absolutely do not believe it. How can you be dumber than Sister Huairu!?"

"Absolutely impossible! I would never believe such a ridiculous thing even if you kill me!"

The young lady took the student ID, looked at it again and again with a smile, then carefully folded it and handed it to Zhang Kaiwu.

He smiled and said:

"Kaiwu! Did you hide your incompetence when you were in school? Are you so precocious?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"I have been smart since I was young and have a photographic memory. In times of chaos and chaos, of course I have to hide my talent."

"You've done so much to stand out, but your life is in danger! It's a disgrace to Zhongyong!"

The young lady pinched him and said angrily:
"I was wondering why you were so stupid before. I couldn't teach you no matter what. Turns out you were lying!"

"You're really good at hiding! I was angry and hit your palm, do you remember?"

After rubbing her, Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"I had forgotten all about it, but now that you mentioned it, I remember it. Just wait, I'll call you back twice as much tonight!"

The young lady gave him a coquettish look and ate with a smile on her face.

Qin Huairu asked curiously and awkwardly:

"Brother Kaiwu! What did you just take out?"

The sister-in-law looked at her with contempt and said:

"My brother-in-law is a student at Union Medical College, and that's his student ID. Didn't you say that your brother Kaiwu didn't even know which way the university door opened?"

"What!?" Qin Huairu looked at him.

"Brother Kaiwu! You said you were a college student? You didn't go to your fourth concubine and make a fake one!?"

The young lady looked at him with charming eyes and said:

"Sister Huairu, do you want to get beaten? How can a college student have fake photos? There is a stamp on his photo with his student number, how can it be fake!?"

"Kaiwu! Tell me quickly, why did you go to college?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"My dear! At first, I just wanted to learn the medical skills so that I could have more convenience in my life in the future."

"I met Zhiyin when I went to the university to attend classes, and I took her as my concubine. When I went there this time, she advised me to get a university student identity first, so that it would be easier for me to do things in the future."

"I thought I had nothing to do anyway, so I went to get a college diploma. After I graduate from college, I can get a good job and make a living to support my family."

"If I really can't do it anymore, I'll just have to become an official."


What a pity they didn’t get the joke!

Instead, it felt normal.

In this era, studying can make money faster than becoming an official. People only become officials when they can't continue studying anymore.

Being an official is the only choice!

The young lady looked at him with charming eyes and said enviously:
"Kaiwu! You are amazing. Looking at the date on your student ID card, you are about to graduate. With such a tight schedule, can you do well in the exam?"

The sister-in-law looked at him and said admiringly:
"Brother-in-law! You are so amazing, please teach me!"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Don't worry, young lady. I have already finished those courses and those things. I have started to study further and plan to continue studying after graduation."

He said to his sister-in-law, "Stop talking about this! Sister-in-law! I'll test your homework later to see what you have learned."

Qin Huairu was shocked by the news and was still thinking about her life. Is Brother Kaiwu going to be an official now?
The sister-in-law blushed and said with her head down:

"Brother-in-law! I studied the same things as my sister, the Four Books and Five Classics. Some of the things I learned from my father are not recognized as academic qualifications outside."

"It's totally useless, it's just fun!"

"How can I go to a decent school with the conditions at home?!"

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her head and consoled her with a smile:

"How can it be useless? Knowledge is interoperable. You can study with your new textbook in the future."

"It only takes a few days to switch over. In fact, no matter what you study, it's equally effective."

"If you are good at Chinese studies, you can be taught by professors. But for someone like Huairu, it's useless to learn anything! She is too stupid!"

Qin Huairu rolled her eyes shyly and said, "You are right!"
My sister-in-law said with emotion:

"Brother-in-law! I get it. I like to read, but I don't have a textbook to study with!"

Looking at Qin Huairu who was looking at him with bulging eyes, Zhang Kaiwu hugged his sister-in-law and said:
"Next year when you go to Beijing, you will have everything there. I'll find a good teacher to teach you. If you like, continue studying."

The sister-in-law was moved and kissed him. He smiled and pinched her little face. The young lady hurriedly said:

"Kaiwu! If you want to send her to school, how much money will it cost to establish a relationship?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"You can earn your money back if you both go to school. It will be easier for you to find a job after you finish your studies. It can be considered an investment!"

"Girl, if you learn a little new knowledge, you can find a good job. You can work and earn money during the day, and come back to warm my bed at night."

The young lady excitedly squeezed over to sit on his lap, hugged him and said:
"Kaiwu! You're so nice."

Qin Huairu said beside her with bulging eyes:
"Brother Kaiwu! I want to study too."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Sister Huairu! You don't need to do that. Studying is too tiring. Go and be an official in the university."

Qin Huairu said shyly:

"Brother Kaiwu! That won't do! I still have some self-awareness."

It turns out that I married a college student! ?
Even Liang Ladi, who was dumbfounded by what she heard, said with contempt:

"Sister Huairu! You are too diligent. You only know how to wash clothes and cook cornmeal porridge. You are suitable to have a baby at home. Don't think too much!"

Qin Huairu stared at her: "I can write my own name! How about you?"

Liang Ladi said angrily:

"I've only been learning from Sister Zhaodi for a few days, and I can already write my own name."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Stop arguing! When the young lady learns it later, she will teach you guys together."



Finished dinner.

Liang Ladi took her sister to familiarize herself with the environment, wash dishes, and learn about household affairs.

Liang Ladi got a small mill and ground the wheat with her sister.

This wheat needs to be ground into flour on a small mill, and it needs to be ground four or five times.

And the flour ground out is standard whole wheat flour, the bran is not removed, and the flour is very yellow in color.

Mixed with a little bit of bran.

It doesn't matter, it tastes healthier.

The reason why the big mill went bankrupt was because every household had such a small mill.

Very convenient!

Grinding flour, grinding corn, grinding beans, grinding chili powder...

Zhang Kaiwu didn't want to pay attention to them either. He knew that letting Liang Hongyu be busy and help out would make her feel better.

Liang Ladi and her sister would feel uncomfortable if they just ate and did nothing.

There is no sense of contribution at home.

This is how poor people think!

When eating, I think about working hard, otherwise I’m afraid of being kicked out.


It was still very early in the day, and he was lying on the bed, holding a cigarette and playing with two large walnuts.

Zhang Kaiwu was reading a medical book while Qin Huairu was kneeling there, busy massaging his legs.

The young lady and her sister-in-law were looking through the books that Zhang Kaiwu brought back with great interest.

I chat with Zhang Kaiwu from time to time and talk about these books.

They asked curiously about some things, and Zhang Kaiwu explained them from time to time.

This is the current social situation.

Although the young ladies knew nothing about medicine, books containing new knowledge were very novel to them.

Knowledge is a very luxurious thing nowadays.

Even though the old scholar and the young lady are both teachers, they can't even afford to buy new textbooks.

This includes many students who are studying new subjects. They may even copy their textbooks themselves and then attend the classes as auditors.

These professional books of Zhu Zhiyin have to be bought by Zhang Kaiwu, which is difficult to buy even if you have money.

This is an era of rare things, with all kinds of rare things happening.

Although there were primary, secondary, high and university schools during this period, they were all in big cities.

Small cities don't have it.

For example, there are a total of twenty middle schools in the entire southwest.

There were also middle schools in Peking, including girls' middle schools.

Although there are few schools, all of them provide free education and there is no such thing as tuition fees.

As for whether or not to allow you to go to school, that is idealism.

This new learning has nothing to do with the countryside.

So when Zhang Kaiwu said he would send the sisters to school, the young lady was so happy.

Because it seems difficult for women to go to school, but in fact it is not a simple thing at all.

Free things are the most luxurious.

It’s going to cost a lot of money!

Zhang Kaiwu's idea was very simple. If it didn't work, he would let Xiaohua and Zhu Zhiyin teach the young ladies.

Hang out with Zhu Zhiyin for a while.

I don’t know what studying will be like next year!
If the young lady transforms her knowledge, there will be no problem for her to become a primary school teacher.

We’ll talk about it after my sister-in-law has learned it. Even if she doesn’t work, it’s a good thing to gain some knowledge.

All the girls in brothels have to learn this before they can be sold for a high price.


My sister-in-law was flipping through a book, her concentration was so great that her face turned red with embarrassment.

Zhang Kaiwu glanced at him and said with a smile:

"Sister-in-law! These things about giving birth are still a little far from you. There is no need to understand them so seriously."

The sister-in-law closed the book in panic, her face blushing and she was ready to run away.

Zhang Kaiwu pulled her over, hugged her and asked in a low voice:

"Sister-in-law! Are you curious about where babies come from? It's okay!"

"I was also very curious when I was a kid, it's human nature."

"For a long time, I thought babies popped out of belly buttons."

The young lady looked at him with a smile.

The sister-in-law blushed and looked at him curiously, looking very cute.

Pinching her little face and her long braids, Zhang Kaiwu asked the young lady with a smile:

"Young lady! Haven't you taught Pan Di these life knowledge?"

The young lady pinched him angrily and said:

"Kaiwu! Who would teach those things? Usually the mother would tell them before the girl gets married, and some people wouldn't even know how to tell them."

"Sister Huairu has returned home. Isn't it Mother Qin who is confirming the situation? Aren't the sisters-in-law teaching her? "

"What if we become too familiar with each other and lose etiquette, and my husband becomes suspicious?"

Qin Huairu smiled and said:

"Brother Kaiwu! I really didn't know at the time. I only knew that my mother told me to tighten my belt. She also said that men's heads and women's waists can't be touched. I don't even know what she was talking about!?"

He believed this. The way Qin Huairu pulled her belt looked a little silly!

Zhang Kaiwu played with the two small walnuts and looked at his sister-in-law's blushing face.

He said with a smile:

"Young lady, my sister-in-law is not afraid of these things. I will personally teach her how to do it. You can show her a lesson so that she won't be so curious and get cheated in the future."

The young lady pinched him again in anger and asked, "Have I been fooled by you?"

After twisting it, she bent down with a smile and continued to work.

By the way, he also pulled Qin Huairu over. Kaiwu liked to watch her shy look, and the way she drank was unique.

The young lady is like this, she will not refuse Zhang Kaiwu’s request.

The young lady had the same idea as Zhang Kaiwu. Given Pan Di's situation, it would be impossible for her to marry an outsider in the future.

For the sake of her sister's happiness, the young lady would not let her marry someone else.

Even if Kaiwu got the tiger's heart blood to remove the evil spirit from her, she might not be able to have children after she gets married.

What if the tragedy that happened to the young lady happens again to Pan Di?
It would be better to give it to Kaiwu. At least he can guarantee to treat Pandi well.

I will not discriminate against her because of the evil spirit of the White Tiger.

The sisters live together and can take care of each other.

Qin Huairu looked at her sister-in-law with a smile and started to perform hard.

Deep feelings, one gulp.

From time to time, he would look at her with seductive eyes and tease his sister-in-law.

What it means is that what's the point of being good at studying? You still have to study with me! ?

But Qin Huairu didn't dare to go too far in front of the young lady, because she was really afraid that the young lady would beat her.

The key point is that Brother Kaiwu asked the young lady to take care of her and Liang Ladi, and the young lady had every reason to beat them up. It’s too late for her to get started!
(End of this chapter)

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